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  • RMweb Premium

Back home today. Finished yesterday with thunderstorm warnings and being told to get to shelter (we stayed in the RV) and being shaken by wind gusts. I don't remember thunderstorms as being anything ferocious when I were a lad, but 9000 people were without power. I left something sitting on the back bumper overnight and it was still there in the morning.

Full rainbow ahead of us a we drove the throughway. A couple of quick questions and no lineup so crossing the border was next to instantaneous.

Rest of day clearing out the motorhome.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather breezier than normal last night but that's now eased off and it is dry. Should be some bright and sunny spells to start with followed by increased cloud and the chance of some outbreaks of rain later.


Had a good evening playing with trains and the new purchase performed well. Today may see me doing much of the same particularly as The Boss is going out to lunch with a couple of friends. This is a newish type of venture for her and as both of the friends involved are about to retire as well it may (hopefully) become a regular feature.


Joe & Gemma will be here after school so that will liven things up. Abbie has got a temp. job until the end of the year whilst she is still trying to find an opening in her preferred choice of career. She has also started driving lessons and seems to be enjoying it.


Have a good one,


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Good morning one and all


My green bin is now full following half an hour’s toil in the garden under the subdued lighting of the clouds.  There is at least as much again to be done.  I have never seen such massive dock leaves.  Earlier I got a good deal in Body Shop and bought some Christmas cards.  I noticed loads of glossy calendars on sale, some featuring cute furry animals – polar bear cubs, puppies, Ed Sheeran.  The next thing I need to blitz is magazines.  They need to be sorted into current issues and, for want of a better term, archive ones.  Inevitably there will be odd ones that are missing or hiding but it serves me right for being the untidiest man on the planet.


Tonight is the AGM of the LCGB Bedford branch.   The formal part should be despatched quickly but I feel duty bound to raise the issue of the noise made by audience members who do not seem to understand that when the speaker is talking he should have their undivided attention without conversations, sotto voce or otherwise.  One day a speaker will refuse to come and the gasbags will wonder why.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery.  Special thoughts today to Duncan. 



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Morning All,


It is another rather foggy morning, but set to brighten up later on.


There isn't a lot else to report at the moment, so I guess it is time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


My green bin is now full following half an hour’s toil in the garden under the subdued lighting of the clouds.  There is at least as much again to be done.  I have never seen such massive dock leaves.  Earlier I got a good deal in Body Shop and bought some Christmas cards.  I noticed loads of glossy calendars on sale, some featuring cute furry animals – polar bear cubs, puppies, Ed Sheeran.  The next thing I need to blitz is magazines.  They need to be sorted into current issues and, for want of a better term, archive ones.  Inevitably there will be odd ones that are missing or hiding but it serves me right for being the untidiest man on the planet.


Tonight is the AGM of the LCGB Bedford branch.   The formal part should be despatched quickly but I feel duty bound to raise the issue of the noise made by audience members who do not seem to understand that when the speaker is talking he should have their undivided attention without conversations, sotto voce or otherwise.  One day a speaker will refuse to come and the gasbags will wonder why.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery.  Special thoughts today to Duncan. 




I respectfully challenge your claim to the title of untidiest guy on the planet. All being well, we can discuss this in Portsmouth, Switzerland or at the 13:00 meet on Warley's Sunday chez JDW.


Conversations within meetings - bring back hanging, I say!

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, inner temple here...

A not too bad nights sleep of about 5.5 hours, but at least it was solid all the way through.

The mob on my avatar were experts in finding the pill in any bit of cheese  or meat, then eating the meat / cheese and then spitting the pill out....


Another dark morning with just the barest sliver of moon showing and a gentle breeze, that didn't stop a cockwomble pulling out on me, causing evasive action, even though we were the only 2 cars in sight. I think he must have still been asleep..

Lots of leaves on the roads but dry.


 Having had the harrassment of lots of different equipments needing work yesterday, I've decided to concentrate on just one today, I'll clear most of that one before progressing on others...


The First Christmas menu has just been emailed to me, decsions,  decisions...


Time too.... keep a single train of thought and work on that one equipment...


twenty minutes later and how much work have I done..... nothing , nil, none... windows decided to update...

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a somewhat breezy village. The lovely Lisa is giving a severe weather warning on the box at the moment. Ophelia is still to blame I believe. My car got hit by some debris on the way back from the club last night. Fear not readers a Volvo V70 is more than a match for a bit of cardboard.


Thoughts are still with Debs and John.


A good days modelling was had yesterday, as my thread shows, today may be the same but first there is some shopping to do and I will attempt to empty and sort another couple of bookshelves.


Regards to all and I hope that all stay safe.



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  • RMweb Premium

Although some of you are aware of the reason for my absence, I thought that I'd give a brief explanation.


My dad who is/was the main carer for my mum ended up in hospital for a while and got transferred away from the local one.


Several weeks of caring for mum and also travelling on a daily basis 2 hours each way for her to visit took far too much of my time which meant that I didn't even open up the laptop.


Once he was discharged, it's taken a couple of weeks of fighting to ensure that they both have the right care packages in place. I honestly couldn't believe how much of a complicated fight this has been.


Everything eventually started working properly last Friday and the relief and exhaustion finally took its toll on me with a heavy cold that also gave me a sinus infection and a chest infection.

This is the first time since Friday that I've felt well enough to open the laptop.


Fortunately my MD has been understanding.


Any posts are likely to be sporadic for the next couple of weeks until everything has settled down.


Duncan, your ears must have been burning as we were only talking of your recent absence a few pages back, last week.


I can only empathise having been in a similar situation during the summer. 

The clearest bit of advice I was given by Drs and older/wiser relatives was this: You can only do so much and have to be pragmatic about this, no matter what drives the obvious need to care for parents.


In my case it was being torn between a need to simultaneously care for an elderly parent and young children.

In your's it seems to have been looking after both parents and holding down a job.

There's only so much you can do and realistically this is can only be done for a finite time before something gives. 

Accepting this may make things easier; it did for me.


I can sympathise with the fight you had to get a care package in place; whether you go down the private or public route it is tough and takes time.  And the speed at which it needs to happen can also force your hand, not necessarily resulting in the optimum solution either. 


Good luck and make sure you look after yourself as well as others.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Good to see you back Duncan.


Mountain biking last night and a stupid "off" saw me take a short cut back to the car park with a sore wrist and dented pride. On the way home, I get a call from Junior NB at wife's work asking if I can help out a wedding - glass collecting/cleaning.

I got there at 8.15pm and didn't stop collecting/cleaning until 1.15am!

They had booked for 140 plus 20 kids. About 300 plus 80 kids turned up, hence the need for extra staff.


Can't say I was totally enamoured with the group of people. There have been numerous documentaries on TV about their way of life and it had been said that the TV shows were hyped up. After last night's experience I can readily say that the TV documentaries are actually toned down..........


As for the bike injury - it's either a broken finger/sprained wrist or damaged ligaments/tendons. There is some swelling and lack of digit movement.

Paracetamol is the order of the day and I may visit the drop-in clinic later to get it fully checked.


Have a good Tuesday folks.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

A bit overcast but the sun is starting to outdo the clouds. I took Robbie to the vets. He pulled me there and back! So different to Saturday. The vet will order more of the new medication for me to collect tomorrow. It certainly seems to work well for dogs even though it was developed for humans. It was originally used for epilepsy control but is increasingly used for sciatic pain.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning each and all

I have risen from my sickie bed after a bout of man flu.

Hi Duncan it's good to hear you are alive and kicking if there is anything I could do to help just ask, I've been there twice with both set of parents when the Mil was ill we were driving 120 miles every evening

 after a while it really drains you, do take care of yourself and good luck.

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Thanks for all the Friendly/Supportive ratings as well as the posts.


Well, the care packages seem to be working well and hopefully they can be slowly reduced on the run up to the festive season. Dad is recovering well but still needs help at the moment and obviousely can't care for mum.


Fortunately, I haven't had to work over this period which would have been far too much for me.


At least I'm starting to recover which means that I will probably return to work next week.


A day of pottering around and not a lot else is planned which should help my recovery.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


The sun has resumed a more normal colour (still faintly pink) above the Hill. SWMBO has returned to work. The cat is asleep on the sofa and all seems well in this corner of the world.


Best wishes to those for whom things, various, are not as well as they might be. Certificate of Courage to NHN for setting out for work on a troubled Rock. And thoughts with Dd who seems to have suffered a broken pot - until it's replaced please use the wall behind the house and remember to stand upwind to avoide getting your own back.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


We have some sunshine, but before the green twinges of jealousy cross your physog be advised that those Devonian based twirlers of seaweed and sooper dooper 'puters are saying it's merely a passing phase and our water butts will shortly be filled well beyond overflowing.   No train ride today but no doubt those who do take a trip in comfy class will find far more room than I did yesterday as all the suits (and probably that lady in the fairly tight white dress, phew) will be back slaving over their keyboards or doing whatever else they do to earn a crust.


No doubt a trip out for a 'paper but a voyage of exploration around one of the freezers by the management would seem to be menu setting for some days to come.


Have a good day one and all and thoughts are with Debs and John

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Good to see you back Duncan.


Mountain biking last night and a stupid "off" saw me take a short cut back to the car park with a sore wrist and dented pride. On the way home, I get a call from Junior NB at wife's work asking if I can help out a wedding - glass collecting/cleaning.

I got there at 8.15pm and didn't stop collecting/cleaning until 1.15am!

They had booked for 140 plus 20 kids. About 300 plus 80 kids turned up, hence the need for extra staff.


Can't say I was totally enamoured with the group of people. There have been numerous documentaries on TV about their way of life and it had been said that the TV shows were hyped up. After last night's experience I can readily say that the TV documentaries are actually toned down..........


As for the bike injury - it's either a broken finger/sprained wrist or damaged ligaments/tendons. There is some swelling and lack of digit movement.

Paracetamol is the order of the day and I may visit the drop-in clinic later to get it fully checked.


Have a good Tuesday folks.




Get it looked at Mick, the sooner the better in case there is more damage. Been there got the t-shirt

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  • RMweb Gold

Mick, if it's the same sort of people I had the misfortune of having to deal with for most of my 38 year working life I know exactly what you mean. My thoughts about them if spoken aloud would probably, no, definitely get me arrested in this PC age.

Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning noon afternoon from the boring borough. 


Good to hear everyone is good & safe after the Michael Fish 30th anniversary big blow. 


Still in p!ssed off mode at ParcelFarce / Customs. Today is day 8 of the hostage situation. My parcel of trains is still sitting in Coventry. I still haven't received the ransom note. According to the tracking, the customs charge wasn't raised until last Friday. How bloody long does it take to send the bloody card. 


Good to see Duncan back. 


That's about all from me. Enjoy the day. 
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.....Today is day 8 of the hostage situation. My parcel of trains is still sitting in Coventry. I still haven't received the ransom note. According to the tracking, the customs charge wasn't raised until last Friday. How bloody long does it take to send the bloody card. ...


In my case 48 hours for the parcel to be sent down from Coventry to Park Royal, and a further day or two to send the ransom note. As Park Royal Depot is near the office, I went over there the day the ransom note came through the door.... No point waiting.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Guys,


Missed a few days again so best wishes and condolences as appropriate.  Overnight (ON) FA duties, family surgery and looking after granddaughter to name a few considerations.  Its a while since I did an ON FA and it took me a couple of days to get back to normal (whatever that means).  Will resume reading everything that comes, hopefully, in the near future.


Cheers, Peter

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