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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting thing happened about 30 minutes back.  This week is electrical goods recycling week so the old (semi-defunct) fbreadmaker was out for collection.  I happened to be in the dining room and saw a whit Transit draw up by our gate and a chap of somewhat foreign appearance and wearing a grey tracksuit climbed out of the passenger door, picked up the breadmaker and climbed back into the front seat of the van with the breadmaker.  Recent telecon with the refuse contractors confirmed they don't have any vehicles like that and none of their staff do their job while wearing tracksuits and we already know they have no employees of that sort of foreign appearance.


So no doubt when he gets it home and gives the gift to one of his wives she'll not be very happy to find it delivers bread which hasn't risen (because that part of he process no longer works).  if he chances his arm by instead trying to sell it one hopes that retribution from the purchaser will fall squarely on his somewhat stupid head.  Beats me how daft some people can be when it comes to pinching stuff - why on earth would it have been put out for recycling if it worked?


And interresting to note that Apple seem to have considerably economised on packaging for iMacs - unless the brown cardboard box it arrived in is merely some sort of warehousing cover.

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Peter - send my thoughts and best wishes to Andy P, speedy recovery...


Thirstday it is, and a POE in order so I can make my way home this afternoon.


More confusion yesterday as the TEST system may require to be updated for other than the reason I am waiting for - result; it turns out even the applications layer hasn't been maintained/updated on the test system, so "system admin/sonny boy" is being challenged to explain/baulking at having to update the entire blessed thing for other requirements - NOT MY PROBLEM, YAY!! :jester:  :sungum:  :onthequiet:


Everything looking good "here" for my departure with JFK running on time apparently (someone MUST be smoking funny cigarettes?!?!).

However, delays INTO Minneapolis as it's currently -11 snowing and windy, posting 40 minute delays <sigh> :scared:

Weather is supposed to clear some by noon/early afternoon, and only expecting 1-2 inches accumulation, so time I'm due in there it'll probably be all cleared up with minimal delays - based ONLY on the seaweed twirlers of course.


Here on Long Island +4 this morning and light overcast, some localized fog/mist, clearing later with a high of 8


Have yourselves a merry little Thursday ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Guys,


Need to report that Andy P is currently in hospital recovering from an operation following a heart attack.   He telephoned and says he is 'fine.


Best wishes to him and all our other ER friends for  speedy recoveries.  Cheers, Peter



please send on our best wishes to Andy. Hopefully he can get back to playing trains  painting and modelling as soon as possible.


The Q.... my late brother in law was a Chief Tech Engines on those little beauties at Cottesmore...before that he was in your neck of tthe woods helping to keep Victor tankers flying including Lusty Lindy.


Now then, where has the "customer" bit of "Customer Care" gone?  had an email from Boeing Always saying it is still not their fault I have had planes rescheduled (well, err they did it) and ir is basically tough for me and her indoors to have to sit in T5 for 7 hours...


Then today..British Gasp rang.. our Service engineer can't come tomorrow but should be with you sometime Monday...er  the system is de-pressurising so no heat or hot water...yes but you are not bedridden (gasp..has she got a secret camera??) she asked me a question so I started to answer then she just started to shout down the phone "You won't listen"...I did suggest politely that as she asked a question I was trying to answer it.... in the end I switched the call off.


So I rang the "complaints" number...which isn't complaints at all... and lo  the service "engineer" will call tomorrow...I did explain that he or she is really an excellent "Technician" unless they are "ingenious" and design items from scratch .. alas to no avail...


And Mike, yes it is a shame but really our erstwhile contributor needs to JBI (just build it) now. Some "helpful" people (not you or others) have just created chaos in his head.....


Off to have a calming peppermint tea....



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  • RMweb Premium

More confusion yesterday as the TEST system may require to be updated for other than the reason I am waiting for - result; it turns out even the applications layer hasn't been maintained/updated on the test system, so "system admin/sonny boy" is being challenged to explain/baulking at having to update the entire blessed thing for other requirements - NOT MY PROBLEM, YAY!! :jester:  :sungum:  :onthequiet:



strange that, I was trying to show 1200 shop floor staff how to use the bits of a Shockingly Awkward Programme they needed to when we realised...


1 The test system was two years out of date

2  It hadn't had any of the "patches" added to it to keep it in line with the "final cut vanilla programme"

3  HR and Finance had declared UDI and were busy cutting and pasting said "vanilla" software (which meant that the go live date was achieved but their bits were untested and didn'twork)

4  The PM hadn't a clue (despite being Prince2 "trained" didn't have a clue as to what was going on.

5  They were switching the test/training system off on day 1 of the big switch on...no further training was required


Result - 6 months of extra pain fixing the broken bits and acting as a "at the elbow" helper... and new employee/promoted employee supporter/trainer


So my heart goes out to you on this one...



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The Q.... my late brother in law was a Chief Tech Engines on those little beauties at Cottesmore...before that he was in your neck of tthe woods helping to keep Victor tankers flying including Lusty Lindy.





 The eagle Eyed amoung you will have noticed the Picture is quite deliberately of a long wheel base Tornado AKA the Tornado ADV which I worked on, While Cottesmore flew the short wheelbase Tornado, AKA the GR1, which your Brother in law worked on....

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  • RMweb Gold

Get well AndyP. Hope you are back home soon.


My main computer and laptop have been running what seem to be quite large updates. I wonder if the Intel chips will be noticeably slower from now on.

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Tornado..as designed by her indoor's uncle... who also designed the UK Space Shuttle aka "Project Mustard"






Interesting stuff there Baz and condolences to Mrs.Baz. It's amazing who some folk are related too - my mate Jon's wife's late Grandfather was ace Rover engineer Jack Swain who did a lot of development work on the P4, P5 and P6. Jon told me that at Jack's funeral there were dozens of ex-Rover boffins and managers there to pay their respects, and he was entranced by all the stories they told of working on these cars, plus the gas turbine prototypes etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh, forgot to say, parcel was with number 3 the only neighbour who doesn't go out of heir way for others. The rest would all have noticed our return and have called around fairly quickly.


That aside the parcel contained a long awaited Scotrail 156 from Charlie Petty. The model is superb.

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  • RMweb Premium

That aside the parcel contained a long awaited Scotrail 156 from Charlie Petty. The model is superb.

They do look very pretty but no good for me... Charlie has still got some more if you want one.......go on...get a sound one.....you know it makes sense..



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  • RMweb Gold

New Mac up and running - there was a proper Mac book inside the brown cardboard one.  These things do not seemed to be aimed at the first time user as it was totally bereft of any sort of instructions - including how to switch it on (not that such a problem caused me any trouble as I knew where the on/off button lurked.  However I had considerable (non) entertainment with my AppleID which was thoroughly frustrating to sort and the security question are clearly designed to be handle by iBots so are therefore totally illogical to many humanoids.


Anyway as you can see it's here and working although a bit more setting up remains to be done and (obvious really I s'pose) the ethernet connection is actually compatible and no doubt the usb 3 ports will be too (I hope) so I'm now up on the High Sierra.

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  • RMweb Gold

They do look very pretty but no good for me... Charlie has still got some more if you want one.......go on...get a sound one.....you know it makes sense..




This one is sound fitted. The lighting and sound project as developed by Legomanbiffo is very impressive indeed.

A second one would be useful as they did/do split and join at Crianlarich.

You swine Baz, you. ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

New Mac up and running - there was a proper Mac book inside the brown cardboard one. These things do not seemed to be aimed at the first time user as it was totally bereft of any sort of instructions - including how to switch it on (not that such a problem caused me any trouble as I knew where the on/off button lurked. However I had considerable (non) entertainment with my AppleID which was thoroughly frustrating to sort and the security question are clearly designed to be handle by iBots so are therefore totally illogical to many humanoids.


Anyway as you can see it's here and working although a bit more setting up remains to be done and (obvious really I s'pose) the ethernet connection is actually compatible and no doubt the usb 3 ports will be too (I hope) so I'm now up on the High Sierra.

Quite common these days to have to go online to work find the instructions. The NAS drive had a piece of folded card in numerous languages with a web address to go online to find the instructions and they weren’t that clear either.


A visit to the doectors after receiving a txt that hey wanted to check my blood pressure. To my surprise they were very happy with it. I have still got to get the repeat prescription though.


One more day of work left this week. Let’s hope it’s POETS day aswell.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium


...very regrettably now frightening away one former member of our little corner....


Sorry to hear that - could you enlighten us which one of our number has elected to depart? (I don't get out of this thread much...wisely it would seem.)


Hi Guys,


Need to report that Andy P is currently in hospital recovering from an operation following a heart attack.   He telephoned and says he is 'fine.


Best wishes to him and all our other ER friends for  speedy recoveries.  Cheers, Peter


Peter, please add my best wishes to everyone elses'. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


No fog today, but we had frost instead. Sheila decided to stay home this morning as she said it was too cold to go to Zumba, it didn’t want a lift.


Hope Andy P soon feels better.


Goodnight all

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