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Evening everyone


The day started wet, but thankfully not windy. However, it had stopped by mid morning. But it was surprisingly warm when I went to the workshop to get my soldering iron etc.


Work has continued on Max's train layout, all the wiring has been installed and soldered up, all I have left to do on it is to fix down all the copper clad sleepers that have been fitted to the track ends where the two boards join together and cut slits across each sleeper. Once that is done I can test it all with my multimeter. Tomorrow I will make a start on board No 2.


Goodnight all

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Good morning all,

Another mild start to the day but cloud and rain promised this morning becoming drier and brighter later.

The rain should stop any stupid ideas I might have about venturing into the garden again. There's still a bit to do out there but it will have to wait.

That should leave me free to inspect the railway room provided The Boss doesn't scupper things. I'll find out when I pick her up from work.

Have a good one,


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Morning all, up before the sparrows have broken wind and even before the boss. It's her day helping at fat club in Leeds and she sets off in less than an hour. I have heard signs upstairs that there is life on mars so may be joined by her shortly. However the day will probably be spent working on small things with wheels or items related to them. I have a small parcel of windows to post to Il Dottore and will continue the respray of my EMU coaches after I ran out of paint yesterday.


Regards to all.



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Good morning one and all


Last night's concert at The Stables was sublime.  Martin Simpson always was a spellbinding guitarist giving the impression of having more fingers on each hand than the good lord gave us and he put those that the good lord did give us to excellent use.  My copy of the de-luxe new CD is signed in silver ink and I must contain my impatience to play it.  Sadly his version of Heartbreak Hotel is not on it.  Monday evening saw an interesting [in a good way] selection of transport films at Kettering.  Tonight I will learn more about the railways around Cambridge at the HMRS, entailing three trips to Milton Keynes in four days.


Yesterday I had to exchange an out-of-date pound coin that had mysteriously appeared in my change at the Uckfield show.  Imagine my disappointment last night to find that I had been given another.  The prime suspect must be the lady at the refreshment bar at The Stables.  If only I had not bought that triple chocolate cookie.


This afternoon I have some food prepping to do ahead of Poorly Pal's lunch tomorrow.   I hope that red onions will be suitable to take the place of the shallots specified in the recipe.  I rejoice that no more burning issues than those come to mind.


Felicitations and warm thoughts to all in distress and recovery



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Hey up!


Mugatea in hand getting me ready for what could be an interesting day.


It is always a busy time in the run up to our show. Wheels to be cleaned, boxes to be packed etc..


Of course the clock change occurs bang in the middle of our show.


Steady away everyone.



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Morning all and it's a severely overcast one here today.

Quick drop in before its "HI-HO" time ad I have to hit the road. 


My plan to do a 2-mile walk each day to purchase a supermarket sandwich had one flaw. 

Brilliant to get some exercise - but the salt content of the ready made lunchtime to-go products is around a 1/3 to 1/2 of the daily salt allowance for an adult. I went for prawn mayo on wholemeal bread, the lowest salt content of their range at 1.6g. 


Enjoy the day. 

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here.

A good nights sleep of 6.45 hours helped by a large Highland park...


The roads "A" or Minor are all covered in Mud again, it's sugar beet harvest time . The tarmac outside my house is under an inch of mud....

Dodging a few deer on the way, I found my nearest Petrol Station closed this Morning, Tescos have changed the opening hours from 06:00 to 08:00, which means the car is running on fumes, as SWMBO never fills the car and she had it yesterday. I must remember to fill up straight away after work, or I won't make it to the next Petrol station.


Heres an oddity... The Quote from Helen Mirren in Shakespeare in Love "You're a lordly fool; she's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. It takes a woman to know it."

A young lady at work for the last 2 years (young enough to be my grand daughter) has always walked around looking like a frightened church mouse arms, folded under her "assets" even when carrying a Mugatea. This week her arms are down by her side and she's smiling all the time.


Methinks, it's so obvious, even a man may know it...



Norfolk is to get rid of all PCSO's, 157 of them, replacing them with about 80 Proper policemen /women and 16 Office staff. Since about 60 of the PCSOs are being withdrawn from secondary Schools, the Norfolk Police will actually only lose about 20 pairs of feet on the ground, and as the Police Chief constable said he'll have real police men / women he can use...Noticably he said the cost to the Police authority of a PCSO or a basic Police constable are almost £45000 each.

I must admit, I never new most or all Secondary schools had PCSOs attached it seems to me it was a huge waste of money, considering Norfolks very low crime rates...


While it's sad that so many may lose their jobs, I would hope that many will get the new proper police jobs..


Time to.... Measure this 50Amp Shunt that has been warming up beside me...

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Greetings all you groovy protoplasms from the borough that is boring. Back from my semi-weekly physio / acupuncture session. Sadly the last one after 14 weeks. Now back to my beyond useless GP. At least now once the physio discharge is complete I'll be able to move to a competent practice. The NHS is its own worst enemy when it comes to red tape and restrictive protocols. Who knew you can't change GP while you are currently in a referral. 


Canada has had full on police officers in high schools since the 70s. Normally classed as 'resource officers'. Most of them were of the desk jockey variety. Either ones near retirement or recovering from something that kept them off the beat. The one we had was a pretty good egg. Then again not many were going to cross him. Well over 6'5", ex SWAT, and armed. 


Mick, having a team disqualified due to an off ice technicality is a very sore point with me. Even after 40 years it boils my p155. In my case I was playing midget hockey (16-18). We were walking away with the league, until one of the league directors decided that we had an ineligible player. The issue was around his birthday. The cut off was end of February. Someone had written 02/28 as the cut off date for eligibility. You guessed it, the player's birthday was Feb 29th. Funny that the official that screwed us over had a kid on the second place team. Also funny that it was never mentioned or noticed for the first 6 months of the season. 


Like Tony I've been a long time fan of the Landrover Freelander. In Jan we will have had ours for 13 years. Still going strong, with only a few minor issues in all that time. 


That's about it for me. Have a great day. 


edit: speeling erurz

Edited by AndrewC
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Good morning from a bright sunny and colourful Hill of Strawberries. Autumnal leaves are parading their finest hues.


An early start today as I had arranged to meet a friend at Clapham Junction. I therefore travelled up with SWMBO as far as Richmond where she changes to the bus by way of a coffee-and-bacon-roll from the West Cornwall Pasty Co. establishment. I continued to CJ meeting friend as arranged who had travelled up from Polegate. Both Southern and South Western were playnig nice for a change.


Friend's daughter is up for the St. Mary's University open day and as the family are unfamilar with London and it was a good excuse to meet I escorted them safely to the Hill and have left them in the care of a well-organised team of meeters / greeters / showers-around. Friend was impressed at the leafy nature of Zone 5 Suburbia and even more so at the uni placing meeters with large placards at the station.


If successful friend's daughter would start a law degree next academic year and the family would have the assurance of a trusted friend nearby in case of need.


Neighbours seem to be awake now. Was it the smell of the coffee that I brewed up?


Must make good use of today. I shall venture forth again to see Ron.


Later Ron.


Best wishes to all.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning as I spent half the morning soaking in the bath. The cold is in retreat but still fighting a rearguard action so still keeping the medicines to hand. Had a quick look in on Facebook this morning where I see someone has discovered some amusingly unusual names in the media. First is a Professor Whet Faart, I had to check that one out and it appears to be genuine. The other is a wedding announcement for a Miss Dick and a Mr. Bender. The bride has decided to use both names after the wedding and she will be known as Mrs. Dick-Bender.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Not too many bananas as well! :nono:

you have to eat unripe ones apparently.....

Back from being a video star for local TV... hope they took the video from my "best " side....


Off to do more model railway wheel cleaning...



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from a bright sunny and colourful Hill of Strawberries. Autumnal leaves are parading their finest hues.

An early start today as I had arranged to meet a friend at Clapham Junction. I therefore travelled up with SWMBO as far as Richmond where she changes to the bus by way of a coffee-and-bacon-roll from the West Cornwall Pasty Co. establishment. I continued to CJ meeting friend as arranged who had travelled up from Polegate. Both Southern and South Western were playnig nice for a change.

Friend's daughter is up for the St. Mary's University open day and as the family are unfamilar with London and it was a good excuse to meet I escorted them safely to the Hill and have left them in the care of a well-organised team of meeters / greeters / showers-around. Friend was impressed at the leafy nature of Zone 5 Suburbia and even more so at the uni placing meeters with large placards at the station.

If successful friend's daughter would start a law degree next academic year and the family would have the assurance of a trusted friend nearby in case of need.

Neighbours seem to be awake now. Was it the smell of the coffee that I brewed up?

Must make good use of today. I shall venture forth again to see Ron.

Later Ron.

Best wishes to all.

Evening from a broken sky London.

Wish I could say the same but can’t recall being on a Southern train that been on time in weeks. It’s so rare for us that I am sure II would remember,

Last night we were heading for only the second on time arrival into Redhill on our normal train home this year but that was scupperred just out side the station. Late this morning and late departing this evening due to the earlier train on this platform having a fault and looking for the driver on the Caterham service blocking a third of the terminal platforms here at London Bridge for a while.


Luckily we have now departed only five late, so fingers crossed the earlier trespass Incident at Clapham Junction doesn’t affect us around East Croydon

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Good evening, up at 6:25am this morning to get my car on the road before the arrival of the day-time parkers and then back to read the latest issue of Today's Railway - Europe with a cup of tea.


Left the house around 8:45am finding day-time parkers outside the two adjacent houses and one on the other side of the road. Headed off towards Faversham via the A260 and A2 and thought it rather strange that there was virtually no traffic on the A260 and then I realised  - it was half-term. Once on the A2 there was still very little traffic and soon got that voice in the car telling me "please keep to the speed limit". Oh, for the days of my Suzuki Wagon R+ which changed engine tone when you exceeded 70mpf on the speedo.


Interesting that on the first part of the A260 (through Hawkinge) the speed limit is 40mph and today the local residents had the mobile speed indicator machine out - it showed 35mph for me but I had 40mph on the speedo.


Purpose for going to Faversham was to receive some retail therapy and visit The Hobby Shop in their new premises just round the corner from their old premises. New place has much, much more space but lacks the cosiness of the old place. Amazingly there was no new Bachmann or Hornby stuff for me to collect but did buy the recently released Hornby Huntley & Palmers wagon with an eye to getting rid of the big old-style couplings.


Early this week spoke to the car showroom regarding the arrival of my new car as mentioned in an earlier posting a month ago. When ordered I was told I should get it before Christmas but now it seems as though it will be by the end of November. Realising that's only 4 or 5 weeks away checked the fuel gauge which shows its about 3/4 full which should certainly last until I have to hand the car over. Fingers crossed!!


May make an additional trip over to Faversham next week as understand that the new Hornby SE&CR H and Sir William Stanier 4-6-2 have arrived in country. Do need to use the diesel you know, can't leave too much in the car ;)  :imsohappy: .



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Bit of a stressful day today. Mrs G decided to return the forms to get her occupational pension. This meant also sending off her birth certificate, my birth certificate and our marriage certificate. I was sent to locate these and quickly found the latter two in my filing system, but not the first. All I could find were non certified copies. Cue much annoyance about my filing system, and where had I put her birth certificate??? I suppose that I didn’t help her mood by questioning where she had put it. We widened the search to find the certificate, and she eventually found it in amongst all her old family files. In short, it had never been where it should have been. A grudging apology followed!


Further stress came from a decision made yesterday to go and visit our son and daughter in law in St Neots travelling tomorrow, which has meant the rest of the day has been getting ourselves packed and sorted for a long weekend away.


Now I am hoping that the roads will be Ok tomorrow, as there have been loads of road closures due to accidents in Cumbria these past 2 weeks.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just emptied the kitchen caddy, 95% of the contents are used tea leaves but just after emptying it last time I found a dried and strivelled spring onion in the back of a cupboard which went into the bottom of the caddy. The constant burial in warm moist tea leaves has revived that spring onion and it is now plump and moist so thats going with a small amount of cheese with my lunch tomorrow.

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