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  • RMweb Gold

I don't like turkey ( it made me very ill once) so this year we are having pork and beef for lunch on Christmas Day.

Workshop and railway room now 70% tidied up.

BazI don't like turkey ( it made me very ill once) so this year we are having pork and beef for lunch on Christmas Day.

Workshop and railway room now 70% tidied up.


Two Christmas dinners and the workshop 140% tidy.

Life doesn't get much better than that.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. As I mentioned I will be spending Christmas day at my sisters so its almost certainly going to be turkey for Christmas. I don't care much for turkey myself, when I've had to prepare Christmas dinner for myself its usually been a grilled fillet of salmon (caught not farmed), baked veg (tatties and parsnips) cooked in the dry fryer* and green veg in the microwave. It all takes about 15 minutes to cook. Christmas pud is being microwaved whilst I am eating the above. *The term dry fryer is a misnomer, though it looks like a deep fryer it is in fact more of a small fan oven. If anything requiring frying such as chips will come out bone dry unless they are coated in cooking oil, I use oven chips.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All


Back to the manual, and another area that I didn't know existed where the default setting was a telling off!  Technology -pah.

Back another time.

Regards to All



Despite me having a German car I get a polite "Please keep to the speed limit" when that happens.....



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I should imagine that GDB is watching the rugby from Australia right now, we'll find out later.


I would have thought he would be watching it from Sutton. Just what kind of party did you think he had last night?

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Have just looked at the Peco Points thread and get the feeling that I would be classified by them as one of those referred to as a  "can't wire/won't wire" DCC quick build/instant gratification enthusiast.


Quite proud of that :jester: .



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Afternoon all...


Already been up, out and over to pick up Trevor then on to MiL to wish her happy birthday for the actual day. Coffee and scones provided by the assisted living community she is in, a regular feature at 10-10:30 each morning. Joined by Jemma and Whitney who live a walk away from MiL, so MiL was well pleased to have our side of the family present :locomotive:

A morning far earlier than I'd bargained for on a Saturday, but at least we're "on the move" I guess!


Afternoon NOW to myself, unless the Mrs bellows from the kitchen and has some previously undeclared errands for me :O

I'm planning on heading down for a running session PLUS some workbench tidying and maybe start construction of some of the Ratio signal kits or Parkside kits that have been languishing for TOO LONG...


3 and sunny this morning headed for a blistering 9-10 later!

All this ends Tuesday when the high is expected to be -6 and a low in the -teens. Welcome to Minnesota late autumn.


Hope you have a good Saturday, whatever your chores/errands/hobby activities are.

Edited by Ian Abel
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I don't like turkey ( it made me very ill once) so this year we are having pork and beef for lunch on Christmas Day.


Workshop and railway room now 70% tidied up.



I don't like turkey ( it made me very ill once) so this year we are having pork and beef for lunch on Christmas Day.


Workshop and railway room now 70% tidied up.





You want to leave the Turkey alone, lad. . . . . It's repeating on you!


Day out with Granddaughter and her mum (DD1) today. . . I was cut up by a nutter in a Vauxhall summat-or-other. . . . Granddaughter suggested that he was in training to buy an Audi. . 





Edited by Two_sugars
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


Have just looked at the Peco Points thread and get the feeling that I would be classified by them as one of those referred to as a  "can't wire/won't wire" DCC quick build/instant gratification enthusiast.


Quite proud of that :jester: .




What gets me about it Keith, is the continued prattling on that they could make points themselves.  The very raison d'etre of RTR is people can't or don't want to for whatever reason - so why would they.  If they wished to do so they already would have done.  Just allow folk to make their own choices!


I made points when I was in my teens - I prefer RTR nowadays as they work and look better than my attempts!

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  • RMweb Gold

I have finally found the CX's rear demister switch. It's in the....roof! I switched it on and guess what? It doesn't work!!!!

Can you see the terminals on the rear screen. If so attach a multimeter (dc voltage setting) and see if you can get a reading when the switch is on. If not, check the fuse as suggested. If there is a voltage look for breaks in the elements. Is it old enough to have surface mounted elements? They can be repaired with silver paint products. If it is an element sandwiched in the glass it would not be repairable. I have had hire cars that have a thermostat and relay in the rear screen circuit. Does the Citroen?

Edited by Tony_S
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Can you see the terminals on the rear screen. If so attach a multimeter (dc voltage setting) and see if you can get a reading when the switch is on. If not, check the fuse as suggested. If there is a voltage look for breaks in the elements. Is it old enough to have surface mounted elements? They can be repaired with silver paint products. If it is an element sandwiched in the glass it would not be repairable. I have had hire cars that have a thermostat and relay in the rear screen circuit. Does the Citroen?

I'll have to check again.

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Not a great deal done today.


Washing has been done and some (very little) tidying of the modelling room as well.


I got totally engrossed in the rugby and decided that I couldn't be bothered to cook tonight. A Thai takeaway was the solution and it was better than I expected.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ah, now, that's another little design quirk. The fuse box.....


It's just a little bit of Je ne sais quoi .​Are you sure that the suspension isn't programmed to give a Gallic shrug every so often.



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  • RMweb Gold

I have finally found the CX's rear demister switch. It's in the....roof.



I'll have to check again.

I used to hate having to open the loft hatch and get the ladder down every time I wanted to look in the roof.

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What gets me about it Keith, is the continued prattling on that they could make points themselves.  The very raison d'etre of RTR is people can't or don't want to for whatever reason - so why would they.  If they wished to do so they already would have done.  


And at least one of the illustrated examples of this art is so far from scale appearance as to be less realistic than Meccano.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


The hectic pace continues.  Barely time to log on but I must wish the very best to Mal among our number of ailing and troubled.


Spent most of Thursday driving and all too short a time with the family at Aunt's funeral.  At least my anticipated driving times were spot on allowing me to reach the Sussex coast at precisely the time I intended.  After just ten minutes I was heading back with sister and - to our great delight - mother on board.  We collected SWMBO during another ten minute stop at The Hill before proceeding to the crematorium.  After proceedings we politely declined to invitation to join the family gathering as mother was suffering from the cold and in any case we had to get her back then me back - another round trip to the coast.  All went well and after lunch here, and mother finally getting her wish to see where we now live, the return leg was driven as safely as the first.  After all that I finally returned to the Hill for a late dinner (having been up at 4am) and a half-decent sleep.


Yesterday was a rest day in every sense of the word.  I spent the morning preparing paperwork for the start of employment on Monday and was then asked to meet SWMBO at her work in order to assist in carrying some Christmas gifts home.  I get to carry some of those again to the Isle of Wight (Fraggle Rock South) in a couple of weeks.  Today has seen us attending the local Christmas craft fair, doing more shopping, dropping into a lovely riverside pub for a late lunch (and meeting friends there which had not been planned) before returning to decorate the flat.


Tomorrow is my quarterly committee meeting followed by an appointment with the ironing board so as to appear bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the new employer on Monday.  We also plan to invite Neighbours (Upstairs) down for an evening meal.  Not only are we being neighbourly but also (hopefully) heading off any noise from upstairs on my night-before-the-Big-Day.  I know from years of experience I always sleep fitfully before an early rise until I am into the swing of things but I also manage that well and don't suffer for it once I'm actually on my feet.


From Monday onwards until things settle I shall be setting out early (around 6am) for training and inductions and having little time to myself.  I therefore tender my apologies for any untoward absences from ERs for the time being.  


As always best wishes to all and special thoughts to those in particular need.

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  • RMweb Gold

Very quiet here. Robbie is in the hallway staring at the front door. He is probably wondering where Aditi is. The vet said the labyrinthitis will make Robbie feel unwell although he is less wobbly. He was very aggressive which is totally out of character when we returned from a drive down to the park. He didn't seem happy about getting out of the car so I tried to help. He did a good impression of the dog that used to appear in rabies posters. After two attempts I gave up and went to plan B. I put a muzzle on him, no problem, lifted him out, no problem, waggy tail etc. He has been fine since.

I have been invited round to lunch tomorrow by our neighbours.

I started to assemble a rake of coaches suitable for Sir William Stanier to drag round my layout. I have other members of the class but some of those are more suited to the early BR coach rakes.


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