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  • RMweb Premium

I hope Duncan is OK. We did have a similar experience with travelintrev.. who just disappeared as did Tazzie Tex...


Fingers crossed!


Sleep well those who have arrived at bedtime!  Have a nice day/evening to others.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Didn't Tazzie Tex have serious internet problems? But that was well over a year ago, maybe even two years or more. There is evidence that there was more than one slug getting into the house, more slime trails on the carpet. They seem to be entering somewhere near the patio doors or the vent alongside them. Only thing is the patio doors are double glazed UPVC and the vent is closed off with a shutter that is tight, no sign of any holes either.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Baz, if looking for a suitable clubroom at a reasonable cost in Yorkshire is difficult just imagine what it is like in the south east. Our present clubroom was a lucky chance find, it belongs to the local council and was due to be demolished but somehow it wasn't, when we made enquiries they were surprised to know it was still standing. Oh and by the way if you have a wood burning stove or know someone who has I would snaffle some (or all?) of that pear tree, wood from fruit trees gives off the appropriate scent when burnt. By for now, be back later.

Did try our  council ..found somewhere they own but they were certain it wasn't their property....


Club room move started and 75% complete.


Pear tree wood...gone!  Mulched by the tree surgeon..



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


Its rained here almost all day, but after tea it was quite heavy, so I'm glad I've been inside today. Max's train layout is really coming on now, I've had some track placed on one of the boards, to see where I need to drill holes for feeder wires and I've put a bit of paint on it too.


Goodnight all.

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Now is that someone has formed them from the fresh product or is there a horse with an odd shaped rear end through which it ...


So more of a sore briquette than a sobriquet?




OK, OK! I was about to leave anyway.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening/morning all,


Finally managed to tempt the 'puter into life this evening - and am beginning to seriously wonder if the problem might be down to the switch although the failure to boot might be down to the hard drive as well as the switch.  At this rate I might well be vanishing offline for however long it takes for the Mac shop to bring it back to normal operation.   However the Farnham show remains on the agenda for Saturday and the Good Doctor is considering how best to protect herself from damage by backpacks etc - alas we don't have any Kevlar body armour in stock.


Faux Friday later today and possibly sKindle shopping for Mrs Stationmaster as that piece of kit is also having its electronic problems.


G'night all

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Single slip please!





That can be arranged, but I'll probably start with something a bit less ambitious. Either way it will be kit of bits, and somebody will have to do a fair bit of rail filing. Here's the big question:


Should the check rails and wing rails be printed along with the timbers, or do they have to be metallic? Printing them makes little difference to the price but it simplifies assembly, a lot.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A bit cooler at 10oC but a dry bright breezy day with some spells of sunshine is promised.

Great photos Rick, I especially like the one of the rail head treatment train.

Today sees me going to the weekly conflict with The Boss at Sainsbury's as we  need some essentials. Beer supplies are dangerously low although I'm advised they don't fall into that category. :nono:

Really? I think I need to re-educate her yet again.   :whistle:  :yes:

Later I'm hoping for the arrival of some watch repair bits as the strap broke on my favourite everyday one yesterday and my second choice needed a new battery. Got the back off but cannot get it back on so have ordered a tool to assist.

Tonight The Boss and I are dining out at one of our favourite places. We have a £50 voucher to spend so for once the evening won't cost a lot.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning one and all


For once, life is a bit unremarkable which is no bad thing.  Yesterday I bought a jar of apple cider chutney and a jar of Seville orange marmalade from the WI stall on the market.  A benign ticket machine on the bus back allowed me to use my pass before 9.30 am.  That was kind of it.  There are to be changes in some local bus timetables which in theory will reduce the congenital lateness that plagues them.  We shall see.  The new local paper has been delivered.  Did I really say unremarkable?


Today there will be laundry, for which my enthusiasm is best described as muted.  Tomorrow after the fodder run I am due to collect my new spectacles which will look just like the ones I am wearing now.  We have to have some stability in these changing times.  It cannot all be excitement.  Can it?


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery. 



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Morning All,


It is a very dark morning today!  At least it seemed so on the drive to work.


The forecast is for reasonable weather later on - so we'll see what it is like when it eventually gets light.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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They are fairly simple construction - most often sold for compressing old paper / pulp into briquettes

Could they easily compress grass cuttings? Or is it too small for the average size lawn cuttings? ie, you would be there all day compressing it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning,afternoon,evening or night depending on where you are on planet Earth.


Great to here from you Simon. Floods again in Cumbria and the only road into Barrow flooded again.


So far I have brewed a pot of tea, changed one of the cooker hood light bulbs and delivered a mugatea to her indoors. What a busy life I lead.


Today involves more light bulb changes, tax return calculations and modelling.

Tonight involves a meal out with friends.


Enjoy your time whatever you do today.



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That can be arranged, but I'll probably start with something a bit less ambitious. Either way it will be kit of bits, and somebody will have to do a fair bit of rail filing. Here's the big question:


Should the check rails and wing rails be printed along with the timbers, or do they have to be metallic? Printing them makes little difference to the price but it simplifies assembly, a lot.

As check rails are set to gauge from the crossing this may lead to problems.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,


A very bad nights sleep was had, I fell asleep easy enough but woke Just an hour later with a coughing fit.  Then got off to sleep for a short time Before SWMBO arrived from watching a film on TV.. I couldn't get back to sleep and was coughing  and sniffling occasionally so I retired to the sofa down stairs.


Shortly after I got away to sleep again, an hour or so later I found myself on the floor, the sofa cushions had slipped off the sofa with me with them. I then got cramp in my left calf, with my right calf still in pain from it's previous injuries. Ben the Border Collie came across to Investigate what was going on, so I had a Collie in my face while wrapped up like a turkey in the blanket trying to stretch my left leg.... eventually untangled, living room lights on, I hobbled around sorting out the sofa,  Then went back to trying to doze off again...


Somewhat sleepily driving on our road is like a farm yard, they've been muck spreading, further on  there is a huge diesel spill between 2, 90 degree bends round a field, I followed the trail for around 7 miles as it gradually decreased, eventually it turned into a layby, I guess out of fuel!!

We've had no Rain, the big black clouds of yesterday and light drizzle rapidly fizzled out. So when it does rain all that Muck and Diesel is going to make for a very slippery road.  The car ran noticeably better today after yesterdays service. The bad news is the warnings, on the paperwork, I suspect next year it will be brake pipes all round and new steering / Suspension rubber mountings.


The previous adjuxtapostion of Chocolate log cake and Horse log making I found most disconcerting....


Time too... sniffle some more and push on this major system  slowly working away which involves getting the motorcycle jack out to get two units to line up.........

Edited by TheQ
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They are fairly simple construction - most often sold for compressing old paper / pulp into briquettes

They ought to be provided as standard by the home office to every plod hq!


The amount of bull/horse sh*t eminating from there would provide enough bricks to build Trumps wall.......gratis!


Good news......suns shining........perfect bike weather and I'm a day off!

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Had felt sickly yesterday and stayed in but whatever it was, it seems to have gone. I'm currently mesmerised by the forecast predicting up to 20°C for the weekend. Yikes, I'm no longer prepared for that!


Anyway, got to pack my things for work, so, later…

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