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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Estimated time to clone C to E 2:05:07

Time to go watch the cockwombles in the snow on the news and pour a Highland park..

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Snowed overnight, but not much. SWMBO's birthday today - a significant one - and she wanted to be taken to a specialist fabric shop in Brum, which has a lot more snow than we did. We came away with a small carrier back, not even a quarter full - at eighty quid. Then I took her to a birthday lunch. Sainsbury's cafe ain't bad. 


Then to son's (via flooded roads) to drop things off and home in time for the crunch pot ice under the tyres to be noticeable.


Now in. Outside a small suspicion, and ready to cook tonight.

Happy birthday to the Mrs John...

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I've been separated from my computer for a few days and 327 early riser posts have appeared since I checked out on the 22nd.   While I skimmed a few pages, I doubt I shall get to all 13, or most of the posts therein.


A belated Merry Christmas to all, and sympathy for anyone whose holidays were troubled by bad news or ill health.


The Portland area had a highly variable encounter with the white stuff on Christmas Eve. Where I live there was a light dusting of snow with some freezing rain later. Further north, the metro area had snow early in the day as well.


My Christmas Eve guests took about two hours to drive home where 45 minutes would normally suffice.  Despite temperatures near freezing all day on Christmas day, roads on the south side of town were clear so I attempted to repay my guests with a visit in the late afternoon. The microclimates here being what they are, the further north I ventured, the more snow was evident on the shoulders, (not to mention abandoned vehicles from the previous day) but the roads themselves were passable and ice free. 


I arrived with the sun setting and temperatures dropping and more than a little anxious about how my rear-wheel drive car would manage the conditions I was imagining developing, I bid them holiday tidings and promptly went home before the roads iced again to yet more televised (American) football and the Christmas Dr. Who episode.


Best wishes to all - I hope the holiday cheer lasts through the New Year's weekend.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

It wasn't so bad at work, very busy with orders and not too many of 'those' calls at all.  Whoop.  Stocktaking on Friday though....ugh.


Likewise with the phone calls - only one of "those" and a few similar emails - so I got lots of office layout wiring done. If it's the same tomorrow, I should finish the wiring and make a start on installing 20 point motors.


There may be some playing trains testing done in between. 


Just waiting now for the odd sight of 325 mail units being dragged via the S&C passing by my back door. I think it's the first time this has happened.


In the meantime, some food will be consumed.......


Catch up later



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  • RMweb Gold

Wrong type of snow flakes on the line? I'll give you 'snow on the line' alright!



(skip to ca 41:00 entering Myrdal station and 1:06:00 for Norway's answer to the weather conditions!)



I have been from Myrdal to Flåm. It wasn't snowing though just torrential rain.
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I've spent most of the day modelling fighting with a Dapol Country Inn kit for a friend of the family. It's taken most of the day just to clean up the windows so that they look half decent.


An evening away from the workbench and I may carry on with the kit tomorrow. At least it gave me a reason not to venture outside.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've spent most of the day modelling fighting with a Dapol Country Inn kit for a friend of the family. It's taken most of the day just to clean up the windows so that they look half decent.


An evening away from the workbench and I may carry on with the kit tomorrow. At least it gave me a reason not to venture outside.

I had that when it was an Airfix kit when I was a child. Would it still be the original mould?
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  • RMweb Premium


The day started out bright, cold, but thankfully, we’ve had no snow. However, I do think it’s going to freeze over tonight. Once the shopping had been done and put away, I once again returned to middle earth, this time though I was tidying up and getting together all that I need to permanently fix the buildings that I made Max on his train layout.


Boy was I glad when it was time to take the kids home, they’ve been particularly tiresome today for some reason, maybe they’re still hyper from Christmas but whatever it was, they were as high as kites and very boisterous! I had to have a drink once I got back home! However, before that was consumed, I managed to earn a few brownie points by bagging Sheila a pair of boots she’d had her eye on for a while. They had been reduced from £225 to £95 and it would also seem that I bagged her the last pair too!


Vincent, they’re like that now, gawd knows what they’ll be like in a few years time!


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

The wind, has eased from the 60 mph of yesterday to a mere 17 mph now.

the rain has stopped.


My plans for today:

Check the landrover tyre, if necessary go to the tyre place and get it fixed.

Go into battle getting the SSD update on the computer finished

Maybe, go down to the motor boat and do a little routine work, I need to check the weather over the next few days to choose the best day..


Meantime see if I can get a little more sleep

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Happy boxing day all.

Sunny but cool here. However a trip out to Largs thrn bus to Wemyss Bay Station meant that we got a fair few nice shots.

now back in Glasgow for our final evening in Scotland this year.

I see from your last picture that you also got to visit Gourock.

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From that BBC report, I see that Northamptonshire police have a "Roads and Armed Policing Team" (RAPT). An interesting combination of responsibilities - I hope there's never any confusion!

Nationally it has been going on for over 20 years now........not aware that there's been any confusion.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a frosty one hereabouts. 

Not much planned - pottering to see relatives, then a glass of wine and a mooch at some railway-related books. 

Still a number of days of holiday to go until the return to work in the NY. 


The new rolling stock is looking good - on the sheet of lining paper with lines drawn in vaguely oval shapes. 


Have a nice day everyone. 

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  • RMweb Premium

The police out patroling the roads, are already in their cars " out there" when guns are called for, it's normally in a hurry. So they are the ideal teams to have their weapons available locked in the boot.


Plans change, I've been out with Ben the Border Collie on his morning patrol, we have two trees down. Both old and ancient, One does need clearing as it is blocking access to part of the jungle. I'll start with the chainsaw on stick, clearing the ivy, the odd bramble, and small branches before waking the neighborhood with the petrol chainsaw.


Ben was a good boy two Muntjac ran out in front of us from the direction of the model railway shed. It might be he'd just found one of his tennis balls and was stood over it. At one point Ben and one of the deer were just 40 ft apart facing each other not moving.

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