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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


It's been a busy day here at BSW01 towers. We've had Vickie, Ian, Ava, Evie and Max round for tea and one of my (in)famous curries had been requested. So I had been busy making Chickien Kashmiri, pilau rice and Bombay potatoes, as well as a chocolate raspberry cheesecake for most of the day. So no work at all has been done on Max's train layout, still it was worth it to see it all eaten. Once they'd all gone home I had myself a bottle of Ruddles, I think I'd earned it.


First thing tomorrow morning we are going to the Trafford Centre, to pick up a few supplies then we shall call in at the butchers on the way home to collect the week's meat rations. Hopefully after dinner I can carry on with Max's layout.


Congratulations to Mrs NB.


Goodnight all.

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Good morning one and all


There is ironing to be done but it can wait until after I have done the fodder run and collected my new glasses. Later in the day I will make some sandwiches to keep me going at the Peterborough show.  The journey up the A1 will not be the same without the Olympic breakfast from Little Chef at Black Cat.  I had a quick shufti in Peterborough services on Wednesday afternoon on my way to a nearby appointment but it does not look very encouraging.  Is the full English really such a bad thing?  Rightly or wrongly I detect a conspiracy to make it a thing of the past.


On Sunday there is Apple Day at Bromham Mill near Bedford, and probably at many other places.  I am not sure whether I will bother with it this year.  The novelty wore off a while back and since the borough council involved itself with the running it has lost some of its atmosphere.  It is a good opportunity to buy apple juice, and apples for that matter, but I can get pies, tarts and joints in the town.  Oh dear.  You know what I mean.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,

An awful nights sleep with me coughing and spluttering, But att least I think I got about 6.5 hours sleep in a 9 hour period... 9 hours?  yes I over slept....


One of the predicted water works appeared  yesterday, the one witth the water pouring out of the pavement, they put up a set of traffic lights and put the road down to one lane. when I left work they were working in Anti phase to the main traffic lights 50feet away, and causing a major jam. so turned another way added a mile to my route but probably  got home quicker. This won't affect me tonight as I'm going home via a DIY shed for mre concrete blocks...

At least they put away the traffic lights overnight so it was easy gettting into work...


I've been struggling to get sensible answers from the major systems over the last 3 weeks, late yesterday I found out why, two NEW  signal cables supplied ot me for the purpose are intermittantly breaking down at about 800 volts, the problem being I Need to goto 1000 Volts. I suspect someone has been buying cheap and nasty cable to save money....


Our Model railway show for next year has been cancelled, there is uncertainty about whether the hall will be available due to rebuilding work, so our main sponsor pulled the plug as they won't sponsor us outside of that town. So we are hopeing to have two club open day events instead, one in our local town hall which costs 15% of the price of the other hall. and if we can get them for a similar price a venue in one of the other two nearest towns...


Time to, Go and repeat a lot of failed 1000V tests with some different cables..

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Evening - ensconced in Rambleside now.  Hope to go to the Ratty tomorrow, thus missing Simon by a day :-( Still, it was nice to see you back, I only mentioned your absence the day before.


My PC too had the black screen with the little box thing this evening after the latest 'update' - that hasn't cured any issues apparent - but it cleared its self while booting.  Eventually.

Thanks for that. Beware the road closures still in place in the area. The A595 is still closed at Holmrook, although there is a diversion for cars via Santon Bridge, but it will add 20 minutes or so to your journey if coming from the north. I was lucky getting home, as two bridges on my route were flooded and are still closed pending damage inspection. The Holmrook bridge was just starting to flood as I drove over it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a breezy village. A lot got done yesterday and the floor plan for the exhibition is coming together. At one point I though that there were two layouts that wouldn't fit but a solution has been found I hope. Then in the evening it was off to Donny to pick the girls up. SWMBO decided that she was tired so I was on my own and spent some time around various railway installations. Some trains were seen then I watched the plan come round the north of Donny on it's way to Finningley. Got them home safely then got to bed about 01.00.


The day has not been planned yet as the chief planner is still in bed, however the last few bits of the ironing are waiting for me. Then there may be some modelling. Gavin the cat goes back home this afternoon then an evening at the club.


Simon I hope that the bridges don't get damaged we are due to stay in Ravenglass later this month. The temporary loss of the bridge at Holmrook would be very hard for the area.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Very dull but dry here and it will probably stay like that.

The Boss & I went out last night and had a really lovely meal. Not often we go by ourselves so that made a pleasant change.

No domestic stuff scheduled today that I know of so "To muddle or not to muddle? That is the question."

Have a good one,


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The chances are that the bridges aren't damaged, but the County Council err on the side of safety and close them after a flood until they can inspect them to give the, the all clear. I have no further planned guarding turns yet, but may get one in a couple of weeks, so we might run into each other!


Despite more rain last night, there has been no further ingress of water into the house. I am coming to the conclusion that the amount of water that came in on Wednesday was a freak event with a combination of the wind and rain. However, I do know that the roof felting in that area is in very poor condition, so some significant roof repairs will still be needed.


The overflowing cistern has also settled down, and I suspect that there was some grit or something similar that was preventing the ballcock valve from closing properly and by emptying the tank and refilling it, I have cleared the issue. Anyway, it will be watched carefully.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather cloudy here.

I have to take Robbie for his therapeutic swim today. I shall also load the car up with some items for the recycling centre.

Other than that, not a lot happening other than waiting for parcels. No model railway stuff today though.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Congratulations to Mrs NB on her awards - nice to know that achievement can be recognised in the hospitality trade (or whatever it's called this week) by something other than Trip Advisor.


No particular plans for today but a Tesco visit appears to be lined up for later so I'm told and tomorrow is already planned of course (but you knew that didn't you).


Enjoy the rest of your day one & all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if the weather will be fine into next week but make the most of it as its not predicted to last. Sorting out the plans for my intended micro layout. Problem is the one locomotive I have is set up for three link couplings only and because of its construction fitting of any other type of coupling would be problematical. This is because on the model (solid white metal) the buffer beams go down almost to track level and at the same time curve inwards to the wheels. Added to that the layout baseboard is only operable from the front so some form of automatic coupling/uncoupling is not just desirable but essential. I found the answer last night when looking through some modelling 'stuff' I found a couple of unopened packets of Spratt & Winkle couplings. Does anyone use these couplings anymore? its several years since I last saw them in use.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. TGIF.


Poor attempt at sleep last night as I wasn't tired at bedtime, sorted some books then discovered neighbours, various, were chatting audibly if not loudly in adjoining flats and those over the back. It is those sounds just on the edge of hearing which tend to disturb me rather than a clearly audible conversation. So the 7am alarm was honoured, SWMBO roused and he who must rouse her promptly fell back to sleep


Woke with a thumping headache at 11am.


Thumping not yet abated. I may require some of Dr. Ales finest lunch potion if it doesn't go soon.


Best wishes all. Hope the day treats you kindly.

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You could save on labour costs by doing it yourself, very cost-effective with high savings on a CX ;)


Today's oil change is for the VW Bora.


Have you any idea how difficult an oil filter change is on a CX? The accessibility is rubbish!

Edited by Horsetan
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Greetings all from a cloudy but dry London Bridge.


We are nearing the end of the calm before the storm and I have successfully negotiated a trip to the opticians, finding that my short-sightedness has improved enough to buy new glasses and that the my longsightedness has not deteriorated enough to consider varifocals of any sort. Advice was to acquire a set of cheap +1 reading glasses off the supermarket shelf.


This weekend is a routine one.


Not a lot else to report. Best wishes to all

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Morning on a sunny POETS day.


Yawner yesterday again.

Today POE via the only train shop I pretty much EVER visit, as the carry Soundtraxx stuff and I'm picking up another 28mm round speaker to replace the sugar cube in my "speaker ready" S15. When I added sound I did it with purchases from the UK last November when I first spied the Soundtraxx Econami on demo. Wasn't sure/aware the S15 was ready for a round speaker so got the sugar cube then. Time to replace once I saw how nice the Q1 is with a 28mm.


Jemma is taking Whitney in for a minor procedure/surgery today, she's worried, though it's something pretty minor, but still surgery. Whitney is acting fine and alwatys seems OK, but she has some small stubborn scarring that keeps opening on her tummy, from the surgery she had almost a year ago before Jemma got her, after she was hit by a car :( We're all sure it'll sort things out, but it's still got Jemma concerned.


Weekend sounds busy with little/no free time for me (modeling that is!).

Tomorrow early, Trevor and I will make the trip to the cabin to remove the pump for the season.

Then at 5pm we have some "cousins party" for the Mrs and her cousins, all in town for a birthday (90 something I think) of one of her aunts. A few I don't mind seeing/visiting with but several are not my favourite company...

THEN <sigh> <yawn> Sunday ay 1PM, essentially clobbering probably most of the useful part of the day, is the birthday party, scheduled for much of the afternoon :dontknow:

"That was your weekend, mate" :O


Good news is that Monday, relatively early, we start our 5 day autumn trip/holiday/vacation, taking us to Kansas City.


10 and sunny but a little brisk first thing, expected to be 19 here about the time I leave. Home expected to be a little cooler with a high only around 15, and back to about 13 time I get there.


Take a crack at a POE if you can, enjoy the weekend.

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if the weather will be fine into next week but make the most of it as its not predicted to last. Sorting out the plans for my intended micro layout. Problem is the one locomotive I have is set up for three link couplings only and because of its construction fitting of any other type of coupling would be problematical. This is because on the model (solid white metal) the buffer beams go down almost to track level and at the same time curve inwards to the wheels. Added to that the layout baseboard is only operable from the front so some form of automatic coupling/uncoupling is not just desirable but essential. I found the answer last night when looking through some modelling 'stuff' I found a couple of unopened packets of Spratt & Winkle couplings. Does anyone use these couplings anymore? its several years since I last saw them in use.

I have used Spratt and Winkles and they do work well and give delayed uncoupling which is vital for shunting. However I always used the option of a staple type loop above the hook rather than the wire across the buffer heads. It looks much neater. They're still available from Wizard models.



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  • RMweb Premium

Darwin Award alert


Friend who lives out bush in the general area of Perth WA has reported she was involved in a bit of an incident today. First and foremost she is shaken, very lucky but ok.


Driving at the speed limit on a two-lane road with double white lines down the middle approaching a crest the van behind her decided it would be a Good Thing to overtake. Van pulls out into path of oncoming traffic and hastily pulls back in but is clipped by car behind who has moved up into the space. Van reacts by again crossing double-whites, fully in the wrong lane, overtakes friend and is in head-on collision with oncoming vehicle. Which he might not have seen coming due to the crest. Van is deflected into side of friend's car and car behind strikes the wreckage.


Cockwomble is too good a word .....


In other news the headache has responded to caffeine meaning I can proceed with domestic engineering after lunch.

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