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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!

I would have been joining Jamie in Bradford but today is cricket scorer tutor Laws update day. This could be fun....errr not!

The umpires had a full day we get a couple of hours.


Tomorrow we are heading to Derbyshire for a full Laws update. So this weekend is a cricket weekend. No muddling allowed!


Enjoy whatever you do in your next 24 hours on Planet Earth.



Edited by Barry O
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Morning all. Late on parade but at least there isn't anything planned which requires timing today.


A day of washing, ironing and other mundane tasks before a day at Tolworth tomorrow.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rained all night,stopped briefly earlier but is now chuckinitdown again. 

Great game of rugby watched last night with Bath just edging Leicester in the final minutes. The latter had 7 or 8 teenagers in their side and led for most of the game but in the end were undone by a much more experienced Bath pack. Autumn Internationals today so my armchair will be in full use. Management has been informed!

Tomorrow I will be attending the Tolworth show which reminds me that I need to pop out to get some extra tokens from somewhere. (just in case you understand as I have no shopping list at present   :whistle: .)

Have a good one,


I bet you have one of those H.S.L. armchairs where you stand next to it with a cheesy grin on your boat race.  :jester:


look forward to see most of the "Bods"tomorrow  who are attending the Tolworth show.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

The doorbell sounding this morning was the announcement of the arrival of a nicely wrapped package from the IoM. I haven't opened it yet but will later this morning. I want to take Robbie out soon as it looks as if we are inbetween rain showers at the moment.

I don't think we will be going to Enfield today. Matthew, Aditi and I all had a mild 3 day virus type illness during the week. Aditi got it last and feels tired today. We will see MiL instead as we return from the Midlands on Tuesday.

Matthew rang last night and had a grumble about some of the other students on a course he attends. One of the students had submitted a piece of work. She hadn't liked any of the essay choices so had handed in something of her own choice and was upset at the low grade awarded.

Matthew was going home via a cash machine as he has to pay his share of household expenses. I commented thst it seemed a lot but it wasn't for a week, it was for 2 months.


Edited by Tony_S
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No Bob, I haven't. In fact when I see that advert as well as the one for stair lifts I feel like throwing something hard at the screen.

See you tomorrow.


We will remember them.


I've never seen such awful fabric design. I'm sure it's a wind up.

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  • RMweb Gold

No Bob, I haven't. In fact when I see that advert as well as the one for stair lifts I feel like throwing something hard at the screen.

See you tomorrow.

We moved into this house in 1990. It was even pre-Matthew. One of the comments I made at the time was that the stairs were perfect for stairlift installation. Older relatives had houses where installation had been difficult. Aditi thought it was an odd thing to think about back then.
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  • RMweb Gold

As I get older and crawl under my layout to access it (too lazy to build a proper opening) I'm beginning to think that I may one day need some sort of reclining chair on rails to help me slide under.

I wonder if there's much of a market for something like that?  :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Gold

As I get older and crawl under my layout to access it (too lazy to build a proper opening) I'm beginning to think that I may one day need some sort of reclining chair on rails to help me slide under.

I wonder if there's much of a market for something like that?  :scratchhead:

The ambulance service seem to have a wheeled stretcher with retractable legs that might do!
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As I get older and crawl under my layout to access it (too lazy to build a proper opening) I'm beginning to think that I may one day need some sort of reclining chair on rails to help me slide under.

I wonder if there's much of a market for something like that?  :scratchhead:

How about one of those mechanics "creepers" for sliding under cars ( a flat padded tray with castors)? - my problem would be getting up again!

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  • RMweb Gold

I have eliminated the need for any under layout wiring but i am noticing that the duck under to access the centre operating area should have been further from the floor!

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

How about one of those mechanics "creepers" for sliding under cars ( a flat padded tray with castors)? - my problem would be getting up again!

I went from general aches and pains to the hurts getting up stage. When doing the odd DiY task now, I separate them into sitting and standing tasks. Though I do vividly remember when I was more flexible actually getting rather stuck in the front footwell of our Chevette. I had my head down by the pedals and my legs on the front seat. That was looking for some wiring. I didn't do that again. There is a huge amount of space in the Freelander but I wouldn't even contemplate trying!

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  • RMweb Premium

As I get older and crawl under my layout to access it (too lazy to build a proper opening) I'm beginning to think that I may one day need some sort of reclining chair on rails to help me slide under.

I wonder if there's much of a market for something like that?  :scratchhead:


I did once think of installing some narrow gauge track under the layout entrance with one of those electric bath seats fixed on runners to run on the rails so that you could sit on the chair, slowly descent, trundle along and then slowly ascend.   I did work out that it would take about 40 minutes to get my whole team inside the layout.  


The mechanics trolley and GDB does worry me as if he were to step on it  by accident he could end up going rather quickly into some injury causing object.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium

I did once think of installing some narrow gauge track under the layout entrance with one of those electric bath seats fixed on runners to run on the rails so that you could sit on the chair, slowly descent, trundle along and then slowly ascend.   I did work out that it would take about 40 minutes to get my whole team inside the layout.  


The mechanics trolley and GDB does worry me as if he were to step on it  by accident he could end up going rather quickly into some injury causing object.




Roger that!

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  • RMweb Gold

er Hello.


Yes - it's actually working although I think the odds of getting it into that state are probably worse than winning few grand from Premium Bonds and the current plan is to take it to 'a local repairer' on Monday at which - if not before - I will again vanish from the ether for however long it take the 'puter farrier to work on it with a lump hammer or whatever and restore it to proper operative order.


The visit the Mac Apple shop was tragically-comedy of the highest order starting with 'have you got an appointment?' - 'No' - 'Right we'll set one up for you, first available is 6 o'clock'. Duly accepted, Mrs Stationmaster and the shopping duly conducted to Reading station and 3 hours later I returned to the shop for my appointment and duly asked what to do.  The 'genius' who I addressed looked at his hand-held device and proceeded to prove that such things should not be given to those of dubious youthfulness by initially saying the appointment was cancelled and then deciding it was really at 7.15 and not 6pm.  In reality - a strange thing in that place among all the online electronic whatnots - the appointment actually commenced by 6.15.  The 'genius' decided he didn't really know what the problem was so emptied the hard drive and loaded newer version of Windows and eventually it worked, more to his amazement than mine.  Starting in safe mode he - with the aid of Sian (who seemed to know what she was at to a far greater extent than him) diagnosed the problem as the fan and 'the sensor' and said there was mono answer from them as Apple don't repair 'vintage machines (it's 8 years old).  I asked him to shut it down and restart it - it wouldn't restart and today is the first time I've been able to get it to start!  It goes to a local bloke on Monday and his initial view is that it could well be the hard disc although my favoured 'it's something to do with power' might also be getting a look in. Time (and no doubt coin of the realm) will tell.


Hope you've all been good and commiserations, congratulations and best wishes for recovery from any health or wealth problems as appropriate.  As noted by Dr Station Cat (only login I believe) I've been having fun with some Peco point templates I managed to download before the last collapse (which was due to a power cut) and doing lots of drawing doodling of plans ranging from the hoped for to the allegedly more sensible. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Surfaced!!! Welcome to a grey damp weekend upon the Hill.


Continued good wishes to Debs who has been very much in my thoughts.


Visited mother yesterday. Discussed the visit with sister over a glass of red laughing water. We have both become concerned that she has not rallied to anything like the level of health she had immediately before dad’s passing. It’s been over seven months now and despite some encouraging signs there has been a steady decline overall. In the last week she has finally admitted defeat and given up on attempting shopping.


That - driven and closely accompanied by my sister - had been her last bastion of independence. We are looking at wheelchairs and a stairlift for the house but she could probably not manage the shopping trip even if pushed. She struggles for breath and I was alarmed to find that now means she cannot reach the lounge from the kitchen without pausing. That’s barely a dozen paces. We both agree that she may no longer have the strength to fight off a winter germ. In the circumstances it is hardly surprising that she wasn’t able to visit us last weekend. No further attempts at making that trip are planned.


Life will take its course and eventually the sands run out. There may yet be plenty of sand. Or we might be down to the last few grains. There is no way to know for sure.


Best regards to all. I may be back later.

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er Hello.


Yes - it's actually working although I think the odds of getting it into that state are probably worse than winning few grand from Premium Bonds ....

Given that it took me 27 years to win 25 quid on Premium Bonds purchased in 1990, are you perhaps tempting fate here?


The visit the Mac Apple shop was tragically-comedy of the highest order ....

If Shakespeare were around today, what plays might he have written about this? Edited by Horsetan
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Halfords - under £30.


Other providers of injury prone assistance may be available.

Further thought reminds me that, if he is safe in a seated position, keep an eye on Lidl who do, at intervals, a flat wooden tray on castors, designed for moving large planters - possibly ideal for scooting under the layout - but I'm slightly bothered about his needing to scoot under backwards, which might REALLY be a no-no! and the problem of having to then re-adopt a vertical position still remains!

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 If Shakespeare were around today, what plays might he have written about this?



A Midsummer Night's Screen

Henry IV Part I-pad


That's enough to be going on with.


Enjoying the Scotland-Samoa game on the BBC just now. Hope others are, too.


Have a good weekend



Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Gold

Oh Ye (x several) of little faith. I haven't self harmed for quite a while....said he....touching wood and crossing digits.

You mean you still have enough digits left to cross?

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