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Good morning


Been away for a few days to visit relatives and to see a hospital consultant in Basingstoke. 


Back in time to get to Murrayfield for our astonishing win against the Aussies last Saturday. What a day! A game well-played. England are at Murrayfield for the 6 Nations early next year so can't wait. reckon we have a chance. At least we do this week...


Basingstoke was good and am pencilled in for an op there in December or January; will find out exactly when next Tuesday or Wednesday. The consultant was much more optimistic than my oncologist here - am a little puzzled that my oncologist didn't refer me automatically - I did all of the work and found out about this op, which is weird when Edinburgh has good contacts with Basingstoke (my constant there studied at Edinburgh uni and was a house doctor at the Royal Infirmary here). My default is that the NHS staff are so over-worked that they don't have a chance to sit down and go through each case properly - when obviously they should. But we are here now.


Would have thought that POTUS would have a diplomatic minder, but after the last year's tweeting antics just not surprised. 


Hope you're all keeping warm



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  • RMweb Gold

Whereabouts is St Magdelene's from?



The distillery is in Linlithgow. It's the one you can see from the train to Glasgow Queen Street. The buildings were obviously a distillery but are apartments now.

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  • RMweb Premium

No snow here but it is a tad chilly, although the yellow orb in the sky is brightly shining no heat is coming out. ( bit like one of the old electric fires which had red lights fitted to make the "fire" look warm).

Still sorting out stock etc but getting there. Will move on to sorting out my "bits" boxes later today.


Still buzzing from the concert last night.


Stay safe fellow Durham lads..that snar is not good for you and I bet it's all slushy by now.



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  • RMweb Gold

I had to investigate the mysterious world of TPMS today as my car informed me all four tyres needed their pressure checking. Anyway I worked out how to use the pump I bought a few years ago and inflated the tyres to the approved setting. The handbook and most of the internet said what I had to do was drive at 50mph for 15 minutes to reset the sensor module. Actually a mile at at 25 to 30 mph seemed to do.

Just off to the park with Robbie. He seems interested in the idea of a walk.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

I had to investigate the mysterious world of TPMS today as my car informed me all four tyres needed their pressure checking. Anyway I worked out how to use the pump I bought a few years ago and inflated the tyres to the approved setting. The handbook and most of the internet said what I had to do was drive at 50mph for 15 minutes to reset the sensor module. Actually a mile at at 25 to 30 mph seemed to do.

Just off to the park with Robbie. He seems interested in the idea of a walk.


I just press the reset button!




After I have used our airline to check the tyre pressures are correct etc.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

I just press the reset button!




After I have used our airline to check the tyre pressures are correct etc.

On my car you can cancel the graphic screen but it still won't cancel the warning icon . I did look through the menus first before referring to the paper handbook.


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Cold here today. I have a tub of rainwater in the garden and it is iced up this morning but there is what I think is an unusual ice formation on the top surface. Triangular section and hollow inside it is about three inches in height. No idea how these shapes are formed.





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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

Doors painted, hinges fitted, letter box flap fitted and painted. More parts arrived just as I packed up. Including a new usb / charging socket for this tablet.


They were massacring pheasants nearby again, but gave up when it became continuous hail for nearly an hour.


When the hail stopped SWMBO then took Ben the Border Collie, for his main stroll of the day, managing to avoid the heavy hail and occasional snow. I was still working in the shed. The main framework for the layout case has been assembled onto the base-ply further bits and dividers need adding.


SWMBO reports that, puddles are begining to freeze over, I suspect it will be very white all over tomorrow morning...


My first birthday card has arrived from just over the hill from the linlithgow distillery, another decade starts on Monday.


Time for an eyelid inspection.

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...Would have thought that POTUS would have a diplomatic minder, but after the last year's tweeting antics just not surprised...


Hope you're all keeping warm



Diplomatic minder would imply "human adult/sentient being"! What we need here is some sort of baby-sitter for an orangutan or very large amoeba...



BIN day here and the BINs dutifully dragged to the kerb last evening in eager anticipation.


Quiet day yesterday with the Mrs and Whitney taking it "easy".

Rather less sleep than hoped for, for ME, as the Mrs was up later, the meds she'd been given for the surgery seemingly having some after affect of making her rather hyper by bed time and the resultant reading etc., kept me awake.

THEN, around 0350 the power went out - Mrs and Whitney not even noticing, as the lights briefly flashed and various electrical/electronic items made noises. Woke ME and I then had to get up check a few things (not sure why!! It was obvious looking out the window the entire visible world had lost power) and was pretty much awake until 0445 when it all came back ON again with a flash of lights and dogs barking in the neighborhood. <yawn>


OK - working for a short while, then driving the Mrs to her post-op check with the eye surgeon, then more work.


2 and sunny this morning expecting 10 for a high.


Hope your BINs get the treatment they deserve :)

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  • RMweb Premium

It's about 5" on Sunderland road Horden . . . .


Ho Hum . . Time to go . . . . . . I . .may be  . . some time . . . . . . . 



Mummy! Last time I saw that was in 1963/4 ....going to school was interesting as the snow was piled up so you went along trenches....it was over my head!


The odd flake here...


Can I suggest tomorrow's headlines...massive snowstorm brings London to a grinding halt......all .1'" of it.


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  • RMweb Premium

Mummy! Last time I saw that was in 1963/4 ....going to school was interesting as the snow was piled up so you went along trenches....it was over my head!


The odd flake here...


Can I suggest tomorrow's headlines...massive snowstorm brings London to a grinding halt......all .1'" of it.



Some years ago flying across the pond we were 25 minutes late into Chicago because they had had 2' of snow the night before.  Coming home Heathrow was gridlocked after 2" of snow and all connecting flights outbound were cancelled. I ended up getting home on the train rather than waiting for a replacement bus to Manchester.



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  • RMweb Gold

Mummy! Last time I saw that was in 1963/4 ....going to school was interesting as the snow was piled up so you went along trenches....it was over my head!


The odd flake here...


Can I suggest tomorrow's headlines...massive snowstorm brings London to a grinding halt......all .1'" of it.



The roads a very wet now as there is a bit of a thaw going on. Thankfully it is not forecast to freeze overnight. At least that is what they say, we shall see.


It was only the other day that I was saying we always used to get at least one covering of snow in November or December, which quickly disappeared  before the main lot arrived in January/February but that we haven't had that for a few years now.  Me and my big mouth.

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  • RMweb Premium

I remember the 63/4 snow in MSWJR territory, opening the back door of my grandparents house to find a wall of snow... luckily the primary school was only a couple of hundred yards away.

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  • RMweb Gold

I remember the 63/4 snow in MSWJR territory, opening the back door of my grandparents house to find a wall of snow... luckily the primary school was only a couple of hundred yards away.

I remember that well my brothers and I made a fortune clearing snow from people's garden footpaths, eat you heart out Stavros.  :jester:


I forgot to mention I use to carry about 5 sacks of rock salt in the van in the winter a tidy penny was earn't most years.

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Evening all. A strange last couple of days.


Yesterday was going to plan until an extremely urgent call out came in at 15:00. I attended but due to several reasons I didn't get back to my digs until 22:30.


Today was an early start (04:00) to get to site at a decent time for my last day of current employment. One item that had to be delivered and was due to arrive at 09:00 didn't arrive until 11:00. I got home at 14:00 and I promptly undertook an extended eyelid inspection.


At least tomorrow I don't even have to venture out.


Time to catch up on some other posts over yet another coffee.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


No snaa here, but despite being dry and bright, it was bloomin freezing with a wind that cut you to shreds.


Some cheering financial news was also received today, which has helped lighten things rather.


Sat navs....if Debs told me to turn right, I would TURN RIGHT.  NO arguments......I know when I'm beaten!


Time to rummage in the fridge for a beer as it's my Friday today.  Doom Bar, Timmy Taylors Landlord or Marstons IPA? Hmmm.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Gold

Sat navs....if Debs told me to turn right, I would TURN RIGHT.  NO arguments......I know when I'm beaten.

Are you a man or a mouse.

Oh sorry....it's Debs..... you are excused.


p.s. great choice of ales.

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  • RMweb Premium

Wasn't the bad winter 62/63 or has there been a timeshift somewhere.  I remember that winter well.   Sliding down Attermire on a tea tray in the October and walking through an 8' deep snow cutting on the road to Malham (The one that was open, the other was blocked by drifts.)



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