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The Sahara sand phenomenon is an annual event here more or less.

Cars, Sun Room roof etc., all have to be cleaned afterwards.

Made a change to see the more amber colour this time.


High winds in progress but amazingly the overhead power is still on. BBBand has been off but nothing new there.


Successful visit to the Vet with old cat. She is still with us but I could have bought 20 cats with the cost.

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sun broke through about 2pm...it was very nice, warm but a little breezy


John, it seems that Horden is seen as the end of the world. The people who own the old colliery houses were supposed to do them up.. now they want to sell them for not a lot. Hence a drop in house prices.  Accent are based in Shipley and have "given up" on Horden. This was picked up by a number of people particularly someone who wrote a scurrilous article for the Grauniad... apparently everyone is out selling or buying drugs .. as folk have little money and not a lot to sell to raise any where this comes from just makes me very annoyed. It isn't helped by the inaction of a procession of useless "representatives" ho have manged to attract no inward major investment and seem to have watched the ex Tudor factory without so much a s a whimper...


Sorry for the Rant but Horden was my birth place and my home for 18 years.. and I am very annoyed with what has happened there.. not much I can do about it......




proud to be a Yacker

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Although some of you are aware of the reason for my absence, I thought that I'd give a brief explanation.


My dad who is/was the main carer for my mum ended up in hospital for a while and got transferred away from the local one.


Several weeks of caring for mum and also travelling on a daily basis 2 hours each way for her to visit took far too much of my time which meant that I didn't even open up the laptop.


Once he was discharged, it's taken a couple of weeks of fighting to ensure that they both have the right care packages in place. I honestly couldn't believe how much of a complicated fight this has been.


Everything eventually started working properly last Friday and the relief and exhaustion finally took its toll on me with a heavy cold that also gave me a sinus infection and a chest infection.

This is the first time since Friday that I've felt well enough to open the laptop.


Fortunately my MD has been understanding.


Any posts are likely to be sporadic for the next couple of weeks until everything has settled down.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I thought I heard rain last night but as when I looked out everything appeared dry. Today though when I went out to the car the deposits of Sahara dust on the windscreen confirmed that it had indeed rained.


Off for my Annual Physical. Have you noticed that they get longer the older you are? Somewhat exponentially too...


I will have a woman’s finger up my bum this time - I hope she keeps her nails trimmed.


Later, Pete.


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Lovely sunny but windy day here in sunny Teignmouth. The sea wasn't particularly strong today. I went on the beach and beachcombed and later took the dog for his promenade constitutional.

Sold some railwayana on EBay at the weekend, stuff I have had around since the 70's.

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As with NHN on Fraggle Rock, the wind peaked around 7pm, when it was really howling outside. It is still pretty wild now, but at least there appears to be no roof damage (yet!) and the power is still on. Torches are still to hand though!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Today I have been to Swansea (for about 35 minutes) and back - on GWR's new, very expensive, incredibly full of 'suits' and other hangers-on train.  Fortunately I had decided to travel on the one which worked and which actually ran on time (very occasionally) so I didn't get drenched as a result of sitting in it (as some did on the one which didn't work at all well, before it was eventually 'failed').  I have decided, with some apologies to our Germanic friends that these new trains should be referred to as ICCEs -  standing for Inter City Curate's Egg, as they are good in parts.  Which of course by implication means there are some parts which are not good, in fact for a brand new InterCity 21st century train they are quite a long way from good in some respects.  It would appear that Japanese designers have a long way to go in order to get ride characteristics as good as the old BR designs in the bogies they design - the man from DfT was informed accordingly.


Anyway i got there and got back complete with some miraculous recovery from the 16 minutes late with which we exited the Principality.


Interesting weather enroute - the Vale of The Whit Horse had a yellow sky although west of Swindon things were just normal cloudy and we emerged from the Welsh end of THE tunnel into sunshine and clear blue skies (although it was cloudier further west).  Overall not a bad day out and great fun watching the assorted hordes of 'suits' from just about every organisation you could think of although NR seemingly thought better of things and kept out of the way.


Enjoy the rest of your evening.

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....It would appear that Japanese designers have a long way to go in order to get ride characteristics as good as the old BR designs in the bogies they design.....


Maybe the Japanese assumed that British PW and tracklaying standards were as good as the Japanese?  :jester:

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Duncan - good to see you back even if it may only be intermittently for now.


Mike - I took one look inside 800004 last week, as it was on the blocks as my train from Penzance arrived, and promised myself as many HST rides as possible while I still can. The interiors look hideously uncomfortable, far too claustrophobic (as are the Beardy-leano sets), lack any cateting beyond the dreadful "trolley service" and if that is the future of rail travel to Cornwall I might as well invest in a car.


The up run to Paddington today was a farce. Bottom-covering and face-saving will be required big time. I take on board your informed opinion as an actual passenger and sincerely hope this menace will somehow go away.

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Evening all. A quick check in to offer best wishes all round. I hope that the storms do not cause anyone here any problem or harm. It is clear that my thoughts and wishes need to be sent to Debs and John.  I have missed the relevant post, but I know there have been various health issues so I hope to hear good news soon.


Here in a rather windy Derbyshire I have experienced the first work hassle of the year. The head teacher of the new school decided to stick their nose into something that was under control and cause ill feeling. Not what I needed at the best of times, but with the troublesome bug continuing to lurk it has been another struggle. It really is a strange one. Another morning of stomach pains and needing the toilet preceded work. It held off all day until about 4.10pm when I beat a hasty retreat home with more stomach pains and another spell in the bathroom. At least I have not felt particularly ill today which is a step forward. I just hope things settle down soon. I do know others have / are suffering with similar symptoms so it is not just me. I think half term is very much overdue.


Best wishes



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I have a vets appointment for Robbie tomorrow. He can walk in a straight line but falls over turning corners. So at least he could pass one of those "walk the line" sobriety tests. Giving him the huge capsules hasn't been difficult. Wrapped in tuna or cheese they disappear nicely.

Might it be vestibular disease, Tony?


......if there`s any decent cheese on the go; we`ll pop in to be given our meds, shall we? :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

Might it be vestibular disease, Tony?


......if there`s any decent cheese on the go; we`ll pop in to be given our meds, shall we? :mosking:

Robbie's problem is definately spinal. His rear end reflexes are very poor. His back legs splay out and collapse. His front ones do sometimes now as well. He can't "cock his leg" but he seems to recall the other method. He really was improving with the medication and hydrotherapy but it wasn't at all good on Saturday morning which is why we ended up in the next town seeing the on call vet. Same group practice though and our lovely usual vet had indicated what she thought the next stage of treatment should be. We used to joke that Robbie's favoured cheese was Wensleydale but Cheddar and Emmental seem to work as well. Though tuna is another favoured disguise.

The vet said Robbie's condition is progressive, he won't get better but it is treatable. He doesnt seem distressed by the clumsiness and with the medication he should be pain free. The medication isn't licenced for animals but The vet said it works well. Aditi's brother said he uses it for his spinal pain patients. They probably just swallow it with water not a lump of cheese.


Edited by Tony_S
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The story gets fishier...

A couple of paragraphs from Wikipedia's Article on Michael Fish:


Fish said in a BBC interview that there was actually no woman caller who phoned in to the BBC regarding the storm (although over the years many have claimed to be the woman caller). It was in fact a white lie he made up himself, as another staff member at the BBC told him his mother in Wales was going to Florida and mentioned she had heard there was a storm coming, so he thought it would be a good opening line to start the forecast with, and said "Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC..."


...In later years, Fish claimed that he had been referring to that year's Atlantic Hurricane Floyd affecting the Florida Keys at the time, in a link to a news story in the BBC One O'Clock News that preceded the weather bulletin. But he did not mention Florida in his forecast, which was made amid widespread worries about a coming storm: that morning, the Surrey Mirror had warned of "furious gales", so both his caller and his viewers likely believed he was referring to Britain. Fish did go on to warn of high winds for the UK, although the storm that actually occurred was far stronger than he had predicted (albeit, technically not a hurricane).


Very Fishy!



Agreed - You don't see this often:


Gale warning - Issued: 2141 UTC on Sunday 15 October 2017

Northeasterly severe gale force 9 veering southerly and increasing hurricane force 12 soon, further veering westerly and decreasing gale force 8 later

Wind Cyclonic becoming west severe gale 9 to violent storm 11, decreasing 5 to 7 later. Sea state High or very high becoming very rough. Weather Rain or showers. Visibility Moderate or poor, becoming good.
I slept through 1987 - Except for waking up once and thinking "Hmmm - bit windy tonight".  I lived on the south coast, so was used to storms sweeping up the channel.
I got up for school, went outside and got blown over!  Needless to say, there was no school that day.



Sky coloured by the mixture of (apparently) forest fire and sand storm. England glazed over? Rain radar only mentioned light showers (of rain) which never materialised!

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The blustery winds calmed down from around 7 onwards. No major damage locally apart from the usual trees, garden furniture and wheelie bins on the roads.

Thanks all for the support.

Thoughts and good wishes to Debs, John and Duncan.

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The winds have just arrived in coastal Norfolk, I can hear the sea roaring against the sea defences.

Xcweather indicates we have all of 40 mph which is not a lot really.


Good night..

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Evening all


The winds have died down quite a bit, but we are still having the odd gust or two every now and then.


Duncan. Glad to see you're posting again and I do hope all goes well with your parents.


Goodnight all

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Good to see you back Duncan. take care of yourself

Glad I went to Ellan Vannan last Week, Would have been more than a bit hairy today! On a related note a question for Neil, was the name Ellan Vannin ever used on a ship after 1909?

Night awl

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  • RMweb Gold

Duncan - good to see you back even if it may only be intermittently for now.


Mike - I took one look inside 800004 last week, as it was on the blocks as my train from Penzance arrived, and promised myself as many HST rides as possible while I still can. The interiors look hideously uncomfortable, far too claustrophobic (as are the Beardy-leano sets), lack any cateting beyond the dreadful "trolley service" and if that is the future of rail travel to Cornwall I might as well invest in a car.


The up run to Paddington today was a farce. Bottom-covering and face-saving will be required big time. I take on board your informed opinion as an actual passenger and sincerely hope this menace will somehow go away.


Rick if you wish to learn more about my day out (thus far sans illustrations) you need do no more than click on the link below and scroll down to Post 1620 (and 1622 for further amusement).  I forgot to mention there that apart from the continuing use of the excellent Cornish tea, which was supplied in liberal quantities, GWR also do a very nice, if rather small, line in roast beef (with horseradish sauce, but not a strong one) sarnies.  You will find a little more about the failure of the Bristol train in my post - I was told by a chap from Hitachi why it was a late start but undertook not to spill the beans (although I get rather close to doing so in that post).




And g'night all

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