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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.

Well, had an ultimate C@kwomble moment this morning which I witnessed at first hand. 

And the reason I witnessed it was cos it was me. 

I hang my head in shame.

Each Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday morning thousands of cars queue on the A31 and A3. 

I dutifully sit in the left hand lane ready to filter on to the A3. 

I tend to pull over when the traffic starts to build up and it is obvious that taking ones turn is the civilised thing to do. 

So, my cue is the queue. Generally happens about 2 miles from the turn, or sometimes 5 miles. 

This morning the traffic was light and free flowing. 


So muggins here sails along without a care in the world down the outside lane.....

Until he spots that he is about to drive down (right) into Guildford by mistake rather than left onto the A3, and the only option is to throw the anchors out, yank the tiller hard over and try and squeeze in - to the accompaniment of massed horns of the A31 Vehicular Orchestra. 

I had become that which I routinely tut at - and tutting is about as annoyed as I get. And I was driving a bmw. 

'nuff said. 

I therefore crown myself with the C@ckwomble of the Day title.  :king: And will retreat to the local stocks. 

And all because, for once, there was no 100 minute journey to go 14 miles.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

SWMBO went out to a friend who she is teaching to paint.


Got cement mixer out, ran it ok, got rest of tools, cement and sand out, put water in mixer, pressed button.... Buzzing sound no revolutions, turns with assistance, started taking bits apart cold freezing fingers said no.


Back to mixing mortar in the wheelbarrow....


31 blocks installed on wall, which is now complete for 2017. My Back is now painful

Tomorrow I will be working on the post box doors.


I might look at how to give the wall it's final finish.


Ben the Border Collie had been walked,

SWMBO returned,


Ibuprofen taken


Eyelid inspection required..


PS I wrote this an hour ago, eyelid inspection occured rather quickly....

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie was "difficult " today. He almost dragged the therapist up to the pool, and then suddenly decided wasn't going in. Much snarling and showing of teeth. He was taken back down, calmed down and then was fine. I really don't know why. However he seemed to like thenswin and was really good while he had his shower and blow dry.


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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps it might be of use to me Dick the waist line has expanded a tad.  :scratchhead:


Just to be clear Bob my "agree" to your post was more to do with my waistline than yours!   :onthequiet:

The good news here is that my parcel from overseas has landed, dented on the outside but all intact inside and the contents have been played with. The slight delay caused by malfunctioning flying machines has not caused either a world war to break out or me to break down and throw my (other) toys out of the pram.

Just having a break as it is now beer o'clock and this will be followed by feeding time and then rugby to watch later.

It's good here innit?

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  • RMweb Gold

Went the day Well?  Seems the curate got it right.


First came the visit to collect the parcel, fortunately it was only a small one but it did indeed contain Rule Book Supplements and some reissued Rule Book Handbooks (a daft idea if ever there was one but that's another story.  less encouragingly I know what's in it without even opening as someone else, presumably in the employ of Royal Fail had already had a poke, no doubt attracted by the fact it was sent 'Signed For' but hopefully impressively disappointed to find no goodies on view for his trouble (and he probably couldn't even read and definitely wouldn't understand the Rule Book items even if he'd managed to get them out of the package.  waste of time reporting the matter - if Rpyal Mail didn't want their employees to rob things they would take greater care when employing them.


But the curate's better part duly arrived this afternoon with a visit to my 'local' model shop - a mere 30 miles away.  Mrs Stationmaster cheerfully (I think) paid for part of my purchases and will wrap them in pretty paper for Santa to deliver,  I meanwhile paid with my own money (yes, I do have some) for a couple of Mr Peco's new points and the final edition of GW Journal in its current form while I suitably rounded out herself's day by driving past laddo's new place of employment on the way home, it's easy to find because after passing the ******* b*mb factory heading west you turn left at the T junction and then take the first right and it's just before the canal bridge.


S & m for dinner tonight but not sure if it will be smog or smegg. 

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  • RMweb Premium

:banned: That is clearly a red-card offence, but it may be commuted to a yellow; if you were to explain me which type of loco. it is. :dontknow:

Are you in a four-aspect area and able to show a double-yellow?
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  • RMweb Gold

:banned: That is clearly a red-card offence, but it may be commuted to a yellow; if you were to explain me which type of loco. it is. :dontknow:

Just wire draw and quarter him and be done with it. I can't have you going soft on ERs. We'd all turn into snowflakes if you slacken up now.

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  • RMweb Premium

:banned: That is clearly a red-card offence, but it may be commuted to a yellow; if you were to explain me which type of loco. it is. :dontknow:


It's a Bulleid Q1, Debs.  IIRC the most powerful 0-6-0 to run in the UK.  Wartime austerity is the reason for the, er, austere #ahem# appearance.  Stanier was alleged to have asked where the key went, much to Bulleid's chagrin.


They have a certain charm.  To me anyway.....always like the oddities, a family trait.

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It's a Bulleid Q1, Debs.  IIRC the most powerful 0-6-0 to run in the UK.  Wartime austerity is the reason for the, er, austere #ahem# appearance.  Stanier was alleged to have asked where the key went, much to Bulleid's chagrin.


They have a certain charm.  To me anyway.....always like the oddities, a family trait.

:good: Thank you.......


......Googling. :read:

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Evening all


Chilly here again today. 


Some excitement in town today as a bus I was on drove by the All Blacks team hotel (on North Bridge, since you ask) and there they were, getting on their coach. Good to see up close, and looking forward even more to the match at Murrayfield tomorrow. Scotland has never beaten the All Blacks and I don't expect an upset tomorrow much as I'd like us to win, but as long as some good rugby is played and it's not a whitewash (famous last words...)


Stay warm



Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Premium

A1 it's usual random chaos. More cars without working lights and/or indicators.


Been busy helping to finish "my" layout for Warley. Very pretty it is too!


Due to a "moment this morning I took my tool box rather than weathering box so a return trip required on Sunday to do a lot of weathering.



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A1 it's usual random chaos. More cars without working lights and/or indicators.




In Tamworth tonight in the shopping park opposite Sainsbury's


Car signalling to turn right round a mini roundabout, And it did. Sandy and I couldn't believe our eyes.


It was a BMW.


We wuz in shock, we wuz!

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.....S & m for dinner tonight but not sure if it will be smog or smegg. 


I`m still amused thinking about Mike`s 'S & M' dinner........the mind boggles!!! :O


Perhaps if it were to taste disgusting; diners so disposed, might be thrilled! :mosking:

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