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DD Towers is still standing in the yellow light I associate with something nasty brewing.

Occasional gusts at present but nothing abnormal.

Our main problem will be that the trees are still more or less fully leaved and there are a lot of them nearby.

High winds will bring a few down together with overhead power lines.

Broadband doesn't need any extra assistance to go off.

Have to take the semi feral cat to the vets for 2pm (she is very old now and has a problem with her eye - probably scratched while fighting).

She has been deaf for a few months. She's a game old lady so hope we will be bringing her back again.

MiL is still extant. Totally pixilated and with no control of her functions. Don't think the Vet could help. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Owning up time. I got mildly involved in the Peco track thread.

Ha ha, Ha ha, Bong bong, Bong bong, Ha ha, Bong bong. (shades of the late Johnny Morris putting his own sound effects whilst recording Thomas stories).


You should have heeded my warning!


It's urban warfare over there, and every so often, just when you think it is cooling off, yet another odd militia faction pops their head up and pops off with another slant on why they think this stuff is so wrong!


Thank goodness Peco don't consciously do 3 mm stuff otherwise we'd suddenly see the rise of the TT Taliban.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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...... those under the influence of what the Office of Seaweed-Feeling calls Ex-Ophelia. Reports already in from the west of Cornwall suggest cars have been blown from their parking spots and there is some disruption to getting anywhere. Seas reported as "effin' huge".


The Amber Warning area has been extended to include western areas of Wales which I take to include Dd Towers. Winds forecast to top 80mph ....


According to R4 News, the Irish Taoiseach has issued a national request that everyone on the island of Ireland stay indoors today, so it must be really bad.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

It is dark here this morning, with a very peculiar type of daylight. As to the rest of the weather, it is the calm before the storm, as there is little wind at present.

We have that strange yellowish dullness over here on the east coast too.

The met office must know about this because they have painted their weather warning map yellow to match.

I will worry if the skies go amber or red.

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The wind is picking up a little. Enough to move the leaves on our potted pansies. The clouds are scudding along at a rate of knots suggesting they are urgently required elsewhere. It is uncommonly warm for the time of year.


In other news the plumber has been and, in a major break with tradition, has actually rectified the problem. Not without sucking his lips and muttering "what have they done here?" and "This isn't standard". All good plumbery vocabulary. Neighbours (upstairs) must have spotted his van as they were first to their door before he even knocked at mine. Apparently their dragon boiler went out last night and they were unable to relight it. In a matter-of-fact plumbery way our chap called his office and was given the ok to do their job as well.


I am now checking for airborne pigs and blue moons.

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  • RMweb Gold

Phew! Now on coffee break. Courage was up plucked earlier and I wielded my trusty Dremel and needle files. The Terrier now has space for a decoder and as far as I can see I haven't caused any (serious) damage. 

Next up but probably after lunch the soldering iron. Heaven knows what will happen when I fire that up. 

Wish me luck!



PS Weather here fine, pleasant sunshine and a very slight breeze.

Edited by grandadbob
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..... the plumber has been and, in a major break with tradition, has actually rectified the problem. Not without sucking his lips and muttering "what have they done here?" and "This isn't standard". All good plumbery vocabulary. ....


Strangely enough, I've been lucky to call on the services of a plumber this weekend. He's helping me to drive the CX back to London, and will probably be able to identify leaky pipes in it......

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

It is dark here this morning, with a very peculiar type of daylight.


Setting off for work at 8.10am it wasn't overly light.

When I arrived at work at 8.50 it was appreciably darker.


Don't know if that is related to the incoming storm or that I'd crossed into Yorkshire from the good side.......


Supposed to be mountain biking tonight.


Stay safe folks.




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Red weather warning for the whole country.


Most businesses are closed or will be by lunchtime. Not much public transport. Public service offices closed. Limited postal deliveries. 100,000 without power. And this is before the storm hits land. The west and south coasts look like taking the brunt of it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Phew! Now on coffee break. Courage was up plucked earlier and I wielded my trusty Dremel and needle files. The Terrier now has space for a decoder and as far as I can see I haven't caused any (serious) damage. 

Next up but probably after lunch the soldering iron. Heaven knows what will happen when I fire that up. 

Wish me luck!



PS Weather here fine, pleasant sunshine and a very slight breeze.


Bob, that M7 I mentioned already has a TCS decoder fitted; there'd be no challenge, no danger....!   ;)

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Mooring Awl, Inner temple Here.. or should I say Art ER noon.

Very late on parade here , because I had another wonderful nights sleep of 7.5 hours.


 This was helped by over sleeping and then having patchy fog on the way to work, the seaweed inspectors didn't mention that,, absolutely still, it was a clear but dark night as there was no moon...


 So this morning i've had 5 major sytems on the go, two are now complete except for the paper work, the third should complete in a couple of hours. then I can give my complete attention to the two that are meant to be done this week.

My running around like a headless chicken on this lot is not helped by all the comuters onsite insisting they be updated and the network struggling with all the down loads...


The A1151 is now open so that should reduce the traffic going my way in future..


Right I'm going to inspect my eyelids, I've had my luxury cheese sandwich for dinner.. i'll return to the world in half an hour...

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Don’t Panic! What was Ophelia is not a hurricane (it is “Extra-Tropical”). It all be over by tonight.

Sobering to think that the recent Hurricanes in the Caribbean and Florida had some winds threes times as powerful (up to 255mph gusts around the Virgin Islands - which is why they are totally denuded of trees and shrubs).


I was at my late Mum’s place in 1987 and always slept with the windows open. I awoke at 5:30am to a tremendous noise and the sensation of the mattress “pumping” up and down. Compared to say, Superstorm Sandy it was quieter and Sandy would have ripped the windows off. We kept power but the Great Eastern mainlines were closed due to downed trees which were fixed over the weekend.


I suspect the the South West will have some big waves battering the usual locales - so the photographers will be out.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Agreed - You don't see this often:


Gale warning - Issued: 2141 UTC on Sunday 15 October 2017

Northeasterly severe gale force 9 veering southerly and increasing hurricane force 12 soon, further veering westerly and decreasing gale force 8 later

Wind Cyclonic becoming west severe gale 9 to violent storm 11, decreasing 5 to 7 later. Sea state High or very high becoming very rough. Weather Rain or showers. Visibility Moderate or poor, becoming good.
I slept through 1987 - Except for waking up once and thinking "Hmmm - bit windy tonight".  I lived on the south coast, so was used to storms sweeping up the channel.
I got up for school, went outside and got blown over!  Needless to say, there was no school that day.
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The minimum wind speed to be recognized as Hurricane Force is, I think, 73 mph (they measure in “knots”) - that is as a steady wind not including higher gusts.


As that was a “Shipping Forcast” you can expect winds to be higher over water because the “friction” is minimal - overland friction can reduce wind speed considerably. I suspect that Fraggle Rock will get the highest winds (south of the northern isles) in the UK. It’s really a little too small for the landmass to have any effect.


Best, Pete.

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we have an interesting coloured sky at the moment...and I have a meeting to go to..  as one of my colleagues used to say the weather is  "Alles bananas"..



and HH ask the 3mm modellers which gauge they use..12mm, 13.5mm or 14.2mm...... then get out of the way ...quick



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and HH ask the 3mm modellers which gauge they use..12mm, 13.5mm or 14.2mm...... then get out of the way ...quick




That is why I got out of modeling UK stuff - I never thought 00 looked right even when I was a kid - and there is too much variety of the more correct gauges...


Fine, until someone thought of P87 (at least straight HO rail is fairly correct) and P48............... What annoys me most about P48 is that road vehicles are grossly oversized to my eyes.


Don’t get me started on wheels...


Best, Pete.

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we have an interesting coloured sky at the moment...and I have a meeting to go to..  as one of my colleagues used to say the weather is  "Alles bananas"..



and HH ask the 3mm modellers which gauge they use..12mm, 13.5mm or 14.2mm...... then get out of the way ...quick




Interesting here too as the upper layer cloud has arrived and the sun is now shining blood red through it.  I associate that with smoke (from my years in a bush-fire region) but there should be no significant smoke here.  It is most unusual.  The wind is now up to force 3 gusting 5 and that's about as strong as they expect it to get here.


Agree with Pete that shipping forecasts often sound worse than those for the land.  And for the reason he has given.  Just watch what happens to most severe storms as they cross land - friction increases slowing the rotation of the eye and the beast rapidly loses its energy.  Most of the time.

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I suspect the the South West will have some big waves battering the usual locales - so the photographers will be out.


Best, Pete.


And unfortunately some poor soul will get swept into the sea either photographing said waves, or a c8ckwomble playing "chicken" with them.......................


Although some photographers could score on the CW front as they take un-needed risks for the big picture.




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There was some footage on the 1pm BBC news of some brave person/idiot swimming in Galway Bay today. The sky here has returned to a more normal colour and we have even had a few minutes of very hazy sunshine. However, the wind speed is gradually increasing.


As we have a notoriously unreliable electricity supply, candles have been readied, and batteries are being charged up for torches and the radio.

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