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Good morning one and all


For once, last night's kip was uninterrupted.  Whether this was down to my happy state of mind after the 4square concert I cannot tell.  The band enjoyed themselves and so did the audience.  4square do two tours a year and to have them play a mere 16 miles from home is an opportunity not to be missed.  When I arrived at The Sables the foyer was more crowded than I recall seeing in recent years.  The attraction appears to have been an evening with Jason Byrne.  I am aware that he is a comedian but otherwise I know nothing.  Earlier in the day two police officers rang my doorbell.  They asked if I had heard or seen anything untoward or suspicious on the night of 7th/8th October because there had been a theft from a car.  It is good that the depleted constabulary is now paying attention to vehicle crime.  I recalled that about six cars ago my vehicle had been damaged with a screwdriver, entry gained and the glove compartment rifled. leaving the first aid box upside down on the passenger seat.  I reported it but the police then did not want to know.


Tonight I am off to Kettering for an evening of railway films.  These events are usually well attended and well enjoyed.  The presenter is good at unearthing historic footage.  During the day I will give some thought as to what will be done with a chicken breast ahead of tomorrow's fodder run.


Felicitations and best wishes to all in distress and recovery, whether or not they are on Facebook



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Mooring Awl, another good nights sleep was had,

Deer in the garden, Luckily Ben the Border Collie didn't notice. 

Not a lot happening today.

No New major systems this week, so just clear up the one left over from last week then a few current shunts.

 So I'm having Friday off, or to be more precise taking SWMBO out on a Shopping trip on Friday.


Time to.... go put the notice on the major system For next weeks calibration...

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Hey up,a quick visit then off to put the layout back up.


When an ER needs support and can only get to one place to let others no then it is up to the Ers to support one of our own especially someone who has been through the mill and is in major need for support.


So my thoughts are with Debs and family at this moment in time.



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Had a great weekend away with friends in a blowy Weston, managed to get over to Cardiff to see daughter and catch up with some old friends at the Cardiff show.

Had a super time, arrived home......... to find a good friend and neighbour has died at the age of 52.

A BR driver (now GW) steam enthusiast and a 3rd generation railwayman, and just a nice bloke.

To find he has died as a result of an infection picked up in hospital is just incomprehensible.

Been pals for 25 years.

I just can't get my head around it.

Edited by BlackRat
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Morning all from the village that despite our absence over the weekend is still west of Dean Woods though they might have been blown a bit further east. Thoughts with Debs this morning.


Church duties first then it's off to Asda to assist the boss as the friend she usually meets is away for the week. After that hopefully a bit of muddling will be done before an evening at the club.


Regards to all.



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Mawnin' awl. Was deeply saddened to wake up to reading the news from Debs. Unwell myself this a.m. and staying in, but that's not important in light of that.


Though, may I send a round of thoughts to anyone in distress, whatever the cause. Be safe, folks…

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Would one of us having personal contact be kind enough to convey to Debs our heartfelt feelings at her news.


There are times when how the news is delivered is less important than the content. This is one of those times.


My offer of support and the hand of friendship is as always extended to those in times of specific need: Debs and Neil.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thoughts are with Debs and Neil at this time. I have now come off the BP drugs because of some of the side effects, one of which is severe eczema particularily around the lower legs. This is now gradually fading but last night the itching was driving me mad. I managed to resist the temptation to scratch and found that the best relief was by wiping the affected area with a damp flannel. The only thing now is my black shoes/socks appear to be covered in dandruff. I now have to keep a careful watch on my BP but I'm managing to keep it at or below the 140/90 mark though its still a bit higher than I would like.

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Whilst not knowing the details, my thoughts are with Debs today.


A belated good morning to all.


A quiet day I. Yesterday scanning more negatives and working on a few items of stock including a new Czech TT scale loco purchased back in July on our Summer trip. It will have its first outing when we take Smrzovka to Newcastlein a few weeks time.


My other half had recently bought more bottles of beer do we had to drink some of the older ones to make room. I did open a bottle of Gales Festivsl mild that had a best before date in 2003. I only had a sip and whilst it tasted ok I didn’t want to risk it especially that we will be flying Friday to Prague. A two day railtour taking In two breweries and beer on board included in the tour price. Add to that there is a mini beer fest. In a bar in ?iberec where we are staying one night, it looks like we need to cut out drinking between no and Saturday.


We shall see but certainly not staying late in London for a while after recent train delays.

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As requested by some I have sent a message to Debs saying that there are many messages of condolence here and saying that if she doesn't want to come here herself, if she wishes I'll collate them for her.

It may be a little time before she feels ready to surface anywhere, naturally, so your collective patience is requested. I know that some people who are here and on Facebook have already sent messages. to her directly.


I await Debs' response when she feels like responding.

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Afternoon all and just back from a Salopian long weekend.


Sad to open my laptop to read the news from Debs. Deepest condolences to you, Debs; my thoughts are with you.  

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Afternoon all. What a desperately sad start to the week.  I echo all of the condolences to Debs and to Neil. Thoughts and prayers are with both of our fellow ER's today. 


Somehow it seems inappropriate to comment on any other content of today - so I will keep things brief. But, in the hope of providing some slightly brighter news, I would like to share that my little girl (who used to be scared of water) today successfully passed her 50 metres award. Not for the first time today there was something in my eye.


A glass of something will be raised in honour of those in need, and those no longer with us tonight.


Take care and cherish every moment.



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