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  • RMweb Premium


When I had my detachable retina done, we showed up at the hospital in good time. The receptionist asked if I'd eaten anything. Then told me that I would be going right in as several people had shown up that had eaten, including one full English breakfast.

Then they let me go home without any meds and I went to emerg later that week with an infection.

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Morning All,


It is a chilly morning in this part of the world.  The temperature is down to around 1°C and it has rained overnight.  Thankfully, the roads seem to be fairly well gritted!


Time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Quite frosty here and a cold dry sunny day is expected.

Bin men are about and making plenty of noise.

"We need to get to Sainsbury's early as there's a lot to do today."

"Aye aye Boss, I'm on it."

I'll be back later.

Have a good one,

Early shopper of Sutton.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Had a chance to test out my latest acquisition last night, in part paid for by an M7. 

Similarly green but consisting of 4 inter-linked coach-like items of the Boletus edulis variety. 


A fun day with spreadsheets beckons, after a heroic hour or so battling traffic; actually I just sit there listening to BBC Radio Surrey, tbh, and pray no-one drives into the back of me.  That's whilst driving, not playing with spreadsheets, you understand. :) 


Have a nice day everyone. 

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  • RMweb Gold

We have had our first snow fall of the winter. OK it’s just a few large flakes and it’s not settling. Trains running a few minutes late but suspect that’s due to other issues. Ours was 16 late at on point due to delays getting out of Lttlehampton depot but after missing quite a few stops it’s only about 4 minutes late and quite empty.



Didn’t sleep too well during the night. Boo.





It’s our Friday today. Hooray

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all from a rather chilly village.   My speech seemed to go down OK last night and at least I wasn't asked to pay for my dinner and did win a raffle prize of an Oakwood Boo on the WC&P railway.   At the moment breakfast is about to be consumed but I am having to be quiet whilst the boss watches last nights dreary news from the so called jungle in Oz. As my stock of brownie points is rather low at the moment after successive weekends at Wakefield and Warley I am keeping quiet.   Beth is off C*******s shopping today and is meeting a friend at the White Rose centre.   I suspect that the ironing will get done whilst she's out. We've got an estate agent coming to look round the house later.  Apart from that there's not a lot to do apart from the annual C*******s letter so I may even get some free time.


Regards to all and stay safe out there.



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Good morning one and all


Apologies for lateness on parade today.  I woke late from an uncommonly sound slumber only to find bad news overnight from a friend.  There is seldom any other kind, it seems.  Today I am to visit Poorly Pal, complete with wok and the makings of a veggie stir-fry. Tonight there is a talk by the well known photter John Hunt [not the one who conquered Everest, ye ken].


I need my porridge and will return tomorrow.  Warm thoughts and best wishes to all in distress and recovery, today including a particular friend.



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Had a really great catchup with my former work colleagues over a nice meal last night. The two and a half years since I had seen them just rolled away.


Very cold here this morning. I will spend part of the morning breaking up old window frames, that I have stored in the loft for 30years as I thought I might make them into cold frames. Being wooden ones, I will use my power planer to remove the paint and they can then go in the woodburner.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,

An awful night's sleep, about 3 hours followed by 5 hours not dozing on the sofa.


It's been raining hailing snowing all night, the big puddle is at its maximum extent, water is running down the road in large quantities.

When I took Ben the Border Collie out an hour ago I got very soggy as did Ben, much of the grass is covered by a slushy mush.


Needless to say I'll not be working outside today except that I may do some working on the electrics in the cab of the landrover. The rest will be spent in the shed, first fitting the hinges and locks to the post box doors. Then another coat of paint. Then I may get some work done on the layout transport cases....


Time to... put some overalls on

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That reminds me. My ex did the voice for one car manufacturer's sat nav; from experience I'd advise not disagreeing with her. ;)  :keeporder:   :jester:



Following my throat surgery last year, i was unable to speak at all for several months..............{this space intentionally left blank for the jokes!} :mosking: ...........but, I used a text to speech 'App' for the duration, which was very helpful and at least I had some kind of voice, even if it was only Google`s default female voice; I became so familiar with the sound of the new 'me', that my brain sort of adopted it, and now, whenever I hear a Sat-nav or device that uses that particular voice, I immediately think "why am I speaking those words?!?!" :O .........neuroplasticity is a amazing thing! :boast:

Edited by Debs.
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  • RMweb Gold

We have shopped!  As it's my birthday tomorrow we bought some very nice sirloin steak for Sunday and I got a kiss from the butcher! *

Home in time to meet the postie complete with 2 small packages for me but still awaiting the one from Widnes which has now reached the Sutton office.

Breakfast is next and then I believe that Management needs assistance with things domestic. I will comply as I'm in best behaviour mode this week.  :yes: :whistle: :onthequiet:



* (Just in case you were wondering her name is Jackie)

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  • RMweb Gold

I was up quite early this morning. I didnt realise how frosty it was until i looked on the north side of the house. Some cars are still covered in frost. I will be going out soon with Robbie. He couldn't get himself out of the back door this morning and he resisted being helped. We all got out unharmed. Poor dog's coordination has deteriorated a lot since yesterday. The vet did warn us this would happen. Still hoping more medication is the answer. This will be the first time we have driven to our locsl vet. He has always dragged me there before.

Back later.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning again.  The ironing still awaits as I have been on the phone to the Inland Revenue.   I wanted to know why they've sent me two different tax codes in  days.  The young lady who was definitely  not numerate, told me. "Oh they're both out of date we posted you a 3rd, 200 points lower, 3 days ago".  They have obviously totally screwed up the addition of my old age pension together with the cessation of my Carers Allowance.  I eventually got through to a supervisor and she has agreed that simple maths shows that something is wrong.  Why someone can't do a gross error check in their head I don't know.   I know I'm sounding like a grumpier old man but words fail me.    I suspect that I need some good loud rock music to calm my nerves whilst I wield the iron.   I will not hold my breath waiting for a sensible letter from HMRC.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright but very chilly this morning but snow is predicted for later. About this time of year I take the ferry from Tilbury to do a bit of C*******s shopping in Gravesend but the weather being like it is it might not happen this year. The usual Thors day dawn chorus of the bin lorries this morning has been and gone, well the bin bags have gone from the front of the house. Not a lot else to report, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Robbie and I are returned from the vets. The probable reason for what appeared to be a sudden deterioration in his coordination condition seems to be labyrinthitis. Good sign is that he is better than yesterday. The vet said she isn't surprised he doesn't feel well. Aditi had labyrinthitis some years ago and is Very sympathetic. So hopefully we should have a less wobbly dog soon. Hydrotherapy postponed tomorrow.


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I'm taking granddaughter to Sunderland today for an appointment . . 


Weather . . . .  Snarn  canny, like .  . . 


Silly Grandad.





I need to head in that direction too, once I have cleared snow from the car.

It's still snarn an arl

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They are St. Magdelene. The distillery in now a block of flats. I came across them in a small whisky shop and knowing the distillery was closed I took a chance. I paid £24 each a good few years ago which took a bit of justifying at the time. I realise the price I saw was in a whisky shop in Edinburgh and so inflated but auction prices when they come up for sale, which is not very often at all, are still quite high.


Good investment! I was in a Waitrose a few years ago "just browsing" and got chatting to the wine shelf-filler. He mentioned that they has some Snow Phoenix in and that I should buy one as an investment - they were £50 - so I picked up three bottles, which seemed a lot at the time. All are still in their tins in the box and are now close to 10x the original price, can't believe it.


Whereabouts is St Magdelene's from?



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  • RMweb Gold

We have shopped!  As it's my birthday tomorrow we bought some very nice sirloin steak for Sunday and I got a kiss from the butcher! *

Home in time to meet the postie complete with 2 small packages for me but still awaiting the one from Widnes which has now reached the Sutton office.

Breakfast is next and then I believe that Management needs assistance with things domestic. I will comply as I'm in best behaviour mode this week.  :yes: :whistle: :onthequiet:



* (Just in case you were wondering her name is Jackie)

She's/He's a cross dresser you didn't know about.   :jester:  :jester:  :jester:

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