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  • RMweb Gold

I always set my Sat Nav to a female voice so that I can ignore her with impunity.

It's the only chance I ever get.


Then when I get lost I have to beg her forgiveness and ask for help.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have turned voice control off for my car. The horrible experience in Texas with a voice activated sat nav made me dubious about such things. Aditi's Fiesta doesn't have a sat nav but the car sometimes talks you through things like activating Bluetooth connections.

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It was arl snaa in 1969 for my first year in the North-East. It snowed in October and thawed the following March. As I walked down the front steps of my digs my bell-bottom trousers 'floated' in the snaa and my bare legs kept on going, unprotected.


One day we got snowed into the school I was on teaching practice at (Ryhope Juniors). Naa problem, it was at the top of a hill, so we could slide down if necessary. But the school dinner truck couldn't make it up the hill. That was a problem.


School dining hall. 400 hungry kids. Outbreaks of cannibalism reported. Tense. Then a supply of sandwiches appeared and the day was saved.


I spent the next few months wondering exactly what I'd let myself in for...

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  • RMweb Premium

I always set my Sat Nav to a female voice so that I can ignore her with impunity.

It's the only chance I ever get.


Then when I get lost I have to beg her forgiveness and ask for help.

I'm convinced that the person in our sat nav isn't actually feminine.  She doesn't shout at me when I ignore her.


It was arl snaa in 1969 for my first year in the North-East. It snowed in October and thawed the following March. As I walked down the front steps of my digs my bell-bottom trousers 'floated' in the snaa and my bare legs kept on going, unprotected.


One day we got snowed into the school I was on teaching practice at (Ryhope Juniors). Naa problem, it was at the top of a hill, so we could slide down if necessary. But the school dinner truck couldn't make it up the hill. That was a problem.


School dining hall. 400 hungry kids. Outbreaks of cannibalism reported. Tense. Then a supply of sandwiches appeared and the day was saved.


I spent the next few months wondering exactly what I'd let myself in for...

Ryhope rings a bell.  SWMBO's Uncle and Aunt lived there and her late Cousin Peter Burn may have been one of your pupils. Dick.



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  • RMweb Premium

I always set my Sat Nav to a female voice so that I can ignore her with impunity.

It's the only chance I ever get.



It's almost worth buying the particular car with the former swmbo acting as the sat nav.  :jester:


All this talk of snow up in Durhamshire - should I bring snowshoes on my day trip next Tuesday? 

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  • RMweb Gold

All this talk of snow up in Durhamshire - should I bring snowshoes on my day trip next Tuesday?



Nah, Bring your shorts and T-shirt if you don't want to look out of place.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning


Been away for a few days to visit relatives and to see a hospital consultant in Basingstoke. 


Back in time to get to Murrayfield for our astonishing win against the Aussies last Saturday. What a day! A game well-played. England are at Murrayfield for the 6 Nations early next year so can't wait. reckon we have a chance. At least we do this week...


Basingstoke was good and am pencilled in for an op there in December or January; will find out exactly when next Tuesday or Wednesday. The consultant was much more optimistic than my oncologist here - am a little puzzled that my oncologist didn't refer me automatically - I did all of the work and found out about this op, which is weird when Edinburgh has good contacts with Basingstoke (my constant there studied at Edinburgh uni and was a house doctor at the Royal Infirmary here). My default is that the NHS staff are so over-worked that they don't have a chance to sit down and go through each case properly - when obviously they should. But we are here now.


Would have thought that POTUS would have a diplomatic minder, but after the last year's tweeting antics just not surprised. 


Hope you're all keeping warm




My thoughts on your comment.  If they spent a bit longer sorting out the problem on the first visit in more detail and treated appropriately then rather than the 'go away and come back in 3/12' and a repeat of the original questions etc. I believe a lot of NHS money could be saved not least because the 'condition' would not be getting worse and in need of more extensive treatment.  Just my opinion.


Edit = spelling correction 

Edited by PeterBB
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  • RMweb Gold

Wasn't the bad winter 62/63 or has there been a timeshift somewhere.  I remember that winter well.   Sliding down Attermire on a tea tray in the October and walking through an 8' deep snow cutting on the road to Malham (The one that was open, the other was blocked by drifts.)




My main memory of that winter was driving to Wales along the A40/A$ ... I thought the former was a wide road but ... it seemed to be almost single track with snow banked high above my little van.  A day or two later driving back home I was driving on 5" of ice on the minor roads before reaching the major road.  Truly the sort of thing you remember.

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Evening all - generic good wishes, congrats and commiserations as appropriate. This week has been so busy I have not had much chance to read anything in any detail. Today I did visit the other school, but have decided not to apply. They seemed to have an unreasonable expectation about the roles the Deputy should undertake compared to the non-contact time they were prepared to give. So, for the time being, I will stick with where I am. There is no rush. The plan was to stay there for the whole year and move again after the summer.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning awl.


I do not need to be up this early but better nights lseep than the previous night.


Car fuelled and layout loaded apart from the DCC and PC's which will be loaded just before we set off this morning. Fingers crossed the car perfoms well . The ABS sensor has been repalced and the garage is fairly certain this was the cause of the engine cutting out on the last couple of show journeys when we accelerated fairly hard then changed up to 5th. Need to try this again when on a quieter stretch of road to see if it is cured.


Looking forward to setting up this afternoon then dropping the car at the accomodation and into Altrincham for beer as thats the closest place to the hotel.

Edited by roundhouse
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Good morning one and all


Poorly Pal and I enjoyed our lunch yesterday - stir fired veggies on a bed of noodles - and there is enough vegetable matter left to do a mealette for me.  The distressing news of a friend turned out to be of a friend of a friend but is still distressing.  A few useful bits of m*d*ll*ng got done and the evening was enhanced by some stunning and evocative black and white steam photography from the 60s presented by John Hunt.


Today's fodder run will seek out beef suitable for casseroling and lotsa rooty vegetables to keep it company as well as something to put in my sandwiches for tomorrow's trip to the Manchester show.  Forgive me for not posting tomorrow but an early start is required, supplemented by a fervent hope that Virginontheridiculous Trains will deliver a trouble-free trip and the reserved seats each easy that are part of the package.  Awaiting my attention is a letter from DVLA inviting me to renew my driving licence.  Now where did I put those spare passport photos and my birth certificate?


Warm thoughts and best wishes to all in distress and recovery



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple here.

A reasonable night's sleep was had, despite the wind howling round the house.


The nearest weather station is reporting about 50 mph gusts from the north east, which is the direction the house is most exposed to the wind off the sea.


It's also either hail or rain hammering on the windows I've not peered out to see which...


Having just looked it up yes it was 1962/3 the bad winter, that means I was 4 years old when i started primary school in northern Ireland. Before my dad was medically down graded out of the RAF ( back injury) and we returned to temporarily live with my grandparents in Wiltshire.


Time to ... reinspect my eye lids...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning one and all


Poorly Pal and I enjoyed our lunch yesterday - stir fired veggies on a bed of noodles - and there is enough vegetable matter left to do a mealette for me.  The distressing news of a friend turned out to be of a friend of a friend but is still distressing.  A few useful bits of m*d*ll*ng got done and the evening was enhanced by some stunning and evocative black and white steam photography from the 60s presented by John Hunt.


Today's fodder run will seek out beef suitable for casseroling and lotsa rooty vegetables to keep it company as well as something to put in my sandwiches for tomorrow's trip to the Manchester show.  Forgive me for not posting tomorrow but an early start is required, supplemented by a fervent hope that Virginontheridiculous Trains will deliver a trouble-free trip and the reserved seats each easy that are part of the package.  Awaiting my attention is a letter from DVLA inviting me to renew my driving licence.  Now where did I put those spare passport photos and my birth certificate?


Warm thoughts and best wishes to all in distress and recovery



Hopefully see you at the show then.


Talking of Virgin, they have a number of strikes looming. Luckily not the days that we will be using them over Christmas.


Just been looking up the  breweries under Piccadilly station and arches under the tracks. There are at least three for us to visit Saturday evening even before we visit favourite pubs and bars  such as the Piccadilly Tap (on the station approach), the Port Street Beer house etc.

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Morning all.


Cold and dark here in Carshalton-sur-Mer. The whelkmen are abed as today is the feast of Saint Egregious the Underwhelming, patron of politicians and locsal authority health inspectors. To be observant the whelkmen are all inspecting their duvets from underneath.


Went to bed early last night and got up at 3...


Fascinating time last night with Daisy - she's reading Terry Pratchett's Hatful of Sky which I gave her a few weeks back we did some serious (ie usually Year 9) Lit Crit, discussing allusion, imagery and the three types of irony. She later said she wants to give up the crochet club so that she can spend more time with us. When she left she bowed to me - fans of Pterry will get the import of that one.


I've been absent lately partly because I've been poorly - nothing serious, a rotten cold and a chest infection, coughing all night and sleeping in the daytime. Feeling a bit better now but still coughing a lot. Reminds me of a line we once used in a rag show:


"Blackmail is an ugly word, Carruthers."

"It's not as ugly as 'phlegm' sir..."


Desperate to get on with doing some Monty. I've had some bits from Smallbrook laying about for a couple of weels, and I started a buffer stop a fortnight ago and it's still not finished. Plus a couple of locos, some carriages and, of course, track. Ah well.


I saw an article today that informs one that eating fat doesn't make one fat. Comforting to know, as I have just discovered Warburton's Giant Crumpets, which can absorb a lot of butter.


Best wishes to all - you made the right decision, Andy - and best wishes for good outcomes to Mel.


Sayonara, cupcakes!

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