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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Slug on the carpet is no more, I happened to wake up at gawd-knows-what-time this morning and so decided to check for slugs. So I crept downstairs and lo and behold there he/she* was galloping across the living room floor. After a struggle he/she was secured in a piece of kitchen paper in preparation for a flight across the garden. As I was locking up afterwards a fox appeared out of the shadows and found a tasty morsel where the slug had landed. Q, I suffered badly from cramps up until a little while ago until someone suggested eating a green banana shortly before going to bed. Too early to say if it works yet but I have had very few if any cramps since I started doing so. Thats it for now, be back later.

*Apparently some species change sex halfway through their life cycle.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's blue skies and sunny here today.


Like the photos, Rick. But the one of pampus grass planted next to the lineside did make me wonder if that indicated the TOC having a predilection for swapping  - to a rail replacement service.  :jester:


Duncan's email address is on his profile page if anyone wants to drop him a line and enquire after his well being? 


Last night's muddlin' consisted of fitting a chip to a dmu. I hate opening up expensive and seemingly fragile locos, so tend to get swmbo to do it for me. 


Just received a phone call giving me a start date in about 2 weeks at my new company. :locomotive:

I may not be around quite so much after that but will do my best to catch up in the evenings....or lunch times if I can master using this forum on my phone....

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  • RMweb Premium


Duncan's email address is on his profile page if anyone wants to drop him a line and enquire after his well being? 



Email sent.. lets hope I get a response



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Thoughts with those enduring excess water from whatever source. Dry here and threatening to become sunny. The seaweed-wranglers have suggested there will be 21 degrees of Celsius today with another for luck over the next two days.


The heating has been turned off. Brickettes are not required. Unless they can be used as ammunition against the squirrels who have dug up our pot-plant garden. Not sure about their nuts but if I catch 'em in the act they'll be singing castrato in future.


Still anticipating the Maternal Tour of Inspection on Saturday. This relies upon her being well enough on the morning and sister also being fit to drive after some medical treatment.


A good night's sleep last night despite the student population's multiple attempts to increase the population. Fair goes as that would have been me at their age and we're only young once.


It may be fox Friday but if those delightful four-legged friends have been through the bins again I cannot be held responsible for any attacks of Reynard's Disease. Have a good one

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Could they easily compress grass cuttings? Or is it too small for the average size lawn cuttings? ie, you would be there all day compressing it.

Don't see why they couldn't be used for that, though you'd need other waste material to help bind the grass cuttings together.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Thoughts with those enduring excess water from whatever source. Dry here and threatening to become sunny. The seaweed-wranglers have suggested there will be 21 degrees of Celsius today with another for luck over the next two days.


The heating has been turned off. Brickettes are not required. Unless they can be used as ammunition against the squirrels who have dug up our pot-plant garden. Not sure about their nuts but if I catch 'em in the act they'll be singing castrato in future.


Still anticipating the Maternal Tour of Inspection on Saturday. This relies upon her being well enough on the morning and sister also being fit to drive after some medical treatment.


A good night's sleep last night despite the student population's multiple attempts to increase the population. Fair goes as that would have been me at their age and we're only young once.


It may be fox Friday but if those delightful four-legged friends have been through the bins again I cannot be held responsible for any attacks of Reynard's Disease. Have a good one


Rick, sounds like you won't be able to join a number of us down at Aldershot this Saturday due to other commitments. But if the planets do align and you can make it....


If not, there's an alternate, smaller, exhibition in Feb that you might want to consider down in Alton.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Rick, sounds like you won't be able to join a number of us down at Aldershot this Saturday due to other commitments. But if the planets do align and you can make it....


If not, there's an alternate, smaller, exhibition in Feb that you might want to consider down in Alton.


Sadly there are only around 52 Saturdays in the year and with multiple demands on my time for most of those. Aldershot is in the diary but as you say my attendance there is most unlikely. Alton I know to have a good record and it has a 1:1 railway of interest also.
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  • RMweb Premium

Cowpats due to their shape are easily dried and used for fuel in many areas of the world.

I once cycled John o'Groats to Land's End as part of an organised group. Our American couple who had travelled specially and at significant cost were less than impressed at the state of the roads. They abandoned after four days stating that it was "insanitary" to be riding through "pasture patties" all the time. They had expected the roads might have been cleaned first ...............

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  • RMweb Gold


We used to have a squirrel problem. They dug up plants in pots and also buried nuts in the lawn. When we acquired Robbie we noticed he urinated wherever the squirrels had dug. This seemed to deter them returning.

Edited by Tony_S
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Morningish all from the boring borough. Still no sign of the ransom note for my parcel. Its now been sitting in Coventry longer than it took to go from Blaine WA > Seattle > LA > San Francisco > Heathrow > Coventry. This means I'm not likely to get the toys scale models in time to add them to the Freemo car list for next month's Mendip meet. 


Tony, I've heard of a Cockapoo, but not a Cockapee.  :jester:


All this talk about compressing horse crap into briquettes makes me wonder if that is where the expression sh1tting bricks comes from. 


On that note. Enjoy your day. 

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  • RMweb Gold

India, particularly. But then you already knew that.....

Mil told me that when she was young her family owned a buffalo that they kept to provide the family with fresh milk. A man used to collect the buffalo every morning and take it to the riverside to graze. I think the buffalo dung was a perk of the job. The buffalo used to walk itself home in the evening. MiL said she thought at the time their buffalo was very clever knowing the way home.


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  • RMweb Gold

I will now await pictures of the attempted re-education session in GDB's local Sainsbury's though they might not be for the squeamish.



Fear not good people, I have returned unharmed, unscathed and re-beered!  Also got a new passport photo done while I was out as mine is due for renewal next month. However as it's before the watershed I would advise small children, animals and those of a nervous disposition to turn away now! :scared:







Happiness is Bob shaped!    :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

I asked Aditi what was used for fuel in her grandparent's house (this was the 1950s). Apparently bottled gas and before that wood fired stoves. Aditi said there was a big wall surrounding that house with some open land in one side. She can remember playing there and watching people come and put cowpats on the wall to dry.

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Fear not good people, I have returned unharmed, unscathed and re-beered!  Also got a new passport photo done while I was out as mine is due for renewal next month. However as it's before the watershed I would advise small children, animals and those of a nervous disposition to turn away now! :scared:







Happiness is Bob shaped!    :yes:


Hardly a scar to be seen.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning (just) all,


Today's restart of the 'sleeping'  'puter by Mrs Stationmaster worked as instructed using Method 2, which in turn further points a finger at the on/off switch.   We shall see what continued 'testing' produces before a works visit.


Faux Friday is cancelled - apparently the freezer is our friend for the coming weekend.  So no train spotting today but maybe that's to pay me back for a surfeit of it on Monday - sometimes you just can't win.  Among brighter news is the arrival of a credit from the health insurance policy, accordingly instructions have been issued to Cornwall regarding certain goods that are on order to be transported by the retailer to his stand at the Farnham show, nothing like a happy shopper ;)  and no rain today (yet) so a stroll down to the town is indicated.


Incidentally not sure if I mentioned the upcoming arrival of Mrs Cake, Mary Berry in our town.  Anyway last night I finally ran to earth the house she has reportedly bought and which she claims is '8 minutes walk from Waitrose' - I can assure here that it isn't because it will quite likely take her that long to cross the road in order to get there and she then has to negotiate fiurther hazards (such as the grockle cockwombles at many times of year) in order to get to the door of said emporium..


Enjoy the rest of the day

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

In fairness that is exactly what GDB looks like at a model railway exhibition when someone turns round and bashes him with a rucksack.  :yes:

With steam coming from his ears. :jester:

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BIN day. Mrs get's the pleasure of that duty today, couldn't happen to a nicer person ;)


In discussion with the VP of finance yesterday, turns out the IT department are getting no better over time - at least they DID fire the person responsible (or not in this case) for the server outages as a result of his not making sure everything had sufficient UPS connections when they "tested" the power outage. NOT, apparently, before they also discovered the same individual had failed to be taking the regular backups of those same servers - part of his job description! :O

Took them several weeks to actually get one of the servers back in commission, and they then found they'd lost three weeks worth of data on their document management system :(


No other news.


13 and light rain first thing, high heading for 18 and rain much of the day.


Seize the carpet, or however that goes :jester:

Edited by Ian Abel
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