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  • RMweb Premium

Thoughts and wishes to Deb.


Wife's nephew has come south from Edmonton (north, even, of Calgary) to southern Ontario. He and his mother are supposed to come over tomorrow.

Mate from railway club came over today and I got a railway item (possibly the only one) as present. I gave him a vacuum picker-upper that I hope he can use to retrieve windows that have fallen into Kitmaster coaches.

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Debs sends here sincere thanks and best wishes.


She is tired,  very much so, but is sticking in there for her parents. Their conditions I think can best be described as 'Serious".


I have just relayed messages to here as I think she needs something supportive to read during the anxious insomniac hours.


Debs latest message has incorporated the phrase 'Tomorrow is another country'. Debs has an inner strength that I certainly don't have.  I have only met Debs electronically, as have most of us here.


And from me, many thanks for allowing me to send stuff on. As you do, I think it's important that, however we can, we let her know that they're not alone, and more especially at this time of the year.


Merry Christmas to one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

'Twas the night before Christmas,

when all thro' the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

the stockings are swaying, the creature's are hiding,

as round the house the wind it is howling.


A good night's sleep was had, helped by a generous quantity of Highland Park. I was woken by the howling wind,which s expected to increase, it was around 0:400 but I laid there for around an hour. My back and left elbow still complaining from concrete mixing on Saturday.


Today plans... Do as little as possible, I hope you all have a happy and healthy Christmas.

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  • RMweb Gold

Merry Xmas all.


I have been up since 5am as usual but no presents to unwrap as I had mine from my other half a few weeks ago. A Farish class 20 that she bought me at the Manchester show.


Just had a cup of tea and a mince pie which should keep me going till breakfast.


It’s raining hard here in Glasgow but hoping that will ease when we move hotels later. Reason for moving hotels is that I needed two different stays to keep the hotel chain sliver status for next year as we haven’t had so many nights away this year as in the past.


After that we shall go for a walk and a couple of lunchtime beers.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning and a merry Christmas to all.

Yes we are awake here!

There is no timetable for Christmas lunch. Aditi and I want it to be a relaxing day so it will be served whenever it is ready.

I don't really want to drive today so we will go to some nearby fields with Robbie. I am not sure how coordination works in dogs but he can run better than walk now.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a breezy village and a Happy Christmas to all and sundry.


Good to see Mick (Skipepsi) bobbing in.


Thoughts are very much with Debs and her parents. Just nice to know how much support she has on here and thanks to John for passing the messages on.


The house here is tidy and the first table has been set, the other temporary extension will be put up later. Church this morning at 10am then we are going to call on our next door neighbour for a drink. This should be nice as we always used to call in and see Chris's parents for a mince pie and whisky (in my case) on our way home from church. Derek and Myra are no longer with us but Chris has now moved back into the house. It will be nice to restart what was a regular event.


The invasion then starts and we are expecting to feed 13 including, hopefully, Beth's dad and step mum. Both of them have had a rough year health wise but they seem to have picked up over the last couple of weeks so we hope that they will make it. If not dinner will be taken to them.


There are some book shaped parcels under the tree so I may well be found looking at them later on after the hordes depart.


Best wishes to everyone.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium

More tea required!

Have a good Christmas everyone.


The blackbirds are singing in our garden so they seem to be enjoying the day.


If you need me I will be in the kitchen cooking most of the morning interspersed with present unwrapping and the odd glass of champagne.


I hope that today sees improvements for all who are sick and ailing.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning and a Very Merry Christmas to you all,

Slow start here as only Chris, Steve and myself were here overnight although neighbours visited.  The main invasion and present opening saga won't begin until Nicki and the kids get here about 10.30ish along with SiL Steve and his Mum. Feeding time should be about 3.00 and will last as long as it lasts. Judging by the supplies in the QM Stores that could be until the middle of January!

From discussions last night there's a very good chance that our friends from next door will be popping in for a drink or several later this evening.

Chris is already busy in the kitchen and apparently there is nothing I can do to hinder so I'm having yet another cup of tea.

I may pop back later if my hindrance is still rejected.  :yes:

Have a very good one and enjoy yourselves,

Cheers,  :drinks:


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. Damp with fine drizzle but there are no plans to venture out today.


For some reason I haven't been able to get into the Christmas spirit this year.


Duck for a change instead of turkey. I just hope that I have the timings right.


MY thoughts are again with Debs and her dad as well as other ER's ailing and missing.


Time for another coffee.


A Happy and Healthy Christmas to everyone

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