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.......Eldest son's ex has been on the phone moaning about him to me. They have a daughter and it's her 15th birthday today! It's really a rant with a lot of effing and blinding. I remain calm and point out the odd thing. She thinks he's paying out all of his money on weed and underage prostitutes, yet he's giving almost all of his money to her.....


If she's ranting at 3.30 in the morning, I guess it's not him spending the cash on weed and the oul s.e.x. .....so what is she doing with the money?

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Good morning all from a particularly moist and murky Hill


Mother will not be joining us today; she is not well enough to travel. Gravesend and Wycrail are within reach but so is the duvet and the pillow and I suspect I already know the winner.


Reading week. We never had what amounted to a half-term break. Lectures went through until one week before the year-end exams / finals and that was our reading week. Living among students here I can report that Reading Week was the one before last and was used variously as go-home-and-get-mum-to-do-your-laundry week, get-drunk-more-often-than-usual week, actually-reading-and-tackling-course-work-while-your-flatmates-are-away week, having-a-sneaky-week-at-the-boyfriend’s week or having-the-girlfriend-stay-while-no-one else-is-there week. Subjects studied included practical sessions to determine the limit of inebriation and some human biology . Ah, students.


French toast, bacon, maple syrup and a large muggertee (coffee for SWMBO) has been enjoyed. Now it is time to snuggle with the cat and wait for the weather to improve.


Best weekend wishes to all especially Debs whose return is particularly welcome.

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If she's ranting at 3.30 in the morning, I guess it's not him spending the cash on weed and the oul s.e.x. .....so what is she doing with the money?

You may well ask; she has a small two-seater sports car, and took a fortnight's break to the Dominican Republic with our grand-daughter, Skye, earlier in the summer. She doesn't have a part-time job, either - neither of her parents worked when she was growing up so like-mother like-daughter. In her defence, raising a daughter is a full-on job. We're trying our hardest to ensure that Skye is educated and gets a good job.


Thing is, they'll make-up in a few weeks and it's the same old merry-go-round til the next never-seeing-you-again argument.


Such joy!

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Afternoon all. 


We had clear skies and warm temperatures for the bonfire and firework display yesterday. 

Unlike last year where heavy rain delayed our deployment and it was a mad rush to get everything wired in time.  


Yesterday was much different and we were all set up with about 3 hours in hand. 

That wasn't all we had in hand thanks to some of the less responsible dog walkers in the area.  :mad:  


Likewise some people don't seem to appreciate how careful you have to be around professional fireworks and seemed content to let their dogs off the lead and bounding around the area we were wiring up the setting the display up on. 1 day a year is all we ask for them to engage their brain cell; that appears to be too much. 


Everyone's hard work resulted in an amazing display and a record crowd. 

Clear up and making safe those fireworks that didn't receive their wiggly amp messages was done in record time.

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Still raining,

Letter box door work done and glue setting,

Not feeling too bright, so working on things, became pottering about between sit and thinks.

Tiree wood work not touched.

Ben to be walked shortly, even if in rain.

Stove will be wound up to a warm glow when we return, I think I let the cold creep into my bones too much....

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Newbryford was hunted down and cornered behind the toaster.


He was duly released on bail unti lit's time to catch him again at Warley.

I did not run. I did not hide.


I stayed safely behind the layout...........





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For some odd reason in 1985, the designers at Citroen thought it was a good idea to turn the auto gear change indicator into a vertical strip and stick it somewhere near the driver's knee.


Strangely enough, that's the excuse my MP used too.

Edited by BoD
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An easy though wet and foggy journey to Wycrail. As I was ahead of time I stopped at the services for some breakfast.


Caught up with some ER's and a couple of others. I also managed to quickly catch up with Ray Norwood of this parish.


Some decent layouts on show even though not all were to my taste. A few modelling tokens were spent but not as many as expected.


I even managed a decent journey home despite numerous cockwombles on the road and got back just before the rain started.


An enjoyable day which is something that I needed.


Back later

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Busy day, running about doing honey-do things, lunch with John, Matt the joiner up in the roof all afternoon fitting a new vent tile and some flooring in the loft, mowed the lawn, washed the cars and the van, collapsed knackered on the sofa! Pint of Timmy Taylors Landlord being consumed, and cider for Mrs H who hardly ever drinks, showing how busy we're been!


Art exhibition tomorrow (Dr Jeremy Paul) and lunch with Jayne, I need a day off to recover from the day off.

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Evenin' each.

Another returnee from Wycrail here and a similar tale to all of the above. Wombles of the cock type abounded on the motorways but despite their efforts (especially the b#stard lorry driver who twice cut in front of me to turn off changed his mind then did it again when he was almost past the junction)   I got there early enough to avoid queuing for the car park. .

Went around the show with Bob and Duncan and it looks like we'll meet again next week. Not a bad show and all I came away with was a little bag of couplings despite my two comrades trying to get me to spend (a lot) more.

Needless to say when I returned home and was asked "What have you bought this time" I was not believed when I produced my little packet for inspection.  :nono:

Got home to watch some rugby and have a couple of beers and I may have more shortly. No - will have more.  Doom Bar is tonight's choice.

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We had a very pleasant day with Matthew today. We walked from the hotel to the Guinness Storehouse. It took ages to get round as Aditi likes to read every information notice and try out all the multimedia toys.

We then walked back and had a late lunch / early dinner in a pie shop. We have collapsed back in the hotel for a well earned rest. Matthew caught a bus back to Castleknock. Dublin seems to have a lot of buses.

Fireworks were last week here for Halloween.

Not sure what we are doing tomorrow. Walk somewhere probably.


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Rain stopped,

Ben walked,

Now warm, except for feet.

Ben now hiding in his cat cage, as house 100ft away having fireworks ( they did warn us first).

Stove gently glowing.

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Evening all from Battle of the Somme Estuary-Land. Well it certainly sounds as if there's a battle going on. Nice to hear from Debs again and Tony seems to be enjoying himself in Dublin, I might even consider spending a week or two there myself next year.

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:laugh: ....is that some kind of mandate; or, are you just pleased to see me? :mosking:



Nice to hear from Debs again.....


.... and in such fine form too.


Keep visiting Debs. We have missed you.

Some ERs have even started posting about modelling.

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