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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a slightly white village somewhere south of Baz.   No overnight white stuff to report here, just the dusting that we had yesterday.  Rachel and Laura called and much discussion of wedding arrangements took place.   I am apparently walking my daughter down the aisle and have been told what she is wearing.  Beth however has only been told what Laura is wearing and I haven't.  It's getting complicated. The rest of the preparations are way above my  pay grade. The tree and other decorations were put up, severeal times as apparently my thoughts on placing were not correct.   Then we had a good evening at some friends in the village. Much liquid refreshment was offered and it would have been rude to refuse, along with a rather nice meal accompanied by good music and chat.


Church duties this morning then not a lot for the rest of the day so I will await whatever life brings,


Ian, thoughts are with you. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


No snow here, nor any forecast. It was frosty earlier but it soon disappeared and seems quite mild at the moment. Mrs BoD and daughter are In London after watching 'Les Mis' last night and sometime today will be travelling by coach back to the North East. We will have to see how that one pans out.


I wonder how DD and his hill in Wales are.


Have a good day and look after yourselves.

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Here you go, BoD.

Picture one is my usual view from the studio.

Version two taken this morning.

8" of laying snow and it's still falling.

Traffic chaos.

Gritter fell off the road.

A55 has been closed but may be open again.






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Here you go, BoD.

Picture one is my usual view from the studio.

Version two taken this morning.

8" of laying snow and it's still falling.

Traffic chaos.

Gritter fell off the road.

A55 has been closed but may be open again.





Naa Sorry you just converted the first pic to Black and White, :O  hahahha :no:  :no:  :no:  :no:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Disaster, horror, the world is clearly coming to an end - the 'snow bomb' (bl**dy stupid name) has hit and we actually have snowfall in December.  Absolutely amazing, who'd have thought we'd have snow in December?  The forecast rain turned to snow earlier than forecast we have about two inches of the stuff thus far, it has stopped once and since restarted and the birds are flocking to the front garden in search of sustenance and Mrs Stationmaster is out there clearing a route to the feeders in order to reload them.


Looking on the bright side it is possible all of this might help me avoid yesterday's annual order regarding clearing the dining room table 'ready for Christmas' - presumably this means I have to move my(??) sewing machine and needlework box to 'somewhere else'. (oh and there are of course some of my - yes really mine - magazines and books to relocate elsewhere too).  I might also have to go and assist the Good Doctor in driving home from work as she has never driven on snow and there are some steep hills to negotiate - it seems she has already planned her route to minimise that particular problem.


Enjoy the rest of your day and sorry to see your show cancelled Andy - yesterday's pics showed it be quite a good little event.

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Four inches here and still coming down. Repeated de icing of abominable snow dogs. Forecast for the remainder of the day - snow. Monday night it says it's going down to minus 7.


Gingerbread reindeer today - for work. Sandy's sewing Christmas Pressies. Hearty beef casserole tonight.


Other than that we're not moving!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Plenty of white stuff here this morning, forecast was it was going to pass to the north of the estuary. I will venture out in the car later when the mobile igloo's will have hopefully dissipated. According to the weather forecast the snow should have disappeared in a north-easterly direction so those of you in Suffolk and Norfolk watch out it could be well on its way.

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On my local Facebook page this morning, people have:

  • Been asking for a taxi to pick up their car fifteen miles away.
  • Been asking how to get to a station ten miles away
  • Been complaining that the local fun run has been cancelled. (some of the fun run involved kids.)

All this with a background of police information saying don't travel, and news of a motorist who's come off the main road facing a five hour wait for rescue.


I think that the anti-common-sense fairy has been round!

Edited by Coombe Barton
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On my local Facebook page this morning, people have:

  • Been asking for a taxi to pick up their car fifteen miles away.
  • Been asking how to get to a station ten miles away
  • Been complaining that the local fun run has been cancelled. (some of the fun run involved kids.)
All this with a background of police information saying don't travel, and news of a motorist who's come off the main road facing a five hour wait for rescue.


I think that the anti-common-sense fairy has been round!

Just abandoned trip to yard and turned round. Barnet Council have once again excelled themselves by not gritting any roads, not even the main routes. Total chaos out there, as drivers are still heading out and compacting the snow into ice!!


Bus service has collapsed - the only bus I've seen has been "out of service"!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

The snow bomb melted during its terminal descent in these parts. 

Traffic chaos is, therefore, somewhat limited. 


I heard a year or so back that one local employer's HR department emailed their staff with a phrase something like:


"Don't be a hero and struggle driving in the snow."


600 employees immediately downed tools and went home.


The HR department have been a little more resilient since then.  :jester:  

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Is it just me who wonders if the Met Forecasters changing from "Inches" to Millimetres" makes it sound as though the winter weather nowadays is really bad ? When I see the depth of snow they get a lot further south in Canada and USA - I'm not surprised they wonder what we are complaining about - so far over 3 days of "snaa" we have, on the top of my dustbins which are in the shade so none has melted, 5" ! Oh dear! Oh lor! the world is coming to an end! - For Gods sake Britain - Grow a pair! - for those of us who remember 1947 and 1961/62 this is a mere sprinkle!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Total global weather catastrophe has hit the Land of Sutt. My car was buried in a half inch snowdrift earlier and there are still signs of 3 or 4 flakes on it! I don't know how I'll cope. :scratchhead:  

Rather late here today as I didn't get up till gone 9.00 with a bit of a headache. Parrotseatemall has cleared that along with a bacon sandwich and a couple of strong coffees.

Last night's party next door was excellent and we didn't get to bed until 3.30. There was even the very rare sight of GDB "dancing" after being persuaded to do so by a very comely maiden.  The Boss was rather amused. :sarcastichand:

We've been invited back in for lunch today and I suspect  know more drinking will be involved. Could be another long session. :yes:  :drinks: Hopefully no dancing though. :no:


GDB... please explain this new form of Rugby Union played by Munster please..... coming in from the wrong side of the ruck staying offside in a ruck..but its OK cos I have my hands above my head....


Baz.. I didn't see the game but that really winds me up too.


Have a good one and mind how you go,



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No snow this far north. Quite a pleasant morning in fact, with a bit of hazy sunshine, but bitterly cold. Woodburner has been made up and supplies of wood brought in. Mrs G is out this morning, so I am doing PC full backups and also decommissioning an ancient unused pc by wiping the HDD. It will go to the tip sometime this week, with a car load of other stuff.


If the sun stays out, I will get out for a walk this afternoon, and maybe do a bit of beach combing for wood supplies.

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Is it just me who wonders if the Met Forecasters changing from "Inches" to Millimetres" makes it sound as though the winter weather nowadays is really bad ? When I see the depth of snow they get a lot further south in Canada and USA - I'm not surprised they wonder what we are complaining about - so far over 3 days of "snaa" we have, on the top of my dustbins which are in the shade so none has melted, 5" ! Oh dear! Oh lor! the world is coming to an end! - For Gods sake Britain - Grow a pair! - for those of us who remember 1947 and 1961/62 this is a mere sprinkle!!!


In Britain, one flake of snow will cause train cancellations.


This link suggests that this is not the case everywhere!



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  • RMweb Premium

Ivan read my mind there!


Sunny here too this morning, still some snaa lying around the place, and the view of the snow covered hills behind Simon to the west and in Dumfries and Galloway to the north as I came back from dropping Debs at Grumble are really crisp and beautiful.  It appears to be so close this morning that half an hour in the kayak would get me there, but it's almost 30 miles.  Sure I can see Simon in his garden.....

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  • RMweb Gold

The coach company that Mrs BoD and daughter are travelling with decided to cancel the 'shopping in London' part of the trip and head straight off home. After a few hours they are not much further North and are snarled up in traffic and snow. It doesn't look that good.


I don't think that it is necessarily the snow per se that is to blame, just lack of many people's experience of or practice driving in it. I remember when I was learning to drive we had a heavy snowfall. Today my lesson would undoubtedly have been cancelled but back then my instructor took me out onto quiet country roads and let me 'play' in the snow for the hour's lesson.

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.....I don't think that it is necessarily the snow per se that is to blame, just lack of many people's experience of or practice driving in it. I remember when I was learning to drive we had a heavy snowfall. Today my lesson would undoubtedly have been cancelled but back then my instructor took me out onto quiet country roads and let me 'play' in the snow for the hour's lesson.

It doesn't help that various road gritting services make a speciality of getting caught with their trousers down. Barnet Council, for example, will probably paint their seasonal failure as a success in saving money.

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Ivan read my mind there!


Sunny here too this morning, still some snaa lying around the place, and the view of the snow covered hills behind Simon to the west and in Dumfries and Galloway to the north as I came back from dropping Debs at Grumble are really crisp and beautiful.  It appears to be so close this morning that half an hour in the kayak would get me there, but it's almost 30 miles.  Sure I can see Simon in his garden.....

Too bl**dy cold for that!


Because we have a small hill behind us to the west, we can’t see any Lakeland fells from our house. Nice to know that there is snow on them.

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