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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


The day started off wet and miserable, but at least the train was on time! I also bumped into to an old friend as I was waiting for it so we had a nice chat whilst we both traveled into Manchester.


The show was not quite as good as it has been over the last couple of years and I made very few purchases, mainly consumables such as knife blades etc. But I did manage to pick up a couple of new soldering iron bits.


I called at the post office and collected the parcel that they had for me, I was correct in my assumption that it was from Kernow Models. I’ve not taken them out of the box yet, but I have had a quick peek, ooooh, I’m very pleased with them.


Goodnight all.

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Good morning one and all


Friday: reported usual dereliction of duty by delivery brat, managed to get copy of this week's paper thanks to the editor rummaging through her cupboard.  Enjoyed Cara Dillon concert, bought one of her CDs and another from the Stables shop.


Saturday: another day in paradise on Virgin West Coast.  Both trains on which I had a reserved a seat cancelled so proceeded by first available as instructed by staff.  Had a good and sociable day at Manchester show but did not knowingly meet Brian.


Today: make beef stew with dumplings and lots of veg.  Wait for someone to drive away so I can fetch the car from the next street.  Unspecified pottering.


The week ahead: quite busy.  Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with my financial adviser in Peterborough.  On Tuesday there is a replacement speaker at the LCGB, reason unknown.  On Wednesday I have lunch with a friend from Peterborough [again] at a pub in Helpston.  Friday sees an audience with Professor Oncologist, nominally at 10.45 but as his clinic is always overbooked who knows?  Sometime in the week I need to order sufficient Swiss francs to see me through my forthcoming holiday.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and recovery



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, evening to others.


Too dark outside to see what the weather is doing but it sounds dry.

I need to finish tidying up the railway room and workshop today as I have crusts to earn this week.


No chance of getting to personchester today (besides one visit in a week just reminds me of some interesting times when it was one of my work bases).


Have a great day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A good night's sleep of 7 hours was had...

For some reason both arms are aching.

Ben the Border Collie has been out for his stroll in the misty drizzle.


They are wittering on about texting as it's the 25th anniversary of the first text. I've never sent a text, the only ones I've received are from the mobile phone company telling me how much is left on the phone. I'm now on my second £10 after about 5 years of owning it.


The seaweed inspector has just reported gales and rain for the week, freezing weather for next weekend, I think the sky gods are determined I won't finish my concreting by the gate.


Time for breakfast...

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the suburbs of Junction 27.   First of all good luck to Rick on your new adventure on the razor bade of life. I hope it goes well for you.   Like Baz there is no chance of me getting across to the dark side for the show.  After two extended weekends away the brownie point balance is rather low if not negative.   Yesterday went well and the dreaded words of tree and putting p have been uttered along with a sentence that included this week.  


Today starts with church duties then later this afternoon we head into Bradford for Beth to pick up her new Motability car.   It's only 2 months late but at least it's arrived. Apart from that not a lot is on the agenda but now that the layout is out of the way I have no excuse for not finishing the tidying in my modelling room.   I need to sort out what will keep me amused for the next few months and what really can either go to the skip or the container for onward movement.   


Chrisf, your problems with the delivery brat made me remember a conversation that I had with a guy from another layout at Warley.  In a conversation about something else entirely he mentioned that after he retired he got so annoyed with the unreliability of the paper deliveries that he started doing the paper round himself and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Regards to all.



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A good morning to you all. I've been up since 5:30, having fallen asleep on Sofa A at 9pm, shifted to the more comfortable Sofa B about midnight, and then up to bed when the bladder called at 3am. I'm exhausted!


Cold/flu is still with me - where does it all come from? My sinuses appear to have the characteristics of a Tardis.


Julie is in the shop - again - today, so I'm left to my own devices. I've already cleaned the kitchen and done the dishwasher, so it's the workshop next. Also awaiting the arrival of a new Nikon battery, as the cheapo ones I bought aren't holding a charge any more. £6.99 plays £70, there may be a quality difference.


No social life, but apart from my flu no problems, either. Except reading all the papers for a governors' meeting tomorrow and printing the payout-sheets for the craft gallery for Julie. Neither of which is onerous.


So, best wishes to all, especially Rick and Beth.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dampish start here and still very dull. There may be some sunny spells later.

It seems I remain in the good books as The Boss brought me tea earlier and asked what I would like for breakfast. "Everything" said I, might as well make the most of it. :yes:

Unsurprisingly we're off to Sainsbury's this morning as she wants to take advantage of a special extra staff discount before she retires.

Watched two excellent games of rugby yesterday but still got another recorded and also Quins to watch this afternoon. 

Must also make time to run my new green Dribbling thing as I haven't even opened the box yet.    :locomotive:    The RTR box openers society will blackball me if I'm not careful!   :punish:

Good luck in the new job tomorrow Rick and I hope everyone has a a good day today,



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I think we have the same weather as Bob. Definitely warmer than the last couple of days though.

I hope the morning's walk with Robbie doesn't involve too much canine grumpiness.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cloudy but at least its dry, will check out the weeks weather later this morning, I noticed from the TV schedule that the news that contains the report has been brought forward to 12.15 from 1 to make room for the FA cup draw, just as well I checked. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Morning all. After my late departure to bed, a late start.


A very fine drizzle at the moment but at least it's warmer than it has been.


I have absolutely nothing planned for the day so I may return to tidying the modelling room at some stage.


Rick - Best of luck tomorrow.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


All is soggyness outside but nothing is forecast to join it (probably?).  Notwithstanding the soggyness there are currently 5 doves, 3 pigeons. and a starling in the front garden partaking of the management's largesse in the purchase of bird food and most of them are clearing up the stuff their mates have previously spilt all over the place; update - nearly all of them have left and Mr Robin has arrived.  Note - we do not have a pear tree and partridges do not seem to get this far into town even if the foxes and muntjac do.


The Good Doctor is off to Innsbruck later today for a bit of shopping and she's obviously suffering Austria withdrawal symptoms so needs a top-up.  The less fortunate of us are no doubt likely to be despatched to Tesco to obtain a fresh loaf and the 'papers.


Rick - hope all goes well tomorrow and henceforth (not wishing to worry you but does your new employer issue stab vests to staff at certain locations? - more likely they'll tell you how to avoid the likely characters I would think).


Enjoy your day one and all.

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Just off to the park.

John, my struggle in the past with word counts was finding enough to meet the lower limit! When Aditi wrote her doctoral thesis she was three quarters of the way through and 25000 words over. She took out a whole chapter about feminist perspectives of educational management. When Matthew was at Leicester there were penalties for not reaching or exceeding the word count.


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Moaning all from the boring borough. 


Feeling like a large trawler full of carp. I seem to be alternating sleep/no sleep nights at the moment. Last night was no sleep. Back & shoulder bothering me again along with my foot which I managed to find the metal bed leg with at high speed the other day. 


Yesterday was mostly a write off. Managed a wander up the high street with SWMBO. Brekkie in the nice French cafe, a few shops perused, then a quick shop in our band spanking new Lidl. Strange how it has twice the footprint of the old store but doesn't look any bigger inside. The rest of the day was spent in front of the idiot box consuming far too many delights from my bierkeller. 


Today's plans have been put asunder by drizzle that wasn't supposed to happen. SWMBO had a day of transplanting scheduled along with other tidy up jobs outside. She's now bringing out the hoover so that puts paid to me having any sort of nap. 


Tomorrow is another day of dealing with cockwombles and sh*tgibbons. Joy unbound. 10 days left until I'm off for a week of training, then I'm done until Jan 2. 


Enjoy what's left of your weekend. 

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  • RMweb Premium

A grey, murky and damp morning on the Hill. A very poor attempt at sleep for reasons unknown and waking with most of Wilkinson Sword’s product in my throat. Not boding well for a three-hour meeting but I shall be there.


Mid-morning, Strawberry Hill station on Sunday, quite a cross-section of society:-

Elderly couple well dressed and perhaps off to church somewhere. Standing a couple of metres apart and neither speaking to nor looking at each other;

Vivacious young student-type with a chap I assumed from age and interaction might be her father;

Two sportily-dressed women carrying lacrosse sticks and busily engaged with their smart phones;

Single older chap possibly looking as under-the-weather as he felt but putting a brave face on it;

Two families with very young and excited children who were wearing fluffy antlers and off to see Santa;

Half a dozen assorted young male hangovers seemingly creeping home from where ever they ended up last night - full clothing optional;

Young slightly embarrassed, under-dressed, female gazing wistfully into eyes of sleeping barely-dressed male while sheepishly hanging onto his finger in the manner of morning-after-first-date.


Coffee has been inserted. I might yet still be human. Happy Sunday.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,


A damp and drizzly day here. 


The Christmas tree has been assembled and decorated. 

The children have a tradition of taking a movie of the process and then playing it back at fast mode. 

I feel my contribution of the "Sand dance" added a certain something to the movie. 


A wishlist has been requested, although have no inspiration at the moment.

My best effort so far was a piece of plywood.  

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