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Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends!


Yes Columbus Day. It is a curiosity of history that he is so commemorated in the US - not really having had anything at all to do with North America at all. Not much different to Amerigo Vespucci in that regard I suppose but we don't have Vespucci Day.


It should really be Leif Erikson day.

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I can’t understand Columbus Day either - but it pleases the Italian Americans. Here it should Verrazano Day.....


First real rain since September 3rd today, thanks to former Hurricane Nate. Tomorrow it will be a warm 80f then down to 65f on Thursday. I don’t care; we get enough cold weather in January and February for my liking.


I received my 2018 Calendar from the BNSF today. I get it every year free.  Usual good quality but more photos (from staff only, which is a good idea) from their Northern tier.



Who needs the movie “It”?:





Best, Pete.




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and you thought that Trolls only used emails... malicious texts been sent out about me and a cricket post I have been asked to undertake...not just to secretaries in my current league but also to clubs in a League I umpire in....We have a good idea who it is - just awaiting proof then it could be time for the solicitor methinks....Daft banana even texted my son...so its limited to a small number of people....


Sleep well those due for night time, enjoy your evening and have a nice day to others!



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I can’t understand Columbus Day either - but it pleases the Italian Americans. Here it should Verrazano Day.....

Resulting in:


In fifteen hundred twenty three

Verrazzano sailed to the land of the free?


Or something equally silly like that?


It has long seemed remarkable to me that given how secret the results of early Atlantic explorations were that so many so called 'navigators' sailed for foreign countries:


Columbus (Genoa) sailed on behalf of Spain

Vespucci (Florence) sailed on behalf of Portugal

Verrazzano (Florence) sailed on behalf of France

Caboto (Venice) sailed on behalf of England

Hudson (England) sailed on behalf of the Netherlands (Dutch East India Company)


I guess the Italian City States weren't as interested in exploring the Atlantic and the western fringe (Portugal, Spain, France and England) needed experts.

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Evening all


Today has been quite a nice day, but as I've now finished the fencing in the back garden, work has recommenced on Max's train layout. I've been filling in all the holes where I'd put the wood screws in and sanding down once the filler had dried, one board is done, I'll do the second tomorrow.


Just after tea it started to rain!


Baz, I hope you find out who the troll is!


Goodnight all

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New car finally picked up. The car cascade required a visit to the local car valet place with two cars - I was informed that Mrs NB's former car would be extra as it was such a mess. I tried to claim the excess from her housekeeping fund to no avail.


New transport is already loaded with a sheet of plywood for work that wouldn't fit in my Fiesta. Having said that, the driver's seat is quite "forward" and upright.....


The wood is suitably protected/covered to stop it marking the new steed.


I will find out how a 125PS Ecoboost engine compares to my previous 1.5D on the commute tomorrow.


Have a good Tuesday folks.




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Resulting in:


In fifteen hundred twenty three

Verrazzano sailed to the land of the free?


Or something equally silly like that?


It has long seemed remarkable to me that given how secret the results of early Atlantic explorations were that so many so called 'navigators' sailed for foreign countries:


Columbus (Genoa) sailed on behalf of Spain

Vespucci (Florence) sailed on behalf of Portugal

Verrazzano (Florence) sailed on behalf of France

Caboto (Venice) sailed on behalf of England

Hudson (England) sailed on behalf of the Netherlands (Dutch East India Company)


I guess the Italian City States weren't as interested in exploring the Atlantic and the western fringe (Portugal, Spain, France and England) needed experts.

What about Brendan the Navigator in his leather boat...
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Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends!


Yes Columbus Day. It is a curiosity of history that he is so commemorated in the US - not really having had anything at all to do with North America at all. Not much different to Amerigo Vespucci in that regard I suppose but we don't have Vespucci Day.

Nor Viking Day.
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What about Brendan the Navigator in his leather boat...

He predated the notion of countries somewhat. I suspect he did a lot of praying before reaching his personal Tír na nÓg wherever that exactly might have been.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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There are multiple wildfires across Napa and Sonoma Counties in Northern California right now. There are multiple fatalities in addition to the destruction of property.


It brings it home when you see pictures of places you know well. One of the pictures of the fires showed a hotel in Santa Rosa where I have stayed very engulfed in fire. The accompanying story indicated that a very nice restaurant nearby where I have dined was gone too.


One of the stranger images is seeing tents and grandstands still set up for a televised golf tournament being destroyed by fire. The golf tournament ended yesterday. We see lots of fire damage across the western US but burned out wineries are a bit unusual.

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We moved the motorhome to a new site today that has a working socket. The office was finally open again and there are open spaces after the holidayweekend.

We went to lower Broadway/Wall Street area today. Needed to buy a waterproof jacket! Found that our favourite coffee shop has disappeared and become the department store's "guest lounge".


When I was commuting, the train was stopped because one ahead had struck someone. A dapper gentleman came up to the cab area and said that he was the Toronto coroner and if they could get him to the site, he caold get things moving again. There was a railway pickup beside the train in 5 minutes.

During the wait, he said that he'd just finished redrafting the rules so that if the situation was really obvious, the body could be moved and service restored.

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There was a dangerous situation at Brampton, Ont. The track changed from single to double just at the station. At the down end was a level crossing, followed by a crossing with CPR. Up freight trains would have to wait for our train, then roar through when the block cleared. Commuters arriving home would not wait for the crossing gates to open and would sometimes step in front of the freight.

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Good morning one and all


Doubtless to the relief of many, there is good news on the custard front.  I found some in another, smaller, Tesco outlet.  As I had hoped, it was a drum of Tesco’s own brand at 70p.  In all, three propitious purchases were made – custard, evaporated milk and plain yogurt.  My regular outlet does not see fit to stock value plain yogurt in the larger size.  From time to time I like plain yogurt dolloped over canned fruit for breakfast instead of cereal, an option proffered at some hotels.  Oh yes, and I won a free Lotto lucky dip. 


There was always plenty of tapioca on offer at one of my schools but for some reason the bowls tended to be treated as receptacles for orange peel.  Now, in my approaching dotage, I treat myself sometimes to a tin of Ambrosia tapioca but only when it is on special offer.  Everyday value rice pudding is another matter and it is one of my staple standbys.


Today I am looking forward to corned beef sandwiches chez Poorly Pal.  I hope he has been able to convey the slices from Waitrose so that they remain unbroken.  I can never do this when I shop at Tesco.  Later we shall descend on ‘Spoons and mourn once again the demise of all-day brunch.  Don’t you just envy our high life?


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery. 



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Good morning all,

Damp start but mild and should be a warm breezy day with sunny spells and the chance of the odd shower.

Talking of odd showers I may see one or two of you on Saturday at the Farnham club show in Aldershot.   :jester:

Usual Tuesday here with The Boss being taken to work, not grumbling for a change, possibly because Joe & Gemma will be here after school.


I received  2 e-mails from Ovo Energy following my complaint yesterday. One stated that they will be refunding my bank account which I should get in 3-5 days.(No bloody apology though)

The other one was headed "Did we get it right! and asking  "How did we do? Hello.You had a response to your query today and we'd love to know how you're feeling. Please complete these short questions to give your feedback."

I think I might enjoy answering that.....once I've got my money back.


Because it's damp outside I may avoid gardening which will leave me free to do something interesting once I've taken the Dyson for a brief drive.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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My stand-off with the US Social Security Administration is on-going. It's now about a year since they received my cheque for around $3,000, but they still have not cashed it. No whiny letters from them. No nuthin'.


If they do eventually start to complain I will respond with, "That's strange. How come you cashed the other cheque we sent you at the same time?"

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

I awoke at about 03:15, with a raging sore throat, I suspect that one of the great unwashed at the MRC show on Saturday passed that to me. Perhaps I'm being unkind as I didn't smell anything untoward, Although I did get rucksacked once...

 The journey into work was long... in time,  I followed some BIG farm machinery. Two units being preceded by a van also with orange flashing lights. They were so BIG That cars coming the other way had to pull in to gateways to let them through on two way, white lined roads. They were also brushing the trees above and to the sides so leaves were showering down. The rear of the vehicle at the back had BIG double tractor wheels either side and some sort of hydraulically operated extra pair of wheels in the middle a bit like aircraft landing gear!!


Overtaking only occured once we reached a wide A road with a long straight, it was difficult to see past as there were white lights on the back half of these units showing in all directions...


Meanwhile the local radio womble was explaining why he was not on yesterday, a sore throat chough and cold extending from the weekend...


My decapitation story is not mine, but my Dads, so we are talking late 1950s very early 1960s. An Aircraft had gone in, so the duty doctor was sent out to pick up the pieces. As most of the remains were still trapped in the aircraft, he picked up all he could, ie the helmet and contents. Not wanting to get his car bloody  he drove back with his hand holding the helmet outside the car by the strap.... All the way to the base medical centre..!!!!


Time too.... take another strepcil...

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Morning all from a somewhat damp village.  Yesterday I managed to get 6 boxes of books packed and off to the container and we had a good evening at the club.  Someone even volunteered to take over the job of planning and setting out the floor layout for the show.   In between a trip to Asda with a boss I managed to get 3 more wagons completed.   


Not a good start to the morning.   Next door's 'small' extension is still not finished even though they started in May.  We were woken at 8, thus rudely interrupting an unusual lie in for me, by builders radio and the sound of scaffolding.  This proved to have been partly planted in our front garden without permission.  I got dressed quickly and the scaffold has now been re designed without any supports in our garden.   If they hadn't had the radio so loud and had had the courtesy to come and ask about the scaffold there wouldn't have been a problem. Not the best of starts. Anyway an exchange of texts between Beth and our neighbour has brought an apology.


The rest of the day should be OK.  Some tidying/housework is apparently on the agenda and then I will try and finish some more wagons.  


Regards to all and I hope that Station Cat continues her recovery,  



Edited by jamie92208
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Hey up! A tad wet here.

No further news on the troll but boy I have a lot of friends!





Good luck with the detective work - it'd stump me. You'll probably find it's someone out on bail.    :jester:


Now, where's me hat and coat.....

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Morning all and last night's meal was not my finest culinary adventure. The choice of beef cut was not ideal to roasting and has been converted into a cottage pie for this evening's repast. By way of a change from mash on top I'm putting a layer or two of finely sliced potato on top which is currently marinading in garlic and herbs. Is it elevenses time yet? 


A policeman that I once knew told me of the time he pulled a young lad over for drink driving late one evening. As they were about to take the lad down the station for a night in the cells they were asked to respond to an RTA. On arrival they discovered the motor cyclist's head some distance away from his vehicle. A moment of inspiration led them to hoik their drink driver out of the police car and march him over to see the remains. The lad inevitably threw up, passed out and was felt to have had more of a salutary lesson than any fine or driving ban could have achieved. He was taken home to his mum, thereafter. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. GDB I have had similar problems with an organisation and I also had a 'Did we do well' questionare. I duly and truthfully told them that their customer service was carp. All I got back from them was an automatic apology and since then when I've raised queries, which I must say have been dealt with satisfactorily I've never received another questionare. A bit breezy out but dry with only the odd shower predicted so I'm thinking about doing something in the garden. Thats it for now, be back later.

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