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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

SWMBO left earlier that expected, 09:30 for the meeting had been extended and brought forward.


This meant the car has had to make do with a quick spray of anti belt squeal stuff.

Ben the Border Collie, came out with me to the garden until the pheasants started getting massacred down the lane, then he ran back to the house. Since then he has steadfastly refused to go out.


The basic construction of the post box doors has been completed and then undercoated. As I finished the wood work I hit the wall, all energy drained from me, it was an effort to do the undercoating a combination of the cold sinking in and yesterday's physical efforts lifting breeze blocks from ground level to head height. Hinges and other door furniture need buying, the screwfix website will be visited shortly.


I've been in for over an hour, and am still feeling chilly. However shortly I need to persuade Ben to go for his main walk. It has just gone very dark outside..


Time to, put some boots and a warm coat on...

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Just for info, we had a thread (I think in this section) about devices for scuttling under "duck-under-fitted" layouts - I visited Aldi this morning and, lo-and-behold, the "boards-with-castors" were on the shelf and were of a suitable size to act as the perfect device - regrettably I don't remember the price

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Ben has just been for a walk, we had just got about 200 yards down the lane to find a 4 x 4 open cab, flat bed back, Following us. It had just been along the road dropping off beaters, we were now between the beaters and the guns!!!!


So i stopped with Ben, allowed them to pass and then threw the ball many times to allow them to get ahead. We then followed with Ben chasing the many pheasants out of the undergrowth where they had been hiding. But with the beaters ahead the pheasants flew away from the guns!!! :)


One of the beaters pulled out of line, he had lost his phone!! So went back retracing his steps. Amazingly on our way back we met the beater, he had found his phone in a field of sugar beet...


Ben behaved well, only stopping and hiding behind me when the guns were firing like machine guns.

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These devices for sliding under layouts sound like a great idea but what they really need to achieve perfection is an accompanying device to help you climb off the first device after you've used it.


And to Pendon we went - without even pausing at Root One in either direction.  Got the last space in the car park as well and I thought I'd duly filled their coffers with plenty of change by paying with a mix of £1 and £2 coins - such 'I thought' was  duly demolished when buying a few items after our good look round and they were scrabbling for change, apparently they have two different tills (or three if you count the catering till).  Anyway Pendon was of course as good as ever and definite signs of progress in the Vale scene since our last visit - we spent the better part of two hours there watching trains go by and looking at various buildings.


Ivan to note that among my purchases was issue No.259 of MRJ, complete with a festive cover (in November! - maybe they thought it would be out late?) while the Good Doctor duly bought a book which Santa will present to me on 25 December.


Roads were generally good but unfortunately one cockwomble of an advanced kind had been let out - 25 -35 mph on open roads with a 60 mph limit and in one place 50 mph in a 30 limit plus considerable unneeded application of the brakes although unlike various recently observed Devon cockwombles at least he didn't brake while going up hill.


Enjoy your evening

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

The other option to having something to help you get underneath a layout is to design it so you can do most things from the top. Like bring the wiring out to the front (hidden behind a fascia) or fitting a tortoise with a suitable connector ( I use the plug together terminal strips so they can be replaced easily if you carry a spare ready wired up. Mounting the Tortoise so it can be easily accesssed helps too. It is not that I am too old and decrepit to get under the baseboards YET but the space is useful and so not clear and I have never found soldering upside down a good idea. Probably second only to holding my Jacket open to shield the blowtorch from the wind while up a pole.


Greetings to one and all rare visit from me I haven't forgotten you but cannot find the time to keep up with this thread.


Nice thought whoever sent that to Debs.



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I'd love to say I had sent the flowers to Debs, but other than knowing the approximate area I don't know where she lives.  But the thought is there. 


Had a drive of the campervan today, for the first time since Frankenfoot happened.  It's actually easier to drive than Mrs NHN's Picasso (which I can't manage really), something to do with the angle of the foot on the clutch pedal.  Cheered me up a lot, also my new (ish) car is on Island, automatic slush box heaven for sore frankenfeets.  So I will be getting that this week too, goodbye gutless but useful B-Max, hello Highanddry i30.

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I'd love to say I had sent the flowers to Debs, but other than knowing the approximate area I don't know where she lives.  But the thought is there. 


Had a drive of the campervan today, for the first time since Frankenfoot happened.  It's actually easier to drive than Mrs NHN's Picasso (which I can't manage really), something to do with the angle of the foot on the clutch pedal.  Cheered me up a lot, also my new (ish) car is on Island, automatic slush box heaven for sore frankenfeets.  So I will be getting that this week too, goodbye gutless but useful B-Max, hello Highanddry i30.

I too commend the thought. Well done whoever it was

Edited by laurenceb
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Quietly celebrating (and laughing) with some Sainsbury's House Plonk Shiraz.  I think England had a bit of luck today but I don't care. If the boot had been on the other foot Mr. Cheika would probably have been raging about "Whinging Poms!"   :onthequiet:  :imsohappy:  :yes:  :whistle:  :danced:  :drinks:

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Ice hockey not watched tonight.

Junior was working too late for us to get there and I didn't fancy going on my own and sitting in a cold rink with my dodgy sciatica (it's far easier in the second half of the day -especially when standing up or walking)


4-2 at the end of P2, sounds like a good game.

At least there's a live NHL game on the TV to get my fix.


Later,  I may be taking a saw to a perfectly good model to take out the middle third - a proper cut n shut. Another item for my demo at Warley.

Planning on going to Wakefield Ex tomorrow provided my back/leg wake up in time. The exercise should help.


Have a good evening folks.




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Long day umpiring. Some cracking games today with some very good catching.


Enjoying a Naylors' Black Cherry beer... nice but at 5.4% a bit strong for me!


Whoever sent Debs the flowers .. well done! As she soon will no longer be a Ninja Debs have we a list of people who  she could "lean on" for us????? :jester:



Edited by Barry O
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Later,  I may be taking a saw to a perfectly good model to take out the middle third - a proper cut n shut. Another item for my demo at Warley.

Planning on going to Wakefield Ex tomorrow provided my back/leg wake up in time. The exercise should help.


Have a good evening folks.




Look forward to seeing you Mick if you get there. There are some chairs in front of my demo table if you need one. I'm behind Millfield yard and next to Crowther and Lowther in a pen.



So i stopped with Ben, allowed them to pass and then threw the ball many times to allow them to get ahead. We then followed with Ben chasing the many pheasants out of the undergrowth where they had been hiding. But with the beaters ahead the pheasants flew away from the guns!!! :)

I once had to police a beagle hunt and at one point we were sitting in the van eating our packed punches when the hare hopped through the hedge near us. We tried to invite it into the van but it didn't seem to want a stale pork pie. It then loped off across the road and into a field heading west. Shortly afterwards a mud spattered huntsman and two dopey looking beagles came through the hedge. The huntsman asked if we had seen the hare and we all answered "It's gone that way" pointing to the east.


Anyway I'm back from the show and have had a good day with some very interesting punter to talk to about building and wagon construction. I was very pleased to see that Mark Sheridan "Shez" of this parish won the rolling stock shield with one of the 6 wheel North British Coaches that I designed.



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Visited the Southend show today, quite enjoyed myself even if its a bit tiring on the legs. The lad enjoyed himself, you could find him either at the Lego trains or the radio controlled trucks which included radio controlled excavators and loaders which were fascinating to boys of all ages including yours truly. I put my suggestion to my friend and thats now agreed too. I didn't spend a lot of modelling tokens, the principle purchase was another 4Ground laser cut building kit, this one being of a pub/hotel.

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Just back home from Murrayfield. What a fab match Scotland-New Zealand was. Sure we lost 17-22, but we played really well and it was an exciting game. Sotland has never, ever beaten the All Blacks. Really chilly night here.


Debs - glad you're being reinstated by DWP.


Away to London tomorrow for a week so won't be on here til next weekend. 


Have fun!



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Another late loss for the Hawks, going from 5-4 up with 3 minutes to go, to lose 5-6.


Next game I should be able to watch will probably be in 3 weeks as I'll be MIA next weekend and the weekend after is 2 away games and I'm working both days.




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I went there twice. The leisure centre is massive. Good lighting too.

The club brochure now says something like "take the kids for a swim and then visit the exhibition" .

At least parking is easy. Other sports centre based exhibitions are usually full of the cars of sporty people. At Southend the overflow car park copes nicely with the model railway crowd.

I still haven't decided whether to go or not tomorrow. Aditi is going out in the evening to see ballet in Basildon. I don't go to the ballet and Aditi doesn't go to model railway exhibitions.



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My critique of the Wales v Georgia match is an exact opposite of Mal's.


Wales won, but they didn't really deserve it! A lack lustre performance that was confirmed with many Welsh fans leaving before the final whistle.


Listening to many of the fans on the walk out from the stadium confirmed disappointment.


However the evening party at my mother's house afterwards was much

more fun.

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