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1 hour 5 minutes till go home time, on Hump day, and today definately was a hump. I had eight spreadsheets open this morning trying to keep them updated as each result  arrived....  This gradually slackened off as I cleared 4 of them at around 10:00, and two more just before dinner. Anyone would think this week is the end of a finanical month...if it doesn't move ship it ... if it does move ship it... I've now cleared all the shippable stuff that is my responsibility(or anything that I do, that might stop a shippable item..)

So I now have the next two days clearing my normal back log, while those outside the lab carry on in the end of month frenzied manner.


The Gift of Leaves sent by you down south, will be heading out to sea,  the wind outside is getting stronger, it was a meer 15mph when  I came in this morning, the nearest weather station to home is now reporting all but 50mph, I predict a blizzard of leaves down the lane to the Landrover garage, which effectively is in a clearing in a forest. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.8494231,1.378915,143m/data=!3m1!1e3

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HUMP day - technically that is, for me and much of the US it's POETS (with the T = Thursday/Thanksgiving) :jester:  and many folks, especially ME, getting Friday also as a paid holiday.


Yesterday another trip to the vet with Whitney, her persistent infection still troubling, the entire vet staff very confused having never see such an issue before. Whitney is in great spirits, active and well except for the surgery area/infection that is taking forever to recover from and heal over. More medications and orders for her to stay quiet, no running or jumping etc., etc. Not the easiest thing with a dog who is crazy active 90% of the time! :O Tranquilizers prescribed to try and keep her as relaxed and inactive as possible <sigh>


Driving in was a breeze this morning as 99.995% of the commuters have taken the usual pre-Thanksgiving tack of NOT going in to work. Fine by me, zero cockwombles to contend with, AND easier availability of space in the parking lot I use.


-10 but sunny first thing, again ZERO the predicted high, not sure I believe that'll happen.


Over the HUMP we go...

Edited by Ian Abel
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Very windy here as well. Most of our leaves are bound for the Boring Borugh


The last of mine were taken away in a big yellow dustcart this morning - the last garden-bin collection until March - but they are coming to collect one unused garden bin on 6th December. Not windy but grey, miserable , and dreich here

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Rick's leaves currently overhead, heading towards Phil & Tony at high speed. That is all from the boring borough weather. 


Still playing the hurry up and wait at work. Really getting on my t*ts at the moment. We'll see how things progress as I have an interview with a smaller consultancy on Friday. The offspring ordered a new TV from that South American River for Black Friday. The nice people at Hermes managed to play football with it. The thing was bent somehow so that the screen is warped and you can see at the top where the led panel has been pushed back out of its clips. Trouble is you can't see any damage until it is switched on. That means it was unboxed and wall mounted before the problem was visible. Tomorrow sees muggins dear old dad remove it from its wall mount and install its replacement. Joy unbound. The upside is we inherited his current tv which is a step up from our early led model. I've now got Netflix & Amazon Prime to play with until he finally decides to move out. 


Tonight I venture into no man's land. (New Cross) to join in the festivities with the Southwark and the SE London Modular bunch. Should be a giggle if this thread is anything to go by: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/127101-fighting-at-exhibitions/


Enjoy what's left of the day. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I went out earlier to clear some leaves up and the was none, they must have blown up into a corner across the road where our budding Reg Prentiss (Kenny Everett) lives he was out last week end

and cleared every last leaf up on his front garden now he's left with the same mess and 3 big Oaks have just started to unload their foliage it should be at least a foot deep across the way by the end of the week.  :P

Perhaps if he used his wife's besom broom it should not take him so long to clear up  :jester: with the back draft.

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I thought it was raining heavily earlier, but that was nothing to later in the morning. At least the forecast of rain f9r 24 hours was wrong, as it has stopped for the time being. The wind has also dropped, but is forecast to get up again early tomorrow.


More wiring done, but problems encountered with points operating in tandem on a crossover. I think I need a CDU, so am making the simple one in Brian Lamberts guide, to provide a bit more oomph to drive the points.

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  • RMweb Gold

We finally made it out at school collection time to take Robbie down to the park. There are temporary traffic lights outside the nearby school. When we returned it was gridlock as some drivers didn't understand the concept of not blocking side roads while queuing.

Matthew rang. He got soaked this morning, there was much rain in West Dublin. He said the local park was flooded and gulls were swimming where the grass is. He was walking to the county hall or some such place to hand in his voter registration form.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a 'phone call 'not selling anything, just a survey' (ha bl**dy ha) asking about my loft insulation,  and asking if I had fibreglass insulation?   Then I was told that it has been banned by the Govt and has got to be removed from 25 million houses  :O  :O

Anyway I told the cheery chappy that we hadn't got any fibreglass insulation in the attic and it's floored anyway.  he claimed to be from Honeywell/calling on their behalf so I suspect it's all about flogging some spray on foam insulation that will cost the price of a couple of mortgages so beware just in case they contact you or yours and spin an almost plausible sounding yarn which is really a load of nonsense designed to frighten people. 

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Back from our last trip of the season it hasn't stopped raining since we arrived home. Thought we may bump into Stewart in Shrewsbury last Saturday but I think he was into every charity bookshop before I got there as there was nothing I wanted to buy. On the bright side, I picked up a copy of Tom Rolt's Red for Danger in a bookshop in Oswestry. I last read it about thirty years ago but thought it would be worth reading again. 

Cockwomble of the day pulled off the M6 onto a slip road and stopped in one lane, put hazard lights on, and started reading his map. I hate these dark, wet evenings.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Ricks leaves would have passed to the north of Tony and myself and are probably in Denmark by now.

Correction, after watching tonights weather news Ricks leaves must be passing over Norway on their way to the north pole.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening.  Stotting down with rain all day, rivers bursting their banks and floods everywhere.  Many roads closed, landslips, etc.  More importantly, very slight flood in Trackshack's No. 2 warehouse - boss sent to deal with a broom, all well!  It didn't half rain though, at one point the pool of water outside the front door was an inch off the top of the step.  The car park run off heads our way, great groundworks - not.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all,

Dry, breezy start and a mild 13oC when I took The Boss to work earlier. She is really looking forward to her retirement, as am I of course.   :whistle:

Good time had with the kids here yesterday and the carrot cake was deemed a success although I don't think it was one of my better efforts.

I need to look for some new hair clippers today as the current ones seem to be pulling it out by the roots rather than cutting. Also got to pick up some medication from the chemist.

On top of that I will be looking for a new phone as  the one I bought a couple of years ago is useless. Memory not enough so cannot update apps. What is annoying is that it has several built in apps that I don't use but they can't be uninstalled. Almost tempted to buy a basic coal fired not so smart one just to make calls however some of the apps on smartphones I find quite useful.




Andy, mate, honestly?  You haven't forgotten to take your medication again have you?   :jester:


Have a good one,



It's just I imagine all the wine and cheese I'd have to drink and eat to go along with the 2CV. 

I guess I'd have to flog my current pile and buy a property in France to go along with it, too. :)


As for the Fiat 500, it's cool. Oh  yes. But way too pricey, and would leave no money over for all the tigelle, hams, zuppa inglese...  

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  • RMweb Premium

Whether they are or are not yet over Norway I have been left with no leaves left.


Fiat 500L was ok. It’s the L that makes an ‘ell of a difference over the base model. The sun roof surprised my friend who was a passenger when it became a moon roof one night.


Wind abating here. Temperature dropping. I have a glass of brandy and lovage.

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... but I sort of aspire to a 2CV or Fiat 500 someday. 



Couple of years ago I was travelling into work - January time - and it was in the time of the F1 testing. Mercedes and Fiat were having a right old spat along the Tyburn Road in Brum.


However it was an old Fiat 500 and a Smart Car.

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It's just I imagine all the wine and cheese I'd have to drink and eat to go along with the 2CV.

I guess I'd have to flog my current pile and buy a property in France to go along with it, too. :)...

Given that part of your youth was spent messing with the aerial of a CX, that shouldn't be a struggle.

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Evening.  Stotting down with rain all day, rivers bursting their banks and floods everywhere.  Many roads closed, landslips, etc.  More importantly, very slight flood in Trackshack's No. 2 warehouse - boss sent to deal with a broom, all well!  It didn't half rain though, at one point the pool of water outside the front door was an inch off the top of the step.  The car park run off heads our way, great groundworks - not.

Many bits of flooding and roads closed in Cumbria as well. I did hear on BBC Radio Cumbria that the Keswick Flood Action Group meeting had to be cancelled... because of the floods!!

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Truro Festival of Lights cancelled due to atrocious weather. Wind has returned here with a vengance. We are promised it will, in fact, ease over night. Transport disruption in what the media have referred to as “selected areas” of the south and south west. Hang onto your wigs and kilt-hems.

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