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  • RMweb Premium

Hockey watched tonight. Colder than usual in Blackburn Ice Arena - its alter ego is "The Fridge"

It's usually a good game between the Hawks and the Whitkey Warriors and tonight was no exception.

Looking like a goal-less 1st period until Whitley scored with 45 seconds or so left.


At the end of the second period it was 0-3 and one of those "how the h&ll is that the score?" games as the Hawks were playing quite well. Probably down to Whitley's resolute defence TBH.


0-4 with just over 5 minutes to go in the final period, and 2-4 two minutes later.........

The Hawks pulled the goalie for an extra skater with 2 minutes to go to try and get the last couple of goals, but Whitley held on and managed an empty net goal to make it 2-5.


Odd result for what looked like an evenly matched encounter.

First time I've seen Whitley take the points at The Fridge Hawks Nest.

Can't get to tomorrow night's game which is a return match between these two teams.

I've been to Hillhead rink in Whitley once and the only redeeming feature is the chips 'n' gravy from the cafe.


The next game I watch will be Redwings v Panthers.................. and I won't need warm clothing.


Have a good Sunday folks.




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  • RMweb Premium

Why on earth would you scramble an egg which is perfectly good fried? And why oh why add garlic??? ;)


To each their own of course. It isn’t unknown for Yours Truly to order the Full English (eggs fried and flipped - “over easy” in American terminology) whilst SWMBO opts for Eggs Benedict or scrambled with salmon. Tomorrow morning however it will be French Toast, crispy bacon and maple syrup for two with lots of tea. And without the need to trek out to a cafe at an hour known only to the lycra-clad brigade.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Well today’s been a very wet day, so no work was done outside, in fact we haven’t even unlocked the front door today. So it’s been a bit of a lazy day, more time has been spent tidying up in the cellar and I have also done some more research.


Brownie points were earned this afternoon, when I dismantled the vacuum cleaner and cleaned out all the filters!


The rest of the evening was once again spent on the sofa with Sheila, a bottle of red, catching up on some recorded TV.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

I picked up a book in the antiques market today on Warwick the Kingmaker. I couldn't resist after reading the cover flap

"Is there any other man in English history so well known and so little known about?...Tudor writers were so intent on depicting the victory of Henry Tudor as part of the pattern of God's justice, that Warwick was regarded only as a bellicose baron in the hurly-burly of civil strife from which England had been rescued."


Now if I can only get a bunch of days to read it in. 

Edited by BR60103
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Why on earth would you scramble an egg which is perfectly good fried? And why oh why add garlic??? ;)




Scrambled egg made with sherry (no cream), a few herbs and S&P I find more palatable than fried or poached egg

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Good morning one and all


As some will know already, I made the trek to Pontcanna scout hut yesterday for the Cardiff small show.  It rained rather a lot and there were patches of fog in the Cotswolds.  There being no visible cafeteria in Tesco at Chepstow, it was necessary to repair to Magor services for breakfast.  I noted with a little dismay that petrol in Cardiff is even more expensive than in Bedford.  Gad, I will never understand the petrol market.  At the show it was good to meet so many RMwebbers, including some for the first time.


I wanted to make the trip by rail for a number of reasons.  This was my second trip to Cardiff in less than a fortnight.  It's about 160 miles each way, which makes a bit of a hole in my weekly mileage budget of 200 miles.  Unfortunately I could find no more competitive a fare from Paddington to Cardiff than £50 return, which compares unfavourably with the £17.30 return that Virgin charged for a return from MK to Manchester in December.  On top of that I would have had to get to and across London and unravel the local bus network in Cardiff, which is not the same since the silly bu99ers abolished the bus station at Cardiff Central.  So the car it had to be if I were to go at all.  It is alarming that some were expecting me.  Am I that predictable?


Today I must crack on with the report of a meeting which I did not attend.  From the papers supplied to me the talk did not make a great deal of sense and I predict with some confidence that there will be bad language somewhere in the process.   As a reward, other than the type which believers tell me is to be found in heaven, there is sirloin steak for lunch.  At what hour?  Who knows?


To all who are ailing, recovering or missing I proffer warm thoughts



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Mooring awl, inner temple here.

After an hours sleep last night I woke with cramp in one leg, while trying to sort that the other joined in. The worst cramp I've had in many years, going up and down step ladders definitely upsets different muscles....


I've woken with sniffles, and a sore throat, hopefully it's just something minor.


Of other medical matters I received two letters yesterday, one was a change of dentist / appointment date at our practice, which is part of a chain. We hope our new dentist is as good as the old one. Youngish dentists seem to join this practice for a few years, before going off to become a partner somewhere.


The second was the results of the previously mentioned poo tests, they were "normal" as they put it. It's strange that even though you have no Reason to think you would have a bad result you are nervous about opening the letter.


I raise eggy breakfasts with two bacon butties to be had later. Bacon, and egg butties are also available,also sausage butties sometimes. Some sailing club members come down just for breakfast and a chat even if they are not sailing.


Time for a mugacoffee followed by a strepcil.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A quick glance outside tells me that it is dry but after a few bright spells cloud will thicken bringing persistent rain. (according to the fortune tellers)

Up early for a Sunday and tea has been taken to The Boss who is still talking to me and in fact has offered to get up and prepare some food. My universe and parts seem to be intact!  :whistle:

With regard to the two breakfasts above I would prefer Amber's.  :yes:  

Looking forward to my first show visit of the year and will see at least two ERs there. This afternoon's rugby will have to be recorded for later consumption. There will also be consumption of a different kind once I've got home and parked the car.

Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning one and all


As some will know already, I made the trek to Pontcanna scout hut yesterday for the Cardiff small show.  It rained rather a lot and there were patches of fog in the Cotswolds.  There being no visible cafeteria in Tesco at Chepstow, it was necessary to repair to Magor services for breakfast.  I noted with a little dismay that petrol in Cardiff is even more expensive than in Bedford.  Gad, I will never understand the petrol market.  At the show it was good to meet so many RMwebbers, including some for the first time.


I wanted to make the trip by rail for a number of reasons.  This was my second trip to Cardiff in less than a fortnight.  It's about 160 miles each way, which makes a bit of a hole in my weekly mileage budget of 200 miles.  Unfortunately I could find no more competitive a fare from Paddington to Cardiff than £50 return, which compares unfavourably with the £17.30 return that Virgin charged for a return from MK to Manchester in December.  On top of that I would have had to get to and across London and unravel the local bus network in Cardiff, which is not the same since the silly bu99ers abolished the bus station at Cardiff Central.  So the car it had to be if I were to go at all.  It is alarming that some were expecting me.  Am I that predictable?


Today I must crack on with the report of a meeting which I did not attend.  From the papers supplied to me the talk did not make a great deal of sense and I predict with some confidence that there will be bad language somewhere in the process.   As a reward, other than the type which believers tell me is to be found in heaven, there is sirloin steak for lunch.  At what hour?  Who knows?


To all who are ailing, recovering or missing I proffer warm thoughts




Now, working on a recommended mileage rate of 50p per mile , 320 miles = £160.00 in terms of fuel and wear-and-tear on the car, let alone the stress caused to the driver and the possibility of another deer!


£50.00 return?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spent some of yesterday evening browsing the Steam Dreams catalogue and spotted a trip to the West Somerset Railway in August. I am seriously thinking of booking for that trip though its not discounted like the one in March. Weather here is much the same as in GDB's neck of the woods. Off out to dispose of a few modelling tokens shortly, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a cool and cloudy village. The boss has been up watching something she taped and has now gone back to bed. The infection is obviously still fighting. We did have breakfast out, very nice it was, yesterday morning and did the two errands that were needed.


I'm definitely feeling better but there are still a few remnants hanging on somewhere. I even managed to clear part of the modelling room floor yesterday. Yes there really is a floor but no the black hole entrance has still not been discovered.


Church this morning for me then I will have to play it by ear. I think that I will be cooking tea and some chicken is thawing as I type. Apart from that not a lot to report.


Good to hear positive news from Debs.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Why on earth would you scramble an egg which is perfectly good fried? And why oh why add garlic??? ;)


To each their own of course. It isn’t unknown for Yours Truly to order the Full English (eggs fried and flipped - “over easy” in American terminology) whilst SWMBO opts for Eggs Benedict or scrambled with salmon. Tomorrow morning however it will be French Toast, crispy bacon and maple syrup for two with lots of tea. And without the need to trek out to a cafe at an hour known only to the lycra-clad brigade.


I've got to agree about the garlic. And also on the chacun a son gout sentiment. 

But your mention of scrambled egg and salmon reminds me it is time to book my B&B for this summer's trip to "up north". 

I opted for their version of scrambled eggs and salmon once - never again. The salmon had been cured and then cooked, turning it grey in the process. 

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Miserable day here so far, with rain and occasional sleet. Today’s planned walk at low tide may need to be delayed to later in the day. Yesterday I did manage my daily walk on the beach as the tide was coming in, and literally just completed the beach section with about 30 seconds to spare. Any later and I would have got very wet feet!


Afternoon spent clearing a room to mount an indoor bike adapter so I can use my bike indoors for exercise. However, as there was rugby on, I seemed to spend more time watching that than clearing the room. I will finish the job today, then clean and service the bike before trying to fix it to the adapter.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  We have much the same weather as Simon, about twenty minutes before he gets it!  Very windy, sleety rain here at notalot above sea level, snow on the tops with the main road to Douglas over the mountain closed. Normal, then.


We're taking Jayne out for lunch (veggie place for her - yeuch as far as I am concerned) then I predict laziness.  I was going to venture down to the garage to try and work out what has happened with that Austerity, but its so windy I don't want to waste fuel in the kerosene heater as it will just disperse in the draughts.  It does a fine job when its not windy, even if the temperature is very low outside, but the garage has too much 'advantageous ventilation' as they used to call it when I did CORGI courses years ago.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have an unplanned shopping trip this morning. We have a poorly dog. He has I assume eaten something on one of his park jaunts that had "disagreed" with his digestive systems. He won't eat his usual food and doesn't seem to want even his favourite treats. So off to Aldi I shall go in search of a bag of frozen white fish. That mixed with rice usually deals with doggy digestive problems.


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Now, working on a recommended mileage rate of 50p per mile , 320 miles = £160.00 in terms of fuel and wear-and-tear on the car, let alone the stress caused to the driver and the possibility of another deer!


£50.00 return?


Agree, however people tend to think in terms of the marginal cost of a car journey and not the whole cost.  And Chris was absolutely right about the buses - due to the ludicrous idea of constructing some massive edifice for the BBC on the site of the 'bus station immediately in front of Cardiff General, sorry Central (although it isn't) station the arrivist now faces two problems.  Firstly where the stop is for the bus you require and secondly how to actually get there round the over large building site - identifying the bus stop and route isn't too difficult if you've looked it up on the 'net.  But getting there requires a reasonably intimate knowledge of past Cardiff back streets (the one in question now not quite as 'back' as it used to be when once used for nefarious purposes) or a longer walk via St Mary Street.  Enroute, via either route, you have to pass 'The Great Western' which watering hole was the scene of the final hour or so of my epic, 6 hour long, oral examination in Rules & Regulations a little over 45 years ago.


Anyway back to earth and Good Morning all,


The weather outside is snowing and has been for the past couple of hours and some of it is settling.  For amusement Mrs Stationmaster followed the advice given in the ads on the telly and 'asked Alexa' who apparently lives within her Kindle device.  Now when I ask things of Siri on the Mac I always say 'please' but Mrs Stationmaster ignored this pleasantry and Alexa seemingly took revenge and replied that it was cloudy with rain showers later.  Siri - addressed politely - replied accurately even giving me a little local weather forecast for the rest of today.  Clearly it pays to be polite to these ethereal inhabitants of our electronic devices although Alexa could at least open and play 'Let It Snow' whereas Siri presumed it to be a film and apologised that she couldn't open it.  I wonder which of these ladies could navigate us to the correct bus stop in Cardiff, or anywhere else come to that?


The kettle is one so no doubt third mugatea will be available before long, I must hurry up and finish the second one.


Have a good day one and all and good wishes to the ailing and recovering - hoping that Debs is now firmly among the latter group.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't have access to Siri or Alexa when walking but I have used the Google maps route option when in strange towns. It does offer alternative routes too. You can use it to give audible directions as well. This does assume possession of a smartphone though.

Edited by Tony_S
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Still snowing here - heavier now.


Today I'm going to do more to my lectures on Global Warming, which is not irony, as the snow is the normal weather pattern for January. However what causes it nd the rapid thaw is evidence of climatic instability, which I will be pointing out. 

Edited by Coombe Barton
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