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  • RMweb Premium

That rain is currently lashing down here ... just as we need to go out!


Fortunately we got the bed and a mattress moved before the rain started so they are now stored away in a dry and secure place.   We even managed to move the iron bath and milk kit that the domestic authorities have acquired for use in the garden in France.   Quite what they are going to be used for is way above my pay grade.   The rain has now commenced.   Things are also looking up on the muddling front as I have been informed that someone is due to call and I need to give them chance to chat.   What better excuse do I need to retreat upstairs and complete my penance.



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  We even managed to move the iron bath and milk kit that the domestic authorities have acquired for use in the garden in France.   Quite what they are going to be used for is way above my pay grade.  

Probably for bathing in milk!


Warm milk and soil mixed into a luxurious paste and  then whipped into a froth by hippo tails.




Don't try mud and Tizer as the bubbles go up your nose......

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 If it's private property you could have a very nice side line in clamping and then the releasing for a 'small' fee.


It would certainly increase your modelling funds.

Sadly the rules have changed greatly. Once upon a time you could just call up any old dodgy clamper or towing/impound service that would do the dirty work for you. Now, you have to have signs with the correct wording and pay around £100 to tow a vehicle. The risk is also that you are on the hook for any damage. The change to the law outlawing the cowboy clampers was like much of the rushed knee jerk legislation in this country, poorly thought out, and poorly written. It has ended up making things worse in many cases. See also the poor b*gger in Bristol that had some douchebucket's crapmobile stuck on his drive for nearly a year. 

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You started it with modelling a pair of boots and then only the other day a very natty pair of trousers.


I've only just managed to take my sun glasses off!

I hope you washed your hands afterwards.  :spiteful:

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Early start this morning meant I queued for less time and got to the office for 7.45. 

Colleagues filtered in around 9:30 cursing the traffic today. 

Start early = finish early, so an hour after leaving work I'd got home, had tea and headed out for a 12-lead ECG at the quacks.

No cardiac or kidney damage detected.


Time to do some admin now, so have a pleasant evenin' all. 

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A chilly and wet day which also didn't go to plan.


Attending a call out I had to go out to the van for some extra tools in the rain. A complete cockwomble UPS driver sped past me through a puddle drenching me from head to foot. Fortunately for him he carried on at speed which meant that I couldn't get hold of him. He has been reported though which makes me feel a little better.


I'm meant to have an easy day tomorrow before heading home early. This has been screwed up by one of our suppliers sending the wrong replacement item for me to fit on the way meaning that I can't leave the office until it arrives.


A relaxing evening in front of the idiot box before an early night.


Time for another coffee

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  • RMweb Gold

As it is private land, surely one has the right to fence it off to prevent unlawful access? Given it's in a build-up area, I doubt "right to roam" can be invoked, as IIRC, that one specifically applies to rural/agricultural land. Should the alley also have a "right of passage" for adjoining properties, then those property owners would be more then happy to have measures taken safeguarding that right, like an pass-based access system complete with barrier, for sure? And if access for emergency services is essential, put in a special key box into the system for a 6-digit code only released to the emergency services (for instance 999112) which opens the gate/barrier for 30 mins but also alerts the owner of the fact it has been used (to take appropriate action if the code was abused). Just me tuppence!


And if all of that doesn't work I think I still might have a couple of police no waiting cones somewhere in the loft from my student days.

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As it is private land, surely one has the right to fence it off to prevent unlawful access? Given it's in a build-up area, I doubt "right to roam" can be invoked, as IIRC, that one specifically applies to rural/agricultural land. Should the alley also have a "right of passage" for adjoining properties, then those property owners would be more then happy to have measures taken safeguarding that right, like an pass-based access system complete with barrier, for sure? And if access for emergency services is essential, put in a special key box into the system for a 6-digit code only released to the emergency services (for instance 999112) which opens the gate/barrier for 30 mins but also alerts the owner of the fact it has been used (to take appropriate action if the code was abused). Just me tuppence!




Nothing to report. Belated HB to Aditi, warm welcome to Steve. Almost 6, so time to put some water on the cooker; pasta-time! :thankyou:

A great idea in theory. In practice its 12 different owners with differing bits. Some absent company owns about half the private road, 5 of the houses like us own the bit adjacent to their property, the other 6 own only their off street spaces/garage space. The council says we must have 100% agreement from all owners before the alleyway can be gated as technically we are restricting the free access that is in all of the property titles. All the private owners are in agreement but the absentee landlords on 2 of the houses refuse to chip in but will say yes if the rest of us pay. Not really a problem but it does add to the cost. The last quote we got was £2200. The sticking point is the corporate owner. The company no longer seems to exist. We are in a catch 22. If we gate then we can claim adverse possession on their sections after 10 years. But we can't gate under the council regulations without their permission. Big pain in the arse. 

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Evening all - generic greetings, good wishes, congrats and commiserations as appropriate. This is another brief check in. The week is becoming very busy as we build up to the Weston show. Tonight I worked solidly on completing the floor plan and the show guide. Not far away from having it all done now, but will have to finish it all off tomorrow night. 

 I am planning on using the computing lesson that I am teaching tomorrow to get the price lists done. Hopefully the children will be computer literate enough to manage it, and to save me a job. 


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Yet another day spent in middle earth working on Max's train layout. Today I designed and built a set of steps for one of the stations and fitted the fencing to both. So now they are both complete except for the actual buildings. Both have now also had a couple of coats of Matt varnish, as have the tunnel portals, this will protect the inks from UV light.


After dinner I made a start on adding some scenic materials, mainly some fine sand in and around the engine shed area.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sniffy here. A fresh 5oC out but no rain at present. A cloudy start with some brighter spells later forecast.

The Boss has been taken to work although she's still not well but stubborn to the last refuses to take time off. She's only got 11 more days there till retirement though so that's an argument we won't be having for much longer.

The kids were their normal happy selves last night and as usual Joe expressed approval for the new purchase. He really seems to like tank engines and if they're green that clinches it for him although the H & P Peckett is quite a favourite as well.

MOT and car service booked for today. Should be OK but you never know, something may be found which could spoil my day.  (and impinge on the model token fund which would really make me unhappy) The garage is a 3 minute walk away from Wetherspoon's so I might, just might, pop in for breakfast. Scrub the might - I will!  The Boss said earlier that if I was there and she finished work early she may join me.

After that the railway room beckons and I need to take a leaf out of Brian's book and do some work on the layout instead of playing. Not happy with my platforms so might rethink them.

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is a rather a damp morning in this part of the world.  The radio said it was foggy, but all we saw was rain!


It looks like today is going to be rather busy, so I had better get on.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


The electricity company which annoyed me on Monday has just annoyed me again.  It sent me one of those "how did we do?" surveys.  I have completed it honestly.  More annoyance came yesterday in the form of a letter from Sister Diabetes telling me that I am overdue for a clinic appointment.   As I had been told to have my blood test in November and had it on 1st November I thought it a bit trigger-happy to write to me on 2nd November and said so when I phoned Checkpoint Charlie for an appointment.  That the first available audience was on 24th November probably speaks for itself.  In the distance I hear the ghostly voice of David Cameron intoning "Calm down, dear".


Today I have a report to write, of last night's talk which was just as good the second or possibly third time of hearing.  Later there will be laundry and the making of a batch of sausage casserole in honour of the cold weather and because I like it.  Parliament is having a few days off so I cannot watch Hansard's Half Hour, which is probably all for the best.  Before all that I have to move the car, which is tantalisingly just the other side of the caravan, across Mrs Electric-Chair's gate.  The notice on the caravan from the Council ordering its removal has itself been removed, the period of grace having expired.  Moving the less than mobile home will now be impeded because some clot has slashed its tyres.  The actions of some people beggar belief.


Enough already.  Warm thoughts to all in distress and recovery, except the electricity company and the owner of the caravan.



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Morning all. I fell asleep shortly after posting last night but even so I still feel shattered.


A bit of a frost to start the day but at least my van doesn't need defrosting because of where I parked.


I'm hoping to get away early to get home at a decent time. We'll have to see what happens.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Morning fellow rascals.


Man flu.......it's serious!


That is all.


At least if it's man flu you don't have to waste energy by manning up...


Morning all from a nice bright village.   The house is quiet as normal on a Wednesday with the boss having left early.   The great news is that I am now out of purgatory and have completed the requisite number of bogies.   The layout thread has the details.    


At the moment the ironing basket is groaning so will have to be attended to.   Then a car load of things will be taken to the container.   This evening I've got to nip over to Heaton Park Tramway to deliver some books but will no doubt have a good natter with the people there.  They really have done great things.   In between times I've tea to cook and also hopefully some muddling will be done.


Let's be careful out there today folks.



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,


Yesterday I only had about 4 hours sleep, this was not the fault of trav el lodge, just my brain in over time and refusing to let me sleep properly.

As for the room it was, quiet, clean and tidy and had all the normal facilities in the room. Except for no phone, WIFI is 0.5 hour free or £3 for 24 hours.


We went into Thame for a pub dinner and a Pint.... £4:90 for a pint of cider? ouch


 Trav el lodge  don't do food, so this is why they were built alongside Little chef's, which are now gone. Most have become Star*ucked, this one was also part Burger king, which remains open. But not for breakfast!

So I went across to the garage which turned out to have  a Greggs and a Subway.

Not having used Subway in the UK I gave it a try...

Breakfast melt and coffee £2:90     hmmmmm.....


 Take a 6 inch bread roll cut in half,

Take one cold precooked sausage cut lengthways and put in microwave,

Take one cold pre cooked piece of bacon, lay on bread roll,

Take one cold precooked poached egg, lay on bread roll,

Get Microwaved sauage, lay on bread roll,

Cover the above with pre sliced "cheese",

Stick assembly under grill.

Make latte coffee,

When "cheese" has melted wrap in paper and serve.

I then walked back to my room with a mildly warm roll and consumed

The mildly warm roll was passable ( I was hungry), but I won't be buying one again, the latte was good...


I wonder why there was a queue in Greggs .....



Shortly after we set off for the Hotel / conference centre, where I was attending a course on "Demystifying Spectrum Analysis and Signal Analysis" . It turned out to be a good course, the first half was revision for me on part of a course I took ... errr um... 42 years ago. Specifications and accuracy have great improved over the 42 years, but the core of it is the same. The second half was using equipment that didn't exist back then, and now is in one box. But back then would have require piles of equipement, to do not as good a job..

The frightening thing was many of the delegates were young enough to be my children grand children....

There were two long tea breaks, and a good dinner all provided free on this free course!!!


My main critisism, sadly is for one of my compatriots, who was doing the driving....

Definately he would come under the cockwomble grouping, his lane discipline on roundabouts was terrible, even when he was at a roundabout he knew, at the entry he was often in the wrong lane / across two (of three) lanes. Then when going round the circle he often cut across the lanes, I wouldn't like to be on the inside of him at roundabouts...

This was not helped when the route we were taking, was through Doughnut city (Milton Keynes) to Buckingham and beyond.... Roundabouts everywhere...


In a straight line on roads he appeared to be the type of driver with one foot on the brake, every so often he would brake and you were left wondering why?


Today, it's Back to the major equipment, which they've snaffled back while I was out, so I've got another hour before they release it back to me. I doub't I'll get on the the second equipment much this week.


Time to.... start filling in reference values into some spread sheets...

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

A sunny morning here in the North West Leeds Highlands.


Dr Eldest Herbert is visiting today and tomorrow and it looks like him and his brother will be having tea here tonight. Great!


Twice yesterday we had three lorries blocking 3 of the 4 lanes on the M1. That needs sorting, Now!


I have minor "house keeping" tasks to do so, mugatea beckons.

Have a good* day everyone.



* or evening/Night to our non Europe based ERs

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