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Good morning one and all


With the trip to Cardiff successfully accomplished - hello, Brian and Brian - it's back to the fray.  At midday there is a meeting of the camel project team which I had better attend having missed the last two.  It will be interesting to see just how easy it is for everyone to get in each others' way when a joint layout is under construction.  Pressures rising, tempers fraying - oh joy.


It might be a good idea for me to look out my balaclava before tomorrow.  Whittlesey can be a cold place, the more so when one is standing around watching morris dancing in the streets.  I had the tip, incidentally, that Mr Portaloo would be having a go at it on TV at Halsway Manor.  I watched and have seen worse.


The addition of Andrew P to the sick list is most distressing for all.  Warm thoughts to him and to all in distress, recovery and absentia.



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Morning All,


We have another mild morning, but it is a little cooler than it has been over the past few days - so hopefully we will see some winter!


Interestingly enough, there was a bit on the radio saying that it was the darkest December since sometime in the 1950s.  There have only been nine hours of sunshine since the end of November.


No wonder it is difficult to wake up - time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A Not too bad nights sleep was had of 6 hours plus a bit more dozin on the sofa,


Not so Driech this morning, roads dry, even the fog seemed dry, that not did stop a cockwomble from pullling out in front of me in his misted up car. He then proceeded to drive at 10mph below the speed limit everywhere, I eventually got to overtake him on the NDR.


Yesterday, I finished one major system, shipped one set of 8 current shunts, and did about a third of another set. My master resistors swapped over successfully yesterday, so now they've had nearly 24 hours to settle back in the oil bath, I've got five resistors to do then lots of paperwork so I can ship the set of 10. then it will be back to the current shunts.


 I got supplied with a new monitor yesterday, as they wanted my old monitor for a new test bench, the new monitor being too big. Unfortunately the new monitor isn't supplied with an HDMI cable, the old monitor's cable is built in. So at the moment I have a very crowded bench with a useless  monitor sat on it...


 I see the New American Embassy is at Nine Elms, complete with a moat, there must have been a few strange finds digging through all that railway wreckage..


Time to go do some work...

Edited by TheQ
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The gas man cometh (I hope!).


Mugatea to be drunk then a bit of sound to add to an O gauge black 5, some bits to fasten on to a B1, some packing to do then.....whatever I want. Yippppeeeeddddoooo!


Her indoors has reminded me to collect my prescription...so that needs to be completed this morning.


Have a great dat/evening/morning/Night wherever you are here on Planet Earth.



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Morning all. Still depressingly dark here so I am unable to predict what kind of day we will be having weather wise. Warm greetings to everyone and I hope you all have a good POETS day.

I have not had the good fortune to meet many ER's face to face over the years, but one man I have met is Andy.p. I was very shocked and concerned to read of his health issues, ambulance dash and hospital stay. I send particular supportive thoughts in his direction and hope for a speedy recovery. Similar thoughts to the other ill members.


For me, today looks another busy one. The morning will be packed full of teaching with two of my groups presenting a great educational challenge. At least the afternoon will be quieter due to my planning time. After work there will be the school pets to transport home for their weekend stay, followed by a visit to another school about a deputy headship then an appointment for an overdue haircut. That all needs to be crammed into about a 75 minute time period. After that I will probably want to crash out on the sofa although I had hoped to catch up with an old mate for a couple of drinks. Our catch up is long overdue. Tonight's outing may depend on Amber. She was off school again with a high temperature yesterday and is plagued by a constant cough. She did sleep last night although much of it was in our bed resulting in me again squatting in her room. Since Sarah has had to look after her at night I am not sure it would be fair to abandon her again this evening.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Gold

 Good morning all,

Stiil darkish outside but having twitched the curtains it's damp on the ground but not raining. Yet. There is the chance of some later though.

Very sorry to hear that AndyP is currently hors de combat. We few, we happy few are fast becoming fewer and unhappier. Let's hope that situation resolves itself very soon.

Tea was taken to Her Bossness earlier. I'm waiting to see if "we need" to do something today. I have my objections and excuses ready. The only thing I can't do is get a note from my Mum.  :no:

A busy weekend beckons with, as usual, some rugby to watch and also a 50th birthday celebration to attend tomorrow.

Later on today we will hear how Joe got on with his mock GCSE exams. He thinks he's done OK but is still rather apprehensive.

Have a good one,


PS Thanks for the reminder Baz, I also need to go to see my local drug dealer.

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey this morning but dry so far. Breaking news this morning, the railway station at Nottingham is ablaze. Fortunately no casualties but all services are suspended through or to and from Nottingham. Better news depending on your point of view, Donald Trump has cancelled his pending visit to the UK. Best wishes to Andrew P, Amber and any other ailing ER's, be back later.

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Morning all.

Slightly misty and very damp underfoot. As Robbie has four feet the kitchen floor needed mopping after he came back in.

I think I had better go and get my haircut today. Comments have been made!

I have no idea what else we are doing today.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey this morning but dry so far. Breaking news this morning, the railway station at Nottingham is ablaze. Fortunately no casualties but all services are suspended through or to and from Nottingham. Better news depending on your point of view, Donald Trump has cancelled his pending visit to the UK. Best wishes to Andrew P, Amber and any other ailing ER's, be back later.

I agree about the sad and good news items.


So sad after the recent refurbishment of Nottingham Station.

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Morning all,


A damp and dismal day out there but no precipitation and none promised.  On a brighter note the sound of a boiling kettle is coming from the kitchen so hopefully this morning's third mugatea will emerge in the not too distant, especially if I bother to take my mug to the kitchen.


The quirks and differences of the new Mac are still under exploration and no doubt will be for some considerable time to come - I have already found that editing Safari favourites (they're no longer 'bookmarks') involves a completely different process from that which applied only a couple of software reissues into the past.  But far more importantly I have found out how to, and have, use(d) one's own pictures for the screen saver - trains (various, from countries - assorted) are distinctly preferable to some of Apple's bright ideas, which don't seem to have changed for several; software versions past.  I have also resolved my confusion of names and passwords and eventually realised that what I have done is use one name and password for my Apple ID and a different name and password for my ID on the 'outer - such impressive (accidental) security it's no wonder I got myself confused :jester:  


Tea is ready to pour so I'm off to the kitchen.  Have a good day one and all and I hope Andy (P) is doing well and Debs too of course (must reinstate my Facebook connection - that's still to do).

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That looks like good coffee John, my Dolce Gusto m/c turned up this morning hopefully I will be having a brew from it once I've been to Horrorsons for some tabs to go into the thing. :biggrin_mini2:


SWMBO  :bb:  has been on the Warpath since yesterday  :snooks: I haven't a clue what her problem is still she has buqqered off to annoy some old friends we rarely see lucky them is all I can say. :whistle:

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Morning (again) from Estuary-Land. More news on the Nottingham station fire. Apparently it started in a toilet in the newly refurbished part of the station which seems rather odd. Smoke was first spotted at about 6 this morning by which it was deemed serious enough for the BTP to start an evacuation, the whole building was well ablaze by 07:30.

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Uneventful yesterday all quiet on the client front.

Very pleasant - if ANY business air travel, especially including JFK can be deemed that - trip home, first class, food (real meal!), drink(s) and a decent sized seat :locomotive:  


A tad chilly back home when we landed 2-3 inches of fresh snow all around and about -10C.


Not much to do today besides work, with a POE in place, as I'll have done my "time" just after midday.

Will be scouring eBay for some potential must haves, and possibly some modeling later ;)

Saw in the morning paper - somehow had missed this yesterday though in fairness I don't follow much news when travelling - apparently Drumpf offended an entire CONTINENT yesterday :O  :jester: stupidity apparently knows no bounds! (What a statesman :banghead: )


Rather more brisk this morning at -23C although it IS sunny! :sungum: We'll reach the lofty heights of -16 today we're told...


POE if you can, I know I will. The weekend starts here.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Greetings all.


First and foremost very best wishes to Andy P for a swift and complete recovery.


The Twitterverse has gone into conspiracy-theory overdrive regarding Nottingham. Suggestions are rife that several recent unrelated fires around the country are due to “the cuts”. Which cuts would they be, exactly, that saw a good deal of money expended very recently on Nottingham station and which turned it from a slum to a modern rail-tram-bus interchange? No-one hurt, we are told, and the seat of the fire was apparently in the Ladies Room. Maybe it’s something the locals put in the curry up there.


Still bed-ridden here though the coughing has eased. If the appetite would return I might feel happier about getting up and about. It is most unlike me to be so far off eating that a single mouthful produces the urge to return it. Received a call earlier from my DSM in the best railway tradition of taking the welfare of staff seriously. Good to know that baby wasn’t thrown out with the privatisation bathwater. I hope to be back waving bats at trains and telling everyone where to go - in the nicest possible way of course - on Monday.


Any thoughts of a trip to see mother are cancelled until I am well clear of this bug. Anything she contracts might well tip her over the edge. And neighbour (upstairs) had another episode yesterday though that was dealt with by paramedic neighbour (top flat) summoning a hospital car to take her in for further assistance. Blue light not required this time.


It seems MacMike is sorting himself out. I found the biggest PITA with the whole Apple set-up was the ID. I still seem to have two and cannot delete either. A phone call to Apple a while back didn’t achieve that either though it did fix the constant ID clash which had prevented me doing anything requiring the AppleID. Like downloading updates or anything from iTunes.


Off to sleep a bit more now. The cat thinks all his Christmasses have come having someone to keep his duvet warm 24-7

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Mac thingies.

I have upgraded mine (a Mac Mini connected to my television),from I think the Lion OS to whatever it is now (High Sierra), A couple of OS upgrades ago it made me change my logon password to something different to my Apple ID. So there seem to be one password for getting things from the Apple store and one for doing things like installing to the hard drive. I wish our Macs were as well behaved about updates as our Windows PCs! I know others think differently though!

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