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Does anyone read my drivel? Our very own 'Letters from America'. Very much so, Pete....:)


I'm still on the Morphine whilst I wait another hospital appointment. Just as well it's not urgent.....:D


On the plus side, I'm sitting at the kitchen table rebuilding a Bachmann B1 and enjoying the battle. Honours even so far, but hopeful good will triumph eventually.


.....and it's still bloomin' raining...

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  • RMweb Premium

It is still snowing here so count your blessings such as they are! i know I would rather be healthy than sat at home. If there is a bit of B1 you are struggling with why not pop a photo on for advice, what you did for the shower owner should be available to you in return.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Just got the dog back from kennels after a lie in this morning to after ten, as we had a very difficult day yesterday with two long drives punctuated by the funeral. Drive North was, to say the least, interesting, and the whole of Scotland had been declared a potential black ice hazard by the highway people. Had to drive through a heavy snowstorm on the M74, which was causing greatly reduced visibility, and passed a van that had gone onto its roof - even so, there were idiots pushing on at very high speeds in a semi snowed up lane 3 of the M74.


Said goodbye to my mum, and the only choker was when we sang the Boys' Brigade Hymn, "Will Your Anchor Hold" which we chose because my mum was a Junior Section Officer, and both my brother and I were Company Section Officers and went through the ranks of the BB from private to Lieutenant. One happier note was when my nephew introduced his girlfriend as "my fiancee" so perhaps a more happy event will ensue and we can meet the long lost cousins and friends in happier circumstances.


Drive home was in very cold conditions, but on all the roads we were using, the gritters had been out and active, and we got home safe and sound then tried to wind down with the TV and a drink. So with the late night, a lie in, then getting the dog back ole 45156 didn't manage to get online any sooner.


Return to work has just been confirmed with my employer to start back at 3 hours a day on Monday.


Regards to All



Return to work is confirmed for Monday now, so let's hope that for 45156

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Guest Max Stafford

Hard frost overnight. Everything is covered in it and it looks beautiful, quite a tonic after the grim, grey damp of recent days. Didn't even have to wash my boots on return to the park. I don't know how long this will last, but I'm making the most of it! Had a very nice nreakfast of grilled bacon, mushroom and tomatoes this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Time for some shed-based fun this afternoon!

Go easy on that morphine Gordon, you'll be playing Thelonius Monk-style jazz next! ;)



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  • RMweb Premium

Hard frost overnight.Had a very nice nreakfast of grilled bacon, mushroom and tomatoes this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Indeed Dave - it was very cold indeed at about eight last night when I stopped at Southwaite to stretch my legs, and their car park was treacherous - I doubt that Moto have ever heard of grit! I have no thermometer in the car, but guessed at about minus six.


May I make a fellow Scot a weeny bit envious - I was in Scotland early enough yesterday to do the rounds of some of my favourite butchers and bakers in the Ayr area and came back with "essential" supplies of sliced sausage, fruit pudding, tattie scones, plain pies, onion pies, morning rolls, and proper Ayrshire bacon.


Breakfast this morning was a heart attack on a plate - Ayrshire bacon, two slices of sausage in a morning roll, a slice of fruit pudding, two tattie scones, mushrooms, beans, and a double yolked free range egg from a local farmer who sells them to locals. Ah bliss, and there's enough in the freezer for another two weekends.

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On the plus side, I'm sitting at the kitchen table rebuilding a Bachmann B1 and enjoying the battle. Honours even so far, but hopeful good will triumph eventually.


.....and it's still bloomin' raining...



It's a philosophical question: Is unread drivel better than read drivel?


When raining is is advisable to start rebuilding a B1 - this is what you wrote about last year and didn't complete?


Snowing quite hard here, schools are still open but ironically my daughter's trip to Shawnee Mountain for snowboarding (a local township do) may be cancelled (I'm not too sure I'd trust the coach drivers anyway......

Another snow storm is expected next Tuesday night, oh, joy!


Best, Pete.




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You did, just now........or was it my imagination. :huh:


I see you've noticed Pete, that I'm a great starter but a poor finisher. :(


The three LMS Crab's from last year are in various stages. One is complete and running. The second is all in bits and the third has the chassis milled out and bearings added. This ground to a halt whilst I wait for that flash of inspiration. I also have a Heljan Teddy Bear in bits awaiting some 30AWG decoder wire. Poor assembly on Heljan's part meant that several wires were nicked in the chassis and I want to rewire the whole thing right back to the body mounted LED's.


Finally we have the B1 Gazelle which is spread all over the kitchen table. Trying to get the lumpiness out of the split chassis is a pain and several hours have been invested today. I have done these before, but my quest for perfection means it has been assembled and stripped at least three times today. I'm also adding aditional pickups to the split chassis. This is an experiment on my part as I don't feel confident that a good electrical connection is being made via the wheel/chassis interface, particularly when it has a thin layer of oil on the bearing surfaces, which are the same ones used to conduct power.

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  • RMweb Gold

. .. This is an experiment on my part as I don't feel confident that a good electrical connection is being made via the wheel/chassis interface, particularly when it has a thin layer of oil on the bearing surfaces, which are the same ones used to conduct power.





The trains I had in my my first electric train-sets used to spark and vaporise the oil (tiny bottles of Shell oil) making a very characteristic odour. Modern lubricants don't seem to do that. Also modern locomotives don't seem as sparky!



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Wretched split chassis! :angry:


There's a Bachmann 04 on my workbench which has been down there for months. I chipped it, but it never ran the same after that. I took it apart to readjust it, and there it has sat ever since.


Modern motor technology has improved in leaps and bounds. Running some of my older stock results in a strong smell of ozone which is never present on the newer models.

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  • RMweb Premium

Modern motor technology has improved in leaps and bounds. Running some of my older stock results in a strong smell of ozone which is never present on the newer models.


Oh yeah, I remember that from the Märklin locos I had as a kid! I also remember how I once managed to kind of cut apart a small length of brass chain on the track's stud contacts when applying power...much as if I had used an arc welder, I guess :blink: .

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  • RMweb Gold
It's a philosophical question: Is unread drivel better than read drivel?


Are you speaking as the reader or the writer?


Is pure drivel of better quality than unadulterated drivel?


So many questions

So much drivel

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  • RMweb Premium

Still almost 8° outside, and very foggy it is. I had to take a drive earlier tonight and the fog was sufficiently dense that I could see only to the next delineator :blink: . Thankfully, all other motorists drew the same conclusions as I did and did not go faster than 40 to 50 kph.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Fog has diminished a bit and the temperature's close to 9°. However, it's to be slightly cooler next week. I must say I'm sleeping surprisingly well in recent days, which of course is good :) .


Wish you all a good weekend and TTYL! :D

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ood Morning Everyone,


It is great to see the sun this morning. I think a walk is in order today - I was planning that yesterday afternoon until it started to chuck it down with rain!


Wherever you are, and whatever you're doing, have a great day!

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  • RMweb Premium

It is great to see the sun this morning. I think a walk is in order today - I was planning that yesterday afternoon until it started to chuck it down with rain!



It's beginning to brighten up around the Taunus as well. Reading the forecast, it would but seem it may be very windy later today. Thankfully we do not have any rivers nearby which could cause flooding – just a small creek which but is sufficiently far away that it cannot harm our place.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Quite nice here today, and been able to get out quite easily this morning, and the lack of snow or ice means that I am a lot more confident of getting about, and am now managing to get some distance without crutches. Also nice not to have to keep the heating running all day and all night.


Looks as if I struck lucky with the weather window for the Scottish trip, as we missed snow the day before and the day after my mum's funeral. Forecast is for much more normal winter weather to return to most of the UK by Wednesday, but no doubt Pete is sending us his cast off storms again - thanks mate! LOL


Regards to All


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