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Early Risers.


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Evening all and generic greetings. Pleased to see that the wandering Schools class has finally landed in the right part of the US. What a nice looking model it is. Today I have had another case of Amazon messing up an order, but again I have potentially been the beneficiary. A few months back I ordered four lengths of Hornby set track for my "Gairloch" layout. It was due to arrive in three separate deliveries and did. Delivery 1 included 2 lengths of track. Delivery 2 included a box containing 20 lengths of track. Delivery 3 featured another length! Over 20 lengths of track for the price of 4! Someone messed up!

 This week we have ordered Amber a "Queen" t-shirt for Christmas. She is following her parents in becoming a fan of the band and Amazon were selling children's sized garments at a reasonable price. Yesterday the item arrived and was followed today by a duplicate parcel!


 1 day to go until I reach the end of my first term at the new place. I am certainly ready for the break.


 Best wishes



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Evening everyone


It was raining when I got up this morning, it’s been raining for most of the day and it’s still raining now, but as haven’t had to go outside today, it matter not a jot!


Once again I spent most of the day in middle earth, first I printed out the parts for 4 cottages and then glued the sheets of paper to thick card. Whilst they were setting I made a start on the pub, not quite halfway through, it it’s getting there.


Goodnight all.

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Evening.  Zonked.


Work is a frenzy of packing, but we got everything out ordered before 4.  What happens after they go in the post has been a lottery this week though! Never known so much hassle, snow, ice, aircraft breaking, more ice so airport closed at East Midlands overnight, crew hours out, new crew but plane still 'tech', so ferry substitute (not good to get to the East Midlands....).  If myhair wasn't already white..... :scared:


Just as well OH sent in his order after 4, then. :mosking:


On that cheeky note, ' night all and nos da.

Sleep tight.

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Post script.

Amazon.  Stuck at home with the man flu thingy, I have resorted to C*******s shopping by getting family wishlist items online.  Easy you might think but with items still coming from various sources and with loads of progress emails from A re confirmation, dispatch, etc, I have made a simple pen and paper list of ordered items, ticking them off as appropriate. Seems to be working so far...

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Morning all from the village at Junction 27.   I did eventually manage to get my various tasks completed yesterday.   In laws were duly helped with various tasks but things weren't helped by my front nearside tyre deflating and then the locking wheel nut turning out to be damaged. Even the RAC couldn't extract it but the tyre is re-inflated and a very small leak around the rim discovered.   The upside was a very mice lunch prepared by the step dragon in law.   I then got my other tasks done and had a pleasant evening starting work on a  control panel for a friend.


Today I'm off to darkest Barnsley to get the offending locking wheel nut removed so that I can get the tyre sorted. The in the evening a pleasant evening at the club is in prospect.   


The crash I France sounds horrible.  Thoughts are with all involved. 


To all and sundry have a good day/afternoon/evening, (Delete as appropriate).



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The upside was a very mice lunch prepared by the step dragon in law.


Cheese, cheese and more cheese? Some possibly toasted? Edited by pH
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Morning to most, afternoon to some!


Now sporting a cracking bruise after my encounter with sister drags new little helper. Obviously she needs to sharpen her fangs a bit more.


Today is morreasons shopping, parcels packing and posting then off into taken to do my Last bit of Christmas Shopping with youngest Herbert. We may partake of a beer or two while out. Just champion!


Mugatea has been delivered so needs to be drunk.


I hope her Debship is ok, along with all our other Ers missing at the moment.


Stay calm and try to enjoy your day!



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Morning All,


It is another chilly morning, but we seemed to have escaped frost, and snow is limited to the high ground.  A friend who lives at around 500m ASL has tonnes of the stuff, but down here in the valley we are completely snow free.


It is my last day in the office for 201, so I have a bit of a break to look forward to.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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As an ex Tesco maintenance man, I can assure you at this time of year, there are cockwombles at all stores who park in the trolley bays, even the covered ones. I've seen a old VW camper van parked in one as well as various cars.

The other favourites at this time of year are parking across the entrance. Parking in the petrol station, parking on the vegetation, Parking in the loading bay entrance, and trying to park in the loading bay itself.


Occasional fights over parking will occur (a woman with child on hip, was shouting at a man about parking, in my local store a couple of days ago).


This will be followed by families shopping at unearthly times in the morning often with pyjamas under a coat ( including the adults).

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Morning all and eyelid inspection has been satisfactorily completed. 


Today is the office party. As public transport home from the venue was non-existent I elected not to go. 

In any case an early start to take the youngest swimming, followed by a visit to Father Christmas probably, is best done without waking up with a hangover and being 400 x over the limit!!!


I may wear a Christmas-themed jumper today. 


Have a good one peeps. 

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,


A good night's sleep....


Ben the Border Collie has had his morning stroll, well I had the stroll, Ben put up a Muntjac deer, and chased it a couple of times round the garden. It escaped into the neighbours garden where he knows he's not allowed, so he broke off the chase..


The high ground is again showing we had some snow, but everything is soggy so that will melt shortly.


The search party will set out for the hinges shortly..


But first... Mugacoffee to be consumed.

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Mawnin' awl. Unappealing weather outside, if I may put it like this. Dreadful news from France indeed, so may I add to the thoughts for the families affected…


Mum and dad coming over for breakfast in a few before they return north, having followed the weather forecast for the route they're planning to take. However, weather permitting, we are likely to visit them after New Year. Actually, the coasts are rather nice places to visit even out of season due to the absence of the usual hordes of vacationers!



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Good morning all,

Very damp, dull and a bit chilly here again with more rain to come.

Went to Sainsbury's once again yesterday and as on the previous occasion the task took twice as long as it should with so many people wanting to chat to The Boss. I shouldn't really be surprised as she worked there for 37 years and wherever we go locally she will bump into someone she knows.


The road outside is full of tradesman's vans at the moment as 3 neighbours are having various building works done including loft extensions. At 7.15 there was one verbal altercation as one of our neighbours took exception to one of the builders sitting in his van with the engine running and radio blaring outside her window.  As she is a club bouncer "doorman" and  didn't get home until 4.00am she was a bit peeved and she doesn't take any prisoners.    :girldevil: He moved rather rapidly. :yes:


After stating yesterday that I wouldn't be getting any Christmas presents from me to me I received an email from Widnes informing me that another 1/6 of my Birdcage coaches is imminent, this time the SECR brake composite. Will have to wait until the New Year for the other 2 SECR and 1 SR though. What with them and other stuff due in the next couple of months many tokens will have to be expended. Luckily I have been saving up.

I was supposed to be going to a reunion with some old workmates tonight but due to a minor ongoing health problem have had to cancel. Never mind, I'm sure another date can be found.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. It's brightening here at LBG but earlier at the Fold on the Hill we had torrential rain followed by about 2 minutes' snow and then more rain.


ChrisF - do the young even know of the tradition of a Christmas Box?


Our window cleaner clearly does. He doesn't collect his money for months at a time but always in December! But then he is not young...


Mrs Lurker had her staff Christmas Party. Some of the younger staff were dressed to the nines. But as she said, who for?  She didn't drink her normal amount of water with her normal amount of wine and as a consequence has a headache this morning. Fortunately for her, the class teacher has a slow day planned. her 1 to 1 is likely to sit through the video DVD this morning.


It is Younger Lurker's 9th birthday on Sunday. He has expressed a desire to come in to town to look for supercars, so that is what we shall do! That reminds me, I must locate a suitable restaurant for us to have lunch / dinner in. The one I had thought of is not open on a Sunday.


Have a good day all

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Good morning all,


I was supposed to be going to a reunion with some old workmates tonight but due to a minor ongoing health problem have had to cancel. Never mind, I'm sure another date can be found.


Have a good one,


That would be ear-ache then !!!!  :jester:

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