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how much?.. you need to move somewhere sensible... 



This is NW London Shell prices - V-power sells at a significant premium over standard 95RON (only £1.20/ltr). I only chanced it in order to dilute the diesel mistakenly put in on Monday.


Next time round I'll try Jeremy Corbyn's Tesco Momentum.

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This is NW London Shell prices - V-power sells at a significant premium over standard 95RON (only £1.20/ltr). I only chanced it in order to dilute the diesel mistakenly put in on Monday.

Next time round I'll try Jeremy Corbyn's Tesco Momentum.

£1.20.....HOW MUCH!!!! Moreasons is £1.13 in Leeds and cheaper in Bishop Aukland....lummy the "joys" of living in the London area...not!


Sleep well


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£1.20.....HOW MUCH!!!! Moreasons is £1.13 in Leeds and cheaper in Bishop Aukland....lummy the "joys" of living in the London area...not!


Sleep well



He should be so lucky - our local W Euro(Pak)garages non-service station is currently charging £1.21.9 for unleaded and it was £1.17.9 in Tesco in Reading last week.


And on that not too happy note - G'night all

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Work worked and hockey watched.

A good game against another of the three teams that dropped down a league last year. Unfortunately a 3-4 loss in the first of a two-leg cup match. The return game is in Hull tomorrow night but I won't be able to make it. 

We went for a chat with some friends in the break between period 1 and 2 and returned to our normal seats just as play got underway for P2. As we were walking along beside the ice, the puck came flying out of the rink, bounced off the seats and landed right at out feet. I kept on walking whilst bending down and pocketed the puck. It is the done thing to not throw it back..... It is now a souvenir for Junior NB.


More work Sunday and the threat possibility of Baz visiting....


Have a good Sunday folks.




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Evening everyone


The weather has been quite sunny with virtually no wind. The morning was spent finishing the frames that I didn’t manage to complete yesterday. Once completed the pictures were fitted back in and then they were put back. The afternoon was then spent cleaning up, as rubbing down the frames created quite a lot of dust! I also put away most of the stuff that I’d been given as presents at Christmas and I also found one or two items that had become lost due to the activities I’d been doing before Christmas. All in all everything is looking a lot tidier.


As I’m usually awake at around 6:30 I may see if I can get a glimpse of the Mars Jupiter conjunction tomorrow morning.


Since buying my car almost 6 months ago, I’ve only ever half filled it up. The last time was just before Christmas and petrol cost me £1.11 a litre at our local Costco, which is next to Asda who were charging £1.16 per litre.


Goodnight all.

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Evening all. An afternoon visit to the large s*p*rm*rk*t at Manor Circus, conveniently close to North Sheen station, obviated the need to place a low-value delivery order and required minimal walking with multiple bags of stuff. Upon instructions of SWMBO flowers were obtained for neighbour (upstairs) who turned 21 today and was the reason for last night’s partying.


SWMBO then popped over by means of Uber to Heathrow T5 for a quick catch-up with an Australian friend who was passing through. Catch-up became “over dinner” which message was relayed so as to prevent unnecessary cooking - I located the remains of a Chinese “takeaway” (delivery actually but who’s counting) which was perfectly adequate and soaked up a glass of Proper Job.


Flowers and birthday card were duly delivered upstairs though SWMBO opted out of the climb which is not unusual; she has found stairs a formidable obstacle at times for some years. What might have been a 2-minute absence became a 2-hour absence as a muggertea was offered while those assembled (four) enjoyed a very relaxed chat amongst ourselves. Muggertea 2 and 3 came and went. I was invited to stay and watch “Mamma Mia” with them but declined politely on the grounds that I might be missed downstairs. In the end I returned to find SWMBO soundly asleep on the sofa!!!


Off to bed now hoping to sleep better than of late. The cat already has other ideas and is lurking at the end of the bed. G’night all.

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....petrol cost me £1.11 a litre at our local Costco, which is next to Asda who were charging £1.16 per litre....


Costco don't run filling stations down here. Asda generally cheapest in NW London (£1.18/ltr or so for diesel) but they don't do super unleaded, followed very closely by Sainsbury's.

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As I’m usually awake at around 6:30 I may see if I can get a glimpse of the Mars Jupiter conjunction tomorrow morning.




I'm usually awake at 6.30 also.


Ah - you mean am.


In that case.......




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My Sainsbury's of choice (the one on the way home from work) has unleaded at 109.9 and Diesel at 110.9.

Kingsbury Distribution centre is about eight miles away, which may explain it.


The filling stations on the A5, a bit closer to Kingsbury are about 7-8p more expensive.

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Good morning one and all


The catching up continues.  Ironing, the task which I loathe with a passion, is now up to date and I have read as much of the past two weeks of RMweb as is feasible.  Once I have listened to The Archers this morning my listening and viewing will also be up to date [i think].  Other tasks remain, notably completing the feedback form in respect of my holiday.  Much needs to be said, most of it good.


Quite a busy week lies ahead.  On Tuesday I am due to pay the first visit of the year to Poorly Pal and on Wednesday there is a talk at the South Wales chapter of the Royal Corps of Train Spotters which interests me mightily.  This of course entails an overnight stay.  On Saturday I plan to be at the Straw Bear festival in Whittlesey and on Sunday at Stevenage show.  Lurking in the background of all this and with a deadline looming is the compelling need to do some m*d*ll*ng.


Continuing warm thoughts and good wishes to all ERs in distress and recovery



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A lovely sunny (but chilly) morning up here in the North West Leeds Highlands.


Yes, Mick, a visitation is on the cards today.....be afraid!


Mugatea required asap.


Have a great day everyone!




I did notice on another thread a posting from an ER in Scotland who has been very busy. Hopefully we may see him posting here soon.

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Good morning all,

Dry and a bit cloudy although there is a hint of blue and there may be some sunny spells.

I've been using the same local Sainsbury's petrol station for about 18 years (unless I'm away on holiday) Price last time I filled up in December was £1.189 litre. As I only normally do about 60 miles a week these days I'm not really bothered about checking around for lower prices.

I don't ever have to do ironing which is just as well because it would drive me bonkers. Luckily I have a wife who actually loves doing it, so much so that she often volunteers to iron for our offspring.

Breakfast has been offered and will be accepted shortly.

A(nother) lazy day in prospect with just a bit of accounting and money management to do and a rugby match to watch later with Wasps v Saracens on the agenda.

Have a good one,


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Still, cold and frosty here, prompting an excursion into the garden with the thought of running a live steamer, however like Southern, the points are frozen.....and I was shortly afterwards.




Walking about in slippery conditions isn't good for Frankenfoot, so back inside to the warm I go.

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Morning all and best wishes all round. Supportive wishes to Debs and anyone else who needs them. Last night I finally logged back onto my "alternative" Facebook profile. This is the one, set up as a test, that now covers all of my model railway related postings. I had not logged in for a while and it was good to see a posting from Debs with a picture of her beloved collies.


Things have been very busy here in Derby once again now I am back at work. Yesterday afternoon was spent sat in front of the computer completing as much of the planning as possible. That was after we had braved the city centre in the morning. I hate shopping at the best of times, but shopping on a Saturday is my idea of hell. However Amber needed to have her feet measured and Sarah simply "had" to go into Debenhams to buy something she had seen in the sale last week. Of course the sale item had gone and Amber's feet had not grown so it was a wasted journey!

Last night we went out with the inlaws for an enjoyable meal. This was an early birthday celebration for Sarah who reaches 37 tomorrow.


Today there is another busy day. We start with the Avon book collection marathon before we head up to Nottingham to drop Sarah off ahead of Nottingham Forest's home FA Cup game with Arsenal. The afternoon may be spent on some modelling before I do the second Avon book trawl in the evening. So much for a restful Sunday!


Have a good one!


Best wishes



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I have a friend Gary who drove 10 miles to buy cheap diesel and could not work out it was cheaper for him to buy it locally at 2p a litre dearer  :banghead:

 now Horrorsons have opened a station on the estate he's jumping for joy at getting a bargain his nick name is Tight@rse BTW last through the

door when going for a beer and the first to leave.


I fill up in a Shell or Esso filling stations I always stay clear of cheap petrol in supermarkets false economy as the car does less miles per litre

 on the carp they dispense. :sungum:


Last night SWMBO  :tender: called me "darling" :O for the first time since 1968 I thought someone else had walked into the room,  wonder will never cease.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up late this morning, almost 9 o'clock! usually by this time I'd have a lot of things done but as I'm long retired it hardly matters as I should be able to catch up by tea time. Speaking of which my mug awaits so I'll be back later.

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I have a friend Gary who drove 10 miles to buy cheap diesel and could not work out it was cheaper for him to buy it locally at 2p a litre dearer  :banghead:

 now Horrorsons have opened a station on the estate he's jumping for joy at getting a bargain his nick name is Tight@rse BTW last through the

door when going for a beer and the first to leave.


I fill up in a Shell or Esso filling stations I always stay clear of cheap petrol in supermarkets false economy as the car does less miles per litre

 on the carp they dispense. :sungum:


Last night SWMBO  :tender: called me "darling" :O for the first time since 1968 I thought someone else had walked into the room,  wonder will never cease.

I knew or did know a couple of characters like Gary. I once used the term 'tighter than a ducks @r$e and thats watertight' to describe one such character to which another person replied how do I know a ducks @r$e is watertight. My answer was if it wasn't that duck would be in trouble. :O

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Morning all,


Bright and sunny but a bit chilly.  Laddo's excursion to a pie & beer festival at Wraysbury yesterday duly backfired on hime last night, twice, although he blamed it on the pizza he scoffed after getting home - I reckon it was a dose of 'Stationmaster's revenge' for not taking me to the Maidenhead show after originally promising to do so  :triniti: 


Noticed on heading up the stairs to bedfordshire last night that 'we' hadn't removed all the C*******s trees and decorations to the attic as they were still piled up on the landing. no doubt a correction order will be issued today, deep joy.


Have a good day one and all (ah, the sound is emerging from the kitchen of a kettle on the boil, hopefully that will herald mugatea No. 3)

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Last night SWMBO  :tender: called me "darling" :O for the first time since 1968 I thought someone else had walked into the room,  wonder will never cease.


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Yep I suspect something very dear is forthcoming. How's the bank balance at the moment?   :jester:

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Morning all,


Bright and sunny but a bit chilly.  Laddo's excursion to a pie & beer festival at Wraysbury yesterday duly backfired on hime last night, twice, although he blamed it on the pizza he scoffed after getting home - I reckon it was a dose of 'Stationmaster's revenge' for not taking me to the Maidenhead show after originally promising to do so  :triniti:


Noticed on heading up the stairs to bedfordshire last night that 'we' hadn't removed all the C*******s trees and decorations to the attic as they were still piled up on the landing. no doubt a correction order will be issued today, deep joy.


Have a good day one and all (ah, the sound is emerging from the kitchen of a kettle on the boil, hopefully that will herald mugatea No. 3)

Mike you should have mentioned about the show I could have pick you up as it's not far from where you live.

:secret: I'd stay off the tea if I was you or you could end up grumpy like Baz. :jester:

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Morning all.

The sky was cloud free this morning providing a clear view of Mars and Jupiter. Robbie didn't seem bothered.

I can't imagine much happening here today other than an excursion to the park so that Robbie can run around. He was falling over a lot yesterday but seems steadier today.


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