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On the news item I saw he was reminding New Yorkers to wear seat belts while driving in snowy weather.




Well, most Staten Islander's drive through red lights and they will drive around the line of traffic waiting just to do so. I didn't hear him say that but it wouldn't surprise me at all.

I like Mike; he has a very dry, British sense of humour.

He and Boris are buddies - I have no idea how Boris is doing in London - but I think he wants to be like Mike.


Best, Pete.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Relatively warm here today, though a (necessary) trip to Kendal yesterday showed a HUGE difference in temperature and snowfall - they still have side streets clogged up, and berms at the roadside, and apparently they got about 3" on Monday night, but here we got some rain, and it was warmish - looks like we missed it by about four miles as the M6 had a snow warning as well.


Got to take Mrs 45156 for a hospital appointment this afternoon - well, that's one place that I can find without any trouble LOL.


Other than that, not a lot to report, just waiting for the first stage of the paperwork over mum's death to be finished, then there's a rather subdued Hogmanay to contend with. My advice is that it's not a good idea to pass away during a holiday period, as there's nothing open to handle all the necessary work - as my brother is currently finding out.


Regards to All


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Morning all. Very foggy here again today. Didn't visit ER's yesterday - I didn't have much worth saying...!


Woke up this morning with what I can only describe as man flu of biblical proportions. Still, the postman left a Dapol 153 with me this morning. biggrin.gif


Pete - we get similar driving tactics round my part of the world - but usually by chavs/barries/call them what you will.....

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Well, most Staten Islander's drive through red lights and they will drive around the line of traffic waiting just to do so. I didn't hear him say that but it wouldn't surprise me at all.

I like Mike; he has a very dry, British sense of humour.

He and Boris are buddies - I have no idea how Boris is doing in London - but I think he wants to be like Mike.


Best, Pete.



quite frankly Boris is a joke, and can best be described as the entire aft end of an equine quadruped.

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Don Quixote?


It's no use playing the part unless you back it up with real action.......maybe they should send him North, Jack?


Btw I see the British Press have just realized that the SAS were for hire...............


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well we've made it to NL! Still very foggy so I think we were lucky to get out here. Just been for a very foggy walk along the beach.

Having now had my first flight I was truly astounded by the speed of take off! Not sure what to expect, but it wasn't that! The view once you get above the fog and clouds are absolutely sublime! I have honestly never been so amazed in all my life. Absolutely incredible. :blink: I may be able to post a couple photos later...

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Good luck when this storm makes it across the Atlantic.


Best, Pete.


Thanks, Pete


We seem to have forgotten that when the Eastern seaboard of the USA gets heavy snow, we are next in line :blink:


'Long range' weather forecasts in UK are now two days ahead at most; funny how they spend the first few minutes of the evening broadcast telling us what the weather was today :lol:


Well, just for Eastern UK dwellers, today was fog, some more fog followed by more thick fog, clearing slightly....and then returning to thick fog tonight !


A happy and contented 2011 to one and all ! Forget the money, the establishment does not discriminate - everyone is underpaid :P



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You never forget that first takeoff in a jet - the sensation is quite phenomenal. It's even better having your first takeoff in a glider off a winch, as it does 0-45 mph in about two seconds as the winch picks up - add in an angular rotation of about 30/40 degrees in the same timeframe, and it is really something.


I actually started off life with a fear of flying, which was unfortunate as I had to travel a lot on business and the plane was the best way to get to many UK destinations like Aberdeen and back in the same day. It was a captain on British Midland who cured me, and he took me onto the flight deck for the whole of a trip from Glasgow to London, and explained everything that was happening. His final shot was that I should take flying lessons, and I joined a gliding club - cured, and after that, aviation was my second transport interest after railways - and that captain was great, as he spoke to lots of his colleagues about me, and made sure that if I was travelling BM, I cold mention my name to the chief steward(ess) and if the captain was amenable (most were) then a trip up front was almost certain.


No longer, I regret, as after 9/11 all that sort of jollification was stopped, and a trip up front is as hard to get now as a cab ride on any train - another thing that I used to relish.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good news regarding the eyesight Tony. I would be wary of the 'free eye tests' though - they might be trying to tell you something....


The eye test was the thorough usual one I get but the optician said as I was over 40 and my mother had been diagnosed with glaucoma I didn't need to pay. My mother was diagnosed with glaucoma earlier this year and the appointment to the clinic for treatment came just before she died. It would have been her birthday today.






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Apologies Tony. I had not considered such a scenario. You have my regards on such a day.

I remember a close family friend finding out they qualified for free eye tests. They replied that they knew they were advancing in age, and didn't need to be reminded. They said the same thing when they got their bus pass too..

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  • RMweb Gold

Apologies Tony. I had not considered such a scenario. You have my regards on such a day.

I remember a close family friend finding out they qualified for free eye tests. They replied that they knew they were advancing in age, and didn't need to be reminded. They said the same thing when they got their bus pass too..




Absolutely no apology needed. My mother was always "careful" with her money and she would have approved of not having to spend £34. I think all the other things that are age related are being increased year on year so that I will never get them!



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Guest Max Stafford

So many reasons from so many people and friends to hope that 2011 will be a better year for us all.




Fingers crossed Pete! I will be in this house at midnight with both doors open and a couple of windows too; just to make sure that all trace of 2010 'has left the building'!


Today I had a visit from two of my closest mates, both of whom I've known for 20+ years. As one of them now resides in NY, this is the first time I've seen both together since my wedding day in 2000 (although that didn't outlast the warranty!) :rolleyes:

What a good laugh we had though - it seems a damn long time since I laughed so much! :)


B*gger the wealth, I just want all of you to enjoy good health and happiness in the new year and fingers crossed, both come this way too.


All the best.



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Good morning everyone...


It would seem temperature has risen considerably and is now just below 0°. Windy, too, so I'm hoping I won't be getting any migraines...


The plan for today is to meet up with some friends in the evening, prepare some sushi and then watch the fireworks in the city. All of which will be followed by our return trip tomorrow, so I'd better go easy on the booze! :lol:


Have a good day all and if we shouldn't talk again before midnight, a good New Year to all of you! May it be free of trouble and filled with health and happiness.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dull but not foggy here now.Not much happening today. City-Link will be delivering a book but Matthew can listen out for it as it is a book for his politics module. I seem to spend a lot of time waiting for couriers so it is nice to have someone else around to do that. Actually it is nice having Matthew at home.



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A very Happy New Year to one and all. I hope 2011 proves to be a good one for everyone...


Glad to hear you enjoyed your first flight Jam!


I'm also waiting for a courier, Tony. Nothing from Hattons etc, more the pity. My pond filter pump packed up a few days ago and a quick inspection showed that one of the pump motors had seized up completely. A rummage through the paperwork showed I'd had it since 2004, so it was out of warranty. Cost £350 in 2004 so was expecting to pay a similar figue for a replacement. Fat chance! List price is now over £600, but after an hour or so surfing, managed to get one for £480. Just praying it will arrive today, having been shipped last night, otherwise it will be a few more days with the Bank Holiday.


Thankfully all the fish are fairly inactive so water filtration is much simpler, but it's already started to cloud up.....:angry:


Sitting here watching a programme on Indian Railways. Very interesting....

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Morning All,


I'm a little later on parade - I decided to have a lay in this morning. I've also just finished my second 24 hours on call - thankfully, the phone didn't ring. That is good for two reasons. Firstly, because I didn't have to get in the car and drive down to Karlsruhe. Secondly, because it means that our new system is fairly stable. That's a huge relief, as we are talking about several million lines of safety critical code.


Glad you made the Netherlands OK Jam. I agree with you on the take off sensation - It is still exhilarating, even after many years of flying. When I was growing up, all I ever wanted to do was to become a Flight Engineer. Unfortunately, by the time I was old enough they were a dying breed. It was therefore a choice of becoming a pilot, or becoming an Engineer. I did the latter. I did end up in aviation though, but via a different route!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all!


For the last day of 2010 I'm off to Byker (not the Grove, for anyone young enough to chip in with that) for a climb this morning. There's a converted church just next to where I got my mountain bike 17 years ago (and still working) that's now Newcastle Climbing Centre.


Popped into Durham Trains of Stanley on Wednesday but only came away with one Bachmann insulated van.


Enjoy the last day of 2010 everyone, and here's to a healthier, happier and safer 2011 for all of the ERs and lurkers! :D

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