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  • RMweb Premium

Back for a quick catch up, with a bottle of Moorhouses Pendle Witches Brew by my side.


Domestic tasks over, and these today included fettling the hoover (again) as the belt has a tendency to jump off the groove in the brush bar, and then rides up and rubs on the housing with the inevitable smell of burning rubber.  If it is then run for any time, there is a danger of it welding to the motor shaft.  Great design - NOT.  Then it's ten screws, removal of the wheels, and removal of the height adjuster, just to move the belt back into place.  Apparently, using the dining room table as your workbench is somewhat frowned upon.  And a work of warning for those hooverers among us - don't buy a spare filter - I did, and now there's no escape time while it's wet, as the replacement isn't, so the machine can be used even when one filter is drying.  Big mistake there.


Wet, misty, and generally 'orrible.


Going off first thing to see the new Star Wars tomorrow - should get the cinema to myself at 8.30 am on a schoolday.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

Now sat defrosting with a one dog power heater sleeping ( partly) on my lap.


Today being sailing day it was off down to the sailing club .. eventually, the landrover was in an ice cube, much chiselling and spraying of de-icer. Driving out of our gate and turned left. The landrover slid right...

The roads for the next 5 miles were sheet ice, it had obviously rained after the roads surfaces had frozen.

After that it was gritted roads till the sailing club.


We got the rescue boats out as usual the one I was preparing went one cylinder for a while, till it warmed up. After loading with Buoys we did a circuit of the island ice breaking. Once the buoys were out another circuit of the island breaking more ice.


After bacon butties time for racing.

Rigging the boats, was difficult all the ropes were frozen stiff...


Weather Westerly mostly but varying right round to south. Wind nothing to not a lot, dry, sunny to start, clouding rapidly.

Bouys in their normal places, buoy 1 200 yards down river from the club, buoy 2 outside the club, buoy 3 half a mile upriver at the bend, buoy 4 half a mile further on outside Black Horse broad.


Race 1 course 3P, 1P, 2P.

We started at the starboard end of the line, with two other boats. Three others started at the port end of the line. As it turned out once several tacks were had we were 5th, everything was moving quite slowly. Rounding buoy 3, spinnakers up and that went well. We chose the left hand bank against the tide, the others the right. Our choice was right, when we moved slowly across to the right hand bank for the right hand bend we dropped our spinnaker has did the others.


On rounding the corner we were right behind the others, I had to swerve a bit to lose speed or we would have run into the back of them. As I slowly closed a gap appeared and we slid close up on the bank. This meant when we cleared the bank of trees we got the wind first and pulled out into a clear second place. On rounding, buoy 1 we chased on after the lead boat. Those behind getting in a mess, all trying to go round the buoy at the same time.


We then followed the lead boat all the way up to buoy 3, rounding that and again choosing the left hand bank. The lead boat the right, When we crossed the river the corner we were ahead. We rounded the corner and then buoy 3 in the lead. We chose the right hand side the second place boat the middle. My choice was the wrong one, the tide had turned, and they over took us by tide power. That gave them the inside at buoy 2 and they beat us into second place by less than a boat length.


After a partial defrost.


Race 2, course 4P, 2P.


We Made another bad start, so bad we were last, tacking up to The bend we were at least close to the next boat, which we passed on the bend, On rounding the bend all boats were keeping to the right hand bank, but for the odd tree which forced us out. At one we tacked out and almost stopped, getting further behind.

Just after rounding buoy 4 the boat we had passed, re-passed us and we followed it all the way down to buoy 2, but when it was time to drop the spinnakers, theirs jammed they rounded the Buoy, but stopped as the spinnaker wrapped round the mast we slid past and got the bell finishing second to last.


By this time it was raining, with the forecast for hours of rain, we all packed up, at least the ice melted...

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Note to self: DO NOT get yer foot broken :rolleyes:


Its good advice! It didn't half hurt, and the surgery was no better. It's sort of fading into the background now at 10 months, but the prospect of more surgery is not something I am relishing.  It shouldn't be anything like as bad if things go well, but reports from a support group are mixed as to that. We'll see.....


On to less medical matters, having collected Mrs NHN from Grumble (half shift) it would appear to have been incredibly busy despite the poor weather, although it had dried up.  The chances of the crews finishing at 3 as advertised would be slim, as people don't seem to understand 'we're closed'.  You can't disappoint the kids of course, but it isn't really on for people to be turning up AFTER the advertised closing time for a ride and seeing Santa. By the time the locos have been disposed it will be completely dark, cold and the crews will be very tired!

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Greetings all from the boring borough. Still suffering the man plague.


Friday was a quiet mostly in bed day. Yesterday was stupid busy and I over did things. Major offensive to Sainsbury's for the shopping. A brief set of stops at several breweries to pick up fermented beverages in the afternoon. Evening was a wonderful Christmas dinner on the Golden Arrow at the Bluebell. The food and service were excellent. My only suggestion for improvement would have been to start half an hour or so earlier. By the time we got home it was almost 1am.


Today was the latest I've slept in since my youth. 11am. Currently in zombie mode. Light snack and soon to bed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Tragic news from Birmingham today, thoughts are with those involved and their families. Weather forecast is there is unlikely to be a white Christmas but watch out for fog Monday night/Tuesday morning.

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......Someone mention scalpels?


A shame really, as it is healing nicely:




But in February I have to go back to this, to get the Meccano out:




:O Oh, Neil!......I`d rather forgotten what a terrible injury it was; and such a credit to you (and also the the clinicians and physiotherapists) for your making a resonable recovery; `though I`m sure it`s still "a work in progress", in terms of returning abilities and discomforture.

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A good day yesterday.


After getting a water mains valve key in Bognor, a short trip to LA to meet up with JohnDMJ for a pint in Wetherspoons before heading ot The Steam Packet across the road from the station where I met up with an ex work collegue. Quite a few rather nice pints of Langhams black IPA we were erxtracted by my other half.


This morning I siwtched off the water mains outside and luckily it is ours. However next door may have a problem as they dont have a visible external valve as I checked to see if it turned hteir mainsd off which it didnt.


Up in the loft the cw tank valve housing would not budge so I couldnt fit the new washer. I went  to Homebase after checking they had the part 2 valve in stock. Couldnt find them and a member of staff was not at all helpful as his discussions with a friend were far more important than helping anyone. I tried a local hardware shop  which luckily was open on a Sunday and out within minutes with a new valve half the price of Homebase.


Valve now fitted and no leak in the joint or a dripping overflow anymore.


A quick trip by the station in Redhill I managed this photo of the works for the new platform 0



I think I can hear my Eastleigh based colleague sound asleep in the cab of that 66 from here...!


Sympathies to Neil - hope the nifty footwork heals good and proper, it looks horrendous.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

A frosty start turned to overcast and then rain. 


A definite sign of aging must be when Father Christmas is starting to look young. 

Nevertheless, a good time was had by all with the youngest taking charge of nana's wheelchair. 

The eldest had to have her age adjusted down - again - in order to meet Father Christmas. I guess fibbing about your age is good training for later in life! lol


My grandfather had a talent for fixing and mending things, so when he was called up for WWI he was assigned to fixing machine guns, rather than going into the trenches. That may well have saved his life. 


My father was too young to join the army for WWII but did his national service in the RAMC around the time of the Korean war. As a young nursing orderly he had to clear up the mess made when those suffering from PTSD took their own lives. I ended up living just a few miles from where he served. 

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after some nice Christmas Music from the group a "bring it and eat it" tea was enjoyed by all.




I know a retired vitinry who might be able to do the meccano removal sooner rather than later.. all I can say is "ouch"



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  • RMweb Gold

Our tree is up, though not finally enbaubled, only one very minor injury, I walked into the loft hatch. We have a proper ladder and the lid hangs down. I forgot how tall I am.


Most of our Christmas lights failed last year and rather than spend ages sorting them out I got some new led ones. After much " are you sure you like them?" I put 3 sets of lights on the tree. Aditi didn't

like one set at all. I could see she was being very brave and trying not to look disappointed. However she isn't very good at hiding such things and so I took them off and fixed up a set of the old ones.

Aditi was quite keen to have some decorations up before Matthew arrived home tomorrow. As all that needs doing is hanging baubles I may do that tomorrow morning.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

It's the annual ritual of 'hunt the lights'. Where did I put them in January?

We have two sets of icicle lights for the outside of the house. It enables me not to be able to find at least one each year. I haven't looked for either of the outside sets yet.

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  • RMweb Gold

Our tree is up, though not finally enbaubled, only one very minor injury, I walked into the loft hatch. We have a proper ladder and the lid hangs down. I forgot how tall I am.


Thy name shall henceforth be called Lofty.

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Afternoon check in...


Great "British Arrow Awards" show yesterday evening, then off to dinner at a new (to us) British pub. Pretty authentic and the food was great - I HAD to have bangers and mash and they were just as I'd expect in the UK, EXCEPT, they had the gall to charge (.50c) for a small pot of Colemans mustard, I've never heard of anything so absurd, especially since they had malt vinegar AT THE TABLE, no charge!!


Just obtain the smallest tree we've had in 25 years - about 6ft. Now we need to decorate it. The almost dozen strands of lights I usually use would overwhelm it, so maybe 3 tops.


-4 here and overcast, high of -1 later.


Enjoy the remainder of Sunday...

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:O Oh, Neil!......I`d rather forgotten what a terrible injury it was; and such a credit to you (and also the the clinicians and physiotherapists) for your making a resonable recovery; `though I`m sure it`s still "a work in progress", in terms of returning abilities and discomforture.


Others have far worse, Debs, but thank you. 


I was told pre-surgery it would be two years to the point where no further progress would be made  At that point it is in the hands of fate as to the level of recovery, the issue is possible 'Arthur-itis' in the metatarsal joints, sometimes they're OK, sometimes not.  I have to wait and see, if not then more trips under GDB's scalpel for a permanent plate for total fusion of the foot.  The registrar I am under has had a Lisfranc injury himself, so is unusually knowledgeable and sympathetic, but he's a LOT younger than me!  The Consultant is top class too - the other hobby on the Island means orthopods here are good.....


But discomfort - yes :cry:

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Thy name shall henceforth be called Lofty.


Predictive text changed my name to Tiny for my first post today.


I did originally think Lofty McLofthatchface but thought that a little too cruel.

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  • RMweb Gold

Why? We're you forced?

Looking for a "holiday village" before sat nav! Matthew used to do karate and there were weekend events held pre and post season in mobile home parks. We found St Osyth and we were looking for Point Clear and probably did a quick turn on approaching Jaywick.

Lots of people round here from East London have fond memories of spending the summer at their Nan's caravan often on that part of the coast. In early spring and late autumn it was grim.


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I did originally think Lofty McLofthatchface but thought that a little too cruel.

I shall have to return to the loft tomorrow. While looking for a bag of tinsel I noticed that the tv aerial splitter/booster didn't have all the its lights on. Inspection showed some outlets are dead so I have ordered another one. We hardly ever watch anything that arrives via the terrestrial aerial but I don't like faulty electrical items especially out of sight in the loft.


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