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  • RMweb Premium

When I went to sailing this morning, the roads were dry, 2.5 hours later coming back, the back roads were up to six inches deep in water. The wind was very strong. It's just got a lot stronger and the nearest weather station is reporting 52 mph.

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You would think farmers would have regard to persons walking backwards in the middle of their fields, and not leave random holes scattered about. I was keen to capture sky scenes, but I wasn't quite ready to observe them from a horizontal position.





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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day at the swapmeet today, purchased some Oxford lorries for code 3's very cheaply. I'm getting used to being a surrogate granddad, the lad enjoyed himself and is no trouble. Southend show next weekend, looking forward to it.

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  • RMweb Gold


Tolworth visited and a good time had with my two partners in crime who yet again were trying to get me to part with tokens. For the first time ever I went to a show and only paid for my entrance fee and food & drink...nothing else!  I must be sickening for something. Still tempted by the O gauge Terrier though. :onthequiet:  :whistle:

Got home in time to watch Exeter demolish Scarlets in the Anglo Welsh Cup.

Have now enjoyed a couple of pints, a very nice casserole and some Rioja. I may  will enjoy some more of the latter shortly.  :yes:

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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning all. Well, I suppose a throat infection just had to happen, had it not? Started Friday night and is making me feel quite grotty now. Oh, joy.


Good to see you around, Debs. Please do let us know if there’s anything on your mind you might need to talk about.


Be safe and sound, folks...

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An enjoyable visit to Tolworth with the two Bob's. Unlike GDB I did part with some modelling tokens but the fund is still well in the black.


A lot of thinking when I got home and a decision has been made which should mean that some modelling can take place again.


Dom - I hope you recover quickly

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Hey up.


The people who resorted the Laws of Cricket were just havinalaugh!  Once you start understanding the changes made it makes life difficult for the scorers and I see a big train crash when the players don't bother to find out what the law changes mean before their first game next year... Great!


Sleep well good folk



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  • RMweb Premium

HB OD if you're looking in.


First ice hockey match in three weeks watched.


Home v the Sheffield Steeldogs - another team that had dropped down from the league above that folded - was always going to be tough.


1-0 up after 15 minutes.

Still 1-0 up with two minutes to go. 


Then the equaliser for Sheff with 90 seconds left on the clock.


This year, there are no draws, so it's 3 on 3 golden goal for 5 minutes before a penalty shoot out. 

Unfortunately, we gave away a penalty shot in overtime. (Penalty shots are quite rare anyway) and lost 1-2.


 Despite the lack of goals and the loss, one of the best games I've watched.. At least we get one point for an overtime loss.


Painkillers working well on the sciatica - another physio appointment booked for Tuesday morning.


My shed should now be warm enough to work in (prepping some more NEC demo stuff amongst other things) and watch the F1 highlights without annoying the domestic authorities.


I may be back later, otherwise, have a good week folks.




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Evening all. The weekend has been extremely busy due to the model railway show. If you read the show's page, you will be aware that things went well. We raised over £900 for the old place and received a lot of positive comments. I plan to write a blog entry about the day in due course. 

 Generic greetings and best wishes to you all. Sorry if I have missed anything. I do know Debs has had some difficulties and I would like to particularly wish her well.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


A sunny, cold, but dry start to the day, which once again found me spending most of it in middle earth, but, all the grass has now been applied.


This evening I made a spiced bread and butter pudding for tonight's afters, which went down very well with Sheila, it's one of her favourites.


Goodnight all

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Morning all. Even though I feel great about the decision that I came to yesterday, I had problems sleeping. Just what I need for an early start.


IT's chilly outside but no sign of frost which surprises me.


Off back to the Midlands today and hopefully back tomorrow night.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Morning All,


It is a fairly chilly morning here, but I guess that is to be expected, given that it is nearly the middle of November?  Where did the year go?!?


The weekend was fairly quiet.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


Quite a lot of yesterday was spent looking for stuff and wishing, by no means for the first time, that I was not quite so untidy.  The missing articles are m*d*ll*ng requisites and are easily replaced or, as the case may be, duplicated and I am sure that bad language will be uttered when they reappear.  I did take time out from the rummaging to watch War Horse and came close to blubbing again.  One of the better ideas of Sidmouth FolkWeek a few years ago was to invite Michael Morpurgo, the author, to read from his book accompanied by some of the music from the National Theatre production.  Unsurprisingly the 1,000+ seater marquee was full.


There had better be some more mucking out today amid the unspecified pottering.  A bank with which I have an investment is being rather sluggish in inviting me to decide further options for it.  Does this mean a phone call with lots of button pushing to jump through all the hoops?  Probably, if the letter does not arrive today.  Oh dear.   Perhaps I should go to the local branch and seek sense from a human.  Wish me luck.


Warm thoughts, augmented by central heating, to all in distress and recovery



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the village near Junction 27.   Yesterday went well and the service at the Cenotaph had it's sound.   I even managed to play the Last Post and reveille on my laptop at the right times via battery power from the tailgate of my car.   Actually I cheated and had a sound file that had both tunes separated by a 2 minute silence.  We had several hundred people there which was good to see.   


Tidying up went well and then the outlaws arrived and stew and dumplings and one of the boss's great apple pies were enjoyed. FiL is definitely looking frail but the dragon in law seems to be recovering well from her op.   They even came up in their own car.  


Church duties first thing then this afternoon I will be taking one of our members to visit her husband in hospital.   This evening at the club it is preparation time for this years show.


Hopefully there will be time for some muddling in between other matters.


regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from the North West Leeds Highlands. Some parcels to pack and post, a bit more tax return to finalise then, apparently, I may have some domestics to complete.



Stay calm and safe whatever you do


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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,


A good nights sleep was had by me, I don't think Ben the Border Collie was so lucky. When I went up to bed he was hiding in his cage from the noise of high winds and hail hitting the windows.


Ben was snoring away when I came down, instead of coming to meet me at the bottom of the stairs as he normally does.


The wind is lighter, but we did have a hailstorm just before I went to open the gate to escape from the garden. Luckily it was just drizzle as I left in the car, the roads are very much covered in a carpet of soggy leaves. When I got to the Bridge under Wroxham and Hoveton station there was six inches to a foot of water to get the car through...

 The seaweed inspectors Promise clearing skies, they are doing, and a lot less rain during today.


Todays work is to finish a major system, and then there is the prototype for a new system to calibrate a new product sitting in the lab. This I will calibrate manually, before the bosses new semi-automatic software will be tried to see if the same results occur...


I hear the comapny has won some ;arge orders to be delivered before christmas, I fear confilct between calibration requirements and the users requirements..


Time to... put the stickers on the equipment for next weeks major systems calibration .

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from York.


The layout ran well at Newcastle show with a possible invite back to the North East.

Just one issue with the polarity switch on one solenoid in the fiddleyard needling attention. Solenoid removed cleaned but when I tried putting it back the thing fell apart and I couldn’t find some of the bits so a new one will be fitted when we get home before the boards are put back in their storage location. These SEEP solenoids have lasted well so nice the layout was buil 11 years ago.


A good run from the venue to York part form one incident where the cars engine cut out. Luckily no vehicles behind us and the car restarted. Hopefully it wil behave today to get us back to Surrey. So a visit to the garage now needed before the next long haul show.


At least we have a short working week ahead of us.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning.

Sunny here, not warm at all though outside.

Robbie is off to kennels for a couple of nights while Aditi and I travel to Solihull. I will take Robbie after breakfast and we will depart northwards about noon. We will be staying with my cousin overnight.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A bit of frost here but the sun is shining at the moment.

I am required to chauffeur Herself to her bank and some shops today. "It won't take long." Yeh - right.

After that the day is mine to do with whatever I wish.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Good Moaning All


A very fresh but beautifully sunny start to the working week Upon the Hill of Strawberries. SWMBO left punctually leaving instructions that I am to wait home tomorrow for two parcels. I also have a delivery due tomorrow this being a case of Tribute ale from St. Austell brewery.


Accordingly today is designated “going out day” and I am about to set forth. I shall return.


Enjoy the day. There will never be another one the same.

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