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Morning All,


It is a fairly mild morning in this part of the world.  The temperature may even get up to 20°C according to the forecast - which is rather ridiculous given that it is the middle of October.



My band supported “Hot Chocolate” there when I was about 19......


Now there can't be many people who can say that!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


Some progress yesterday on the m*d*ll*ng front but a couple of steps back, easily rectified I hope.  Today I have an appointment with my financial adviser for the annual review that I should have had in May and did not have at all last year.  I might go via a different supermarket as I do not believe the current price of own brand rice crispies in the usual one.  Time will tell whether the new delivery brat does what he/she/it is paid for and puts a copy of the new paper through my letter box.  Somehow I foresee a brisk stride into town tomorrow to fetch a paper.


The Crabtree filter does not seem to be working so when I have corrected the typos I will stop and have another go tomorrow.  Felicitations and best wishes to all in distress and recovery, with special thoughts today for Station Cat.



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We still get requests from Matthew asking for advice about appropriate trouser ( and other clothing) styles!

The last one was in Newfoundland. He had packed enough stuff for going to the conference but he noticed that the registration session also stated reception too. The last reception he had attended was at the US ambassadors residence in Dublin and he had decided for himself that meant "tidy".

I get the feeling that Matthew will gradually turn out to  look like the  epitome of a mad proffessor...

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Hey up! The weather forecast for today for this neck of the woods is not good so some more modelling may get done...in the form of some crust earning.


We start moving club rooms tonight. We have to be moved out by 31st October.


If anyone has read our article in Railway Modeller you will have noted that we live a nomadic existence. Leeds and property prices is a bit bizarre.


Enjoy yourselves today!


And perhaps we may get some our missing ERs back?



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Mooring Awl, Inner temple Here.

A very good nights sleep 5.5 hours solid sleep plus another half hour off dozing...

The good news is the sore throat has gone, it's peak was mid afternoon yesterday, I can still feel where it was and am left with the odd cough and sniffle.


The traffic has definately increased on my route home due to the closure of the A1151, but the increase seems to cover places where I wouldn't have expected it. I can see my journey being disrupted more, as there is water coming out of the pavement near work and the road has sprouted lots of blue  markings a couple of miles from home...


The new roundabouts on the NDR have feature, just as you arrive from any direction there is a little slip lane on the left which I guess is for Bicycles, that goes up a ramp to pavement level round 1/4 of the round about and then shows a crossing place to cross the dual carriageway . So a cyclist arriving to turn right is supposed to use the slip lane , then give way to two lanes of traffic before doing another quarter slip lane then give way crossing again then do another quarter slip lane and rejoin the road.

Do you think that will Happen? No? I don't think so either, the cyclist will stay on the main road and only have to give way to the normal round about traffic.


We took the car to the MOT last night which meant travelling back in the landrover from the drop off, so we Took Ben the Border Collie to the Beach. On the way back, up the concrete ramp from the beach , I kicked the ball back down the ramp for Ben to chase, which he did. Unfortunately straight  through SWMBO, hitting her on the shins and demolishing her onto the concrete.  She now has a painful shin, wrist,  hip and back, we'll see how bad she still is when I get home tonight.. I note it's not Bens' fault....


Time to... measure another new piece of test equipment, which will be used to measure a new product soon to be released..

Edited by TheQ
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I get the feeling that Matthew will gradually turn out to look like the epitome of a mad proffessor...

He'll have to go through the stages of mad lecturer, mad senior lecturer and so on first.


Qualification is not automatic. :)

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Morning all,

Overnight rain and an overcast start to the day. 


Baz, hope you find some accommodation that is more permanent.

Maybe make an offer on part of the hangar at Church Fenton? Quite cold and he doesn't like turning the leccie on unless you pay. 


Mike, Bob, GDB, hope to see you on Saturday.  Any other takers?


Today's plan is to swat up on a couple of topics and see if I can get MS Project to do an implementation.  

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Morning all from the village that is till north of Ikea despite NHN having visited the place.   I only managed to complete one more wagon yesterday but did do 4 loaded runs with the car, the first to empty it into the chicken hut (more anon) the second to the tip with two large boxes of books and other things, then the charity shop with more books.   The third was to take a collection of photos that I inherited from a late uncle to the container, 6 folding crates full of 8 by 10 prints and negative folders.   The last one was to my late friend Tony's house to remove most of his remaining railway stuff as his daughter is selling the house.  Two of us took it all to the clubrooms to start sorting it ready for the second hand stall at our show in November. 


Baz I empathise with you about the constant clubroom moves.   I was heavily involved in the final purchase of the freehold of our clubroom and rate it as the best thing I have ever been involved with for the club.  I hope that you get sorted.


Today it's time to spend a morning in the chicken shed.  It did start life as a chicken shed but became my friend Peter Marshall's railway room.  After he died of Leukaemia his widow has allowed me to store some of Green Ayre in it.   3 of us are going up today to test the west end of the Green Ayre fiddle yard and do some fettling.   It should be a good morning. The ironing awaits this afternoon then hopefully some more wagon repairs and completion.  At the moment I'm trying to assemblea brake van from a very old Slater's kit with no instructions and styles of buffers and bearings that I've not seen before.  


I hope that Mrs Q is Ok.


Regards to all.




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Morning all,



Mike, Bob, GDB, hope to see you on Saturday.  Any other takers?



I'll be there now the back has been sorted out, I haven't heard from the "Head Banger" this week but he did say he would be going & Mike will as usual turn up at about mid-day.

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We did look at buying a property in Leeds a while ago. With the way development has gone in Leeds we would have been compulsory purchased in two of the locations so having an "owned" property in Leeds is something of a gamble.


We are converting to being a Charitable organisation as this has major benefits to do with property etc..


Dr Eldest Herbert is in the first phase  (part 2 UCL) of becoming a mad professor.. he already looks like one being 6' 5" and 9.5 stone dripping wet...


Off to watch (from a distance) the tree doctors removing a pear tree from next doors garden



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Yesterday evening saw me venture into the hippodrome's garage roof.


I was looking for some groundsheets that it was alleged we had stored there, but there were none, and interrogation of the PH revealed these had been returned to their rightful owners in August.


However, my climb to altitude was not in vain.


The PH decided that the garage roof would be better if it were boarded, so having carried out the necessary calculations to ensure the roof would not fall in, created a very useful long term storage area.  Of course he also installed lighting so it was easier to see!


It tends to be his domain, so if i want things stored, I hand them up and he puts them away.  This does have the slight disadvantage that I don't know where things are put, so on the whole, tend to wait until he is around before trying to recover things, which are generally of a garden railway nature.


Anyway back on track.......


Since he was otherwise occupied and I was now in the roof space, I decided to explore.


Test track and spare track panels for the garden railway were observed along with all the range equipment.  there was obviously what seemed to be the the best part of a Golf TDi in bits, and a very interesting wall of old furniture.


Removing an old book case revealed a pile of box files and other large cardboard boxes.


Delving into these was the hippo equivalent of finding the Dead Sea scrolls:  Boxes of 4mm locos and coaches, the box of 4mm scale fittings, missing tooling for the lathe and mill etc.


The down side is having sorted out the workshop, I am now faced with a massive logistic jigsaw as I endeavour to slot all this stuff into a sensible storage solution.


I suspect the storage solution might be eBay or any other sort of sales outlet.


The other part solution is to force myself to build a 4mm scale mock up of the next proposed 7mm scale line and after the plan has been tweaked and proved hand it on to the granddaughter to use. (Her brother is currently en route due to arrive next Feb!)

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Please, old chap: As one of that rank at Sheffield University was wont to say, there's only one effin professor!

or as the Southerner said when confronted by a Northerner telling him "there's no R in bath"

- "well, there's no R in tomato either, and come to think of it there's no F in logic when it comes to English spelling".



Now trying to rest my hand after intensive mouse use over the last couple of days.

Your imagination can supply a back-story much more interesting or scurrilous than the reality.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Baz, if looking for a suitable clubroom at a reasonable cost in Yorkshire is difficult just imagine what it is like in the south east. Our present clubroom was a lucky chance find, it belongs to the local council and was due to be demolished but somehow it wasn't, when we made enquiries they were surprised to know it was still standing. Oh and by the way if you have a wood burning stove or know someone who has I would snaffle some (or all?) of that pear tree, wood from fruit trees gives off the appropriate scent when burnt. By for now, be back later.

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Now the MiL claims that wood burns best when it comes from the beginning of the alphabet, e.g. Apple, Ash,....erm, Bark..... and less well towards the end. I'll let Yew decide. 

The look I got when I asked how come her Broom doesn't burst into flames when she gets up to speed....post-4299-0-21151700-1507720659.png

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Trip to Wickes (x 2) was a waste of time as neither store had what I wanted. Then got lumbered "assisting" the Ice Maiden with defrosting the freezer.

Have also been playing with foamboard and Mr Swann Morton making some wagon & coach storage containers for drawers in the railway room. 

It is rather concerning that no blood has been spilled yet again. This must mean that either I'm getting better at looking after myself    :boast: or, more likely, another accident is imminent.  :butcher:

Homemade tomato soup is being prepared for lunch so " I must be about it."

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Happy Hump Day one and all.  

The juxtaposition of posts and subjects here never ceases to entertain me

a bowel surgeon


being allowed to flush their bilges.


being just one example of unintended connectivity of subject.

No other news.  Please move along.  Coffee is being served.

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A little bit of modelling carried out last night, namely swapping bodies between an older weathered Ivatt and a new upgraded Bachmann chassis one that’s been sitting g on the bar for some months. Was a very easy swap for now as the sound decoder isn’t required for the layout that it wil be running on this weekend. Also weathered the roof of the Dapol bubblecar.


Hopefully they will fit in our small rucksack that we are travelling with on Friday to Barrow In Furness. Normally we are taking a layout by car but this time it’s by train.


At least it’s hump day so half way to the weekend already.

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Now the MiL claims that wood burns best when it comes from the beginning of the alphabet, e.g. Apple, Ash,....erm, Bark..... and less well towards the end. I'll let Yew decide.

The look I got when I asked how come her Broom doesn't burst into flames when she gets up to speed.... witch.png

Dried horse-poo briquettes work very well, apparently.

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