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My dad joined the local TA unit (Romford/Hornchurch) in 1938/39 before the balloon went up. This meant that although the TA were mobilised on the first of September he remained stationed locally until late the following summer. He was still 'local' during the Battle of Britain and as his unit was an artillery unit he found himself and a couple of his comrades having to manually lug an Orlikon gun up onto the roof of the local Odeon which was only a few yards from Romford station. During the B-o-B they didn't fire a single shell as no enemy aircraft came into range. Instead the Luftwaffe concentrated on the carriage sidings at Gidea Park a couple of miles to the east and Goodmayes marshalling yard three miles to the west. He was afterwards sent to Yorkshire where he spent the eve of his 21st. birthday on guard duty during a blizzard.


You might get a giggle if you can find a copy of this.

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Good morning one and all


This is a bit more like it.  I am up much more betimes than yesterday.  A new shirt - a proper one, not a lurid T shirt - awaits its public debut as part of the European tour and a new pair of carpet slippers is due to arrive at the click and collect bit of my local Debenhams today or tomorrow.  In all this near-excitement I neglected to buy milk.  Fortunately there is enough for the potentially health-enhancing mix of bran flakes, shredded wheat  and prunes that awaits my pleasure at breakfast but I will have to venture outside to buy some more later on.  There is a one stop shop at the end of the road and once the Wisemans lorry has found somewhere to park there will be supplies.


There is ironing to be done.  Some of it is yesterday's laundry but the rest has awaited my pleasure, if that is the right word, for a week.  Once it is done I shall make progress on the packing.  Another debutant on the tour is a new soap dish which is an easier fit in the wash bag [did we not once call them sponge bags?] than the old one.  No doubt soap will be provided in the hotels where I am due to lay my weary head, even the Travelodge at the top end of Grays Inn Road where breakfast is best served with a microscope, but it is good to be prepared.


Matters arising: I know nothing about association football and care even less, though it does amuse me that the Emirates stadium, home of Arsenal as I understand, was built on what used to be a refuse dump.


Warm thoughts, then, to all in distress and recovery.  Should we think also of those on Canvey Island?   I think perhaps we should.



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Her indoors has decided we need to be up early to "tidy" the house before the visit of the rest of the early music group arrive....at 2pm!


Mugatea has been brought to oil the clack.


My old man was a miner as well as being in the RAFVR. He trained in the UK (including swimming lessons at Blackpool swimming pool) before flying off th Egypt, Libya, India and other parts of the African continent. They flew him back for d day but, by then wise to the ways of life in the RAF he made sure he had some de-embarkation leave and ended up going to Arnhem instead. He finally left the RAFVR in late 1946 having done his 6 years.


I think he missed the RAF but my mother didn't fancy travelling the world.


Now time for my mugatea then it's hoovering/dusting/polishing and furniture moving time.


Have a good day today.



Edited by Barry O
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Mooring Awl inner temple here.

Although disturbed by many wake up and turn overs a surprisingly good night's sleep.


The BMRC Christmas dinner went well, though one member didn't turn up i believe he was unwell, his dinner was boxed up and taken to him.

The pub itself had problems, as the central heating boiler flooded the place that morning, our dinning hall had a log stove though and further electric heaters were delivered while we were there.

The same day was SWMBO's weaving groups "make things for Christmas" day and that was a long way away... Across the road from the pub. So we dropped in for an hour, me causing some excitement being kilted up..

Ben the Border Collie was rewarded for being a good boy while we were out, with a small amount of leftovers.


I've spent a couple of days at the Arsenal, Woolwich Arsenal, the military base that started the football club, but since we were on night shift during the fireman's strike I didn't see a lot.


Time too, have some breakfast before Ben's morning patrol..


Just been out with Ben, definitely the coldest night we've had so far, very frosty, crunchy steps all round the jungle, and although the sun is not up it's light enough to see that it is a clear blue sky.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very early riser this morning and off for a soak in the bath shortly. Fost and frog this morning at least I don't have to go out until later.  However much I tried I couldn't avoid Strictley last night, at about 8:30 my internet suddenly went dead slow so I had to find something else to do. Twenty minutes later everything was back to normal, I presume all those interested were casting their votes at the time. I think I'll go back to bed now before taking my bath, be back later.

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Got up early to do some modelling, and then did a GDB. I had bought some Peco 0-16.5 coch sides and roofs - no ends, dead cheap. So I made the ends, no problem. (I had a spare to use as a template). Got to the just-about last job, the compartment dividers and managed to stab myself with a scalpel. Blood everywhere, I've had to wipe it up off the floor! Now plastered (the finger) and just a little throbbing...


So the rest of the day will probably be an improvement.

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I had to visit Woolwich Arsenal a couple of times on business. They used to have the centre for land vehicle electromagnetic comparability testing there. At the time they never bothered taking us around the site but just getting to and from various buildings you walked past some interesting bits of large scale weaponry.


Hope the cut heals ok Dick, scalpel cuts are painful.


Edited by Barry O
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Good morning all,

Dry and a bit chilly here, wind and rain are forecast.

I had a peaceful evening at home as The Boss was out. Unfortunately although the company was good her evening was disappointing with average food and poor service. As this was at one of our favourite restaurants this made it worse and it was the second time this year there has been cause for complaint. There won't be a third time. A shame as we've enjoyed going there for several years but the company that runs it has expanded and there have been several changes including staff and standards have dropped. Mind you I do think this happens at many places at this time of year trying to cram too many people in and making a quick killing so I try to avoid eating out in December.

Today she's off out with Nicki and the kids to visit her sister for lunch so I will be home alone again for a while. They're all coming back later for dinner along with the two Steves (Son & SiL) so it would appear that I will be tasked with "tidying things up" in her absence. As my driving licence does not need renewing until next year I can legally drive the Dyson around so that shouldn't be much of a problem.  :jester: She's already prepared most the meal for later so I don't need to touch any sharp knives either.  :no:  :whistle:

Watched two rugby matches yesterday, both entertaining or maybe possibly not if, like me, you are English. Another one today against foreign opposition but this may have to be recorded.

Now been told that I need to hurry up if I want breakfast as we also "need" to go to Sainsbury's. Quelle surprise!

Have a good one,


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Some nice news today. Dan (#1 son, recently separated) has for the last few years made it a traditional Christmas treat to take Daisy (his Young Padawan) to the opening of the new Star Wars movie. It looked as though this year the trip was going to be blocked (Daisy was apparently 'anxious') which would have been dreadful for him and for her, but he made it happen, and they had a great time, ending up with a burger at 5 Guys in Wimbledon - which Daisy proclaimed to be the best she had ever eaten!


So a nice glow here at Smiffy Towers.


Scalpels and incisions - so many times now (including casualty on Christmas Day when I was 12) that I just get on with it...

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Morning All


Sorry I've been AWOL again, because of home commitments and the like.  Haven't even been able to lurk properly.  Generic Cs and Cs all round, then.


Still, the cooker got fixed at last, and the oven is now behaving properly for the first time in over a year, as the repair man not only fitted a new switch, but a different type of thermostat and a replacement probe.  It now seems to be operating at the set temperature which it wasn't (it seemed to get too hot).


One stop today, perhaps, as when I did the fodder run, I may have left the loo rolls on the packing bench, or in the boot of the car, not sure which.


30747 was out with friends yesterday, and I took her into town, and parked on the local skating rink council car park, and slid my way to get a ticket, then went for a rather good full English at a local cafe (I've gone off Wetherspoons for breakfast, and this cafe's only a little dearer - in fact it's cheaper as you get a coffee thrown in- and it's well cooked.


Good job I did as I didn't get a call to pick her up until 4pm (I'll ring you about 2), so dinner was late for us, and the "new" oven meant that we had to wait a bit longer for the chicken as it was not fully cooked when we took it out of the bag - however, it was a lot more succulent and was not frazzled.


Back another time.

Regards to All


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Morning all from a village that's a tad south of the Jewish Cemeteries. Last night I had a pleasant quiet evening wiring a panel while the boss went to hear a performance of The Messiah. This morning I was up betimes as No 1 son (Martin) Plus Katie and her 6 yr old Ryan are coming up. The main purpose of the visit is for martin to see his Grandpa but I invited them for lunch. As a result I got all the veg prepared and an apple crumble made this morning. A nice piece of beef was purchased yesterday so a good afternoon is in store in between the normal morning service and then the candlelit carol service. The plan is that Ryan will stay with us while Martin and Katie go visiting.


No doubt other orders such as using the Hoover, will be posted but hopefully after everything is over I will be able to do some more muddling.


Smiffy, hope the cut heals OK.


Regards to all.



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Morning all.

Freezing and foggy here.

We did think about taking Robbie somewhere different for his walk today like one of the Southend parks and then popping into Waitrose or Sainsbury but we will do thst tomorrow now, especially as Aditi has ordered something from John Lewis to "click and collect". Nothing seasonal, just something from a sale event.

I believe my main task today is to get our Christmas Tree from the loft. I was banned from attempting this while Aditi was staying in Enfield.

Have a good day, and be careful with sharp pointy objects.


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Morning all. Late on parade again as I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed.


A day of modelling and pottering is scheduled with a bit of ironing thrown in.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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... and just a little throbbing...


Hopefully,also the finger! Hope the flow is soon cut off!


Nearly packed ready for the trip later to London ready for travel to Switzerland tomorrow. Leaving here about threeish, heading for an overnight stay in The Smoke. (Bree Louise, Euston Tap, Yo Sushi - you're on warning of attendance!)


ChrisF - Safe journey via Genf; see you in Interlaken.


Flavio - look forward to our meeting in Brig

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Morning.  Wet and grey externally, jusy grey inside.


Been out to take Mrs NHN to Grumble for Elf duties, I'm still banned.  There's no vehicular access to the railway so its all muddy paths or walking down the ballast, neither of which Frankenfoot is up to yet.


Someone mention scalpels?


A shame really, as it is healing nicely:




But in February I have to go back to this, to get the Meccano out:



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Grey and wet over the other side of the pond from Fraggle Rock as well. Morning has been spent moving my half built layout onto its side, so that the bedroom it is in can actually be used as a bedroom next week. We have both sons, possibly both partners and my mother all staying, so all available space is being utilised. Having cleared the room, now I have to clean it - I may be gone some time!

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Morning from Estuary-Land (again). Mention of the Jaywick miniature railway reminded me of a bit of its history. It only operated for a few years up until the war when it was closed 'for the duration'. It was however in such a poor state after the war that it never re-opened. Some items of rolling stock survived right up to today principally the miniature Sterling Single and one at least of the coaches. A couple of the coaches (out of three) went to the Ratty where as they were fully enclosed with upholstered seats they were used for a few years for a luxury service. The only problem was they only seated eight persons each and so were withdrawn.

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