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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Weather report says it's about -6° outside and more snow might fall later today. I guess chances are the snow will stay with us for a while, as it is to be very cold over the next few days!


I wonder how busy the city will be today with all the people either trying to get something for their Christmas money, or to return presents which did not meet their taste. Trams remain on a restricted timetable, according to what the transport authority says on their web site.


Have a good day everyone! :)

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Our predicted 4 - 6" of snow hasn't arrived.


We seem to have collected every Blackbird in the district.

I can see at least eight of them now.

As they are territorial, they spend the whole time squabbling instead of eating the food they are protecting.


The depths of a large Forsythia bush has proved a very good feeding station for any number of birds.

The carcase of our turkey nestles in the centre and slices of supermarket white bread bought for the purpose are spiked on the branches.

They also have more conventional nuts and seeds etc.,.


Just waiting for a sparrowhawk to pay a visit.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

3C and warming still here. It is rather overcast. Matthew can take Robbie this morning as I'm on tidying duties. Though as there will be 4 children among the 17 guests arriving for lunch I should imagine Robbie will get lots of exercise today. We haven't got any turkey leftovers that need eating but most of the people coming today are vegetarian anyway. My mother used to put the turkey carcass out for the birds, usually magpies and starlingd attacked it but one year a crow flew in, grabbed it but dropped it next door on the neighbours cold frame. I suspect our turkey carcass will be turned into stock tomorrow.



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  • RMweb Premium

Late today for a very sad reason as my mum passed away last night. It was not really unexpected as she has been getting more and more frail over the last few months, and an infection set in which would not respond to antibiotics. Not really a lot more to say there now, but it was a release for her (and us), as she's suffered from dementia for a couple of years now, and didn't actually know any of her family.


So please forgive ole 45156 if I'm not my usual jovial self, or indeed, not here at all, over the next few days.


Just hope that the weather picks up now, as I need to get to Scotland safely on a date still to be set.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry to hear that Stewart, one way and another I hope 2011 turns out to be a bit better year for you.

They say bad luck comes in threes, and 2010 was bad luck in threes of spades for me - but I was expecting it to be another broken bone!


Can't get any paperwork sorted out until Wednesday, and therefore funeral is likely to be 5th/6th January - thanks to fellow ER's for the condolences.



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Stewart, sorry for your loss, you know I understand..........


OK we had about 30 inches even overnight of the white stuff with very strong winds (to 60 mph on Long Island).


Our little street has been plowed twice and I cleared my driveway and two neighbours with my trusty snow blower. State of Emergency has been declared here which means you can't go on the roads unless you have essential reasons, this allows the emergency crews to both clear the roads and allow emergency vehicles to get through. Airports are expected to open this evening and I just heard the wail of a diesel on the Raritan Valley line! Great stuff!


My live feed from ABC news in New York are saying that they expect 80% of all roads to reopen by this evening too.


Hate to say it but this storm is enroute to northern Europe. Don't complain to me.....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm sorry to hear this news, Stewart :( . I can imagine what you're going through, thinking about how badly it hurt when my grandma passed away seven years ago.


As a matter of fact, I felt sad for a while on Christmas Eve, as I remembered how Christmas was when I was a kid. Our family gatherings just were much larger then... Odd how you come to really appreciate some things only many years later :unsure: .

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