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  • RMweb Premium

The sports massage/physio girl has just left - as I may have mentioned, her attractiveness helps with the pain.....


She has confirmed my suspicions that one of the screws has started to come loose, perhaps two.  That's in the foot by the way - the head ones have always been like that. Ahem.  I have an appointment with the main man in 6 weeks anyway so I don't suppose I'd get in any earlier now.  They are due for removal ASAP afterwards anyway.  I just want to get on with it.


But it all fades into insignificance when I think of Debs.  Bless her.  Great to see her on facebook though, which hopefully indicates improvement.

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She has confirmed my suspicions that one of the screws has started to come loose, perhaps two.  


Admitting you may have a screw loose may not be the best thing.....


But no, you go even further and confess to two.......





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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Good news about Debs and I hope she keeps on getting better.



That sort of reminds me about a mate's stag do - about 30 years ago - at a Greek restaurant.

A stripper had been booked who was going to turn up dressed as a WPC.


At the appointed hour I was delegated to wait outside the restaurant to make sure she knew who was the "stag". 


A young lady hoved into view dressed as a WPC and I dutifully enquired... 

"Hello, luv, are you the turn?" 


As it happened she wasn't.









That reminds me of something that happened when I was a union rep about 30 years ago. At the monthly union meeting we were waiting for a visit from the local woman MP who was known for being an ardent women's libber. A few new faces appeared at the meeting, mostly female including one rather attractive young lady in a smart business suit. Just before the MP was due to appear the young lady got up and stripped off the business suit and stood there stark naked. She then sat on the branch secretary's lap and started running her fingers through his hair. Had the MP turned up there would have been ructions but as it turned out we received a message to say that she would not be coming due to a late debate in the Houses of Parliament. The stripper had been booked by a couple of girls from the branch secretary's office as revenge for his constant teasing of them.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold

Best wishes to Debs on her recovery.


Had a lucky escape from a cockwomble today.  Car coming the other way rather over the speed limit on a village road suddenly realised that there was parked car in her lane, turned to overtake it and saw me.   She braked hard and the car swerved out towards me as the off-side rear also swung round ... why was I lucky?  Thankfully there was a side road to my left so a quick left and then right and I was round her.  Lucky because if there had been a kerb I would not have been able to get away and not only would the car have been damaged but also the model r...y that I was carrying.  


Looking back in my mirror I noticed that she was stopped against the kerb and the car that was behind me had managed to stop in time.  I bet she was shaking.


Historically the only time I have written off a car would not have happened had there been a kerb at that point on the road along which I was sliding on black ice.  The kerb would have stopped the vehicle from sliding down into the drainage ditch and rolling over.  Interestingly to me was my first thought 'I will be late for work'  followed by 'I won't get to work' as I turned the ignition off while hanging upside down in my seat belt.  In complete darkness I switched the roof light on momentarily to see my way out ... near side door and walk over the bottom of the car and walked back home to telephone work and recovery.   No mobile telephone in those days and still do not routinely have one with me. 




Edit - significant bit left out ... the only part of the road where there wasn't a kerb in place was the point at which my nearside front wheel would have met the said kerb!.

Edited by PeterBB
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Just sent the collected thoughts of ERs to Debs.


If you're on Facebook and are friends with Debs then you've seen all that I have,


Apparently I posted some music for her which made her cry - i apologised but she said they were cathartic tears.


But in all this her sense of humour is still there, but naturally a little muted.


I'll keep listening and keep everyone posted.

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Glad to hear that Debs appears to be on the mend. Also thinking of NHN and his loose screws!


Had a quiet couple of days here as Mrs G is still suffering with her cold. It doesn’t seem to want to go away. Thankfully I haven’t got it (yet!).


I spent part of today repairing a club owned Bachmann N class 2-6-0 which had suffered from Mazak rot on the running frames. Bachmann had sent a free replacement as this is a known issue own this model. What amazed me was that when I took the loco apart, much of the Mazak just crumbled in my very gentle grip. It was really badly affected. Then with my clumsy hands I struggled to put some of the detailing parts back on the new frame. I think I will leave it to someone with more delicate fingers at the club.

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.....Bachmann N class 2-6-0 which had suffered from Mazak rot on the running frames. Bachmann had sent a free replacement as this is a known issue own this model. What amazed me was that when I took the loco apart, much of the Mazak just crumbled in my very gentle grip. It was really badly affected.....


That's what they do. Crumble into dust.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land.


Late posting - as usual :jester:  as I tried a bit of catching up.

Best wishes to Debs, it has been awhile since we last met up.


Went for a walk with Ray across the fields this afternoon for the first time since the onset of that "man" flu thing a month ago.  Oh, man!  After all the recent rain, not only was it squidgy widgy, squelchy welchy and squashy washy along the grassy section of footpath, the hay was a bit stinky winky as we passed this little scene.  We didn't hang around very long, especially on the way back when the pong followed us on the sou'westerly!




Just one mile there and back and I was all in!  It might be a slow return to normal.


But for now ' night all and nos da.



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  • RMweb Gold

Our friends have just gone but there is still a drop of Remy left and I thought it rude not to leave it alone in the bottle so I have released it!

A really good night has been had. The Boss surpassed herself in the kitchen and there is not a scrap of food remaining after 2nd helpings all round.

I see that Debs has issued a D notice on loco pictures. Now then punk Bob, do you feel lucky?  

With thamount of alcofrol currently in my syshtem yesh to lucky but nope to actuallyallyally  beinable to put together a slecshun off picturegraqphs of locomotoengines that makesh sensh to anyonebodys sho

I'lllllll giveitamish. Hic.


Nite nite.

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  • RMweb Premium

Our mail this week consisted of 3 ads for clubs -- 2 exercise clubs and 1 turkey bacon club. I chucked the first 2 and SWMBO deleted the last.

We have taken down the C. decorations. Much head scratching and googling to see if they come down on 12th night or next day and which day is the 12th. I voted for UKrainian twelfth night, but was outvoted, 1-1.

Tomorrow is Dragonfest. Platelayers meeting with all the dragons also invited. Lostock Junction will be run with loose attention to the schedule.

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Good morning one and all, with warm thoughts to Debs and all on the distress and recovery list


The irritation of the day award goes today to Royal Mail. On 17th November I sent an envelope containing two SAEs to the publishers of a local folk magazine so that they could send me the magazine when published. Hitherto an ordinary second class stamp has been sufficient but no longer, apparently. Yesterday the envelope came back, from Belfast. How much did it cost Royal Mail to process the letter in such a fashion? A bit more than the £1.50 which the intended recipients understandably declined to pay, I'll bet. How tiresome.


Meanwhile the catching up continues and the pile of ironing grows precariously. It WILL be tackled today. Honest. I'm not making much headway on wading through the 60 or so pages of new posts on RMweb but one day I will find out just what has occurred in the two and a half weeks since I went away. Which day will that be, you cry? Pass.



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Morning all from the village. Quite a few things got done yesterday then main one that my layout was finally loaded onto an artic and is now somewhere en route to Dover and then owards to France. Apparently it went on safely. I had a good evening at the clubroom and got 5 more Cobalts to work, just 4 more to go. This morning I'm off to our monthly Men's Breakfast at Church. As I'm giving the talk I better remember to go. Then it will be time to pack the car and check everything before picking the trailer up and setting off after lunch. I've got one of the operating team from Green Ayre comong with me. Mel and I joined the Police on the same day and had consecutive service numbers so some good convversations should be had over the next few days.


I hope that Debs is improving and best wishes to all the other ER's whoa re ailing.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Safe journey Jamie and anyone else travelling this weekend.


Hopefully Debs can see more improvement every day from now.


Not a lot on my "to do" chit today. I have a parcel to post, a bit of muddling to complete then.........


C u later.



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  • RMweb Gold

I hope that Debs is improving and best wishes to all the other ER's whoa re ailing.

It would be so nice if they could all just say 'whoa' re their ailing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Admitting you may have a screw loose may not be the best thing.....


But no, you go even further and confess to two.......








Two gives me some breathing space..


Sorry, just realised there's too much data on that...back in a bit.




Sorry, it had full name and DoB on the top!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium

Our mail this week consisted of 3 ads for clubs -- 2 exercise clubs and 1 turkey bacon club. I chucked the first 2 and SWMBO deleted the last.

We have taken down the C. decorations. Much head scratching and googling to see if they come down on 12th night or next day and which day is the 12th. I voted for UKrainian twelfth night, but was outvoted, 1-1.

Tomorrow is Dragonfest. Platelayers meeting with all the dragons also invited. Lostock Junction will be run with loose attention to the schedule.


Happy Three Kings Day from red dragon land.


C******** decorations down later...  :yes: :yes: :yes:


Anyway, I have not had breakfast yet...  :D 


Nor 11ses & C******** biscuits - yep, still got some.  :good:

lunch & C******** chocs- yep, still got some.  :good:

afternoon tea - & C******** cake - yep, still got some.  :good:

dinner - C******** pud - yep, still got some.  :good: etc.



Now you know why we went for a walk yesterday...er...hum...   

Might need a few more,,,  :jester:

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all and sundry, especially the latter even though I've never met him (or her)

I am awake and considering last night's efforts considerably fit although maybe not for driving at the moment. Or all day for that matter. :no:

It seems to be rather dull outside but is dry at the moment with the chance of some showers to come.

I have been advised that "we" need to set to work and finish clearing up and also take down the Christmas decorations. This means that a ladder to the loft has to be negotiated, firstly to get boxes down and secondly to put them back when full. I wonder who'll get that job then?  :scratchhead:

Firstly though more coffee and toast is needed.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and the Christmas decs are descending.


The space vacated in the sitting room will shortly be filled with plywood as the plans for a new layout are moved forward a step. 


Nice to see a message from Debs. Thanks, John. 

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