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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A poor nights sleep, many wake up and turnovers the bed felt like concrete  and it's memory foam...


No freezing Fog on the way in, here in Norfolk, though a lot of frost, but at least it hadn't rained so the landrover wasn't ln an Ice cube.


The Penlee life boat was remembered on the local radio, while I was driving in... 


No freezing Fog on the way in here in Norfolk, though a lot of frost, but at least it hadn't rained so the landrover wasn't ln an Ice cube.


The laboratory however feels like an Ice cube as it still isn't fixed, so I've just turned on some equipment to warm it up a bit...3.5 days to go and the equipment backlog is building...


Time too... sit around for a bit, as the programme I left running overnight had a hiccup, so I've had to tell it to continue this morning, about another 1.5 hours work lost....

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Hey up!


Good evening with our neighbours last night. Drank far too much but I will survive.


Thoughts are with you Rick. Old age is a reet bu$$er.


Warm thoughts to everyone in need.

Stay safe and calm..




Ps hot news our floating runway is, apparently, leaking. You couldn't make it up...well done babscots

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Good morning one and all. Firstly congrats to Rick (Gwiwer) on the successful results. Best wishes also in relation to your ill mother. Supportive wishes to DD too.


The day is dawning cloudless after overnight fog. Despite this being my second work day off I am still up at the usual time. An early dental appointment for the postponed scrape and polish starts a busy day. Later I am due to join Sarah, at her request, at the church coffee morning and this evening is the church model railway group get together. The shopping is being delivered this afternoon and another festive Amazon parcel is due for delivery.


Yesterday proved as busy as expected but not all planned jobs were completed. After dropping Amber off for her final day at school, I popped into work to collect a few things and tidy the classroom. Then there was some shopping, the wreath to collect from my mum's and a pub lunch with Sarah. The afternoon brought more shopping as we needed to pick up supplies for our uncared for furry visitors. The guinea pigs will definitely think all of their Christmasses have come at once!


In amongst all of this pre Christmas prep there is the added job of car hunting. My current car decided to, briefly, show the engine warning light about ten days ago. Thankfully it has not come on again but I am aware the engine fan is coming on more and more after short journeys. True enough the car has not been used as much in the recent cold snap as I can safely walk to work. However I fear a problem is emerging. It has been running rough at times too. As I have finished paying for it, I was planning to change it in the summer anyway. So, rather than throwing money at something I intend to have sold in six months, I am hoping to bring the planned change forward. I am due to fit a garage viewing in this morning.


Busy, busy.


Best wishes.



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I:m now not at work until next year. Sandy's last day (Leicestershire schools) is tomorrow.


Today I have to fetch a Christmas Tree (there's I've said it) from somewhere. We always have a real one.


Then it's clearing up, and then making some pate for her to take for a staff lunch tomorrow.


The dining table may briefly appear at some point.

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Morning all. Congratulations to Rick although I am sorry to read about your Mum.



I see the pictures from Washington state show a right mess. I am glad the death toll was not even higher.


The weekend saw Younger Lurker's birthday. He's now seen his first Bugatti Veyron.....


He seemed rather nonplussed by the whole birthday thing, which is such a contrast from a neurotypical child (eg his brother). We have got a bridge camera because he enjoys taking photos. The ones he took in Canada have been made into a photobox book.


No chance of winding down just yet, as there are a whole load of things that need finishing off before the end of the year. And the boss is here til Thursday, so no relaxing!


Have a good day all!

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Morning all. A cold morning which means de-icing the car in a while but at least my meeting is late enough in the day to miss most of the traffic (I hope).


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Where's the fog? I was expecting a pea souper as predicted by the weathermen but not a sign of it last night or this morning. Not that I'm complaining we can do without any fog thank you very much. Didn't get much sleep last night, the neighbours opposite have festooned their front garden with winking and flashing lights and they leave them on all night. I tried to contact them but they are out for most of the day, indeed the parking space was empty and the lights had been switched off at 7 this morning. There is a strong desire to cut a wire but that will not be neccessary as I espied a plug connecting two sections of the lights that looks as if it might come loose. :whistle: Well done Rick and very sorry to hear about your mum. Congratulations and commiserations where neccessary, be back later. 

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Good day all from the boring borough. Still can't shake the man-plague. Feeling like vacpacked, sous vide warmed death. Barely managing to stay conscious during this training course. At least there is a nice long lunch break coming up that will allow for a nap. 


That's about all I have to say. Enjoy the day. 

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'tis the season to be greedy.


One of the beneficiaries in my Italian Estate has popped up to ask if she can have half her inheritance now (taking priority over the other Beneficiaries), whilst she presumably decides whether or not to sue the Estate for more. I think my client Executor will be telling her exactly where to get off....

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You really need to write a book about all these stories.


If the Executor were to release this advance, he'd be signing his own death warrant, as that beneficiary would use the money to sue the Estate for a bigger grab. Some people really will stop at nothing.

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SWMOs cousin had to act as exectutor for his father,

SWMBOs Cousin is an alcoholic, both he and his current wife are seriously i'll. (and are resident abroad)

So SWMBO's cousin went to his ex wife for help.

Guess who did the best out of the estate even though she wasn't a benificiary.

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Adding thoughts for Rick and DD...


Chewsday and good morning to all.


Quiet Monday - took advantage of a brief lunchtime errand run with Jemma, which netted me one of those LED Laser outdoor light projector thingies to shower festive lighting over the house - couldn't pass it up as it was on sale for $11 US.



Picture doesn't really do it justice as it's a moving kaleidoscope of changing patterns in red and green. Good news is the Mrs approved :jester:


Mrs out for book club in the evening so I FINALLY managed to get the sound decoder and speaker installed in the new schools - pictures later.


Not much but work planned for today, then I think we're off to Jemmas for dinner tonight.


ZERO first thing and sunny. Expecting a high of only 2.


Special note for those finding their locale "chilly". We're topping out at 2 today, and then a steady downhill spiral with snow starting tomorrow through Thursday and by Christmas day the high is expected to be a 20 year record LOW at around -14 for the HIGH and -24 for the overnight low. :O


Carry on everyone... send me some welding gear ;)


EDIT: Correction it's a Laser projector not LED <sigh>

Edited by Ian Abel
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A decent meeting with the potential new client but the decision won't be made until mid January.


The forecast fog was nowhere to be seen which made the journey a lot easier.


My pet hate of the day is van drivers who can't hear when you try to attract their attention using the horn when they are cutting you up on the motorway. The reason they can't gear, the f*****g earphones presumably pumping out loud music.


Time for a coffee and eyelid inspection.

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Frosty here this morning. I know this as I went out to scrape the non-heated glass on Aditi's car. She was off to Brentwood for a haircut.

She also stopped off to get some fish. Matthew seems to eat a lot of fish now. He is going to cook us one of his favourite fish dishes, Russian in origin but popular in much of eastern Europe. He bought us some nice cheese, black and white puddings as gifts from Ireland. He did get his Grandmother some salmon.

I put my replacement TV booster/distribution device in the loft. That seems to work.


Edited by Tony_S
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