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  • RMweb Premium

Much frost on the ground, raining, found two of Ben's tennis balls, so gradually came back to the house kicking each alternately, as he chased them. Being a clever doggy he started putting the ball behind me, before chasing the next, as he wish to continue this game..


I note on TV that the NHS after years of advising people to go to the doctor's and to ignore the internet. Have reversed their position and are advising to look up your condition on the net first...

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It got down to about -3C in the night. I was coughing and went down for some honey. I didn't even bother to persuade Robbie to go out. He wasn't in his bed but in one of his favoured sleeping positions and looked quite comfortable.

It is raining now.

I suspect I won't be doing much today.


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  • RMweb Premium

Snow. Pah!

Very wet Snow! Double pah!


Shopping at Moreasons completed and back home for a mugatea and bacon sarnie. The Moreasons store manager said yesterday had been very, very busy. The shelf stacking team were still hard at filling some empty shelves while we were there. People complaining about having to queue to get a till...oh yes, a queue of 2 people, jeez get a life!


All our main roads have been gritted. Her indoors doesn't understand about snow on side roads and hit the brakes hard. Luckily no one was around. I think she may understand my suggestions of low gear, engine braking rather than go as fast as you do normally then slam brakes on!


Best thoughts to all.

Time to try and rustle up some missing Ers.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Absolutely chucking it down here and very windy. This may turn to sunny spells and scattered showers later. I don't believe it!

Bin men woke us at 6.40 which was very kind of them. Unusual for us not to have woken up earlier.

First task today just for a change is a shopping trip to Sainsbury's. Unbelievably the food mountain is missing a couple of essentials.

Following that I hope to play with my new toys before an appointment later at the bank with The Boss who is moving accounts around.

Tonight we've been invited in for a meal with our friends next door so all in all a busy day in prospect.

Have a good one and keep dry,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Wet and windy this morning but got to go out and spend some more modelling tokens this morning, there's a toy fair at Rayleigh. Checked my weight this morning and I've managed to loose a few pounds since before Christmas, but still overweight though. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Snow. Pah!

Very wet Snow! Double pah!


All our main roads have been gritted. Her indoors doesn't understand about snow on side roads and hit the brakes hard. Luckily no one was around. I think she may understand my suggestions of low gear, engine braking rather than go as fast as you do normally then slam brakes on!


Best thoughts to all.

Time to try and rustle up some missing Ers.



In icy conditions its best to keep in as high a gear as possible, this reduces the chances of wheelspin.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s been a while since I’ve started my post wishing everyone a good morning!


I was woken up at 7:00 by the bin men emptying one of our (2) bins, the other is still waiting to be emptied. I came down for breakfast around 8:30 and noticed it was raining quite heavily, this had the odd snow flake mixed in with it, but the ground is so wet it wasn’t sticking. However, that has now all changed, thankfully the snow has stopped falling but some has stuck, currently less than 1/2” thick, so I expect it will be gridlock out there now!


Not a lot planned for today, other than a trip (I’ll walk) to the butchers for our weekly meat rations, then maybe get a bit of modelling done after.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Woke up to rain - on top of the frozen road, so the first 400 yards off the estate was a bit tricky.


Took usual route to work on the back lanes and then the snow appeared. Again, on top of ice.

I won't be going home on the back roads and if the snow continues, I may POE.....


Urgent job awaits.


Have a good Friday folks.




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Morning all. Heavy rain at the moment but it should ease later.


Some shopping to be done in a while which means fighting the traffic.


Not a great deal else planned.


My continuing thoughts with Rick, Simon, Debs et al.


Have a good day everyone.

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I think the point of the article was to look at temperatures on a certain day - yesterday - when Canada is going through a particularly cold spell. I don't think anyone would claim Moscow over a whole winter is more livable than Vancouver BC (or over a whole year, for that matter!)  

 Mate in Medicine Hat, Ab. reports -27°C yesterday and -26°C the previous day, he is originally from Winnipeg where it is -46°C  ! I should point out that a fortnight ago in MH it was +17°C, and they are now expecting a Chinook to blow in, vanish the snow, and raise the temperature to +3°B.

Not sure I could cope with those sorts of variations - but we still complain about the weather!

Edited by shortliner
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Rain. previously heavy, has stopped. Don't know about the underfoot conditions since I've so far stayed in.


Sainsbury's beckons today, then three days at home before work. 


In this week of Sundays have a good Friday, and POE is a very, very good idea.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Morning all,


Rain on top of snow and ice hereabouts, not too much but enough to be a little wary. Due to waft down the M40 tomorrow but will keep an eye on the weather!


Watched one of the Italian '70s films last night, a phsychological murder mystery called 'All The Colours Of The Dark', quite a little gem as they go, shot in London in '71 with Italian and English dubbing. Some lovely street scenes of West London with hardly any traffic about and not a hipster in sight(!), the leading actress was pootling about in a '67 Mini while her psychiatrist was wafting along in a Series 1 XJ6, lovely!


Stay safe all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a wet South Wales.


Yesterday our tran from Lancaster wa late by around twenty minutes with no reason given. At Warrington Bank Quay I jumped off to collect mum and get her on the train to her seat in the next carriage to ours. We were lucky to get seat reservations when we booked so getting just next door to hers was even luckier.


A bit of a dash to Victoria being lat into Euston but just made it getting her on the train home.Being Southern of course it was also delayed departing. Brother met her at her destination to take her home.


We then went to meet ex work colleagues for a pint in the City before heading to Paddington.


First time on one of the new class 800 units but not impressed with the seats as they are as rock hard as the Thames link units. An 8 minute Late departure from Paddington still had us sitting at Reading for about another 7 minutes before leaving on time but then lost time to Cardiff. Luckily no onward journey for us so it didn’t really matter but still all very sloppy time keeping despite so much make up time built in.


Despite being a Thursday night Cardiff was still pretty lively. One bar a bunch of blokes came in and wanted to throw the table through the ornate windows of this good craft and ale bar. That action meant that they didn’t get served and soon departed. This is one reason that we avoid Cardiff on a Saturday evening and by coincidence this mornings news mention the way Cardiff Is full of drunks on a Saturday. Luckily we will be elsewhere tomorrow evening. Meanwhile we are currently on a train to Ebbw Vale Town station which opened since our last trip here. Hoping to catch a bus to Merthyr Tydfil then trwin back to Cardiff stoping off at Pontypridd for a few beers.

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I note on TV that the NHS after years of advising people to go to the doctor's and to ignore the internet. Have reversed their position and are advising to look up your condition on the net first...

I am glad they didn't promote this idea 2 years ago. Still treating, a slightly niggling cough with cough syrup would not have helped detect the small lump on my lung.

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  • RMweb Premium

In icy conditions its best to keep in as high a gear as possible, this reduces the chances of wheelspin.

I would always start off in 2nd but don't tend to use gears 5 and 6 t all if I am driving on fresh snow....

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  • RMweb Premium

I would always start off in 2nd but don't tend to use gears 5 and 6 t all if I am driving on fresh snow....


6 gears? You were lucky to have 4 in my day........




Having said that. I've decided that my car is a bit light of foot on the front end in les than ideal conditions - I may invest in a pair of winter tyres as my driving requirements have changed considerably in the last 12 months.




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Morning from a wet South Wales.



Despite being a Thursday night Cardiff was still pretty lively. One bar a bunch of blokes came in and wanted to throw the table through the ornate windows of this good craft and ale bar. That action meant that they didn’t get served and soon departed. This is one reason that we avoid Cardiff on a Saturday evening and by coincidence this mornings news mention the way Cardiff Is full of drunks on a Saturday. Luckily we will be elsewhere tomorrow evening. Meanwhile we are currently on a train to Ebbw Vale Town station which opened since our last trip here. Hoping to catch a bus to Merthyr Tydfil then trwin back to Cardiff stoping off at Pontypridd for a few beers.



Drunk Tanks - description of the Cardiff one in http://inews.co.uk/news/health/drunk-tanks-rolled-across-england-next-year/

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Good morning all. Good wishes all round and supportive thoughts to those in distress. I hope we hear better news from Debs soon. She does sound a very strong person. The day after her dear husband's funeral she was planning to visit our Weston on Trent model railway show. I was looking forward to meeting her. Sadly her health issues flared up and I think she found herself in hospital on the day of the show.


Today has dawned grey and wet. I actually had to have the lights on whilst making breakfast at 9am. It seems Sarah has planned a very busy day for us. With her mum's birthday coming up there seems to be some shopping to do. I think the garden centre is the likely destination for the birthday gift. Prior to that we have some old stuff to drop off at the charity shop and Sarah has some Avon deliveries to do. Later she and Amber are off to her mum's for the evening prior to tomorrow's Forest match. That should give me a little bit of peace and quiet with school work likely to be on the agenda.


The run over to Nottingham should give me a chance to give the new car a run. I collected yesterday although the 10.30 collection to became mid-day after a frustrating wait because the salesman was busy. Lunch at a local pub was followed by sales shopping. Sarah decided that yesterday was a good day for Amber to spend her Christmas money in Toys R Us. It was busy, but not too bad. Not that we really need more Playmobil - we have not managed to reclaim the front room from all of her Christmas toys yet


Have a good day


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Gold

I am about to depart with my Granddaughter, Eira, on a walk to see the horses. I shall be assisted in this venture by the PH.


After that we will be required to go shopping to top up our dwindling food supplies.  Despite having two fridges that were bulging at the seams on the 24 th, they are now almost empty.


8728 arrived here light engine this morning as promised by Chris B at Minerva.  She will spend the weekend on shed with 4667 before venturing down to Splott West Sidings on running in duties.


This means the switch rails, at the yard throat, removed in November for repairs, will require replacing pdq.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The rain has stopped, the frost has gone, and we've got bright sunshine.  Hopefully the latter will persist long enough for my stroll down to the surgery and back where presumably my 'full medical' will not only take somewhat longer than my usual fairly brief appointments with the Doctor but will probably take longer than even the usual allegedly 10 minute long consultation and i have my distance specs ready in order to try not to forget them.  Whatever result I have every confidence that the DVLA will be unable to let me know one way or the other as my existing licence expires on Monday.   What a shower, can't they understand that getting a Doctor's appointment in under a month is some sort of minor miracle?


Trust all is well elsewhere and thoughts are, as ever, with the ailing among our number and those with close relatives in such a situation.

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Morning all,


Been AWOL over Christmas as it has just been so busy. We had a good time considering everything that went on just before, and it was good that my mother was with us so that she didn’t dwell too much on my brothers passing. There is a crematorium service for him In Houston today, so we will be going down to our local church here to mark the occasion. My mother has been persuaded not to travel to Houston for a memorial service next week, as she is just not up to it.


The news in the family didn’t improve as on Wednesday, my youngest brother’s father in law also died. Again, it was expected, but will still have hit him and family hard.


On a better note, both sons played in a memorial rugby match yesterday for a friend of one of them. It was a great opportunity to catch up with a lot of people that I hadn’t seen for a while, and also watch a very close game. It was St Bees school old boys playing Egremont, and with two minutes to go, the score was 31all, but Egremont just nicked it with a converted try. My sons had hoped to win, but it was not to be. As I used to coach Egremont juniors some years ago, I wasn’t too upset, given that some of my old youngsters were playing for them.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.

Sunny first thing but clouding over substantially, now.  Not in the snow zone according to the pine cone reader but I have reinforced the bubblewrap round the New Zealand (not Tasmanian as stated some time ago) tree tern.just in case.

Still very C******massy, here.  Tree switched on first thing. Late breaky, followed by tea and chocs, and The Simpsons. Cheese and biccies for lunch.  Joint of pork to roast to see us through the new year.

Several new DVDs to watch, though they include those recently received as belated birthday presents, and two T***n books to drool over.  I won't get bored, anyway.


Enjoy your day and thoughts and best wishes to Debs, John, Rick, and Simon.

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