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Morning All,


Good heavens - I see from Horsetan's picture that they still make scampi flavoured fries!  I thought they must have died a death years ago.


We have another fairly autumnal morning in this part of the world, with light rain on and off - but it is hard to see exactly what the weather is doing until it gets light!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


Mike SM and I must compare notes about Sidmouth when next we meet [Wycrail, perhaps?].  It is certainly not short of cockwombles, many of whom have no idea what yellow lines are for. When I arrive the normal plan is for the car to rest safely beside my tent on the campsite and there remain undisturbed until it is time to get the hell out after a good week or so's musical vacationing.  Of the big posh hotels on the seafront I know very little, save that they are for people with lots more money than me.


There is some threat, in the form of a written promise, that the caravan seemingly abandoned in the street will be moved in the first week in November.  To see will be to believe.  Meanwhile the local paper delivery brat has let me down again.  Isn't it nice to have some fixed points in a constantly swirling existence?  A CD that I ordered on 3rd October finally turned up yesterday after two chasing e-mails.  When I have bathed I will attempt the fodder run in the hope that the mini parked untidily outside the house will clear off to work and leave me some room.  Dream on, Chris.


A quiet weekend beckons.  So does some gardening.  Gulp.


Felicitations, warm thoughts and best wishes to all in distress and recovery.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Looks like it's dry outside but a cool 10oC. Sunny day with light winds (pardon me) forecast.

Unusually we did not shop yesterday but saved it for today as "we" are getting extra staff discount for the next 3 days along with a 25%off clothes promotion. Oh joy!

Spent the afternoon re-arranging and labelling the loco storage shelves to make room for expected new arrivals over the coming months. Labels are for DCC codes as I don't use the loco nos. (as I have a job seeing some of them) but just 1-57(so far) I can actually remember quite a lot of them but sometimes suffer from brain fade and need a quick reference. They're also grouped by region and era (ish) so I can run the right ones together. Well sometimes, on my layout anything can happen and often does!

After shopping I may muddle a bit as there are still some bare areas of board to cover.*

Have a  good one,




Edit:   * Dream on Bob , you know you'll just end up playing trains again

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple here,

A good night's sleep helped by Highland Park.


Ben the Border Collie will not be happy, as we have decided he's not yet up to being walked through Norwich city centre. It does have the advantage of reducing the time being dragged around by SWMBO rather than Ben.

Soon as we get some light he'll get a stroll round the garden and another before we go.


Strangely the seaweed inspectors have said we should have a day of little wind, whereas I can hear the wind increasing as air is drawn through the stove.

I will probably light the stove later, it will then stay lit until the spring.


I can here the sugar beet being loaded a couple of hundred yards away I've been expecting it for a couple of days.


Time to...? Have some breaky..

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the watershed twixt Aire and Calder. Up quite early this morning and about to breakfast. Today I will have some packing to do as we are heading north west to Ravenglass for the weekend. It should be a good do and we get back Monday. I may be absent from here for a few days as a result.


I did manage to get a coach bogie completed yesterday and the other three are prepped so there is a chance that my EMU may actually acquire wheels in the next week. Apart from that there is not a lot to say so I'll wish all of you well.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


Good heavens - I see from Horsetan's picture that they still make scampi flavoured fries!  I thought they must have died a death years ago.


We have another fairly autumnal morning in this part of the world, with light rain on and off - but it is hard to see exactly what the weather is doing until it gets light!


Have a good day everyone...


In fact I had a packet myself darn the pub last Friday. 

Not our usual Snack de Preference, which would be jalapeno pretzels. 

I may go for cashews this evening, but will need some time to consider such a weighty matter!   :scratchhead:


Morning all and it's a dark one outside. Hopefully less fog this morning. 

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Morning all


Clear skies here in Surrey.


Now beer for me since Tuesday evening and may not be any tonight. By thI vti mcwe get not Prague but the rest of the weekend will be beer O’clock. Will be an early start tomorrow morning as we have to catch a train from Praha Hlavni to Praha Vrsovice Station where the tour starts at 07.25 Need to find out what time the bar opens on board as fancy beer for breakfast.


Just hope that the flight isn’t late tonight.

Have a good weekend. Thank feck it won't be on Southern or Thameslink. 


Good moaning all from the borough of boring. Today will be mostly work avoidance. Technically it is supposed to be a training day but I detect a sh!tstorm of carp heading for my inbox. Shields up and deflectors on full. Why these arsebadgers can't get their sh*t together for 5 minutes is beyond me. The difference between government and private projects is very telling. It doesn't surprise me that some gov departments experience a 30%+ annual turnover in staff. Bunch of sh*tgibbons. 


Tomorrow I predict a schlep to the big Sainsbury's in Charlton, followed by Hobby Craft and Maplins next door. I can hardly contain my excitement. 


Really getting p***ed off with online ordering these days. Pre-ordered an F2-A back in Feb directly from Rapido. Paid for it a month ago when it arrived in Ontario and it was shipped. These days Rapido bulk ship anything for the UK to Rails in Sheffield. Rails website show the exact loco as in stock. Do I have mine? Do I . Back to getting my stuff shipped to MiL in yyc, then having her forward it in our regular care package or get her to bring the stuff on one of her annual trips. 


Some numpty posted the best and worst bar snacks on Twatter the other day. Billtong was the worst, but Scampi Fries came out at number 1. Bloody addictive those things. 


Enough blathering for one day. TFIF. Hopefully POE for many. 

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  • RMweb Gold

My great surprise was finding that MRJ was still being published....

...... and available in a pub before it reached your local W H Smiths. Have you reported this in the appropriate places?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sunshine, and a few clouds (but no sea breezes alas).  Chris some of the big hotels aren't exactly what they might like to think they are - what was described as a 'full English breakfast' where we stayed was described by the Clock Tower café in Connaught Gardens as a 'mini breakfast'.  However the hotel bar did sell Cornish pastis - not a typo, definitely no 'e' to go in there and at 42% proof it was not to be taken lightly but it had a very genuine pastis taste to it  (when your taste buds had recovered from the initial shock searing).


Definitely wrinklies week as well as half term but fortunately there were very few of those wrinkly-mobile 'scooter' things about - maybe they don't work in sea air or they're no good on hills?


Off to chiropractor today plus Friday is the real shopping day so I'm informed.


Enjoy your day one and all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here and now warming up a bit outside. We are off to the garden centre. Bags of compost are not permitted to sully the interior of the Fiesta so even in my still slightly wounded state (ribs still sore from Monday's fall in the garden ) I am deemed fit for light duties by Aditi.

Matthew rang last night. He has now got a "proper" phone SIM contract now the credit he put on the Lycamobile one his landlord gave him has expired. Matthew thinks mobile phone number transfers etc have either got simpler over the years or that the Irish Vodaphone company are very efficient. I asked if he had a new phone and he said not. He has a mid range Samsung that he said is fine. He doesn't seem interested in having the latest "thing". The rest of the conversation was about teaching. He was worried about misprouncing students names. I said get a class list and ask a local for advice. He said he knows how to pronounce many Irish female names but is a bit unsure of the pronunciation of male forenames. I told him a few but he said I was just naming characters from Father Ted.


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all.

Sunny here and now warming up a bit outside. We are off to the garden centre. Bags of compost are not permitted to sully the interior of the Fiesta so even in my still slightly wounded state (ribs still sore from Monday's fall in the garden ) I am deemed fit for light duties by Aditi.

Matthew rang last night. He has now got a "proper" phone SIM contract now the credit he put on the Lycamobile one his landlord gave him has expired. Matthew thinks mobile phone number transfers etc have either got simpler over the years or that the Irish Vodaphone company are very efficient. I asked if he had a new phone and he said not. He has a mid range Samsung that he said is fine. He doesn't seem interested in having the latest "thing". The rest of the conversation was about teaching. He was worried about misprouncing students names. I said get a class list and ask a local for advice. He said he knows how to pronounce many Irish female names but is a bit unsure of the pronunciation of male forenames. I told him a few but he said I was just naming characters from Father Ted.


I thought all the women were Neeve and all men were Paddy. 

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  • RMweb Gold

There's Maire and Mairead too.

I have a friend called Mary. All of her siblings were born in Ireland but she was born in Burton. The priest wouldn't baptize her with any of the Irish names so was Mary not Maeve except to her parents.
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all, shopping trip over, Ben the Border Collie is overjoyed we are back. He has been a good boy, so is sat in his bed surrounded by 6 new tennis balls.

MRJ was purchased but no sign of the final GWRJ.


Gordon Gravett's new Arun Quay layout looks absolutely magnificent in the MRJ...


For my own muddling work some cheap brushes, a tea strainer, a giant tea strainer, some more £1 reading glasses, a pack of giant drawing pins and a pack of break off knives were obtained.

Also obtained, several books from the Works.


Much efforts was put into avoiding red and white decorations and black and orange decorations.

Almost as much as avoiding cockwombles on the way home. Most of which seemed to have great difficulty mastering the right hand turn....


Much walking while limping from my calf injury is now causing pain in my hip, after the below I suspect a glass of liquid anaesthetic from the Orkneys will be consumed....


When a mugacoffee has been consumed Ben will be treated to a run down on the beach...

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By thI vti mcwe get not Prague but the rest of the weekend will be beer O’clock. Will be an early start tomorrow morning as we have to catch a train from Praha Hlavni to Praha Vrsovice Station where the tour starts at 07.25 Need to find out what time the bar opens on board as fancy beer for breakfast.


Just hope that the flight isn’t late tonight.


If I didn't know any better, I'd say you'd been drinking already.


What mystifies me is the (near) faultless spelling of "Praha Hlavni to Praha Vršovice" after the earlier Les Dawsonish keyboard work.

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  • RMweb Premium

Priests get to veto names?  Reminds my why I'm an atheist.


MRJ has descended to Fraggle Rock also, but no dark beer here to accompany it. 


It has been a dark few weeks at NHN towers though, as yesterday we reached the culmination of a matter involving Ivan's profession, a lot of wigs and stuff, some stern people telling porky pie tales, and the emptying of our bank account to pay same be-wigged personages to enrich fulfilment of their taste in (presumably) classic cars.  Nevertheless a successful outcome has been achieved but at some cost also to stress levels which had reached unbelievable heights, this is scary stuff, but all done to our satisfaction now.  No more detail will follow other than a very large sigh of relief.


Anyone got any trains?

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