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  • RMweb Premium

A quick good evening to you all from the delights of the Premier Inn  in Solihull.   We got the layout up yesterday and then started off with various electrical gremlins this morning but after lunch things started to hum among nicely,    A good day was had and a lot of nice people came and talked to us including Mike (SM)   .All rather tired  now so goodnight to all and look forward to meeting some of you tomorrow.


The highlight of the day for me was as we were leaving and walking across to Mel's car in the disabled car park outside the hall.  Mel can't walk very far without getting out of breath so decided to climb the fence to get to his car an save 200 yards.   He got stuck on top of the fence so I gave him a hand down. I said to him "It's a sign of the time when you need a hand to get you leg over".  A young lady was passing with her dad and collapsed in a fit of giggles.



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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


To Warley I have been, and returned.  The coming back was considerably more comfortable than the going as I got a seat to myself with room to stretch my aching legs for the entire journey - I had to spend 50% of the outward trip standing as the train was rather full of model train junkies.  Not a bad show - quite a few pleasant chats with folk various although I couldn't find Baz but I did find Jamie and Bill.  Notwithstanding time spent chatting I reckon aI actually saw about 60-70% of what was there which is quite an improvement on my usual average but I walked on by after a quick glance at a number of layouts although I did spend quite a bit of time watching ad chatting at a number (where it was worth watching and chatting.  Time also expended on chatting with various of the excellently organised demo area although only an alas brief exchange of pleasantries with Mick (who wasn't lost in a sea of yellow but has expanded to a more colourful palette).


All I bought - apart from refreshments - was the upcoming Volume 2 of Lightmoor's book about the Taunton - Barnstaple line which should be published very shortly and was being sold on a  'pay today to have it posted to you in time for Christmas (we hope)' basis;  I couldn't resist that one especially as I was not only re-reading parts of Volume 1 yesterday evening but could also avoid the need to carry it home.  So overall not too bad a day and I can truthfully say I've been to Warley and survived.  However I did wonder just how long Warley can survive as I got the firm impression that the Motorcycle Show has now expanded massively and taken over every hall except Hall 5, where the Warley show lurks.  And of course it continues to be the show where you really need at least two days to see it all (assuming you want to see all of it).


Back to earth tomorrow with a re-supply trip to Tesco for certain essential items which are running short such as bananas and cream plus the 'papers.


G'night all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the delights of the Premier Inn.   Off shortly for an NEC breakfast.   I'll try and do a fuller report another day.  A good meal was had last night, there are taks already allocated for this morning.  I will as susual be inder the boards with ameter and screwdriver.  Then a day playing trains hopefully.  I beloeve that the OFMC (Telfland branch) are due to descend at sme point. Anoyone else is welcome to come and chat.   I met several RMwebbers yesterday who introduced themselves.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl , inner temple here,

A poor nights sleep, 4 hours solid to start with, then I awoke with back pain.

Our stairs are very steep with small treads, you wouldn't be allowed to build them today. One of our first moves was to remove the carpet as we both slipped on it.


This morning about 6 ft from the bottom my feet slipped out from under me. So i fell, one arm caught over the bannister as I slid down until my arm got caught by the pineapple on the bottom post. The other arm elbow hit a few steps. Somehow I didn't drop the mug in which there was a whisky glass..


Needless to say all this hasn't helped the back pain, two pain killers were taken at the time. But that hasn't been enough to let me sleep again.

Two more will be taken with breakfast.


I carefully took Ben the Border Collie out a little while ago, just as dawn occured, when we went down the garden the car wasn't frosted. When we came back it was...The dawn dip I suppose..


Time to have some breakfast before heading to the Sailing club...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A bit of frost here then  dry, cold and windy with plenty of sunshine is forecast but clouding over later.

Rather a lazy day yesterday mainly spent visiting here on and off and watching  rugby.  Even though the final result was good I felt England were disappointing and still making silly mistakes. They could be in for a shock or two in the 6 Nations, especially against Scotland based on their performance yesterday.

Tea has been taken to The Boss who hasn't yet formulated any plans for us (me) to do things today. I suspect that there will be much of the domestic variety mentioned for the coming few days as we're having a bit of a do on Friday in my honour. This is traditionally the day at GDB Towers that C#######s is declared open so the dreaded task of sorting out decorations is imminent. I think I may well be visiting the loft shortly. I will try not to fall off the ladder.*

Before all that though it is Sunday so a proper breakfast will be on the agenda.

Have a good one,



* Edit. Having just seen Q's post I better be extra careful so I won't take my whisky glass with me!

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a chilly one here today.


Paddington 2 was a lot of fun and we rounded the treat off with a fish and chips takeaway.

The fish was slightly dry. Presumably it had been sitting in the warming cabinet, rather than freshly cooked.

Hey-ho, worse things happen at sea - you could be swimming along, minding your own business then unceremoniously hoiked into a net, cut into fillets, battered and over-cooked.


Brian, I'm sure Max will be a very happy young chap when he sees his present. I'm guessing you may need to help him get started playing with operating it?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Greetings from sunny Benfleet. It isn't that warm though or even forecast to be much warmer today.

Simple task for today seems to be "tidy and reorganize a cupboard" in the utility room. For this to happen it will need to be bigger inside than out.

Have a good day.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Windy out this morning, with more forecast and added wetness to ruin the day.  We're off out for lunch with Jayne, so that probably means the veggie restaurant at Green's.   Before that tasks have not yet been disseminated, but there's a lot of fussing about going on so it can't be long.

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Although I've been missing for a few days, the cause was nothing sinister. Due to the nature of the jobs I had on I decided to change to night work. I eventually got home late Friday night and didn't bother to set the alarm.


I don't have the time to read all the posts since my last visit, so generic C & C's where appropriate.


The plan for the day was to catch the F1 qualifying and the rugby before logging on here. The final part didn't happen.


I was up in time to listen to the Abu Dhabi qualifying.


I did manage to watch Scotland v Australia. An excellent game and even with a key player missing Scotland played extremely well which if it continues will make the Six Nations a very interesting tournament.


The Wales v New Zealand game was also watched which was a little disappointing for a Wales supporter.


The couple of bottles of beer had a detrimental effect on me and I fell asleep in the chair just after the final whistle.


The plan for today is washing and ironing followed by emptying as much of the van as possible in preparation to handing it back on Thursday. Obviously the last F1 GP of the season will be watched with interest.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well a very nice breakfast was offered (I suspect as a bribe), accepted and consumed with relish so shortly we are going to a local garden centre to look at C#######s decorations with a view to purchasing some...as if we haven't got enough. What we have got though are some money off vouchers so that helps ( a bit)


Ooh goody!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Trusting The Q has not hurt much more than his pride following that unplanned descent - it was painful enough reading it so I hope you will recover soon.  


GDB talking of C*******s is frightening - tell het it's a month a way and all she needs to organise is her calendar and her Bob to be ready on the day - nothing therefore needs to be done apart from a bit of shopping and ordering until a few days before the event, especially no decorations until at least three quarters of thehway through Advent.   Which reminds me of the appalling sight I saw yesterday evening from the returning train as we hurtled through the darkness of the Thames Valley - right beside the railway at Lower Purley was a house with a totally desecrated 'decorated' exterior and miniscule front garden with enough lights and tasteless illuminated objects to fill half of Oxford Street.  Worst of all it was at the foot of the embankment so the whole thing was visible to any poor shmuck sitting next to a window on that side of the train and it must be consuming so much electrickery I wonder if its perpetrator had found a way of connecting it to the signalling power supply - shame he didn't try the nice bare conductor 25kv feeder cable at the top of an adjacent mast.


Enjoy your day, hope those who are going to Warley enjoy their day and that those who are continuing their participation thereat don't weaken and that electrons will flow freely at Lancaster Green Ayre.

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  • RMweb Premium

I was right.  One trip to the tip community recycling centre later.....


Most of our rubbish here goes to the incinerator energy from waste plant.  I was always very sceptical about this until I had a visit around it, as one of the 'old farts' is an engineer there.  It is in fact a very well run and 'clean' plant, which overnight provides almost all of the electricity Fraggle Rock consumes overnight.  Local Manx Rumour tells us anything but, however that is how things work here, a man in a pub knows everything and never lets the facts get in the way of a good story.

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  • RMweb Premium

Q, that is a classic scenario for a Lisfranc fracture - although not how I did mine - be thankful you didn't do it as it is a nasty, cruel injury.  Many of the people on the support group on Faceache describe accidents similar to yours as the cause of their distress.  Quite how I did it slipping on a muddy bank backwards and sideways I haven't quite worked out! 

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  • RMweb Gold

My one has started to plan ***s I said "what for we are not going to be here" well she said "we will still have to plan it" " plan  what" I said, with that remark she left the room grumbling.

Iooks like I'll be in the dog house for the rest of the day, :umbrage: 

BTW our neighbour Reg has bought a new car SWMBO said it was big enough to carry the old dog around, I chipped in with 

 I suppose there is room for Woody the Labrador as well as it is an estate car.   :laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather as reported by Tony, according to the seaweed wranglers its going to get even colder next week, a blast of cold air from the North Pole is heading our way and is even predicted to reach Spain. Will have to watch the forecast for the week after the 1 o'clock news (BBC) or on Countryfile this evening. My C*******s is sorted, my brother is providing the taxi service to my sister who is providing C*******s dinner. All I have to do is sort out pressies for my siblings and their spouses. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

I still get twinges from the "falling out of the loft while retrieving our tree" broken ribs injury. It must be about 20 years ago now too. I fitted a proper loft ladder after that. Aditi will be away for the first two weeks in December(MiL minding) and asked was I planning to get the tree down. I said I thought Matthew could help when he comes home for Christmas (18th Dec). Not totally sure that was the right answer! I also suggested perhaps just using the top third of the tree. Apparently not a good idea either.

I did say I would organise any present shopping (there aren't that many) and do any necessary purchasing. Aditi was worried thst I might overdo it and be unwell so she has a arranged a fleet of Waitrose vans to deliver stuff. We have never done online grocery shopping before. We will see how it goes.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

GDB talking of C*******s is frightening - tell het it's a month a way and all she needs to organise is her calendar and her Bob to be ready on the day - nothing therefore needs to be done apart from a bit of shopping and ordering until a few days before the event, especially no decorations until at least three quarters of thehway through Advent.   


Ha! Fat chance of that Mike.  Her calendar has been organised since the New Year. All present shopping is done and wrapped up! Drink has been purchased along with other non-perishable items. Turkey has been ordered and about the only things left to buy will be the fresh food for the event. As for decorations they will be up and ready for the switch on on the 1st as that is and has been the law here in the land of Sutt  since the grandchildren were toddlers. 


Peace & goodwill to you and (nearly) all mankind. (Even rivet counters and those who mock box openers and train set operators like me but excluding certain scumbags who inhabit the earth)    :yes:  :imsohappy:  :jester:


PS I really like Christmas*  and the lead up to it so am actually quite happy to play along with her requests (although I sometimes pretend not to)



* There, I've written that word in full. I will now go and sit on the naughty step. :onthequiet:

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


AWOL again - so sorry, but time to visit ERs appears to be getting consumed by everything under the sun - visits to the vet, trying to sort out an insurance claim on the car - just about everything, and then the bathroom had to be deep cleaned today, which took a lot more hours than expected, as I also had to repaint the ceiling, as it was stained in places, and when I tried to remove the stains the paint came too.


So I can only offer apologies and the usual and inadequate generic greeatings.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

A‘noon, folks. Sure has turned chilly here in the former East Zone. Yesterday had been particularly dreich, but while it has been dry for today, rain is expected to resume by tomorrow.


Just en route to a fairly short shift of less than six working hours, though tomorrow will be busy as I’m attending a discussion about personal safety for public transport staff.


Generic C&Cs as appropriate!

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  • RMweb Premium

Welcome to Sunday. Better late than never I suppose though the sun is already lowered behind the buildings to the south of us.


SWMBO feeling a little under the weather again largely due to being a woman of certain age. So a late breakfast was taken at home after a late night attempting, without much luck, to capture some worthwhile nocturnal photos “in town”.


With the temperature hovering at around 2C I set off aboard the 23.08 to Waterloo, took my time crossing Hungerford Bridge to Trafalgar Square and returned home on the N87 bus to Kingston at around 01.00 followed by the shortish hop back to Twickenham Green on the 281 for an 02.10 arrival. Even rugged right up I found it hard to manage the cameras in the cold. Shake as well as uncertain shutter release were the issues though battery life is also a concern in low temperatures.


Roast cluckbird will be served later with suitable accompaniments and with a selection of wines, beers and spirits available.


See you later. Stay well.

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