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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

Settlin' in nicely but going to be a busy bee. Which is nice.

Blood pressure down. 

2 mile walk at pace; today's sandwich was chicken tikka with lettuce. 1.7g of salt.

Beer Friday and Modelling Saturday are nearly in sight.  :)

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The constant burial in warm moist tea leaves has revived that spring onion and it is now plump and moist so thats going with a small amount of cheese with my lunch tomorrow.

Living organisms are tenacious. It lends some credence to the notion that bacteria might survive a deep space flight aboard some porous rock.

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  • RMweb Gold

Living organisms are tenacious. It lends some credence to the notion that bacteria might survive a deep space flight aboard some porous rock.

I think cockroaches are very resistant to ionising radiation so if the nuclear arms race had resulted in mutual destruction a cockroach based lifeform may have been the consequence.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think cockroaches are very resistant to ionising radiation so if the nuclear arms race had resulted in mutual destruction a cockroach based lifeform may have been the consequence.

Yes. But which scale would they model in? And would they still argue about rivets?
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


It's been a sunny dry day today and pleasantly warm too. So I took advantage of the sunshine and took No 2 board outside to do a bit of sanding down before I attached the track plan to it. Once done I fitted it to No 1 board and lined up the track across the joints. I've managed to fit half of them and hopefully I'll get the rest fitted tomorrow morning.


I don't expect to get much work done tomorrow as we have Vickie, Ian, Ava, Evie and Max round for tea. Roast chicken and all the trimmings has been requested as well as a chocolate and mint cheesecake.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Layout all packed at Club. Old clubrooms only has stuff to go to the show in it. We will change the lock on Friday ..that way we don't need any new keys.


More wheels cleaned - only 2 more stock boxes to go!


Sleep well ..thoughts still very much with Debs.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but  a bit cooler at 10oC. A generally cloudy day with outbreaks of light rain or drizzle forecast.

A bit of a bombshell dropped here yesterday as our daughter and SiL have decided to separate. The only good thing is that it is entirely mutual, very amicable and nobody else is involved. The kids are obviously upset but TBH at the moment dealing with it far better than I think I would have done at their age. I suppose in a way they are used to it because it has happened to quite a few of their friends and some of those were in no way amicable. He has got a flat locally, they will still be friends, he will be around for the kids and they will continue to do "family" things together.......which leaves me rather puzzled as to why the split.  :scratchhead: I must be getting old.

Strangely enough Chris and I had been thinking of selling up and moving away next year but over the last few days have decided against it. Probably just as well as we'll still be around if needed.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning one and all


The aroma of garlic is hard to disperse.  Yesterday afternoon I used the antique garlic press as part of the prepping process for PP's lunch today.  The garlic will go into the wok with chopped red onion and spring onion shaken together with ginger before being swamped with chopped tomato, sherry, soy sauce and sugar.  All that unholy mess will become the sauce for the pan fried salmon.


Last night's trip to Bletchley for the HMRS meeting was a bit fraught.  There I was, batting along the A421, when a long string of tail lights got closer very quickly.  Eventually the cause became clear - some sort of intervehicle altercation which was blocking the inside lane halfway up the hill to Brogborough summit.  Then the roundabout at junction 13 was its usual congested self as the traffic lights were failing to allow sufficient traffic through to clear the congestion.  On top of all that, part of the MK grid system was coned off, necessitating a diversion through unfamiliar parts of the city.  The net result was a journey time of 55 minutes for a trip which can be done in less than 30 with a clear road.  When I got home after the meeting the space outside the house was tantalisingly not quite sufficient to take the Polo thanks partly to an itinerant Mini unerringly swooping into the largest possible space and not coming to rest far enough forward and partly to the towbar on the abandoned caravan.  The Polo is, as oft times before, across Mrs Electric-Chair's gate and will be moved as soon as a space becomes available.  Honest, guv.


Felicitations and warm thoughts to all in distress and recovery



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Morning All,


First of all, sorry to hear your news Bob.  Regardless of whether it is separation is amicable or not, it is still a very difficult time for all concerned.


We have a rather chilly, autumnal morning - but the testing is finished, so I now just have to sort out a pile of documentation!


First of all though, it's time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!

Winter has started in the North West Leeds Highlands...as in it's starting to get chilly and her indoors has developed a cold which she is trying to pass on to me.


GDB , seems like the modern way of life...not sure about it but if it is amicable hopefully all will be well.


For all travellers, have a safe journey today.


Hopefully some of our missing Ers may reappear soon



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

A quick drop in before I head out. 

Earlier today as the traffic was somewhat heavy yesterday and I spent best part of 20 minutes crawling along. 

Nothing to do about that and the cheery-chatty local radio is my new friend. 

Have a nice day everyone. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a still dark village. The traffic is muted as it's half term.


Sorry to hear the news from GDB, the only good thing is that you will obviously be there for the family as support and stability.


Yesterday I managed to keep busy and among other things acquired a lump of proper coal which after some treatment with a Manchester Spanner will provide loads for wagons and loco tenders.


Today there will no doubt be various jobs to be done. Tomorrow we set off for a weekend at Ravenglass. Apparently I will qualify for my old age pension on Sunday and Beth has booked a weekend away.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a damp Surrey.


A night in last night so a little modelling done which was carrying out further weathering on a Czech TT scale loco so that it can have its first run on the layout when we take it to Newcastle in a few weeks time. Trevone’s coal load has set so that Bulleid light Pacific was put in its box and now on th shelf with the others. I must do a recount but I think that I now have over forty of these in unrebuilt and rebuilt form. Still a long way to go to achieve th full 110!


Already started packing the camera bag etc for the up coming trip to Prague and the two day railtour taking in two breweries. As Squeezyjet now only allow one carry on bag we need to get my other halfs bag into the rucksack as my camera bag won’t fit in the rucksack. We haven’t checked in bags for flights for semi years now including long haul. Makes it so much easier getting out the airports and limits what we can buy so it’s easier when doing a lot of travelling.


Off to Kilburn this morning for a meeting. A long time since I have been in that part of London.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here.

An absolutely awful nights sleep just three hours before the first wake up and many wake ups after that. Partly caused by brain refusing to shut up, partly by right calf muscle throbbing away.


Two cockwombles on the way in,  a nissan warrior type vehicle towing a large double axle trailer pulled out on me, which required heavy braking, though not enough to activate the ABS. He then accelerated away going vastly over the speed limit (60) though I caught him up in the next village when he got stuck behind a slow lorry. He must have been in a big hurry, this was a country "A " road, there were no cars behind me to stop him pulling out then...


Meanwhile the radio womble was wittering on about "todays discussions" which are about uninsured drivers, they reckon there are around 6000 in Norfolk alone!!. Of those 2/3rds choose not to have insurance, while the other third have, genuinely forgotten, moved house and missed the reminder, missed the MOT which therefore invaidates the insurance (except for 3rd party), not  paid for the insurance because the credit card had changed and the automatic reinsurance had not gone through. 

 One odd one was a guy who got done for no insurance when the car loaned by a garage, while his was in for work, had employee insurance only.  How many of you have asked to see the garages policy when loaned a car?


Except for some very rare exceptions (none of the above) the penalty is 6 points plus a big fine...

Oh a part day roadside check last week  by Norfolk Police caught 39 drivers....


The second was a pedestrian womble jogging along at 06:15 on the pavement in a small village wearing a head torch, as I came up he turned his head to look straight at me and got me straight in the eyes.... luckily the head torches are not as powerful as some hand torches which some idiots point straight at cars down country lanes thereby imediately blinding the driver...


When I got in My company email box had 3 emails from different levels of IT telling me we are now  "implementing multi-factor authentication"  to you and me that means we'll need two passwords (password and a code) to get into the systems....


The major system I've been working on for some weeks in between more important systems appears to have passed it's cross checks overnight, so hopefully they can take it away, once I get permission from my boss. Meantime I'm calibrating an Item (worth many thousands) we shipped in September, somewhere en-route to foreign climes,  someone dropped it, requiring repairs. It's now come to me post repair and will require another 4 hours work...


Some good news, I've got tomorrow off :no: , the bad news, I've been informed it will be spent mostly wandering around Norwich :O  so I'll be sat outside many shops on a bench resting my calf. Best I find a warm coat, First stop will be Smiffs, is the Last Great Western Journal  (103)out yet? The latest MRJ and possibly other magazines will be bought to occupy me, outside the many shops.. A stop off on the way home to see if the Big Orange shed will be required, to see if they've finally got some wood in, I want to get started on the Tiree layouts case / show supports...


Time to ... type in the next line of results from this expensive piece of test equipment Iv'e done about 20 so far during this missive......

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from a grey and damp Hill. The weather is entirely unlike yesterday and must have heard me thinking about spending the day among the autumnal colours in Richmond Park.


Sleep interrupted by, at different times, a cat arguing for rights to share the duvet, someone or something in close proximity to the railway line which required the driver of a night-time empty-car movement to sound the horn, and the return of Neighbours (Upstairs) from a night out followed by some rhythmic creaking of a floorboard. Despite all of which I feel reasonably rested.


Sorry to hear GDBs news. Such times are seldom easy in my experience no matter how amicable things might be on the surface.


Remembering particularly Debs and Neil as I go through the day. Best wishes to all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cloudy, quite warm though.

Not a lot happening, I will be off to Canvey later this morning so that Robbie can have his session in the hydrotherapy pool. Canvey Island has been in the national news over the last few days. They wish to secede from our council district.

Bob, I am sorry to read about your family.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It seems a long time since I've started my post with those words!


The sun is shining and I've been a very busy boy in the kitchen, the cheesecake has been made and is currently the fridge setting. So, as the house is quiet, (Sheila is at her Zumba class) I thought I'd just sat down with a nice cup of tea and log on and see what's going on in ER land before heading down to the cellar to continue work on Max's train layout.


GDB, break ups do seem to very common now, recently my son and his wife broke up. They still see each other and go out together on birthdays etc, which like you said, does beg the question, why split up in the first place? But hey ho, it's a different generation now!


Back later.

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Morning all from the misty blue hills of the boring borough. Well the more boring flat bit anyway. The grinder motor in our coffee machine is slowly doing a Norwegian Blue. The machine itself is still fine, it just can't grind the beans with enough oomph anymore. A replacement part for the motor isn't an option as it is sealed and not available as a spare. A new Delonghi burr grinder has just been delivered as a cost effective alternative to replacing the whole machine. 


Currently trying to avoid a work trip to Munich. Its not the trip but what needs to be done. 


Bob, when the ex and I parted ways it was as far as possible amicable. Hard to believe that was almost 26 years ago now. Hell, we even shared the same lawyer to draw up the settlement. At one point we both had houses on the same street. (not quite the bad John Alderton & Hannah Gordon sitcom) It made life easy for the offspring as he could come and go as he pleased and it also made school simpler. Sometimes people just decide they aren't meant for each other anymore and their lives are going in different directions. With luck your DD and SiL will remain friends and the process will be as painless as possible. 


Thoughts still with Debs and Neil. 


enough from me. Enjoy the day. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull and overcast but forecast to stay dry today. The cold is still lingering but I'm managing to get a good nights sleep, even if the sheets and duvet are all over the shop in the morning. GDB, I hope things sort themselves out, thoughts are with you and with Debs and Neil. I heard of the Canvey independence thing a couple of weeks ago, of IIRC 19 councilors on the island only two are opposed to the idea, ironically they are the two UKIP councillors.

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