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  • RMweb Premium

While Sir Ken was in charge Morrisons was either a left hand or right hand shop. Now they have had a succession of numpties in charge who have never done the shopping it's just carp.


Perhaps, like Boeing Always and others the s0d the customer we just want their money prevails?


Glad to see Bod today, more train playing tomorrow!


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Our nearest M@&&!€@%S Supermarket (a 12 mile round trip) has just shot itself in the foot.

With Lidl, Aldi, Home Bargains all newcomers, it has decided to change the Tills for DIY payment.

Exit customers.

Apart from a Factory Shop fairly nearby, that place is my idea of hell on earth.

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  • RMweb Premium

Was following the Famous Kettle's progress on RTT as family were watching from the comfort of home beside the line. They can't download RTT as it has vanished from the various stores but remains functional for those who already have it.


Anyone know why it was detained 40-odd minutes in the Up Loop at Preston Park? Unusual move for a down train though fully signalled. But why the extended stop?

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. A productive day purchase wise, but it meant going through quite a few modelling tokens. The bulk of the purchases were of diecast vehicles but many were railway related including some of the new road/rail Landrovers from Oxford. I took my friend and his young son with me, the lad enjoyed himself and managed to get to operate a couple of the layouts, under supervision of course.

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  • RMweb Gold

Was following the Famous Kettle's progress on RTT as family were watching from the comfort of home beside the line. They can't download RTT as it has vanished from the various stores but remains functional for those who already have it.

Anyone know why it was detained 40-odd minutes in the Up Loop at Preston Park? Unusual move for a down train though fully signalled. But why the extended stop?

Someone told us that it was a watering stop but got wrongly patformed so had to shunt the correct one for watering. Would be good if someone in the know could confirm this.


I don’t use the app but just go online to their web page, even on the iPad.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Someone told us that it was a watering stop but got wrongly patformed so had to shunt the correct one for watering. Would be good if someone in the know could confirm this.


I don’t use the app but just go online to their web page, even on the iPad.


Now that would have been interesting.  Preston Park, on the Brighton main line, only has road access adjacent to platform 1 (Up Loop) meaning that if the Scotsman had been wrongly routed into platform (Down) it would have required all trains on all routes to be halted, nothing close up its behind (unlikely given the intensity of the timetabled service) and also then given permission to reverse in section on a main line across pointwork before shunting forward.  Hmmmmmmm.

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  • RMweb Gold

That's how I remember it. This year the route takes it through Morden to Rosehill and the Sutton by Pass (A217) to Banstead.


My old haunts, remembering the ride up to Rosehill for St Helier and Sutton Hospitals and yes I do remember in the 60s specifically going to 'see' the run.  Quite a day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


The weather here has been very mixed. It started off dull with the odd bit of rain, this carried on until mid afternoon, when it started to really chuck it down. It's still chucking it down now.


I had an enjoyable day at the Warrington model railway show. It's only a small show, but I like that, because you don't go away with the feeling that you've missed something, which can happen at the larger shows. I made no real big purchases, mainly consumables such as knife blades, solder etc.


I forgot to mention yesterday that I had an email from Kernow Models, about my order of a pair of LSWR gated stock. They were asking if I still wanted to go ahead with the order and if so, payment now would ensure I paid the original price for them. As far as I was concerned, that was a no brainier, so naturally, I paid for them and I'm now expecting them to arrive some time next month.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

M6 to Scotland and back negotiated.

'Twas a bit very wet up to about Penrith, with plenty of pools of water to look out for. The return was marginally less splashy.

A very good game (as always) against the Solway Sharks. Not helped by going 2-0 down in the first 90 seconds, the Hawks fought back to 3-3 at the end of P1 and leading 5-4 at end P2. 6-5 up and then two soft goals set up a thrilling last few minutes, especially when the Solway keeper got a 2 minute penalty with 1.50 to go for delaying the game by pushing his net off it's mounting as Hawks were pressuring him. 

Unfortunately the Hawks couldn't capitalise and lost 7-6.


Sunday night's home game will be a difficuly encounter against Telford Tigers -one of the three teams that dropped down from the league above that folded. They are the league leaders.


First decent run out for the new car and didn't touch the cruise control settings from Gretna to Preston.


The swelling on my hand is finally going down, but I'm going to keep my finger splinted for a few more days as it's still a bit tender.


Work tomorrow with a new product to set up and test as well as (hopefully) more tracklaying and wiring.


Have a good Sunday folks.




Edited by newbryford
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Good morning one and all


I had a good day in Uckfield at the show.  Later when I have collected my thoughts there will be a post on the thread.  The journey to and from Uckfield went well.  I decided on split ticketing, ie travelcard to and from East Croydon and day return from there to Uckfield.   The train service is once an hour, a pocket of dmu working, and the station but a short walk from the exhibition venue.  Breakfast was enjoyed in Wetherspoons at Victoria station and the homeward trip took less than three and a half hours.  To judge from my road atlas it would have been a bit of a flog to drive there and back.


This week is going to be busy.  Tonight I am seeing 4square at the Stables, on Monday there is an evening of railway films in Kettering, on Tuesday Martin Simpson also at The Stables and on Wednesday the monthly HMRS meeting in Bletchley.  On Thursday Poorly Pal and I will be having pan fried salmon for lunch and enjoying a presentation in the evening from David Postle of Kidderminster Railway Museum.


Andyram, you asked about parking in my street.  I hear groans so will keep it brief.  Mine is the second street outside the controlled parking zone and so attracts carborne commuters who are disinclined to use town centre car parks because they cost money.  As a result drivers who actually live in the street can’t park near their houses when they get home and nab the nearest handy space, displacing other residents etc etc.  For that reason my tool boxes, needed for Thursday, will have to go in the boot this afternoon because I am out for four consecutive evenings.


Continuing warm thoughts to all in distress and recovery, including Rick’s mum.



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Now back home after my few days in Wales. On arrival home I contacted the roofer who was a no show last weekend, and he promised to call back either Friday evening or Saturday, and he hasn’t done so. If I had a half decent alternative, I would jack this one in.


Still wild and windy here with the remnants of Brian. It will hopefully calm down as the day progresses.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


It would appear that we've all had Brianstorms. I hope no one has suffered too badly.


Enjoyed Hartlepool show yesterday even if I could only stay for a couple of hours. I really would have liked to spend more time at some of the excellent layouts there. I managed to catch Baz too and have a quick chat.


Enjoy your Sunday's.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think that supermarkets need a WTF (W = where) app you can download onto your smartphone and actually find things!


The Good Doctor has one of those, absolutely brilliant as it takes you to the aisle, then the appropriate bay in the aisle, then to the correct shelf.  It is only available to staff unfortunately but the daft thing is a lot of them where she works don't use it so if they have any sense and can find her they ask her where stuff is :O .  If I'm going in for something and don't know where it is she can give me the 'co-ordinates' and off I go, clever stuff  :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day out yesterday, I managed to avoid the roadworks that Tony mentioned and turned right at the next traffic lights which was more convenient as it bought me out very near to where my friend lives. There was other roadworks however en route to Brentwood and there was no suitable avoiding route which made us about quarter of an hour late. It only took about 25 minutes to travel from Brentwood to Chelmsford where fortunately there were no more roadworks. My friends 9 year old thoroughly enjoyed himself especially as we called into John Dutfields on the way home.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold


Andyram, you asked about parking in my street.  I hear groans so will keep it brief.  Mine is the second street outside the controlled parking zone and so attracts carborne commuters who are disinclined to use town centre car parks because they cost money.  As a result drivers who actually live in the street can’t park near their houses when they get home and nab the nearest handy space, displacing other residents etc etc.  For that reason my tool boxes, needed for Thursday, will have to go in the boot this afternoon because I am out for four consecutive evenings.




I have a very similar problem here in that my road is adjacent to the controlled parking zone around Folkestone West Station. Although the parking problem is not as dire as chrisf's as my driveway is at an angle to the road its a hassle getting out of the driveway if cars are parked on both sides of the road outside the house.


The first daytime (and sometimes weekend) parker arrives around 6:45am so if I know I'm going out that day I set the alarm for 6:25am and get the car out on the road before he/she arrives which means they have to park further up the road.


At the moment the daytime parking only affects my end of the road so, hopefully, pushing the cars further up the road will annoy those residents and get them interested to getting the controlled parking area extended. I and my other neighbours at my end of the road have been in contact with the local council and our local councillors but have been told that the controlled parking zone can only be extended when the majority of residents on the road agree. At the moment we (the affected ones) are in the minority.


Every so often our local councillors surface and say that they realise there is a problem and express their concerns. Strangely each time they reappear seems to coincide with local or general elections and once the elections are over they disappear. This year they even circulated a questionnaire to all the residents regarding extending the controlled parking zone but so far I have been unable to ascertain the results as my phone calls and emails have gone unanswered.......



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Good moaning all from the boring borough. Lousy sleep probably due to codeine withdrawal but actually feel pretty good. I'd say the back feels better today than it has since June. Bit of sun, bit of cloud, chilly morning out there. 


Lots of little bits and bobs completed in the shed yesterday. A few strong Dutch beers consumed afterwards as a reward. Today will be another one in the shed getting the module prepped. One thing I really like about having closed meets instead of public exhibitions is the module doesn't have to be fully complete. Every time this has been out a bit more has been added to it. 


Butterflied leg of lamb, winter veg, and roast spuds on the BBQ for tonight. SWMBO has a mild case of the Mary Berry's and is butchering a pumpkin for a fully scratch made pumpkin pie. mmmm



Sainsburys don't seem to change the basic layout much but they keep on changing the positions of items within the same set of shelving - recent change has been the reversing of apples and oranges on the fruit shelves. Subtle changes to keep you on your toes!!



The Sainsbury's in Charlton (the big one that replaced the Telly Tubby ultra environmentally friendly one on the Greenwich Peninsula) seems to move stuff around on an almost daily basis. The term "hide the sausage" takes on a whole new meaning.  :O  


Not as bad as our local Tesco Express. Nothing ever moves in there, including the bloody stock cages. Its almost impossible to get to any of the shelves as the aisles are blocked on a near continual basis. 


Parking: around here its a doddle. There isn't any. Our street is one long set of single and double yellows. We are lucky to have a private alleyway off the side street so no issues for us. The council recognise the alleyway as a LFB emergency access point so anything blocking the entrance gets removed 24/7 very quickly. The side streets are almost all off street parking so there are only a few street spaces. 


That's enough rambling. Enjoy the day. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Welcome to Sunday. We apologise for the delayed arrival which has been caused by enjoying a leisurely breakfast after an uncommonly good night's sleep.


Late yesterday there was a welcome suprise exchange of emails between old friends in the muddling community. I hadn't heard from two of them in years.


Still sunny and blustery here. I feel the need to weather some stock. After which it will be time to prepare tonight's duck a l'orange.


Back anon. Coffee duty calls.

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