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Yes, and square - or at least rectangular.  Expanding the square tubes in must have been a hell of a job though.  :dontknow:

:ok: .......Aah! that explains things, its high-pressure boiler; clearly built to withstand many hundreds of pounds per 'square' inch. :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought that was a kettle. :onthequiet:


I thought everybody knew they were coffeepots?


I`m still amused thinking about Mike`s 'S & M' dinner........the mind boggles!!! :O


Perhaps if it were to taste disgusting; diners so disposed, might be thrilled! :mosking:



Not just s&m as it turned out to be smegg - just right for a Friday laddo reckoned.

G'night all

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from a village that is still south of the Jewish cemeteries. I was absent on parade this morning as it's our show weekend and I was off early this morning to help set it up.


Supportive thoughts to Debs. I can think of many and varied things that could be done to the person on the other end of the phone. I might enjoy it but he certainly wouldn't.


Anyway a good day ahs been had and the show is on. After the set up I ended up demonstrating wagon building and surprised myself by getting a white metal kit soldered together and on it's wheels by the close of play. I also paid a visit to a book stall and the new RCTS book about proper express engines, painted the colour that they should be (Red of course) came into my possession. SWMBO now has it to be duly wrapped up for later in the year. When I got home things got even better as there is a not from Royal Fail to say that there is a parcel to collect. I will have to cash in some brownie points and ask the boss to collect it as I will be back at the show. If it's what I think it is it will be some buildings from Il Dottore of this parish for Green Ayre.


Anyway time for bed now and Regards to all as it's another earlyish start in the morning.


If any one is at a loose end tomorrow the Wakefield Show is well worth visiting an only two hours north of London on the train then a 10 minute walk from the station.



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I feel that my evening has been wasted. I also now know why I'm not a graphic designer. In theory it's a simple design but for the life of me I can't get it to look right.


With not a lot planned for tomorrow, I'll have another go at the logo design.


Night all

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


It's been a funny old day today, it started off quite dull, then turned to rain, only for the sun to try and make an appearance before it went dark!


Once again I've spent the day in middle earth, working on Max's train layout. Today I've fitted both the sockets and connected the wiring for the track socket and fitted four of the five point motors, as well as putting in most of the control wiring for the points. It was when putting in the point motors, that I noticed I hadn't put in a slot for the point motor operating pin for one of the points, doh! Anyway, after a bit of careful drilling and chipping away at the hole, I managed to get a slot in without damaging the point above, phew!


Tomorrow we have Ava and Evie spending the day with us so no work will be done on it now until Sunday, when hopefully I'll get the rest of the wiring in.


Goodnight all.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather as reported by Tony, only the car being parked in the shade is still frosted. Not to worry as by the time I need it the frost should have gone. My friend (with the little boy) who I am taking to exhibitions keeps asking me if I want a contribution towards costs. He is a single parent with three children two of whom are special needs. As he cannot work he's on a limited income but he feels embarrased about my not asking for any payment. What do ER's think I should do? I am considering asking him if he'll pay my entrance fee at shows but your looking at £10 just for him and his boy to get into some shows, perhaps where accompanied children have free entry I could ask him then.



Phil, from what you have said you enjoy the boys company so tell his dad that and take it from there

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Morning all from a village that is slowly waking up and a quiet house. Not a lot more to report since last night. However I'm looking forward to another day demonstrating at the Wakefield show. We seemed to have a good evening but I've no idea of numbers but we had the usual fast amble of dozens of elderly males up the hall to the second hand stall. We had a few problems with stalls and layouts that were bigger and smaller the the quoted figures. One layout told us by email on Thursday morning that their layout was 4' longer than they thought and another one was at least 4' narrower than advertised leaving a large gap in the pen behind it's fiddle yard. One trader told us that his space was 2' narrower than last year. Fortunately I had last year's plan on my laptop and he quietened down after seeing the drawing. Another trader demanded 9' instead of his booked 6. As a result my demonstration table is now in a pen between two layouts. If any of you are passing stop and have a natter.



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,

A good night's work at the MRC, although I've got some over spill from back scene painting to sort next week. Note to self, do back scenes first. I've brought home the viaduct supports and hope to carve the stone work on them at work tea breaks and lunch time.



I got home before SWMBO, and heard her arrive to much squealing of steering pump belt. So that's one job for today, along with attempt 2 of fitting interior lights to the landrover.

Also planned today, making letter / parcel box doors / painting them, making sections of the layout travelling case.

SWMBO will be out for the afternoon with her weaving group, so me and Ben the Border Collie are free to do what we want.


There's a pair for big brown eyes looking at me, that suggests it's time for the morning stroll around the garden.


Time to.. get up...

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I got home before SWMBO, and heard her arrive to much squealing of steering pump belt.


There's a pair for big brown eyes looking at me, that suggests it's time for the morning stroll around the garden.

I expect she`s hoping a companionable stroll `round the curtilage; might encourage you to sort out her steering pump belt........can Ben come on the walk too? :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and fresh here but no frost. Cloud and outbreaks of rain are on the agenda.

Another parcel to wait for today but it's for The Boss so as they say in some threads "There's nothing in it for me!" 

Some assistance with domestic stuff has been requested which will only take an hour or so. After that I will be mainly doing something involving trains until about 2.30 when I will settle down to watch rugby as England take on Australia. The former will need to step up quite a bit from last week's performance if they are to have any success.

Nothing else planned as we're having a quiet weekend by ourselves.

Have a good one,


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Up early to get sorted for the Workington Show today. Test ran some of the locos that came from a loft earlier this week, and they require some servicing having been sat on a layout in a loft for all of 6 years without being run. I will take my toolkit etc to the show and do some cleaning and oiling when things are quiet. We may even manage to get some of them sold!

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Off to the Southend show shortly, collecting my surrogate grandson and his dad on the way. His dad is getting insistent on making some form of payment so I'm going to put a solution to him. Entry to an exhibition can be expensive even with only one child but some exhibitions accompanied children are allowed in free so when we visit such exhibitions he pays my entry, I think that will be acceptable.

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Morning all. A warmer start to the day than was forecast which makes a change.


A day of fighting to get the logo how I want it and I am probably the problem trying to do things in the wrong order when using the software.


Not a great deal else planned except a bit of shopping.


First though, time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Just woken up. Still feel as if I could sleep more!

This morning my only task is to take Robbie somewhere for a run. Aditi is going to Enfield to see her Mum at lunchtime. I may go too.

If I go to the Southend exhibition it will be tomorrow.

Have a good day.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Weather looks reasonable and I might be taking the Good Doctor to Pendon today as it is her last weekend of freedom as she is returning to work on Tuesday and there are no exhibitions close at hand this weekend.


Phil might I suggest another way for you to deal with the parent problem and follow the course Dr Station Cat and I adopt - I pay the entry and she pays for the tea & cakes etc.  With most modern day entry prices this means the cuppa and a bun etc is usually  cheaper than paying for even one adult entry and the chap might well feel he is making a more meaningful 'contribution to the day out' than doing it another way such as sharing some of the entry price.  Does of course depend on the relative prices of entry and cuppas.


Enjoy your day one and all

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Another parcel to wait for today but it's for The Boss so as they say in some threads "There's nothing in it for me!" 

Some assistance with domestic stuff has been requested which will only take an hour or so. After that I will be mainly doing something involving trains until about 2.30 when I will settle down to watch rugby as England take on Australia. The former will need to step up quite a bit from last week's performance if they are to have any success.

Nothing else planned as we're having a quiet weekend by ourselves.

Have a good one,


I've been lucky this week my packages have turned up on time from Rails of Sheffield & Oakleafomx (ebay) both offer an excellent service.

I will also indulge in watching the rugby today but I have fear for the TV set having something heavy thrown at it when we play the Wallaby's.

SWMBO is off shopping for the second time this week OUCH !!! again.

I mentioned Leo my Cuban SiL is finally coming to England  my daughter after great pains has found a flight for him on the 11th December so we will be having a GDB style "Bit of a Do" that day.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Enjoy your day.

Edited by 81C
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  • RMweb Gold

I am reliably informed that Cardiff is bathed in liquid sunshine.


Margam is merely bathed in liquid mist.


We will be setting off in a short while to revel in the atmosphere that is Cardiff on a rugby international day.


Only Wales have their home ground a few minutes walk from both the city centre and the main railway station

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Only Wales have their home ground a few minutes walk from both the city centre and the main railway station

I believe that in London they had to build the main railway stations near the railway lines.

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