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Morning All,


It is rather a damp morning - which is typical, because today I have to walk over to the other building for a meeting!


Runrig - I started listening to them a few years ago when a friend introduced me to their music.  They are actually very popular in Germany.


Oh well, Time for a coffee.  Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all.

Slightly drizzling here this morning. It isn't cold though. I noticed this while putting out the bin bags.

We will have to go down to the station this afternoon to meet the speaker for Aditi's French Circle lecture.

Otherwise a quiet day I suspect.


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Morning one and all........off to see some learned professor this morning, who no doubt will tell me I have a bad back, but they are not sure why and not sure what can be done about it.


Bit like a carousel innit?


Still could be a lot, lot worse and there's a new set of coaches to ruin (weather) later.


Happy days.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,

Another poor nights sleep, although totalling about 6 hours,, I'm feeling knackered.


Getting home yesterday, I found a note saying Ben the Border Collie Hadn't had his full walk as he heard shooting in the distance and refused to go any further. So I took him out, got a couple of hundred yards, heard two shots in the distance, he laid down and refused to go any further... 


The feeling Knackered is probably to do with the, too much work, not enough time to do it, situation I'm in. I've still not finished one of last weeks major equipments, one of this weeks has another days work due, and the other I haven't started as, at times they all need the same piece of test equipment. 


Meantime I have  12 Resistors to do, but part of my reference set has been away for their own cal at NPL and the other part will go in exchange, so I'm having to rush part of  the customers set through today so I can do them all against the masters before they go and do the other half when those ones come back.....


Plans today, try and sort out this mess of equipment, go to an orange shed tonight on the way home and use my 10% off old gits card. Just a few bits and pieces to finish off the alley way roof...


I see the army are emphasising the emotional and physcal support given.... Hmm RSM shouting down  the lughole I think...


I also note a college in Kings Lynn is starting a 3 month course on joining the RAF....a more pointless excersize I can't imagine.


 So here is my course for anyone interested...


 You Join Up, get shouted at for Six weeks, while marching / running round in ever decreasing Circles, polish anything that doesn't move, salute if it does,  go to trade training, sit in classrooms learning trade with lesser shouting at outside, do marching out parade, go to the real RAF...


Time to.. take another measurement

Edited by TheQ
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Ah, April. Iceberg season!  


A colleague mentioned to me that the parking at Guildford was atrocious last time and has elected not to go because of that.

Although I did have a nice pint at the show venue recently - in the sports bar. 


Guessing you'll favour the Saturday for the Alton show. Mike, 81C coming? 

I'll be attending the Alton show as for Guildford get youself in the car park early and you should be able to find space at the top near the hall otherwise it's a bit of a trek from the lower car park.

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Good morning all,

Looks like there was rain earlier while I was still in the land of Nod but some blue sky has appeared and a mostly dry day with sunny spells is forecast.

Andy, I went to the Guildford show last year and don't recall any major parking problems. My hazy memory tells me that there was separate overflow car park for visitors to the show a couple of hundred yards before the main car parks. I may of course be completely wrong as it was 12 months ago.  :scratchhead: I think I had a bigger problem at Alton a couple of years ago and ISTR I had to park at the rugby club.

Oh and yes, my intention is to go to Alton on the Saturday.

Tea was taken earlier to The Boss who is not very happy as she couldn't sleep last night. Just for once is was not my fault as unusually (apparently) I wasn't snoring. "We" have noticed that if I don't drink red wine in the evening then I am less likely to snore. That will not stop me drinking said beverage when I feel like it.  :onthequiet:

A quick trip out is needed later to get some milk and cash.

Have a good one,


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Morning all,


On matters various -


1. I shan't be going to the Astolat show, it's a right drag walking up the hill from the station to finish up being not very impressed when I get there if a previous visit is any guide.  Shame in some respects as I will miss the grown up version of Banbury which seems to have turned into an 00 layout according to the show info.

2. I shall be going to the Alton show - on the Saturday - assuming those responsible for such matters at Swansea have by then got off their backsides, read and understood what the Doctor said, and deign it within their wisdom to return my Driving Licence; the joke is wearing a bit thin.  I also have 'some shopping' to collect from Paul.

3. All being well and signal failures permitting I shall be attending the Scout Hut in Pontcanna for the Cardiff Small Show on January 20th - an excellent little show and usually well attended by various luminaries from RM Web.

4. The water supplied to the beer factory at Magor referred to by ChrisF does indeed pass along a brick lined channel adjacent to the Severn Tunnel but actually comes from the Great Spring should anybody be concerned about its provenance - as one of the railway industry's profitable activities I'm surprised it hasn't been re-privatised.


Mrs Stationmaster and the Good Doctor are off to do the shopping leaving me to wander round the 'net/RM web while they gather in the comestibles although I must not overlook the need to send off the booking form and cheque for our April adventure on the briny.  And now I am being called to attend for the 3rd mugatea of the day.


Have a good day one and all.

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Good morning all,

Looks like there was rain earlier while I was still in the land of Nod but some blue sky has appeared and a mostly dry day with sunny spells is forecast.

Andy, I went to the Guildford show last year and don't recall any major parking problems. My hazy memory tells me that there was separate overflow car park for visitors to the show a couple of hundred yards before the main car parks. I may of course be completely wrong as it was 12 months ago.  :scratchhead: I think I had a bigger problem at Alton a couple of years ago and ISTR I had to park at the rugby club.

Oh and yes, my intention is to go to Alton on the Saturday.

Tea was taken earlier to The Boss who is not very happy as she couldn't sleep last night. Just for once is was not my fault as unusually (apparently) I wasn't snoring. "We" have noticed that if I don't drink red wine in the evening then I am less likely to snore. That will not stop me drinking said beverage when I feel like it.  :onthequiet:

A quick trip out is needed later to get some milk and cash.

Have a good one,


It the other way round here at Farn Manor SWMBO  :lazy:  was having a Snorefest through the night I finally got up to get some peace and quiet at 7:30 fat chance of that I could hear her downstairs

so I started to crash and bang about to no avail as she sounds like peppa pig snoring I thought about investing in some humane means of silencing her.  :spiteful:   :butcher:  :triniti:

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Morning one and all........off to see some learned professor this morning, who no doubt will tell me I have a bad back, but they are not sure why and not sure what can be done about it.

Bit like a carousel innit?

Still could be a lot, lot worse and there's a new set of coaches to ruin (weather) later.

Happy days.

Like you I have problems with my back going back many years. The best guide to looking after your back that I have found is “The Better Back Guide” which is a thin paperback book. It gives a variety of exercises to keep the back supple and to work the muscles that support the back. If I do my exercises daily, I rarely now have serious problems.


Yesterday and today have seen some interesting trains travelling down the Cumbrian Coast Line. Twice now I have seen a three carriage rake of Mk2 coaches, one a driving trailer, topped and tailed by Class 68s. I think that this is testing prior to the 68s replacing the 37s on the push pull passenger trains that run between Barrow and Carlisle.


Off to see the consultant this morning about my forthcoming chemotherapy. I have a long list of questions written down for him. His appointments always run late, so it could be a long session. I don’t mind the running late, as it means that he takes time to listen to his patients and then answer any questions.

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Archive shot.




That is nice and clean.



Just like the two-set Class 117 on the jacket of one of my Christmas presents, London Local Trains.

Straight out of the box.  Who needs weathering?

Oops!  Sorry, Baz.



So,  ' morning all from red dragon land.

Sunny, a few clouds dotted around, still cold.

Keep smiling.

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Just like the two-set Class 117 on the jacket of one of my Christmas presents, London Local Trains.

Straight out of the box.  Who needs weathering?

Oops!  Sorry, Baz.



So,  ' morning all from red dragon land.

Sunny, a few clouds dotted around, still cold.

Keep smiling.


Actually, The 117 in the photo is not as pristine as it looks on first sight so I guess there will be plenty of opportunity to bring out all the subtle details - all three cars of it!  When it arrives, that is.

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Morning all. Unclean!!! Unclean!!! Unclean!!!


I slept better but woke with a chesty cough and cold. Trying not to cough all over those paying to reach their destinations. I promise myself more sleep once home. Until then please stand behind the yellow line.


Wishing all a Happy Hump Day.

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday in the shed was not the most productive of days.  I was suffering from what must have been a very heavy cold.  I had my flu jab back in September so it cannot possibly have been that, can it?  Be that as it may, the afternoon was suddenly enlivened when the folding chair collapsed under Poorly Pal.  He was stuck fast  and a few minutes of pushing and pulling were to no avail.  It took the fire brigade, their hacksaw and some bolt cutters to extricate him.


Later today I am off to Cardiff, returning tomorrow afternoon.  This will entail a leisurely drive across the Cotswolds, a stack of CDs for the player and possibly a brief visit to Cheltenham Model Centre if I can find it as some m*d*ll*ng requisites are needed urgently.  It may also necessitate eating at Magor Services, glistening in the all-pervasive shadow of the beer factory which produces Stella Artois from the water pumped from the lining of the Severn Tunnel, simply because the restaurant at the hotel does not open early enough for me to eat AND get to my meeting on time.   Why do I put myself through all this?


The upshot is that I will not post here tomorrow.  Until we meet again, felicitations to the absentees, the recovering and the distressed.  Stop press:  I see we have a culture lover in our midst - Rick mentioned Runrig.




Hmm.  We have found several hotels that do not do breakfast at weekends until after you have to go out, like getting to exhibitions.  And, it seems, they do not mention it to exhibition managers when they are making the bookings either!

"You do realise we have a lie in on Saturday & Sunday mornings...It's the weekend you know.  They will all be sleeping off the night before! Weddings and the like..."

Yes, and we remember a party starting in the room below us after we had gone to bed...and no breakfast early enough in the morning...

But we take it with a grunt smile, knowing we will likely grab a bacon barm later...

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the Aylsham Model railway show run by Broadland MRC, supplies a Bacon butty to all exhibitors before the show opens....(As well as the normal free tea and coffee)

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It's confirmed.......my backs knackerd.......they don't tell you that on the recruiting posters......


Cant imagine a pre RAF or any other branch of the Military pre course would be of any use.


I can imagine the RM one........get naked and kill everything that looks like a threat, drink to excess, look like Charles Atlas and have a 1000 yard stare prepared, except for when out ashore trapping ( trying to get a date).

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Hmm.  We have found several hotels that do not do breakfast at weekends until after you have to go out, like getting to exhibitions.  And, it seems, they do not mention it to exhibition managers when they are making the bookings either!

"You do realise we have a lie in on Saturday & Sunday mornings...It's the weekend you know.  They will all be sleeping off the night before! Weddings and the like..."

Yes, and we remember a party starting in the room below us after we had gone to bed...and no breakfast early enough in the morning...

But we take it with a grunt smile, knowing we will likely grab a bacon barm later...

That happened to us at Manchester show in December. We were in a hotel near Altrincham which is over a half hour drive from the venue and the hotel did not start breakfast till 08.30 at weekends and the show opens at 09.30 if it’s raining, so it was Wetherspoons near Piccadilly Gardens each morning. Nice hotel though. Organisers now aware but it was the first time they used it.


Hump day is here. Tired though.

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Morning all,


On matters various -


1. I shan't be going to the Astolat show, it's a right drag walking up the hill from the station to finish up being not very impressed when I get there if a previous visit is any guide.  Shame in some respects as I will miss the grown up version of Banbury which seems to have turned into an 00 layout according to the show info.

2. I shall be going to the Alton show - on the Saturday - assuming those responsible for such matters at Swansea have by then got off their backsides, read and understood what the Doctor said, and deign it within their wisdom to return my Driving Licence; the joke is wearing a bit thin.  I also have 'some shopping' to collect from Paul.

3. All being well and signal failures permitting I shall be attending the Scout Hut in Pontcanna for the Cardiff Small Show on January 20th - an excellent little show and usually well attended by various luminaries from RM Web.

4. The water supplied to the beer factory at Magor referred to by ChrisF does indeed pass along a brick lined channel adjacent to the Severn Tunnel but actually comes from the Great Spring should anybody be concerned about its provenance - as one of the railway industry's profitable activities I'm surprised it hasn't been re-privatised.


Mrs Stationmaster and the Good Doctor are off to do the shopping leaving me to wander round the 'net/RM web while they gather in the comestibles although I must not overlook the need to send off the booking form and cheque for our April adventure on the briny.  And now I am being called to attend for the 3rd mugatea of the day.


Have a good day one and all.

Hadn’t spotted that on their website. It’s still N scale Mike but nice idea if Only I had the space. It’s now in the liesure Centre so even further away from the station but hopefully a better venue since our last visit.

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Just went to check the wheel nuts on the Landrover...

The old wheel brace is too fat to go into the hole where the wheel nuts are... Arghhhh.

 27mm SKT ordered...

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