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Talking of '*IT*' (the 25 December event) this is also the season of OFs' retired folk getting together for a seasonally related version of their usual occasional hydraulic meetings and lunches.  Accordingly, and in accordance with household Standing Orders, I have two such events entered on the master calendar which lives on the kitchen noticeboard.  This led to considerable questioning on the part of Mrs Stationmaster yesterday evening when she was busily trying to arrange some sort of date for something or other with the Good Doctor and when she came across one of my entries.


Now writing on a vertical calendar is never easy but quite how my abbreviated note '12.30 Sdn Grt Wstn' was misread as 's*ddin cats washing' is totally beyond me.   Seems I'm wrong if I don't put something on the calendar (e.g yesterday's trip to the Warley show) and equally wrong if I use normal railway abbreviations for things I do write.

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A Q1 would be much better for you.


Funnily enough, I just happen to have one going spare :angel:

I could be tempted, which one is it? I've got 33001, 33009 and  33037 - however with those three (NOT necessarily enough :) ) and now I'm down to 1 3/4 Schools, and with several good priced Schools appearing to be available on eBay, I might have to spend the $$ on one of those "for now" :senile:


Morning all - late as we've already started the frenzied tasks working up to the 100th birthday party at 2PM.

Already dispatched the Mrs at MiL to help her get ready, next task for me is to get Mylar/helium filled balloons that have been order from "someplace!!"

Then I'm off to the locale (MiL assisted living community) to help decorate the party room, set up the drinks <hic> <hic>, digital "slide-show" and prepare to "meet and greet".


Still warmer than normal here at 3 and sunny this AM expected to be 8 later.


Enjoy Sunday everyone.

Edited by Ian Abel
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.....and they appear to have a metallic skin - somewhat akin to Knights in Armour - This means they will need to be caught in a net rather than the more traditional methods

You will never catch a lowland haggis using conventional methods as all their (six) legs are of equal length. The usual method is to electrocute them, using a pair of electrodes, the advantage of which is if the voltage is high enough they are ready cooked. The highland haggis of course caught by chasing it to the mountain peak and when it tries to turn round to go down it topples over onto its back and is helpless.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold

A great day yesterday visting various bars.


The theme from Friday evening continued with more bars situatied in railways arches.


Started off in Mother Kellys in the arches close to Vauxhall station before moving ot the Waterloo Tap in more arches. Then it was off to the Hop Locker which  is in a container and has moved since our last visit in the Summer but still under Hungerford bridge. No toilets ther so it was back to the Waterloo Tap then to the Hole in the Wall which none of us had been in for many years. A pasty in Waterloo station then a quick half pint in the Firehouse before getting a bus to The Prince of Peckham. However on the way I remebered that the Orbit Brewery is under the Thameslink line in Walworth, so a qucik bail off the bus for a quick drink there.


After the Prince of Peckham (serving a raneg of lagunitas brews) it was ot Brick brewery under Peckahm Rye station.


By that time we were full of beer so train home, our friends bailing at East croydon where they continued with a few more beers.


Today has been a dry day at home. Been working on stock ready for next weekends trip with Banbury to the Manchester show.


Hope Jamie and crew had a good weekend with Green Ayre.


This time next year we will be on our way back from Warley.

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Evening Awl Inner Temple here.


Drove to the sailing club carefully, much frost on the roads.

Flags up, Buoys put out, bacon butties consumed.


Weather, wind, west north west, not a lot, up to 25 mph as it felt like it. Absolutely clear skies till the last race. When scattered clouds appeared. Frosty to start with and not much warmer later.


Race 1 course 4P, 2P. Tide going out gently.

We started in the middle of the river in 5th place unable to get where are wanted 'cos the others got there first. The wind was coming over our front starboard ( right) side, we could just hold our course straight up the river. We did have an overlap on 4th and 3rd place, and slowly overtook them.

Once we got fully alongside we were blocking their wind and so got well ahead. The lead two boats had got a good lead but once we turned the 60 degree right turn we were head on into the wind and started tacking. We were slowly gaining on the leaders but didn't catch them before the left hand turn round buoy 4. Genoa in spinnaker up... Only it didn't there was a complete foul up with the rigging, ( my fault) some how we stay ahead of the next 4 boats but didn't get it sorted till they were along side us just before buoy 2.


They had the advantage sweeping round the buoy in front of us putting us in 7th. We fairly rapidly overtook one boat. Setting off after the others, we gradually caught and overtook two more boat and rounded the bend to find the third place Boat doing circles (720 degree turn) he had obviously accepted a penalty for infringing the rights of the second place boat. We just managed to pass them before they completed the penalty.

They followed us to buoy 4 round that and Genoa in spinnaker up. It went up this time, and away we went. There was a huge mess of ropes in the bottom of the boat, which took most of the time to buoy 2 to sort.

It was fairly in uneventful for the next lap, but as we approached bouy 2 for the finish two boats came up between us and the wind. There was nothing we could do and the went past. So after rounding buoy 2 we finished 5th.


After an extra 5 minute delay to allow the last boats to finish and have a coffee.


Race 2 wind has a bit more west in it.

We started in third and followed the first two boats keeping pace with them. The change of wind. Meant we were all being forced towards he left hand bank. We thought we were lucky as where we approached the bank was a small bay meaning more time till we tacked.


We tacked and.... Stopped... we had run aground... Luckily as we had tacked, we could hold the Genoa on the wrong side of the boat, while I leant out healing the boat, so lifting the keel out of the mud, the wind dragging us sideways off the mud.


During this two boats went past, we started following, but were slower, we must of had mud stuck on the keel. It took several hundred yards before the mud washed away and they had gone some distance ahead.

At some point during this, the burgee halyard broke and was tangled up round the top of the mast which didn't help.

In the tacking up to buoy 4 we overtook one boat, then rounded the buoy, a successful spinnaker launch meant we got away from the boat behind. The boat in front decided to stick to the right hand bank in search of stronger wind. We took the short cut across the corner and it paid off

We came along side heading for buoy 2 . But that meant we had the inside for rounding the buoy we rounded ok and we were back to third.


We were however a long way back and although we were gaining we were nowhere near the first two boat at the end of the race..


After that, it was down mast, untangle the burgee, repair the string, up mast. Then cheese rolls and coffee for lunch.


Race 3

We started in 1st.. just.... we chose the left hand bank and the second boat the middle at the start. By this time the tide was coming in so it was a 50/50 choice, we had the right choice, and slowly went ahead.


When we first tacked we were not far enough ahead and we were forced to tack back as they had right of way. That gained us a few more yards on the bank until we called for our right not to run into the bank. They were then forced to tack, allowing us to do so.

When we tacked back they carried on a bit more hoping to stay above us after their tack.

However we got some wind and got away.


After rounding the bend we continued to increase our lead, this continued for the rest of the race so we won the third race.

This shows when we don't make mistakes we can win as the second place boat was the winner of the first two races....


After that it was put the boat away. By this time my arms and back were aching. After getting home it was time for soak in the bath. An eyelid inspection followed without leaving the bath.....


From my previous report, I have bruises under my left arm from the bannister and it aches on the inside of the elbow. My back aches but as far as I can tell no worse than before.

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  • RMweb Gold



We are men. Putting anything onto a calendar or into a diary where women might be involved is likely to somehow be wrong.




 Absobloodylutely. I have been forbidden on pain of death or at least pain to some of my extremities to write on Her calendar.  :nono:


The reason.......my writing is too untidy!      :scratchhead: :banghead:

Edited by grandadbob
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Absobloodylutely. I have been forbidden on pain of death or at last pain to some of my extremities to write on Her calendar.  :nono:


The reason.......my writing is too untidy!      :scratchhead: :banghead:

Not putting things on the calendar is naughty here. Anything for next year is being written on the back cover of the current one. It will be copied over probably by Aditi when the new one, already purchased I believe goes up. Aditi has tsken to copying everything into her phone calendar as well though to be honest since retiring she seems busy enough to need such a thing. MiL was somewhat amazed that telling everyone she wanted to take them out on the day before her birthday in April clashed with just about everyone. Aditi had specifically kept her Mum's birthday free too!

I think the only date I have to remember between now and Christmas is to collect Matthew from the airport. As he has booked to Southend it isn't exactly a difficult journey for me.

I have ordered some cab side transfers and nameplates for my duplicate Princess. That was easier than my trip to the shops.

I know last year quite a lot of our festive tree light sets failed. I usually leave the tree decoration as late as possible and often light sets have disappeared from the shelves by then. Aditi also wanted bags of potting grit. So off I set to Bunnings Warehouse. I managed to find grit and leds but realised I had left any method of payment at home. So a quick trip back to collect wallet took place.


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Warley was visited and I have returned.


Jamie's offer of free storage was taken up, although his offer to operate was declined due to lack of time, I suppose if I had not spent so much time talking to Supersonic about his experience in test flying the Tornado.  I also came way with my brain much enriched about  the flight characteristics that occur when aircraft spinning and the various aerodynamic factors that come into effect.


Cruelly, I kept Newbryford on his toes, and having threatened a visit, took much pleasure in covertly watching from afar as he tried to please the general public, whilst simultaneously (but furtively) watching over his shoulder for my anticipated sudden appearance.


I have now been summoned to attend the Obergrumpenfuhrer, not a task to be turned down,


More later.

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Actually, given his intake earlier this year, and the expected levels next month, IMO it's good HT is at least sober for those end-of-year tax forms ;)




Thoroughly annoyed, the PSU of my 2nd desktop is kaput. Switched it on earlier, only to realise that was the wrong order so switched it of again. Opened the PC to add a video card for testing (but for some reason I couldn't get it in and decided to wait till tomorrow) only to find the PSU doesn't wanna budge again :angry:  This means a unexpected, unplanned and relatively expensive trip to the not-so-local computer shop is in order. It's not in the next town, but 3 towns beyond :rolleyes:  Yes, the intermediate towns, including my own, do have PC outlets, but not at the price and service level I get from my 'regular' supplier. First world problems I guess, but if money is tight, expenditure needs to be thoroughly thought over :yes:

Some video cards are huge. I wanted to upgrade mine last year and assumed anything would fit in what is quite a large case. Fortunately I had a look a a few YouTube "how to videos" and checked dimensions before ordering. Fitting an 8 GB video card really rejuvenated the PC.
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Evening all and generic good wishes all round. Sadly I did not make it to the NEC today. I was up early enough, but decided that I would probably spend more money than I realistically should at this time of year and so opted out. Instead I caught up on a few jobs around the house, did some Christmas shopping and caught up on some household jobs. This included tackling the dumping ground that is the spare bedroom. It meant I could at least access the layouts again. I had hoped to do some modelling, but unfortunately I ran out of time.

 Last night I caught up with an old mate for a few drinks. It as been too long since our last night out and we have tentatively planned a curry night in a couple of weeks. The night in the pub probably was the cause of the headache that lingered for much of the day!


 Back on the job front - I have finally heard back from the school and have booked an appointment to see the headteacher on Thursday (the day before the deadline). I will email the other school shortly.


Best wishes


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Was this a happy or unhappy realisation?


He may be in too much of a state of shock to say.


I sincerely hope you get better soon Ivan!   :yes:

It's terrible! My heart rate has been racing all evening. I don't like this at all. Wonder if I should pop into A&E....?

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Evening everyone


Another odd day, weather wise again today, it started off sunny first thing, then started raining as soon as I was ready to go down to the workshop! It's rained on and off all day and it's still p!ssing down now. The garden is absolutely sodden.


Not a great deal of modelling has been done today, instead I decided to tidy up the cellar where I've been working on Max's train layout and put away all the bits and pieces that are no longer required, such as reels of cable, scenic bits and track laying tools etc. By late afternoon I finally managed to make a start on building the engine shed, so far I've got the 2 side walls partially constructed, hopefully I'll get a lot more done tomorrow.


Goodnight all

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Here is a thought for the evening. Meant to post this in my last entry. But what is it with the fashion for putting up Christmas decorations in November?? 


Now I am not a Scrooge - in fact I love the festive period. However I have noticed that this year, more than any other year, there seems to be more and more people putting up the decorations in November. I expect to see decorations in the shops once Halloween has departed, but not in houses. It started with the family whose house backs on to ours. Their tree was up and twinkling last weekend. During the week I saw a few other houses starting to become lit up and this weekend it has gone crazy. My mate had his lights up yesterday and today our neighbour and two others on the street were decorated. I have never known so many at this point in the year. Even the Christmas film channels started up before the end of October!


 Apologies to any members of this thread that have also done the same. But, in my opinion, the 1st December is plenty early enough. I am hoping that we will decorate ours next weekend. But are we becoming late? Is there a new fashion for putting up decorations early?


Best wishes


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