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It's more about the miles than the years.

Actually it's more the "cycles", the number of pressurizations/flights than actual miles...

A 747-400 airframe is good for about 35,000 cycles. It's related as much as anything to the metal fatigue, but the life can be extended with additional inspection and maintenance, often the airframes are then moved over to cargo, though the -400 isn't exactly suited to cargo as it would really need the specialized hinged cargo nose to make it really useful so they'll be dumped in the desert and parted out :(


I flew many 747-200 flight (NWA mostly) even before they acquired the -400s, so really REALLY OLD :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Been waiting for a parcel all day.

Out with driver at 9.36 am

At 1.00pm 107 drops to go before me

At 8.00pm 26 drops before me

At 9.25pm 5 drops before me

Now 10.00 and still 5 drops before me - looks like he's gone home. Can't really blame him. I wonder how many more he's got after me.  :scratchhead:

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There was a long reply to this but my editor lost it.

Tech problems. No restaurant or bar in hotel. How evening meal contract will be fulfilled is a mystery. Breakfast chaotic

3 coach loads of orientals departed this morning, 2 yesterday. Ain't told Chrisf on advance; await his reaction@

We stayed in a Swiss resort that didn't allow coaches of the roadgoing type in. Plenty on the railway though.
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  • RMweb Premium

Been waiting for a parcel all day.

Out with driver at 9.36 am

At 1.00pm 107 drops to go before me

At 8.00pm 26 drops before me

At 9.25pm 5 drops before me

Now 10.00 and still 5 drops before me - looks like he's gone home. Can't really blame him. I wonder how many more he's got after me.  :scratchhead:


Just as long as you don't drop it..............




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Very stressful day today waiting for the consultant to phone with the results of CT scan from 4 weeks ago and subsequent Multi Discipline Team Meeting to discuss the results. He eventually called at nearly 5pm. The results were pretty carp as well, as I will be starting chemotherapy some time in January. It hasn’t come as a surprise, given the obvious increase in size of lymphoma lumps in my neck, but I had hoped that the chemo would not be needed just yet.


The consultant will hopefully schedule things to allow me to participate in numerous family celebrations in February, including a wedding, 60th birthday party and a 90th birthday party. He promised to try.


SWMBO has spent half the evening on.ine looking at chemo etc, and all the issues that can be expected with it. This has caused more stress, as I decided that I am not going to look at any of such details until after Christmas.


After all this, more stress came from no 2 son who confirmed that his partner would be joining him in coming to us for Christmas. SWMBO had just planned about a weeks menus, and this has resulted in changes. Our shopping trip on Friday morning has changed as a result.


My only stress relief has been a bottle of Henry Weston’s vintage cider at 8.2% ABV. It was good!


I am just relieved that we will have a house full next week, which will help take my mind, and more important Mrs G’s mind off the forthcoming chemo, and will give me the excuse to drink more alcohol than is probably good for me!

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  • RMweb Premium

Been waiting for a parcel all day.

Out with driver at 9.36 am

At 1.00pm 107 drops to go before me

At 8.00pm 26 drops before me

At 9.25pm 5 drops before me

Now 10.00 and still 5 drops before me - looks like he's gone home. Can't really blame him. I wonder how many more he's got after me. :scratchhead:

The pre-Chrimbo frenzy can only be madness for parcel couriers indeed. I had a parcel (though not containing any presents!) delayed by five days due to apparent delivery backlogs.


Recently, and with this situation having been reported as being more severe than ever before, there has been a debate whether DHL and other courier services should charge extra postage for actual home delivery in the future, with parcels being delivered to local offices for pickup by recipients by default under this model. The argument given in favour of this suggestion was the large number of recipients actually not being at home through the day to accept deliveries, leading to significant additional logistics efforts having to be made.

Edited by NGT6 1315
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My evening has been spent designing a website. Some things I'm not prepared to leave to others.


Tomorrow is an early start to see a client to quote for some new work. I was hoping to let all of this happen after the holiday.


Simon - My thoughts are with you and the family. I hope that you can enjoy the celebrations.


Night all

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Simon, your posting didn’t appear before I posted mine for whatever reason, so even if belated, may I send supportive thoughts your way. As before, there’s always someone of our number here to lend an ear if you need to talk, I am sure.


Night, all...

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Evening everyone


Another miserable wet rainy day, I’m glad I only had to go out to retrieve the bins this morning. The rest of the day was spent in middle earth, where I managed to finish the cottages just leaving them in need of a coat of varnish.


Simon. I hope the chemo is not too bad.


Goodnight all

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Evening all and a late night check in. Supportive wishes to Simon and family. Also best wishes to Mal - I hope that the various medical / dental appointments go well. Also supportive thoughts to Ian.A.


Today has been ok. The car made it to and from Nottingham this morning. The engine fan was running when I pulled back onto the drive despite a quick and clear run down the M1, A52 and A50. Still, it is another day ticked off. Tomorrow it has shorter runs to do. I plan to finally visit the crem to lay the wreath as well as taking the bike back to Toys R Us for repair. Later in the day I am catching up with the ex colleagues for a meal. That will entail driving too.


No modelling was done today, but plenty of present wrapping was completed whilst I was at home on my own. With the tree lights on, a couple of mince pies consumed and festive movies on tv I did start to feel a little festive.


Night all.


Best wishes



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Morning all. Another terrible nights sleep which definitely hasn't set me up for the day ahead.


I'm hoping that the survey and quote this morning go to plan so that I can get back to some modelling.


Time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here.

A slightly better night's sleep last night, but still not good, at least I had a duvet...


This mornings run in was enlivened by a trip round a 2 mile part of the NDR, very strange to be doing 70mph in Norfolk. Not That I saw much of the NDR, some would describe it as Fatchy Pog, some would describe it as Deavy Hrizzle, either way visibility was not great.


 Taking a bike to Toys R Us may or may not be a good a Idea, the Management are meeting today to decide if all the UK branches are to close, just keep a good hold on the bike...


Similarly yesterday the parent company of Poundland which is a South African company called Steinhoff were meeting their creditors yesterday,as their accounts are not good



 These days buy shares in retail companies is not something I would do...( I can't afford to buy shares anyway)


 Time Too.. go do some checks on this weeks major system before putting it on it's check run..

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Been waiting for a parcel all day.

Out with driver at 9.36 am

At 1.00pm 107 drops to go before me

At 8.00pm 26 drops before me

At 9.25pm 5 drops before me

Now 10.00 and still 5 drops before me - looks like he's gone home. Can't really blame him. I wonder how many more he's got after me.  :scratchhead:


My {usual} friendly delivery driver from Amazon called yesterday and told me he had 200 drops on his route :O .......which must raise the question of safety and even; is that humanly possible to achieve!?!

He did still make time to carry my {weighty} parcel into the house for me and ask how I was feeling.......He commented that he remembers with a smile, the first time he called here and said "Amazon!" when I opened the door, to which I replied: "No, I`m just a bit on the tall side!" :mosking:

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Morning from a foggy and smoky Redhill station. The 12 car Vic service arrived and has been evacuated due to smoke in one of the coaches. Fire brigade just arrived and our train now getting much later than it was. A fun filled place this is, always something going wrong just like last nights trip home.


Hoping today is our last day of work this year.

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Morning all.

Somewhat murky here but not chilly.

Matthew has been taken to the station. Hopefully his friends will be there to meet him today.

I think we may go shopping later, not sure which supermarket will get our money today.

Otherwise a fairly lazy day awaits.

I hope everyone has a nice day.


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Morning all from a village that is slowly getting lighter.


Firstly supportive thoughts to Simon and his family. I hope that the chemo goes well in due course and that it doesn't loom too large over Christmas.


Looking at News from Melbourne this morning and hope that none of Rick's friends are involved.


Here a good evening was had at the clubrooms making a wiring harness for a layout. Today Beth is off out shortly to look after a friends autistic daughter while the girls mother takes her son to a hospital appointment. I'm off on a most important mission. I'm going with my daughter to pick a news suit to wear at her wedding when I've got to escort her down the aisle. I'm looking forward to spending a morning with Rachel. A waistcoat is definitely on the list as well. Then this afternoon I'm helping a friend fit a new thermostat to his oven. Finally there may be some time for modelling this evening.


As to parcels we seem to be a repository at the moment for our neighbours who are away for the week. I will no doubt suggest that storage fees could be paid in Scottish Medicine in due course. I do feel for the delivery people at the moment. Some of their targets are just not realistic and there must be some genuine safety concerns.


Regards to all.



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Good morning all,

Looks rather dull, damp and miserable outside.

I had a rough night with little sleep and have got a splitting headache. It's certainly not because of too much to drink. (For once)

Another day of parcel waiting and there's another one that has been due for a couple of days via RM but we haven't had any normal post this week, neither have our neighbours and nobody has seen a postman, which is most unusual.

Spare bedroom was cleaned thoroughly yesterday including the shelves holding umpteen railway items. The Boss seems satisfied (for now). I expect the rest of the house will be next on her agenda. I must remember to keep moving and out of her way otherwise I too will be dusted and polished. 

Have a good one,


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Hey up! Low lying cloud here in the North West Leeds Highlands.


Lots of positive thoughts to Simon and Mal and all others in need of our support.


Not a nice incident in Melbourne. Thoughts with those involved.


On less important matters, Dr Eldest Herbert arrives home today for Christmas. Let's hope virginontheeastcoast deliver him safely.


Had a good night at the club last night. More discussions on add ones to our model of Chapel en le frith (Central).


Have as good a day as you can.



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