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Early Risers.


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Not had a chance to catch up properly yet so commiserations and congratulations where deserved. Had two days with our daughter in law and granddaughter who are over from New Zealand. First time we have seen them in the flesh since they left six years ago so it was really good to catch up. Our son is busy working back home so he didn't make the trip. The reason they came was to see DiL's 84 year old dad who has cancer that has beaten the chemo treatment and come back; so it was probably a last chance to see him. Apart from that they have caught up with old friends and family before returning next weekend. Their flight out took thirty two hours with various stops and waiting at airports, so not something we will be repeating in all probability. 


We seem to have missed the worst of the gales, though a fence was on the floor when we returned. Unfortunately it was not the one that I hoped would fall apart for my neighbour to replace.

Stay safe all.

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We seem to have missed the worst of the gales, though a fence was on the floor when we returned. Unfortunately it was not the one that I hoped would fall apart for my neighbour to replace.

Stay safe all.

Matthew went out to the garden this morning and confirmed that West Dublin had got off lightly. One of their garden chairs had moved a bit and they didn't find anyone else's garden in theirs.
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Matthew went out to the garden this morning and confirmed that West Dublin had got off lightly. One of their garden chairs had moved a bit and they didn't find anyone else's garden in theirs.

We had much the same, but being near the coast had a few trees and fences down locally. Next door lost quite a few slates from their roof.


The clean up continues today. Cork was worst hit. 40,000 still without power in the county.

169,000 countrywide without power and 66,000 homes without water, mostly because of lack of power in pumping stations.

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Last week's rain brought out these in great numbers. They and their kin (particularly their size) were the topic of conversation a couple of weeks ago.
This is only a little one on the pavement at work.
Honestly I can't tell the difference with such things, but I believe this to be Ariolimax, probably A. columbianus.  The variation in colours in these things is quite interesting. They can be yellow, green and brown.


I have to say that the power of the cameras in modern mobile 'phones continues to amaze.  The above photograph was taken in (very) dim twilight. That hand-held low light photography like that is possible, is stunning given what anything over 100 ISO film used to look like.

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Made it to and from work - seems the guttering at work fell off as I drove away - right were my car had been!  A big tree down on a road I drove along too, must have been just after I got home.  130 at least have been lost, no doubt many more in unpopulated parts where no-one is counting.

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thoughts with Dd who seems to have suffered a broken pot - until it's replaced please use the wall behind the house and remember to stand upwind to avoide getting your own back.



We don't use those colonial type facilities, Rick.

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Had to contact my Mothers buildings insurers yesterday about the mailing address. When I queried the forthcoming renewal price rise of nearly £60 I was told it was based on properties in the area. I queried that if the house was on an idyllic residential street why should the policy be based on policies of people who chose to buy on a flood plain or who chose to buy on a cliff that may be eroded. He said this was the way they arrived at policy prices.

He then suggested that he could review it. I said don't bother if it increases any excess. He said it won't affect that.

Amazingly the policy increase after the review was only £9.40.

Why didn't they just not try and increase it in the 1st place. The thieving g1ts.

Ooeerr missus. If there's not even a wall you must be p*$$*ng in the wind :O

Or if pregnant in a coppers helmet.

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That one off "art" event was shown on British national TV some days ago, most weird!!!

When we went on a journey on the Severn Valley Railway a few years ago we were encouraged to look out for the baby elephant. We did see it.

My cousin was at the Severn Valley Railway recently and was filmed for television (BBC1 Ambulance) right next to the safari park.


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Evening all. We survived Ophelia without any damage, thankfully. The wind had died down enough this morning for us to drive to Wales. I deposited SWMBO with an old school friend in Mold, then continued to Conwy, arriving at to join my brother for a late lunch. Afternoon was warm nd sunny, and we spent it picking apples, starting to prune the apples trees, and sawing up the larger pruning. Then a meeting with an architect about extending my mother’s cottage, and finally a nice evening meal with an elderly aunt.


Tomorrow will see some hedge trimming, more collection of firewood resulting from Ophelia, and some minor repair work on the cottage.

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Minor injury clinic visited at 5.30pm

Booked in, triage, X-rays taken.

Waited a few minutes, visited Nurse Practitioner, more X-rays taken.

Verdict given, splint applied and back out on the street within the hour...........


They weren't certain if it is a broken ring finger, so the consultant radiologist will have a proper look tomorrow and call me if it's broken.

Either way, there is no difference in the treatment - splint - but just the length of time the splint is on for.


I'll just be careful at work and not push it.


The only thing it's likely to effect is my golf.


Have a good hump day folks.




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The only thing it's likely to effect is my golf.

Is the weather still nice enough for that?


Here we have passed the threshold where a tee time can be booked with a reasonable degree of confidence that rain gear won't be needed to even start the round.



Monday might be nice!


Curiously it hasn't started raining yet. It was supposed to do so around lunchtime.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Is the weather still nice enough for that?


Here we have passed the threshold where a tee time can be booked with a reasonable degree of confidence that rain gear won't be needed to even start the round.



Monday might be nice!


I'm a Northerner. As far as rain goes - my skin is waterproof.................




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Evening all. Firstly my best wishes to the ill and the injured including continued thoughts for Debs and John. 


After a very windy night I awoke to be surprised that there seemed no damage in the garden - even the bin lids had remained closed. 


Thankfully the bug seems to have finally retreated and there were very few symptoms today. Unfortunately Sarah started with it this morning.


The first big leadership project at the school continues to cause problems. After the hassle with the head and staff member yesterday (still unresolved), my assessments have uncovered some serious inaccurate results from last year. This looking like a bigger mess than I had originally expected. I am not sure the head even realised. We have a meeting tomorrow to discuss the full horror. So far the new boss has blocked my suggested changes. I am going in all guns blazing tomorrow. If the buck is going to stop with me then I need to be allowed to carry through my suggested changes.


Best wishes



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Good morning all,

It was trying to rain earlier when I took The Boss to work (only another 19 early starts to go) and a mainly cloudy day with occasional rain is forecast.

Kids were on form yesterday after school and brightened things up considerably. Joe expressed approval for the new Terrier especially as green is his favourite colour. Last night's running session had a distinctly Southern flavour. I may change to another region today.

Apart from that not much else is planned  although I must drop off my passport renewal application at the Post Office as I keep forgetting to do it. It's going to be an expensive 3 or 4 weeks coming up what with that, a boiler service,  car MOT and service, 3 birthday presents to buy, an overnight hotel stay and not to mention (but I will) the possibility of some pre-ordered items turning up. 

I feel some financial juggling will be needed although the model token fund is fairly healthy but it now needs a bit more input.  :whistle:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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