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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


I bit the bullet and bought a new computer as it was the motherboard that had failed.

Windows 10 appears to be a huge curate's egg.

At the moment there is more to dislike than there is to like. 

It seems to want to take control rather that giving me the option.

Things may improve as I get used to it. 

Time will tell.

I am sure it won't take long. Did you buy a laptop or a desktop PC?

My ancient laptop needs a bit of upgrading as it has been sitting unused for(at least) a year. I used to use it for Decoderpro JMRI stuff but after I attached my Sprog to my main pc it has been idle. Just for fun (!) while I was updating Aditi's Mac air I put Decoderpro on it and plugged in the Sprog. It all worked. So even if my old laptop doesn't work I have portable train programming device. As long as I don't take Aditi's Mac out to the garage and get it dirty!


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. A quick check-in without having read the day’s news. Managed the full rostered hours at the House of Fun today though in icy temperatures it was certainly a challenge. Noted that summer is indeed on its way as Dawn was awakening as I stepped off the train at 6.40am.


Tomorrow may be less kind with high wind forecast to take away any hint of comfort from the expected top of 12C


The usual best wishes to all and especially our notable absentees.

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Evening all


I bit the bullet and bought a new computer as it was the motherboard that had failed.

Windows 10 appears to be a huge curate's egg.

At the moment there is more to dislike than there is to like. 

It seems to want to take control rather that giving me the option.

Things may improve as I get used to it. 

Time will tell.


Forget MIcro whatever, try Linux. It works, it's free and, for me, it does what I ask of it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. The problem I spoke about this morning is sorted, as I suggested the item will be collected early on the outward journey. All those reduced to clear tools in Tesco's that I mentioned a few days ago have gone now unsurprisingly.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just had a word deleted by the automatic sensor.


It was "m elon". The space has been added to prevent it being transformed to #####


Do we have any other words that in their natural habitat are considered inoffensive but the censor deem inappropriate?




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Just had a word deleted by the automatic sensor.


It was "m elon". The space has been added to prevent it being transformed to #####


Do we have any other words that in their natural habitat are considered inoffensive but the censor deem inappropriate?












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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


I had a poor nights sleep last night, due to the wind and the fact that our neighbours bins kept being blown over, luckily I think ours were ok.


Despite that, I walked to the swimming baths and went swimming again this morning, it was rather colder than I thought and thankfully no snow, but it was trying to rain. I started again by swimming 5 x 2 lengths to get warmed up. Then I did 5 x 4 lengths, then 1 x 10, then 1 x 16 and finally 1 x 4 to finish, making a total of 60. Halfway through my final length I got cramp in my right calf, so I think I made the right decision. I mainly swam breast stroke but I did alternate occasionally with front crawl managing eventually managing 15 in total, so I’m very pleased with that. Last Thursday my legs really ached after swimming the day before, so I expect that they will tomorrow, seeing as I’ve done an extra 10 as well as some extra front crawl too!


Once I’d got back home and had a muggertea, I rested for the rest of the morning, but as we had Ava, Evie and Max here for tea and Max had requested paella, I was quite busy in the afternoon. But it was worth it as, once again they all for seconds!


After they’d gone home it was feet up and catch up a some recorded TV.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium


Despite that, I walked to the swimming baths and went swimming again this morning, it was rather colder than I thought and thankfully no snow, but it was trying to rain. I started again by swimming 5 x 2 lengths to get warmed up. Then I did 5 x 4 lengths, then 1 x 10, then 1 x 16 and finally 1 x 4 to finish, making a total of 60. 


I need to try and get some swimming done to ease my back.

In the next few weeks, the plan is to use this pool 



and this one:



and this one......







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  • RMweb Gold

I am sure it won't take long. Did you buy a laptop or a desktop PC?

My ancient laptop needs a bit of upgrading as it has been sitting unused for(at least) a year. I used to use it for Decoderpro JMRI stuff but after I attached my Sprog to my main pc it has been idle. Just for fun (!) while I was updating Aditi's Mac air I put Decoderpro on it and plugged in the Sprog. It all worked. So even if my old laptop doesn't work I have portable train programming device. As long as I don't take Aditi's Mac out to the garage and get it dirty!


I bought a desktop PC and I'm starting to get the hang of Windows 10. Having said that most of today was spent twiddling thumbs whilst it installed updates. I have a laptop which lives in the loft and is dedicated to controlling the layout. I don't have a Mac, dirty or otherwise.

The one thing I can't seem to do at the moment is redirect the user folder to a different location. Even following online instructions has uneXpected results. It was easy in Windows 7.


JohnDMJ: I did play about with Ubuntu a while ago and may return to Linux at some point.



Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Talk of office hours reminds me of an incident back in 1972 when I was working in the Bombay branch of The Chartered Bank (now known as Mumbai and Standard Chartered Bank)


One day I was summonsed to the Deputy Branch Manager's office and was told that I had to go out to the airport at midnight to meet the Chief Manager in India who was in transit on his way from Calcutta to London. 


I didn't say much but the look on my face expressed my feelings and his response was:  "Mr. soandso, The Chartered Bank owns you and if I want you out at the airport at 4:00am you will go at 4:00am".


In a way he was right. Just over six months later I did go out to the airport at 4:00am ..... but it was me getting on a plane to return to the UK as I decided that life in India was not my kettle of fish.


Once back home I got a job with Lloyds Bank but life there was not what I expected (they wanted me to surrender my BarclayCard as employees were not allowed to hold credit cards as they were regarded as unauthorised loans!!) so I was soon on my way to Manufacturers Hannover Trust Company (now subsumed in JP Morgan Chase or something similar) and within 18 months I was on my way back to Asia for another 20 odd years.


Just noticed its gone midnight. Off to bed now, up early tomorrow morning for the weekly shop at Sainsbury's followed, maybe, by a quick visit to Bunnings.  After I get back home think the car may have clocked up 180 miles since I collected it at the end of November......


Pleasant dreams,



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  • RMweb Gold

I bought a desktop PC and I'm starting to get the hang of Windows 10. Having said that most of today was spent twiddling thumbs whilst it installed updates. I have a laptop which lives in the loft and is dedicated to controlling the layout. I don't have a Mac, dirty or otherwise.

The one thing I can't seem to do at the moment is redirect the user folder to a different location. Even following online instructions has uneXpected results. It was easy in Windows 7.

JohnDMJ: I did play about with Ubuntu a while ago and may return to Linux at some point.

Goodnight all.

Are these the instructions?


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Windy, in fact very windy.

Got up at 3.45 as I became fed up with the crashing of bins outside.  Went out to sort them as 3 were in the middle of the road and 3 others on their side on the pavement. These were just ours and next door's. Nobody else's were in the road but plenty on their sides and stuff blowing everywhere. As I appeared to be the only person around I then thought if they can't be bothered why should I and  came back in for a cup of tea. Couldn't get back to sleep so here I am. (And stuff is still blowing around)


Had a great session in 'spoons with my old mate Jim. Left there at 10.00 and I was home by 10.20. The last I saw of him he was weaving his way on a starboard tack towards the station. He texted me at 12.15 to say he'd only just got home so I suspect the trains were playing up. I expect to hear more about that today.

Today is our main shopping day so we will be off to visit Sainsbury's later. I still haven't been in the railway room. My "modelling" * get up and go seems to have got up and gone.

Have a good one,



* This is what I call it. Others may not.

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday's trip to and from Harpenden for Area Group lunch was pretty uneventful and the lunch itself convivial.  For once we were not in the conservatory but the sports bar, complete with big moving pictures to which no-one paid heed.  Just before bedtime I realised that for the first time in ages the delivery brat had defaulted so I must go out in the high winds this morning and see what I can find.  Other attractive prospects for the day ahead include ironing.  My joy is unconfined.


I don't want to make Mike Stationmaster hate me but my new driving licence arrived by post a few days ago.  Mine was held up by a piffling query.  The friend who was prepared to certify in writing that he knows me described himself as 'retired'.  DVLA wanted to know his profession before he retired.  Jobsworths!  I suppose I should look forward to the same silly rigmarole in three years' time.


Continuing warm thoughts to all who are missing, in distress or in recovery



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Had a great session in 'spoons with my old mate Jim. Left there at 10.00 and I was home by 10.20. The last I saw of him he was weaving his way on a starboard tack towards the station. He texted me at 12.15 to say he'd only just got home so I suspect the trains were playing up.


... or perhaps Jim should have tacked to port?

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It is very windy here. I haven't slept yet - and like GDB I was out at 3 checking on the bins (ours are all in place as they are protected by a hedge).

Got a welcome email this evening from our neighbour in France who says the tempête was fierce, and the power went off, but no apparent damage, although some farm buildings have lost tiles. There's quite a lot of flooding along the Selune, our local river.


It's been a torrid time at home, with illness and family traumas, so apologies if I'm tediusing. Young Rose (2½) ended up in hospital last weekend with breathing problems, so we were pretty worried. It's all still daggers drawn between son and s-i-l and she wasn't willing for him to visit Rose in hospital... He's now got a lawyer at £220 an hour, but he's getting some good advice.


He has asked us to go for dinner to meet his new woman friend. Both Julie and I are very unhappy about that, but I suppose we must at some time.


Today we get to see Daisy for a couple of hours (though there's the usual request to use our time with her doing homework.) That's all we've seen of the girls for over a week.


Reading posts here makes me realise that, although I have health problems and other troubles, how lucky I have been so far. For those in strife, and worse, sincere best wishes.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well that was an interesting Drive in.....

I opened the bcak door to be thrust backwards as the wind took over, it was a struggle to pull it closed behind me,,

Walked to the gate, and opened it, time like this it was a good choice of having an open mesh gate, I'd have never got it open if it was solid.

Got into the car clinging onto the door to stop it getting slammed open,  put the lights on to see the black bin being sucked out of it's cupboard, shortly followed by the green bin.

Got back out of the car while clinging onto the door, went and collected bins from driveway and brought them inside the gates, and laid the bins down on the grass.

Got into the car clinging onto the door to stop it getting slammed open, drove forward of the gates,

Got back out of the car while clinging onto the door..closed gates,

Got into the car clinging onto the door to stop it getting slammed open, had difficulty pulling door closed against the wind..

Drove off...

Began the many twiggy bits and occasional branch slalom.

Reached the next village, Began the many green bins, many twiggy bits and occasional branch slalom.

Left village and eventually reached the Cremated Swan, slalom there round all the cones all over the place, luckily the scafolding is holding up...

Reached first town, green bin and trampoline (12ft diameter) slalom.

Reached A road, good for the first bit then it turned accross the wind every time I passed a farm gate the car got thorwn bodily across the road...

Many more twiggy bits...

Reached Effin Clown Town, surprisingly little problem , until...

Joined and Enormous queue of traffic behind a high sided vehicle, when we left Effin clown town it didnt go over 30 on a straight 60mph road but with this wind I don't blame him.

I do blame the red BMW cockwomble driving so close behind me that I couldn't see his lights, even when we got past the Artic and were up to the now 50 limit...

Got to the NDR many temporary signs down but held in place by sandbags..

 Left NDR, drove a few hundred yards and over a road sign lying flat in the road., a few hundred yards later and over the debris of a fir tree that had been cleared to the side of the road.

Got to work, had difficulty pushing the door open against the wind...

While doing all this there were many reports of trees down across the county, some trains stopped..

Weather Womble reports gusts of 70 to 80 MPH the peak of which wonn't clear till 09:00


 Right time to go to do some work, while this computer reboots it'self after yet more updates...


Oh I forgot the fence panel, barge board off a house and wemust have had a serious amount of rain last night judging by the puddles..

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, thanks Tony. I still managed to muck it up though.

I will have a look at it again this morning.


Morning all.


A light covering of snow. Enough to perhaps half cover a hobbit's toes.

Lorries struggling on some local roads.

End of the world is apparently nigh.

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Morning all. Thoughts remain the absent and ill, especially Debs. I hope the high winds did not cause you any issues. The benefit of living so close to work means I should not encounter a journey similar to the one described by TheQ in the post above. It remains dark here so I am not able to ascertain if we suffered any damage from last night’s gales.


The one effect of the wind I can report is the bleary, blood shot eyes that stare back at me from the mirror this morning. Amber woke up just as we were about to switch our lights off for bed (about 11.30). I think the wind had woken her up. She got into our bed, so I ended up in hers. It is not conducive to a decent sleep and I certainly did not get one. I did get awoken by one loud bang at som point in the night. The cause of this is still to be found. Considering the side of the house it came from, it could have originated from the neighbour’s garden or driveway.


Last night saw me venturing out to deliver the Avon for Sarah. I did follow this up with a trip to the model railway club. I needed that. There was some brief lesson prep done at home, but most was sorted before I left school. Tonight will see me trying to sort out the rest of the paperwork for the troubled project. I expect another late one this evening, but if it is completed that would free up the weekend for sorting the application for the deputy head job.


Hope you have a good day.


Best wishes



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