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  • RMweb Gold

Evening everybody,


Was ambling round the garden this afternoon and came across the first snowdrop to flower this year. No sign of any snow though....




So, so far this year, five crocus and one snowdrop in flower.



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm glad I'm not the only one to suffer Mac confusion!


Anyway it currently seems to doing what it should be doing, as like as I remember the right password ;). Now to a totally different thing.  It seems that SSE have had an audit on their payments for home generated power and the audit found a problem, this has resulted in cheques being sent to those receiving the payments and ours (Mrs Stationmaster's name is always on them) amounted to the massive sum of 8p (yes, eight pence).  She called SSE to query what was going on and seemingly they have sent out a large number of cheques for, yes, 8p due to some sort of accountancy glitch with the credits.

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  • RMweb Premium

Gas man has been... new part required...may be fitted Monday ..we depart for a while on Tuesday morning...pah!


O gauge sound chips are big....as are the speakers..


well on with getting it all into the tender...boiler full of lead so no room there!


now for some invites to be sent out, some apologies to be sent out then...some modelling for me as her indoors has gone off to play music.



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Mike, make sure your root password is set for the High Sierra OS. I assume this gaffe is fixed but all Macs installed with High Sierra had no root (administrative) password set at all. This was a gaping abyss in system security and was widely reported in the news.  The root password is separate from any user settings and passwords you would apply.


(I'm not a Mac user, but am well familiar with the root password concept. It belongs in the Unix/Linux world from the beginning. If I understand correctly, the Mac OSs have been derived from Linux for some time now.)

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Mac thingies.

I have upgraded mine (a Mac Mini connected to my television),from I think the Lion OS to whatever it is now (High Sierra), A couple of OS upgrades ago it made me change my logon password to something different to my Apple ID. So there seem to be one password for getting things from the Apple store and one for doing things like installing to the hard drive. I wish our Macs were as well behaved about updates as our Windows PCs! I know others think differently though!


Are you talking about the Apple dual authentication that came out a while back? I've not really got my head around that, but I didn't have to change any passwords.

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Better news depending on your point of view, Donald Trump has cancelled his pending visit to the UK. 

I understand that politics is forbidden here and have no wish to offend, but I am nevertheless compelled to suggest that perhaps the 'gentleman' in question has decided that the UK is not nearly as nice as Norway.


EDIT: Hopefully my deliberate fatuousness here was evident.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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I understand that politics is forbidden here and have no wish to offend, but I am nevertheless compelled to suggest that perhaps the 'gentleman' in question has decided that the UK is not nearly as nice as Norway.


You may think that but I couldn't possibly comment - except as the grandson of Oskar Hansen, in which case that's fightin' talk!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening orl.


OF bike club was busy this morning, lot of good crack was had.  Membership, or strictly speaking attendance, is increasing despite the time of year.


Hozzy visit yesterday revealed an old problem that has previously been accepted as not an issue, not to be accepted any more without further investigations - which will reveal nothing as they don't seem to be able to read last year's notes and believe them.  Words fail me.  One medic leaves, and now everything is repeated - then they'll complain the resources are insufficient.  No wonder I left the NHS.  Op still on for 1st Feb though.


I must make mention of Rick's post the other day, what a fantastically public spirited man, going to the aid of others when so unwell himself.  You're a legend mate.

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  • RMweb Premium

Neil - thank you. For me it was only doing what I would hope many others of human-kind might do when called upon. Given that all of us in the block currently have or have recently had the same bug cross-infection wasn’t a concern. Responding to a call for help is something I will always do or - if circumstances prevent that - will arrange for someone else to respond.


I have swapped messages with the young lady in question in the past hour. She has been taken home to rest and recuperate though hopes to be back here soon. Thanks were included with a selection of emoticons. Job done. This time around.

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  • RMweb Gold


'As nice as Norway.'


Fabulous place!


Apart from chilly *illy training whilst in the army, which was somewhat cold, I've been back there four times on various occasions.  Nice place and nice friendly, helpful people....especially so if you are waving a bottle of malt whisky around.


Funnily enough, I have no wish to visit certain parts of Africa ever again.





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  • RMweb Gold

Are you talking about the Apple dual authentication that came out a while back? I've not really got my head around that, but I didn't have to change any passwords.

I think the dual authentication was requiring one device to authenticate another and entering passcodes. I find that irritating especially when the other device had a flat battery. No this was some other requirement of my Mac. I don't know why. I prefer to treat the Mac as running on magic rather than logic. That way I get less confused. I genuinely do find my rather well specified Windows 10 device to be better than the Mac but it is too ugly to be in the living room unlike the Mac mini. I believe my NAS device runs on Linux so with Windows, Macs and Android devices we have a good selection of things all working in harmony.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

“Root password” can be misconstrued by anyone familiar with Australian slang ;)


And Magnum Opus is the work required to obtain chocolate-coated ice-cream on a stick.

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  • RMweb Gold

If Mike's Mac is in need of the root security update it will

be listed in the updates list in the Apple store. One of the recent problems is that a lot of users somehow ignored the prompts to update. I suspect the attempts to deceive Mac computers will increase. There are still people who don't add any extra security protection to their Macs. I am not one of those people.

Having seen the prices of the new Microsoft Surface computers at least Macs can now be classed as being mid priced rather than expensive.

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  • RMweb Gold

I always understood that Macs didn't need updates and there were never any security issues and they were perfect in every way and.......

You have to say that otherwise chaps in black come and cart you away for reeducation.

I and some other colleagues were at an educational conference when CD roms were emerging. An Apple dealer (long before Apple stores) had a demonstration. He asked for volunteers. My colleague and I were persuaded to take part. It all went well and then the system I was using crashed. The demonstrator accused me of deliberately sabotaging his performance and started squeaking thst I was banned forever. Not sure what from. Then my colleague said his system had crashed too.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and curtains prevent me giving a weather report.

I have an appointment this evening - with several beers.  :drink_mini:


Bad form quoting one's own post....but....

Appointment kept. 3 pints of Moondance. 


Interesting discussion with former next door's lad who was interested in how 2 grooves in a circle of vinyl was able to transmit sound.

Touched on the benefits and disadvantages of digital download vs a dj playing the "top 20" once a week and taping it if you wanted to listen to the music twice, or more..  

His gripe was that few artists now will stand the test of time as so much is tantamount to "self publishing". 

And the joys of listening to the Friday night rock show 22:00 - 00:00, with Annie Nightingale? I think not, but the chap's name eludes me. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Bad form quoting one's own post....but....


And the joys of listening to the Friday night rock show 22:00 - 00:00, with Annie Nightingale? I think not, but the chap's name eludes me.


Tommy Vance "TV on the radio"? Edited by Tony_S
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Funnily enough, I have no wish to visit certain parts of Africa ever again.



Same can be said for certain parts of the US :O  <kof> <sh!thole>



Duly POE'ed so I can do what I please for the rest of the afternoon - so long as the Mrs doesn't get wind of it! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....


Managed to discover an eBay item I wished to purchase, to whit one Bachmann 39-153D BR/SR Mk1 in the darker green that they produced. Those and BR/SR Mk1s in general seem to be rather like hens teeth even of you wished to pay silly money for one, and I'd not do that.

It was going for a BIN of 33 quid and some 14 quid shipping - decent enough thought I...


I then figured I'd do a quick google to confirm the correct colour/identity of the item, and discovered there are actually a few at RETAILERS too!


Hattons had them same price as eBay seller, BUT, given I get VAT deducted, dropping price to 27 quid and change, AND I've always been OK with their standard Airmail for a mere 5 quid for this item. So saved myself about 15 quid for the total transaction :senile:

Could have saved another couple of quid from Trackshack(NHN), but was reminded as I reviewed it, they no longer ship here - too bad NHN, I'd have been happy to be a customer :(


Slowly building a 5-6 coach rake of these dark green versions, then I'll have a complete set of rakes, maroon, crimson/cream, chocolate/cream and green :) (No need for the blue/grey)


Coming up on 4PM and it's managed to make -16, still sunny, but as we'll lose the sun in under and hour now, it's heading back to about -25 overnight.


Sleep well you lot ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl,

Just back from the MRC where the short journey both ways was made more entertaining by fatchy pog.

Or as the spellchecker put it, "far key lpg."


Little progress was made on Tiree, I blue tacked the article written by the original builder on the wall by the layout. A ruined Hebridean Blackhouse was installed,and some trim work done, not a lot really.


It was a profitable night though, I came home with 3 bottles of whisky and one of rum. Harry's widow was clearing his drinks cupboard and brought in 2 large boxes of whisky, saying if you don't take it, it's going down the sink....so several helped themselves the rest is waiting for the Tuesday group to demolish. This is the second time she has done this. Harry worked for several landowners in the area, at high days and holidays they give him a bottle. So the collection got quite large.

I'm trying some Grants at the moment..


A week or so ago re-read O.S. Nock's history of the GWR, it's a copy given by uncle

John to my grandfather back in about 1964. Reading the intro I realised the partner books were written by E.T. MacDermot and published by the GWR in 1927. So by raiding Abebooks, I obtained original copies.

While reading book one I found a pair of pages that had not been separated in manufacture, so by careful cutting I was the first person to read pages 348 and 349 in the 81 years of this books existence!!!!

Well farcebook has just popped up and that can only be family so I did better go and see what they want...good night..?

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