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Good indeed to hear of Debs and that things might be looking up even if only a little.  Little things count.


Waiting to receive confirmation that mother's stair-lift has ben successfully installed today and - maybe - even tested by her.  Visiting is still subject to me making a full recovery (no random hacking and snotting) which is yet to be achieved to  anyone's satisfaction.  But like the train to Haslemere it is surely coming!


Things were nowhere near normal when some signals at Vauxhall decided to throw a tantrum.  First we noticed was an up Exeter which was unusually sat at Vauxhall for almost a half-hour.  Thankfully the already-thin main line service actually helped mitigate the log-jam.  Hiccups spread to the down locals.  Good luck to those trying to get home tonight.  You will get there, but probably not at the expected time and potentially not with the normal accommodation available.  


Now to relax and catch up on a little voluntary work at the computer which has been deferred owing to my being unwell.  


Bins out tonight; upsets and mess will be guarded against by the creation of a "fox line".  Apparently a fox will seldom cross a line of male human wee so in simple terms I shall place the bins out and - errrr - create a circle of "territorial marking" around them!  Good thing it's dark.


Best to all.

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BIN day, music to the ears if your BIN overflows, except the music is always rather too early for most... :O

Hopefully THIS week they'll also take the Christmas tree that's been sat out there a while now - not sure why they were reluctant last week :jester:


Nothing of note yesterday, a mild argument with the brake hangers on the Parkside Brake van, but all in position now - whatever genius decided to provide NO registration marks to align the four separate components should be given 20 years looking at poor Lima models tail-chasing for penance.


Not the best nights sleep, somehow an 18lb dog seems and feels more like 200lbs when she's moving around in the night, almost shoved me off the bed!


-4 and sunny headed for a high of 3.


Heading into POETS, let's look for an improvement in everyone's health that's ailing.

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Well I got home counting 8 fallen trees on the way, mostly they had fallen away from the roads.


But when I got home I had to drive in carefully, one of the new gateway walls I had built, has mostly blown down. This was the wall the bin cupboard is in and they blew out of just before I left. SWMBO reports the wall went just after i left for work. The bit with the bin cupboards survived.

Further inspection round the garden, shows two trees down, as well as branches up to 8 inches in diameter ripped off.

One good thing my half finished alleyway roof survived intact.


This means Saturdays plan, is try to get as much done on the alley as possible before we get a gale from another direction. Then do some more clearing up of broken wall and planning on something stronger...

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One of my colleagues once had to submit a form 1 to explain damage to a Panda car.  It had been hit by a wind blown site hut whilst parked..   For some reason he got some stick about that.   




A friend had to argue an insurance claim for damage to a car caused by a small tree crossing the road horizontally about two feet off the ground in a gale on the Black Mount.

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A day spent taking SWMBO to three hospital appointments, for three different things!  One OK, one just have to wait but its nothing muchly important, and one sent for more investigation (MRI) as it is 'probably' OK, but.  I hate buts.  We hate buts.


Arrived home to a private message from Debs as well as her Facebook post, with an explanatory sitrep.  I won't be sharing it here of course, but she is at least in a place where she can send such messages now.  Such a lovely lady.

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Hey up! Waiting of a plane to take us to sheeptoiletcowtoilet. 


My nephew lives somewhere near there....



Afternoon all. My lower back is now down to 47 shades of fecked. 




Naughty bin now sitting in the corner with 30kg of full rubble sack on his head. 




I hope someone else did the sack lifting.....


I've just returned from my second visit to back cracker. 

The jury is still out of it's working, but it doesn't help when I start to ache within two minutes of sitting on his waiting room chairs.

At least sleep is doing well with the new regime of Gabapentin.


And related to the current weather topic, these painkillers seem to be less - how shall I put it - windy..................


POETS if you can, I don't need to!

Rostered two days off. There may be some holiday shopping done and much planning for taking my layout to BRM Doncaster. Any other spare time may be allocated to mudelling.




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I've had a message for Sinter Jen and from Debs, who seems to be back to some of her old humour.

FB friends of Deb may also have received messages.


I'm in correspondence to find out what she wants posted here.


It was very serious, it continues to be serious, but at least she's out of CCU and back on Wifi.


I'll post when I've heard back

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Visit to dentist was interesting! I had appointments with both dentist and hygienist. The latter, who is a very nice woman, advised me to maintain my healthy diet, but if I did want the occasional treat, I would be better with a chocolate bar such as a Mars Bar rather than sweets etc. A dental professional advising me to eat chocolate - I think I am in love!!

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One of my colleagues once had to submit a form 1 to explain damage to a Panda car.  It had been hit by a wind blown site hut whilst parked..   For some reason he got some stick about that.   



I remember a cartoon -- two soldiers and one is filling out a form for a lost rifle or something. "Now I know why the captain goes down with his ship."

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Morning All,


Despite exceedingly rough weather yesterday, We seem to have weathered the storm Ok. Six people lost their lives in Germany yesterday.


Rather ironically, I was on a business trip down to Karlsruhe and ended up travelling right at the height of the storm.


It is a much calmer day today!


Thinking of Debs.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday a slot became available and the ironing was done.  Some m*d*ll*ng also took place and I am waiting to find how quickly or otherwise Humbrol satin black dries.


Today, once the fodder run has been accomplished, I am having a sort of working lunch with a friend.  As you may recall, one of the things I do is write the reports of the monthly meetings of the LCGB Bedford branch.  When the last one took place I was in Cologne, which presents obvious difficulties in writing an account.  Hopefully by the end of the day I will have some idea of what took place and be able to concoct something readable.


I may not post tomorrow morning as if all goes to plan there will be an early start.  Hold that thought and join me in proffering warm thoughts to the ailing, recovering and missing.



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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Still Here,

A slightly better nights sleep of about 5 hours and no Noise from outside.


 I don't buy catalogues, neither do I buy clothing with adverts for the makers on them, if you want me to wear an advert you pay...


A big contrast to yesterday, scraping the Ice from the landrover, then driving past the wreakage of the wall...


 The problem with yesterdays wind was, that the wall that blew down was at an angle to the house making the gateway wider at the front therefore the 80mph wind found itself in a dead end and needed out taking the wall with it. It looks like the wall where it got thinner as it approached the house blew out taking a thicker section with it, quite how I'm going to get round this I'm not yet sure..


 Oh although the UK didn't name the storm someone on the continent did, thanks a bunch Frederike...


Time to go into battle with a bunch of Shunts...

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Humbrol satin black dries reasonably well. I ran out of Matt black so had to use th satin to patch my H class. One advantage is that I didn’t need to aplly gloss varnish prior to fixing the new numbers.


Morning from a much calmer Surrey.


A few pints of Harvey's Old last night eased the pain in my back which has only started since having to use the Thameslink 700s. Maybe or maybe not a coincidence but the seats are so hard and uncomfortable. Our trains still the usual 5 to 10 minutes late virtually every journey since Xmas but at least we didn’t have trees down on our route yesterday unlike those in th Haslemere area and also on the East Grinstead Line.


A couple of packages arrived yesterday. Finally ordered and received a Digikeijs DCC all singing and dancing interface that I have been toying with until Andrew C told me how good his was. Also an N gauge Thunderbird loco ready for when the N scale Pendolinos land in this country in the next few weeks. It would be good to find a photo of a real one being dragged through Banbury but doubt that has happened. We will be applying rule 1.


Hoping for POETs today although I am on our annual safety course today.

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Morning all and generic greetings, congrats, commiserations as appropriate. It was good to see Debs posting on Facebook. I sincerely hope that she is on the mend.


The cause of the loud noise from the previous night was found as I left for work yesterday. Our bin had fallen victim and was found on its side halfway across the back garden.


Yesterday at work was busy, but despite the lack of sleep things were not too bad. It was interesting to note the boss managed to reduce another member of staff to tears - so clearly it is not just me that is finding things difficult! I stayed late last night to ensure all lessons were fully prepped for today. I hoped to clear the project paperwork in the evening. Unfortunately family life got in the way. Thursday is the day when mother in law comes for a visit. Once the inlaws had departed, Amber was late for bed and in very high spirits. It took her a while to get into bed. Then Sarah announced that she could not sit with her this evening. The reason? The “Big Cats” programme was about to start on BBC1. Had I been up for an argument I would have pointed out that we have a SkyQ box for such events. Instead I though staying with Amber might solve the issue quicker. It did - dear daughter was asleep in ten minutes. Unfortunately I followed suit and did not emerge to start my work until 8.35.


I did get most stuff done, but it was well past 11pm when I logged the computer off. Perhaps that is why my brain refused to switch off and allow a restful sleep last night. Another bleary eyed day beckons. At least it should only include half a day of teaching due to my allocated planning time this afternoon.


Hopefully the weekend will prove to be a welcome rest. Tonight I am off out to watch the Derby County game. I doubt that will be restful, but the beers will be welcome before the kick off. Tomorrow should see us taking Amber on the promised trip to the GC. Then I will need to crack on with th job application.


Have a good day.


Best wishes



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Morning awl from a cool and damp village, but at least it's not white and good evening to Baz.


Yesterday was interesting. Shortly after I'd posted I heard banging from upstairs and found Beth at the top of the stairs unable to stand and having difficulty breathing. I got her back to bed and then rang to get a GP home visit. The usual gorgon on reception stared with a mantra of "Is she registered for Home Visits". I restrained my wish to strangle her but said, "She has various health problems and is in a poor way but hasn't needed a home visit for several years." After a few further exchanges she reluctantly agreed to get a Dr to ring me back. Fortunately the on call Dr was one who knows Beth well and she rang back within minutes. A few hours later a GP came and did a thorough exam and prescribed a very powerful antibiotic for "Community Acquired Pneumonia", which rather worryingly seems to be linked to Legionella. Anyway she has now recovered and seems to be a lot better after her first few tablets. Apart from the receptionist thanks very much to the NHS.


Today I'm finally feeling OK and later, if Beth is OK will be heading to an ex colleagues funeral in Bradford. An older PC who was on my shift when I was first promoted Sgt. He died a couple of weeks ago of Huntingdons. Not good. He was a real rock music fan and I hope that there will be some suitable music at the Crem.


Apart from that not a lot else to report.


Best wishes to all those who are ailing etc.


Mike I presume that when the wolf was on the lose you didn't suggest that Mrs SM go out in a red cape.


Regards to all.



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Good morning all,

A dry and frosty start to the day with a clear sky. A cold dry day with sunny spells is forecast but apparently there will be an isolated shower in Hampshire. (Only one?)

Yesterday I was let loose in the kitchen at lunchtime (this is rare event and a great honour to be allowed to touch anything in "her" kitchen....apart from the dishwasher * )  and made carrot and coriander soup. Although I say it myself it was extremely tasty. The Boss concurred and I will be allowed to make more soups!

Today's major task will be assisting The Boss with a passport renewal application.  There are also some domestic tasks in the offing.

Muddling still eludes me but I did stand looking at the layout for a while wondering what to do next.   :scratchhead:    No conclusions have been reached, I seem to have hit a brick wall and am seriously thinking about making a fresh start.   :banghead:

Have a good one,




* Forgot that I'm also allowed 3 or 4 minutes to cook steaks.  :yes:

Edited by grandadbob
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The Big boss (the best Top boss I've had in 40 years!!) of the factory was due to retire at the end of December, His replacement was due to start at the begining of February, So the Old boss voluneered to stay till the end of February for the handover, Now hthe Old Boss has left.... Something is going on and it can't be good...

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